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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11295872 No.11295872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit /jp/, I stumbled upon this thread:
How can people be so biased? It really made me sick.
I didn't read the entire thread so I don't really know what Moogy (Assuming it's "that" Moogy) really did or say, but is there really people out there that think liking LB or something else makes you automatically a rapist pedophile?
Is this how society will see me if i mention I like eroge? (not like I would openly say it)

>> No.11295876


>> No.11295883

At least you're not a necrophiliac. Even pedos look down on necros.

>> No.11295887

But what if you are into both?

>> No.11295891

>[17:34] <%Moogy> traps are my major moe fetish

Was that just a phase or is moogy still into that?

>> No.11295904

Who gives a shit, goons just try to be as politically correct as possible so the mods will like them.

I don't know, but I might have gained a little bit of respect for moogy. I thought he hated cute things.

>> No.11295908

Isn’t the way they point out him liking traps very homophobic?

>> No.11295915

I didn't even go to the page since I don't even want to look at that place, but if they did hate on him for it then that does contradict their whole "homophobia is wrong! :(" thing. Their reasoning was probably that all traps are shotas though. Not that it really matters either way.

>> No.11295918

>not being even worse neckbeards than the typical 4channer or Redditor

Pick one.

>> No.11295923

SA is convinced that anyone who isn't on SA is a racist pedophile communist islamist whatever, and needs to be punished. Tribal groupthink is a terrible thing. I remember back in the day when SA was good, but now it's little more than an internet gang.

>> No.11295926

This. I didn't read the thread but SA folk will take any excuse to pat their own backs by singling one person out, which is especially easy to do by calling them a pedo.
Not that average American people wouldn't think eroge is weird.

>> No.11295935

Huh. Most of my friends are at the very least not opposed to eroge(Most of them have read, say, Saya), and at the most wanting to learn Japanese for their sake. Not that I suppose people I get along with to be a good example of average Americans, and I'm sure it's much worse in conservative America.

>> No.11295942

It does depend on where in America you live. In a town I lived in in Alabama you probably would have had the shit beaten out of you on sight if word got out you played games where you can have sex with fictional characters that are or look like children. I wouldn't put it past some to even shoot you for it.

>> No.11295962

Who cares about Moogy?

>> No.11295969

You do, moogy-hatred obsessed shitposter

>> No.11296048

But I am Moogy.

>> No.11296074

That thread's from 2008. Nowadays they're mostly content calling everything from generic panty shots to juvenile sex jokes "creepy" (I swear it's their favorite word ever goddamn), and don't to my knowledge actively pursue anyone like they used to.

>> No.11296103

There should be an internet community rank list.

>> No.11296161 [DELETED] 


>> No.11296230

This was in 2008. It was still slightly fashionable to be tongue-in-cheek homophobic and directly transphobic back then.

>> No.11296247

There used to be Big Boards, which ranked forums by a number of factors. I think 4chan was the most populated place at one point.

>> No.11296584

Just getting caught listening to weeb music in elementary school was enough to get me bullied all the way into highschool. Some hick retard ripped my headphones off on the bus, took a listen, and it was all downhill from there.

Fuck alabama, worst state.

>> No.11296769


>> No.11299399
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>> No.11299407

I was thinking more like a (subjective) quality rating, where we could rate communities from "barely passable" to "complete shit."
