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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11293415 No.11293415[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how has Japan liked Pacific Rim since its premiere?

How have 2chan and 2ch reacted?

>> No.11293489



>> No.11293504

Who the fuck watches movies still

>> No.11293540

Well, they like it, the reviews are good, but people who thought they're going to eat it all up because it's mecha are in for a disappointment.

>> No.11293604
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>but people who thought they're going to eat it all up because it's mecha are in for a disappointment.

If not for the mecha did they eat it up for the kaiju?

Anyway what wouldn't Japanese nerds love about this movie? It's got mechs and it's got kaiju. What's not to love?

There was loli fanart on pixiv weeks before the movie even premiered in Japan.

>> No.11293635
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why did it bomb so hard? I watched Grown Ups 2 and it was awful but it did way better than Pacific Rim

>> No.11293638

>It's got mechs and it's got kaiju. What's not to love?

All the boring scenes with people in them. I liked the movie, but they spent way too much time trying to develop the characters that nobody cares about.

>> No.11293659

For its lack of integrity or originality. It just tried to shove as many references into the movie without doing much note-worthy things itself.

>> No.11293670

>why did it bomb so hard?

It hasn't. It's matched its budget awhile ago. The likelihood of a sequel is high. Del Taco wants to go the NGE route and make another movie with jaeger/kaiju cyborgs.

That made if less boring silly goose. What tension is there in a film if you don't care about the characters? All the action sequences in the world can't make an audience care, but a simple flashback sequence, which expands a character's background, can.

>> No.11293679

>It just tried to shove as many references into the movie without doing much note-worthy things itself.

Such as? I didn't catch any references myself and I remember /m/ saying there weren't any.

>> No.11293698

A lot of NGE camera angles, the voice of GLaDOS, I wish I could remember more. I think there was at least 1 gundam one.
People seem to love to call it "If Michael Bay made an NGE movie" and it's sadly true.

>> No.11293702
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4/10 for making me reply while watching the finals of TI3. Here, have a 2hu x Pacific Rim fan art from pixiv.

>> No.11293712

>camera angles are NGE references


So far you've got two and one is bullshit.

And fuck you for comparing Del Toro to Michael Bay.

>> No.11293723
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>> No.11293736

>Implying the only good movie Del Toro was involved with wasn't just Pan's Labyrinth.

Get some improved taste beyond 'boy those sure are some nice action scenes!'.

>> No.11293739
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How is the Japanese dub going to work around that scene when Mako says something to the black guy in Japanese and what's his face the protagonist knows what she's saying?

>> No.11293764

Pan's Labyrinth is a masterpiece. Bay on the other hand has never directed a movie that wasn't complete shit.

>> No.11293791

"To fight Gods, we created Gods of our own"

My short review is that if you expect NGE-levels of plot you will be disappointed. Pacific Rim is mostly about giant Mecha beating up Giant Kaiju. This is synergized with plot that wouldn't stand up to its own but complements Kaiju-beating nicely.

>> No.11293798

All I need to know is what Charlie's Japanese Dub voice sounds like.

>> No.11293890

Not a sequel/adaptation, no big-name actors, marketing fucked up due to some shit between Legendary and WB.

And even then, it didnt bomb. Domestically it sold less than expected, but worldwide it did very well.

Would be funny if the actress who played Mako would also dub her in japanese.

>> No.11293892

I wonder how many Japanese people are offended by the idea of a Japanese girl being raised by a black guy and falling in love with a white guy.

>> No.11293906

Actually I heard Rei's seiyuu dubbed Mako.

>> No.11293974

Probably as much as by that none of the Japanese jaegers got any action whatsoever.

Not like the Russian and Chinese ones got to do much, though. And yet i think they got more fanart than Striker and Gipsy.

>> No.11293979

china liked it more, they funded the sequel

>> No.11294028

>they funded the sequel

Didn't the movie surpass it's budget just prior to the Chinese release?

Yeah, that really sucks. Tactic Ronin was one of the coolest looking jaegers too.

I've got a picture of it somewhere, hold on...

>> No.11294041
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>> No.11294043

I haven't seen it yet.

>> No.11294047

>it's budget

er, its budget

>> No.11294064

it's good watch it

a perfect popcorn movie for a lazy afternoon

>> No.11294085

The japanese think Del Toro is an amusing fat man.

They cast a bunch of voice actors who've had famous roles in mecha anime in order to appeal to anime nerds

>> No.11294112

Is it out on blu ray yet?

>> No.11294125

nope it's still in theaters

>> No.11294129

>The japanese think Del Toro is an amusing fat man.

He is, though.

Apparently he told the actress who played child Mako she could call him (Del) Totoro. That may just be a rumor.

>> No.11294135

There was a video of it posted earlier in another thread.

>> No.11294138
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my favorite kaiju is pedocrab

>> No.11294165
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man I love the theme song

>> No.11294187

Except they didn't make any of the characters interesting, and the development was worse than usual Hollywood crap. The action scenes, atmosphere, unique setting were good, but the main characters all came off as generic and uninteresting. I liked all of the overly eccentric characters because it was over the top to the point of being colorful and charming, but USA-kun was boring and when he didn't die it ruined the scene before where he said the line about falling being easy.

>> No.11294199

that was a great line

I was sort of disappointed he didn't die then either

>> No.11294203
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Not a rumor

>> No.11294207

Del Toro has never seen Eva. The writer was heavily influenced by it but Del Toro said he wanted to finish the movie before seeing it so he wouldn't be directly influenced.

>the voice of GLaDOS
You're getting desperate, the movie in no way relied on this for any sort of pull and it was barely there at all.

>> No.11294221

>a Japanese loli will never sit on your shoulders and call you Totoro

kill me now

>> No.11294220
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>I watched Grown Ups 2
Why? That's terrible!

>> No.11294227

>Del Toro has never seen Eva.

I thought he was a huge weeaboo. Didn't he try to produce a series based on the manga Monster?

>> No.11294232

>the movie in no way relied on this for any sort of pull and it was barely there at all.

I'm pretty sure it was in every trailer. Certainly every trailer I saw had it. I don't think it's a big deal, but they put it in there for a reason.

>> No.11294249

I've never seen Pacific Rim. What makes it so much like Eva?

>> No.11294260

I'd rather focus on the merits or lack of within the movie itself, but I'll concede that some of the advertising people probably did that intentionally... I didn't see very many trailers for it because I tend to avoid them as far as television goes, I was more hyped by Del Toro working on it. Script was disappointing as far as most of the character interactions go though..

>> No.11294261

I thought it lacked creativity.
Pretty much everything was stereotypical even down to the way the races acted. The only thing that seemed different was the portal, but I could be wrong about that.

>> No.11294265

>What makes it so much like Eva?

Absolutely nothing.

Although the sequel the director wants to make will have jaeger/kaiju cyborgs.

Did NGE invent mecha cyborgs? I'll have to ask /m/.

>> No.11294280

>even down to the way the races acted
This could have been a plus if they had just gone all the way with it like they did with how the Russians looked, but then they went and gave everyone else NO LINES.

>> No.11294300

He IS a huge weeaboo...for the 70s and 80s era giant robo anime and films. He never saw NGE. Well...he probably has by now.

And I suspect he might've while making the film. There's one shot of knife-head screaming that is very reminiscent of that iconic shot of Unit 01 screaming with glowing eyes/mouth.

>> No.11294295
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the glados voice was only prominent in the first trailer. it wasn't so blatant in the others

>> No.11294310

Mana exposing his pedo to everyone.

>> No.11294305

Just watch the trailer, the Eva comments pretty much all came before the movie even released. It has inspirations but it isn't Eva in the slightest.

>> No.11294312

The director had to make compromises with the length of the film and the attention span of americans.

>> No.11294320

I saw the trailer back when it was first released. It didn't strike me as particularly Eva-esque.

>> No.11294329

This is why I try my best never to be hyped about movies anymore, if Hollywood is involved it's going to be raped for an American audience..

>> No.11294333
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>He IS a huge weeaboo...for the 70s and 80s era giant robo anime and films.

So he's a super oldfag. Hats off to him then.

>> No.11294335

here's the official main trailer


>> No.11294469
File: 83 KB, 500x375, Char - Yaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Turn everything and anything into little loli girls!" - Japan

>> No.11294607

sad but true

>> No.11294635
File: 389 KB, 500x281, Char Transform! Form 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is safe from lolification anymore anon. Not even the Char.

>> No.11294646
File: 39 KB, 300x300, 1241084500763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Char this should make you happy.

>> No.11294666

I had a dream last night that I was a 2d loli and a different 2d loli raped me in the shower. It was odd

>> No.11294682
File: 500 KB, 500x373, Char -DoUremeberHisLuagh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was crazy man. Girl needed to get off my D.

>> No.11294687

Sounds like you're straight to me.
Loli on loli lesbian action. You just were into the whole first person thing like most dreams do.

>> No.11294693

I had a dream I was ultraman the other night but everywhere I went I ended up destorying more shit than I saved then soon enough I was just a big monster and everyone was shooting missiles at me as I tried to run away but my turned into tenticles and they just didn't work on land and I kept falling and trying to crawl away but they were shooting me and blowing off parts of me.

then I woke up

>> No.11294704
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Could they have been happy together if it all played out different?

>> No.11294725

>All the boring scenes with people in them. I liked the movie, but they spent way too much time trying to develop the characters that nobody cares about.

Hu-hu. Hmmm. If a movie with almost one hour of non-stop fight is taking too much time on characters for you, I think there's no more hope.

>> No.11294727

Wish I had dreams like that. A lot of my dreams are either really intense and horrifying, or really mundane. The other day I dreamt I went to buy some cigarettes and they cost 20 dollars for a pack, and I was angry. I don't even smoke.

I did dream once that Suwako wanted me to fertilize her eggs for her but my sister called me and woke me up before I could.

>> No.11294761
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Of course. Past flames may die, but their kindle and chard remains still last. I was disappointed there was no gundam reference in Pacific Rim. I think a lot of the movie's fan base in Japan was too.

>> No.11294770

Well obviously they can't make the entire movie one big fight scene. My point wasn't really that they did try to develop them, it's that they were wasting their time in the way they went about it. Most of the characters ended up being boring cliches anyways. I just felt like in a movie like this, where everyone is going to see giant robots fight giant monsters, the characters aren't that important. I honestly would have rather seen them focus on the mechs than any of the characters.

>> No.11294783

I had a dream last night where I was a girl and I rested my head on an old childhood friend and he hugged me and it felt really good.

>> No.11295147

someone send this to the pedowood guy in /pol/

>> No.11295694

I thought the character development complemented the action nicely. It gave it weight where there otherwise wouldn't have been any.

Mako's problems, MC fighting differently after his brother's death, Aussie son and kid finally acknowledging their relationship--it all creates a depth to the action. We don't see any of it, but all that growth happens when they fight.

It had quite a few moments which afterward made me go "huh..." and made me appreciate it more. I honestly don't know how they could have done it any better. It has a lot of eyecandy and action, but isn't the mindless confusing mess that's Transformers. Subtext in a summer blockbuster, it's quite rare.

>> No.11296606


Explain this, janitor.

>> No.11296629

neuro-link controls.

>> No.11296766

>Have tabs open for each Pacific Rim thread here and on other boards.

I-it's not i liked it or anything! Stupid Guillermo!

>> No.11298406

>Ask friends if they want to go see it
>They decline, say next week is good
>Wait a week
>Not in theatres
fuck friends

>> No.11298412

i'm not seein the issue to be honest

>> No.11298462

I watched it with my parents, like every movie

>> No.11299535

Mana is the girl on Del Toro's shoulder dorkmaster.

>> No.11299562

Plotholes the movie. What was the point of throwing monsters into the ocean? Why didn't they just use their sword from the beginning? Why not equip the jaegers with long range weapons since most of the kaiju could only attack close range? How did he get back through the dna portal with no kaiju dna? How come there is 0 military presence other than the kaiju? Couldn't big fucking bombs work on them since apparently punching and piledrivers in the ocean seem to work?

It's like the director was so excited about making his weeaboo movie that he forgot to make a tight plot.

>> No.11299577
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>What was the point of throwing monsters into the ocean?

Huh? The ocean is where they came from.

>Why didn't they just use their sword from the beginning?

Gets kaiju blood everywhere. Kaiju blood is toxic.

>Why not equip the jaegers with long range weapons since most of the kaiju could only attack close range?

Why not just shoot missiles at the kaiju and forget the giant robots completely? Maybe because that would make for a shitty movie?

>How did he get back through the dna portal with no kaiju dna?

Apparently because the DNA is only needed to enter the anteverse, not leave it.

>How come there is 0 military presence other than the kaiju?


>Couldn't big fucking bombs work on them since apparently punching and piledrivers in the ocean seem to work?

Before the jaegers were built the kaiju were nuked. That tended to kill a lot of civilians when you've got a kaiju in the middle of a city. And again, two hours of shooting missiles or dropping bombs on giant monsters would make for a shitty movie.

Now you tell me, why are you over-analyzing this lighthearted send up to cheesy old Japanese monster movies and giant robot anime?

Oh right, autism.

Carry on then.

>> No.11299602

>Huh? The ocean is where they came from.
Wat? What kind of attack is to fucking suplex a monster into the ocean, which slows everything down from water resistance and basically makes the impact almost worthless.

>Gets kaiju blood everywhere. Kaiju blood is toxic.
Then why use it halfway through, and then just continue to use it? Seems to me like it's easier to clean up a bit of kaiju blood rather than them destroying a whole town. I mean look at the BP oil mess, that was taken care of, and that's a lot bigger than a bit of kaiju blood.

>Why not just shoot missiles at the kaiju and forget the giant robots completely? Maybe because that would make for a shitty movie?
They could at least explain it better as to why a punch works, but they can't just fire big missiles with fists on them from a safe distance.

>Apparently because the DNA is only needed to enter the anteverse, not leave it.
I think the word "traverse," or "pass through," or something along those lines were used. I thought of it as a metal detector.

>>How come there is 0 military presence other than the kaiju?
I meant jaegers. I had something else typed before. In every alien anime ever, they send out a bunch of planes to get blown the fuck up first before they use a giant robot.

>> No.11299604

> Maybe because that would make for a shitty movie?
If you end up resorting to meta explanations you have already lost.

>> No.11299614

How many of you would rather watch this version of Pacific Rim instead?


>> No.11299643

Oh please.

Everyone knows that building a fucklot of missiles would be the most reasonable way to defeat giant space amphibians. There is no reasonable explanation as to why giant robots would be worth the effort, apart from being cool.

>In every alien anime ever, they send out a bunch of planes to get blown the fuck up first before they use a giant robot.

There were fighter jets and tanks shooting at the first kaiju. And in Mako's flashback, the black guy's jaeger (coyote tango or something) was being supported by fighter jets.

>> No.11299657

Not that guy but the first kaiju have jets dodging around it.
Fighter jets, with long range missiles that doesn't need visual contact to lock on, dodging around big lumbering monster. That's the first sign for brain shutdown for the rest of the movie.

>> No.11299659

niwaka /jp/ complain about gay movie sage

>> No.11299663

anyone got that STRAYA CUNT gif?

>> No.11299670

-not enough mecha
-horrendous plotholes
-intentional stupidity to drag out the movie and develop 'plot'
-weak cgi
-that entire charlie sidestory

It was a movie with great promise and even greater failings. 4/10 but bonus points for trying.

>> No.11299671

>If not for the mecha did they eat it up for the kaiju?

Japan has hated Kaiju ever since the box office flops of Godzilla Final Wars and Gamera The Brave.

>> No.11299676


I like how PR is /co/ related because of the comics but no one ever talks about the comics in /co/ PR threads and /co/'s meido doesn't care.

>> No.11299687

So how did the Kaiju Otaku in Japan like the monsters? I thought they blew. Too much grey and they were all acting like dumb animals.

>> No.11299690

>Too much grey and they were all acting like dumb animals.

They were dumb animals.

>> No.11299692

That's why I said that.

>> No.11299695

well okay then

>> No.11299700

Pain and Gain is good

>> No.11299830

It's better to get no action than
>This is a chink jaeger, have defended hongkong since fucking long ago
>This is commie jaeger, never fucking lost before
>First fight in the movie, both fucking trashed

>> No.11299894

>What tension is there in a film if you don't care about the characters? All the action sequences in the world can't make an audience care, but a simple flashback sequence, which expands a character's background, can.

"Can" is the operative word here, though. It is just as easy to pile on all the flashbacks and expository dialog you can think of, and still wind up with characters you don't give two shits about.

>> No.11299898

I was talking about the video, shitfaggot.

>> No.11299940

japs don't have jiggers, they used gypsi danger mark 1.

>> No.11299978

/jp/ watches Hollywood movies?

You guys are more into mainstream culture than I thought. I don't think I've been to an American theater in years now.

>> No.11299985

I'm kind of a monster Otaku and hated the movie. Guess I should have went for the mecha instead.

>> No.11299994

>been to an American theater
Same with me. Personally if I found a stream I'd watch it, but the fucking DVD doesn't release until November.

>> No.11300005

im watching the great gasby now

>> No.11300013

You know that there is a huge group of people who pride themselves on uploading all that crap to the internet, right?

>> No.11300033

Tell us how shitty it is when you're done with it.

>> No.11300047

Since when do we need to watch something before talking about how shitty it is?

>> No.11300098


3/10, for getting me to reply.
