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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1127666 No.1127666 [Reply] [Original]

1.14 fucking when.

>> No.1127679

When it''s done.

>> No.1127695


>> No.1127701
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>> No.1127705

It's out already, stop being scared from test versions, back up your games.

>> No.1127709

I can see that you're the same fag, don't do that, unfunny bastard.

>> No.1127727

What should I learn first, besides Weight Lifting, as a Dwarf Warrior?

>> No.1127769

My whole thread was headsigh.jpg

>> No.1127775


>> No.1127794


>> No.1127893


>> No.1127895

> cook & riding


>> No.1127890


>> No.1127902

newfag here could someone explain

>> No.1127925

so i got a younger catsister, a younger sister, and a little sister, so what im missing?

>> No.1127931

A life of your own?

>> No.1127937

Yes, it's called "lurk moar".

>> No.1127995

you too

>> No.1128007

You know that you don't have it yet: Quickling.
Roguelike jRPG game.

>> No.1128011

when you recieve a god pet, all the favor resets and have to start over ?

>> No.1128034

Thanks, but the graphics sucked.

>> No.1128058

so i casted 4-dimensional pocket and put some items on it... but how do i get these items back?

>> No.1128061

then play Morrowind

>> No.1128089

Young lady, from the diary that costs more than little sister's but less than catsister's.
Also, Silver Eyed Witch for all the complaining they do about you grabbing their boobs.

Cast 4-dimensional again. It's like a chest, with each cast of the spell being the same as opening it.

>> No.1128109

holy fuck, Silver Eyed Witch? Claymore? Where do I get one?

>> No.1128229


>> No.1128247

They show up randomly every now and then. I've ran into one in arena, one friendly one showed up when a confused goblin wizard tried to cast something, and got one with <> from a scroll of ally. <> version started at level 35, guessing normal's a bit lower.

>> No.1128285

what level were you

>> No.1128324

i ran out of pokeballs so its worth it invest over rank 100 to get more pokeballs?

>> No.1128354


>> No.1128356

Get a rod of domination.

>> No.1128370

So is this game fun?

Do any of you hate it?

>> No.1128369

Around 35

>> No.1128382

Not even fucking animations, man.
And there are several betters thing to spend your time on, instead of a stupid worthless grinding.
Get a PSX emulator and you'll see an example.

>> No.1128392


I found it interesting for a while. Like most games made by asians you have to grind in it but this game does have its appeal.

>> No.1128404

No, it doesn't.
It could be much, much interesting & fun, not counting the Gameplay checks it needs, but no.

>> No.1128410

What grind are you trolls even talking about? There is no grind until you hit lvl30+ and by then you're strong enough to beat the game and do whatever you want.

>> No.1128411

We all hate it, otherwise, we wouldn't spend anytime playing it.

>> No.1128424

Sadly I'm getting kind bored with it as well. The thought of a roguelike with an open world and no permadeath seemed like fun at first, but it just gets dull for me after a while. Maybe I'll toggle on permadeath and turn off the main quest and give it a go some time.

The game feels like a huge grind for me past level 15. No clue how people are getting to level 30 and beyond.

>> No.1128435

Try spellcasting.
You fail to cast 4-dimensional pocket. You gain 23,000 exp.

>> No.1128441

That's your own fucked up opinion, which is a FUCKING OPINION, as OURS, dumbfuck, we are not trolls, Grinding=smashing more than 2000 kills in the whole game.
Even for Items, you'll have to GRIND right now, because the game hasn't been done properly YET.

>> No.1128470


hey maybe you should try a platformer or a puzzle game, i heard those dont have any grinding. and i think those touhou games dont have any grinding neither

>> No.1128480

Following your definition, even pokemon has some grinding.

>> No.1128494

Do you have any idea how long it takes to get your entire team to level 100?

>> No.1128490

Do you even fucking play that now?!

>> No.1128495

I played it when I was 8.

>> No.1128496

Which is why pokemon suck and you should go back to /v/ if you like them?

>> No.1128499

you bastard

>> No.1128501

Anything could be considered grinding. Success of a game is measured by how much fun grinding is while you're playing.

The grinding here is not so bad anyway. It IS pretty easy to level as long as you keep on spending platinum coins (the faster your skill goes up, the more exp you get). If you're getting exp at a really slow rate, increase the potential of your skills (the ones that you use, DUH).

>> No.1128502

Oh wow, successful troll is successful.

>> No.1128504

Mine was almost entirely 100 by the time I neared completion. No real grind, just playing.

>> No.1128512

Pokemon suck ?
I know some of you are fucking crazy but that's going to far.
Just try denying Yellow version was awesome, that's right, you can't.

>> No.1128519

Green was here. Yellow is shit.

>> No.1128522

Green didn't have pikachu.
Green is for NIGGERS

>> No.1128525

Now, be serious, this Roguelike is even more grindan tiem than Nethack or any other Roguelike, y/n!?
Then I win.

>> No.1128533


Fuck you guys. Bulbasaur Charmander and Squirtle? All in the same game? FUCK YES

>> No.1128536


>> No.1128552


>> No.1128559

Charmander is hard modo against Brock.

>> No.1128560

recently reached 50k of fame... so i got challenge quests... there are more quest with higher fame?

>> No.1128553


>> No.1128554

Bulbasaur and Squirtle are for asses, Charmander is the true pokemon.

>> No.1128561

But it turns into a Charizard which is a pretty shitty pokemon

>> No.1128562


fuck you, squirtle will own your shitty lizard with his mahfucking cannons

>> No.1128569

>Charizard which is a pretty shitty pokemon

I don't think that's right.

>Charizard, which is a pretty pimpin' Pokemon.

There we go.

>> No.1128571

Who cares, you dont make him evolve, you keep the fucking Chameleon.

>> No.1128578


not that anyone knows of (no)

>> No.1128583

Shaddup, Elements are for cunts, Charmander is so hot, your water would turn into vapor without even getting near.

>> No.1128596

lol no.

>> No.1128601

Listen guy, I know it's hard to admit, but it's because you chose to keep that fucking squirtle that you got raped all along the game.

>> No.1128605

I can't believe I never thought of it like that.

>> No.1128606

lol no, no and no.

>> No.1128618

Of course, if you look at the series, you see Charizard doesn't fear water, he just turns it into vapor.
Hell, you even see him take a bath in one of the movies.
That motherfucker's so badass, he doesn't give a shit about elemental weaknesses.
On the other side, that bitch Bulbasaur wouldn't last five minutes in a fire !

>> No.1128624


>> No.1128639


>> No.1128641

/jp/ IS SO KAWAII ^ ^

>> No.1128647

Yeah, beat me to it.

>> No.1128662

Why did I lol...

>> No.1128677

Ur a fagget.

>> No.1128686


>> No.1128691

I support a name change to /jp/ - KAWAII ^_^.

Let's email moot.

>> No.1128692
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>> No.1128712



>> No.1128713

Why can't I post on /v/?

>> No.1128722


>> No.1128723

Because you need an IQ inferior to 60 to do so.

>> No.1128718


>> No.1128732

If /v/ is down, why did they all come here?

>> No.1128734

Oh so thats the starving exploit...Has that been reported yet?

>> No.1128728

pokemon is for fags, /v/ is a bunch of manchildren

>> No.1128736

Oh come on you guys, don't hate /v/. They mostly like Japanese games

>> No.1128747

when the fuck did this thread become about /v/? we were discussing Charmander and Squirtle

>> No.1128750

Don't mind me, I have my own reasons and so, as 32 stated, things like that make some /v/tards invade our /jp/, and I've localized a few trought further investigation on their usual retard attitudes, so yeah...

>> No.1128753

Someone thought Charmander was too awesome to be /jp/'s spawn.

>> No.1128759

We were fucking discussing Elona in the beginnning, did you forget?

>> No.1128773


Some stupid faggot thought /v/ was invading his thread because we started discussing pokemon instead of his shitty grindan gaem.

>> No.1128783

No fuck.
The retard posted in other Threads.

>> No.1128792

I was the one who started talking about pokemon, I have nothing to do with the retard in that touhou thread, sorry to break your bubble.

>> No.1128800

this thread is now aboiut mudkips

>> No.1128817

oh cheatfag.... kill with with meelee... beer of doom is shit

>> No.1128822

If it exists, you can do it.

>> No.1128824

