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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11274144 No.11274144[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>This week our Clan Spotlight will be on [NTR], >Vidya Gaems. [NTR] is a rising star in the Clan Wars world, coming from a humble start all the way to earning 2nd place during Stage III of the recent Clan Wars Campaign, earning themselves M60 tanks. They describe themselves as "a 4Chan clan," as they are a group of members coming from the community of the same name that got together to fight for success. Read their answers to our questions below to see if you can gain a little bit of insight on how to take your clan to the next level.

Which one of you faggots did this?


>> No.11274148
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Based wot?

>> No.11274149

That game is not only shitty it's also pay to win.

>> No.11274150

I saw that and thought homogay.

Also anyone still playing WoT?

>> No.11274153

looks like /vg/

>> No.11274154

Are the plane and boat games any good?

>> No.11274165

Rules 1 and 2, god damn fucking newfags.

>> No.11274169

Anyone want to platoon right now?

>> No.11274178

The /jp/ group is PZMOE, we donated a few of our star players to NTR to ensure a high chance of victory. Plus they were handing out jewgolds as prizes so it benefits everyone.

>> No.11274179

I tried getting into this game but it seems like every game ends up being queers hiding in the tree line on opposite ends of the map.

>> No.11274183

Rules 1 and 2 only applied to raids.

>> No.11274185

le epic oldfag meme

>> No.11274191

World of Warplanes is garbage.

Check out War Thunder. It has its problems but is definitely the best out of those games and they're adding tanks soon.

Don't only play Arcade though. Work up to Historic at least.

>> No.11274214

Its not. Its more like "pay if you want to play and not to grind".

>> No.11274254

Is Mechwarrior Online doing well, western machinery game otaku? Is it pay 2 win too?

>> No.11274260

I think I might try WoT. I've only heard bad things about it, but I really want a tank game.

>> No.11274268

I wish they would make a game like Battlefield, but with more vehicles and more tactical elements.

>> No.11274292

So, Planetside 2?

And by "Tactical elements" I mean "Everybody shell each chokepoint for 3 hours with every high explosive weapon you have untill the enemy gets bored and leaves"

>> No.11274324

Hawken is actually a pretty good game, the only thing you can buy is the additional mechs (your starter mech is better than them anyway) and some kind of extra item type but I've never see people using them so I doubt they matter (you get a couple for free when you start and I never use them).

>> No.11274347
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MWO has recently shit itself with 12 vs 12, and the devs in general are stupid.

The only real reason to play is if you have friends playing (like Kong), or really like Battletech / Mechwarrior.

>> No.11274348

I see you're new to WoT threads. BOOF is the leader to one of them.

>> No.11274370

WoT threads haven't been a thing since 2009, so I'm not surprised the newcomers don't know about them.

Then again, maybe it's best not to know. BOOF, Hong Meiling, White Ren, Irisu Syndrome, Mumble... it's all part of the past now.

>> No.11274382

BOOF is now on NTR's alt clan

>> No.11274390
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I still get flashbacks about Mega Pudding and yRan. And remember the Touhou Moon project that erupted during that time? /jp/ was on a really productive jive during that time!

>> No.11274396

I hear Mechwarrior and Hawken are shit, so no Western mech is still shit.

>> No.11274398

>interacting with people off site

>> No.11274402


Who invited all these /v/ shits

>> No.11274407

this isnt the video game board

no one gives a shit about some shitty russian game

fuck off

>> No.11274408
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It wasn't all that great, though I guess you're not really putting it beyond a nostalgic light. I think I remember we had a lot more Utsuho threads back then. Almost daily, in fact. They were always civil enough, but it pretty much ruined the character for me. I believe we used to have a lot more Ar Tornelico threads back then, and they were always heated with discussion as to whether they belonged in the board or not!

Then there was Cornelia, and there didn't used to be as many Anki or Japanese learning threads, if none at all. We used to be a lot more elitist, though that is debatable, I suppose.

Then this guy just stopped coming altogether as time went on. A shame, but unfortunate sign of the times, I guess. Ah, feeling nostalgic about /jp/!

>> No.11274414

fuck you :)

>> No.11274419

Probably you know who's thread.

>> No.11274423
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I'm not sure I remember everything you've mentioned, but I remember our english used to be better. Even the shitposters back then had standards, they knew how to type. /jp/ nowadays is a lot more wild when it comes to that sort of stuff. I used to cringe when I saw a "bad" sentence because it used to be so rare. Now I've grown numb to it.

Regardless, it was good remembering about things, even if this isn't the proper thread for it. Keep the warm afternoon memory close to your heart, and it just might come back to greet you someday!

>> No.11274424

I just started playing this game. What am I suppose to do? This shit makes no sense.

>> No.11274427

back then, we had more crossdressing threads, translated VN discussion, netplay threads, MMO threads, depressive blogging, shitty metathreads, and outsider raids

these days we have more japanese language threads, 3D threads, anonymous shitposting festivals, and homosexual blogging

am i missing anything

>> No.11274428
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If you offer an ingame advantage to players for money, that's pay to win. This is true not only with WoT but with loads of current free-to-play games, with the exceptions being Valve stuff. It doesn't matter if the advantages are earnable through time with normal play. That's a trick to cloak the issue. It does nothing to prevent instances where Jimmy wins against Bob because his mom bought him all the runes and heroes and Bob couldn't properly pick against Jimmy's hero choice.

>> No.11274429

you uninstall it

>> No.11274430

on it

>> No.11274446
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You've overlooked the masturbation threads.

>> No.11274449

i think we had those threads both then and now, no?

>> No.11274456

We had a better archive and thus no archive wars.

>> No.11274457
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Nowadays, the threads are about onaholes.

Back then, the threads were about rudeboys.

...I suppose that does fall into the cross-dressing category. Apologies.

>> No.11274465

>If you offer an ingame advantage to players for money, that's pay to win.
List one that isn't a lobby/convenience advantage.

>> No.11274467

i guess back then we had more daily doses (but that's probably because most of them are killed on sight these days)

also more anime threads and girl-of-the-season spam

i don't think anybody actually gives a shit about archive wars, the consensus seems to be that foolz is web 2.0 garbage but is online more of the time so do whatever the fuck you like

no, the masturbation threads and the crossdressing threads used to be kept separate, the old crossdressing threads were actually fairly chaste

you are right that the equipment people talk about has changed though

>> No.11274474
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This is a stupid argument. You are just going to redefine 'lobby/convenience advantage' any time I list one.

I already gave an example of an enormous gameplay advantage.

>> No.11274475
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I just started playing LoL, I'm really bad, but does anyone want to play with me

>> No.11274476

you clearly don't know anything about WoT and just went off on some dumbass LoL tangent instead just for the sake of arguing

>> No.11274479

Why are you stealing images...? I don't like that.

>> No.11274480

obviously paying can get you an advantage, but if you want to sink 1k hours in the game you'll have an account with everything you need to be a top class player (much less, actually)

obviously you can pay for advantages instead of grinding for them, but what people think of as separating "pay to win" from "pay to not grind" is whether a skilled player who puts a reasonable amount of the time will be able to be a "top class player" without ever putting any money into it

>> No.11274481

go away bully!!!!

>> No.11274482

who would want to play with a loser nerd like you???????

the answer is no one lol

>> No.11274486


>> No.11274487

Moba games are shit.

>> No.11274489
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I remember anime threads being a more recent trope. They're also almost always shitposts or were met with extreme prejudice by the populous, meeting their demise shortly after. I also don't remember disagreements or discussions about archives back then because we really did use to have quite a good archiving unit, but I disagree that there is no quarrel nowadays about that sort of thing. At the very least, people like to make their opinions known.

It's strange because the archives themselves haven't really changed at all. Their functionality seems to remain the same, but for some silly reason this whole quarrel can be distilled to a popularity contest.

I never really pondered that much about archives, but regardless, people should just be glad to have them. A useful tool to gaze into the past whenever you want.

Also, this is a bit unrelated, but I do miss the meta-discussion threads about the board itself. They were also mainly based off of a shitpost OP, but they mostly lead to healthy discussions about the board that kept it alive and the elitism up. Whether that's a good or a bad thing is open to interpretation, but I sincerely think /q/ was one of the things that deranged this board.

>> No.11274495

why do you write like a fagget /a/-tan ?

>> No.11274501

>I remember anime threads being a more recent trope
we used to have more sion girls and threads with actual anime discussion

you should probably be getting ready to duck and cover right about now

>I disagree that there is no quarrel nowadays about that sort of thing.
like, two people actually care though

>It's strange because the archives themselves haven't really changed at all.
/ghost/ is a million times shittier than it used to be

>I sincerely think /q/ was one of the things that deranged this board.
/q/ is basically the worst board ever

>> No.11274502

when you have a dick in your mouth its hard not to!

>> No.11274503

I remember the early on complaints being about how fuuka showed foolz ghost posts and foolz didn't showing fuuka ghost posts.

Nowadays fuuka got a bunch of shitposters who do naught but shitpost on fuuka all day and then come to /jp/ when they're bored.

>> No.11274507


To be fair there are premium tanks that do have fuck outrageous armor or alpha for their given tier. They stopped selling the Type 59 because it's just straight up broken.

That said, I can't tell you how many players I've seen drop $50 on a T34 Heavy and rush into battle assuming they will dominate, getting promptly crushed into a fine paste, and bitching "hurr shit team thanks for the support."

You have to be at least competent to use the wallet warrior tanks, otherwise you're just a liability.

Also premium consumables are now purchasable for silver, so it's just a matter of grinding out the credits.

>> No.11274514
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Nah, WoT is even more pay-to-win than LoL. I was going easy on you by talking about LoL instead.

>> No.11274516

>/q/ is basically the worst board ever
No, /q/ is the best board ever. When it's being used as /butthurt/. It's definitely lessened the amount of ragefilled outbursts and constant spam by giving them a place to vent.
Moot/mods listening to anything actually said there is the worst idea ever.

Unfortunately moot didn't realize this until it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.

>> No.11274520
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>you should probably be getting ready to duck and cover right about now
What's wrong with the word trope? Doesn't it mean something akin to "trend" or "costume"? I'm sorry if I said something wrong, I just kinda absorb words sometimes and add meaning to them, even if that meaning's wrong.

>like, two people actually care though
I sincerely remember somewhat at the beginning of the year, we used to have threads discussing this. Though I guess it's kinda blurry and yes, not a lot of people might actually care about that.

>/ghost/ is a million times shittier than it used to be
Ah, I've always heard tales about the ghost board on the archives. Apparently that's where people would take their discussions after the maid deleted their threads. Well, again, I've never really been big on the archives besides using its search function, so I won't jest.

>/q/ is basically the worst board ever
I haven't been there much, but I feel like agreeing for no reason whatsoever.

>> No.11274522

So instead of /b/ being the shithole of 4chan upsidedown /b/ is the new shithole of 4chan?

>> No.11274529

in order to be a top class lol player you need four or five pages, three mark sets, two seal sets, two glyph sets, three quint sets, and about three heroes per role - you should have all that within five hundred games or so, i think (it's been a while)

or you can try to be that that one furry who only plays kennen and is somehow diamond

>> No.11274534

no, that's s4s.

>> No.11274544

i'm just sort of annoyed because it means that all in-board metathreads became shoot on sight (even though most of them are really shitty, sometimes one comes along that's not) and the alternative is trying to have that discussion in /q/ where people who neither know nor care about the board in question feel the need to inject their opinions

>What's wrong with the word trope?
popularized by tvtropes which has a reputation somewhere on the level of reddit, gaia, and tumblr (deserved or not, that's how it is)

>I sincerely remember somewhat at the beginning of the year, we used to have threads discussing this.
more people cared during the four archives period, which lasted three weeks, but these days it's just two or three people who argue about "javascript - is it shit" every four months

>> No.11274550
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>and about three heroes per role

I can't stop laughing. You are truly deluded.

>> No.11274553

That said, WoT is not affected by pay2win that much. Skill is the determining factor in fights more than anything else.

>> No.11274556

3p platoons, if you go to an extreme amount, infinite gold rounds, and less bullshit upkeep grinding.

I'm fine with having to play some T5/T6 to play T10. It's kind of BS that I have to play 2 T5 games to play 1 T10 game.

>> No.11274558

This is the excuse of every online game out there currently with a cash shop in it. I am not convinced.

>> No.11274563 [DELETED] 
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Let's not make muddled, subjective judgements about the impact of having a round that punctures a tank, which you paid for with money, and a round which doesn't puncture a tank, which you bought with ingame cash.

Instead we'll make binary judgements of: does this game contain pay-2-win content or not. That's the best way to be objective.

>> No.11274570

people managed to make it into high plat literally playing only poppy or kennen (two different players, back when it was still ELO-based) so you really don't need expert counterpicks to do well

for bot lane you will only ever need sona, janna, taric, ez, caitlyn, and vayne (thresh is always banned nobody cares)
top you might want more, singed malph jayce nid singed maybe
for the jungler lee and j4 alone should be enough
mid lane whatever your favorite three champions are should suffice

i mean it's not even necessary for you to play ever role, even, you can make it to challenger even if all you know how to play is mid and support

>> No.11274576

>3P platoons
Now available to everyone.
>gold rounds
Easy to keep running by grinding credits.
>less bullshit upkeep
Yes, just like LoL you're paying for more comfort (extra rune pages for example in LoL). Can't have everything for free, it's a business.
Maybe you could try the game so you know what you're talking about.

Not to mention by being a good player you can win gold from tournaments and clan wars.

These mechanics are available to everyone.

>> No.11274582
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, shinobu and alice sitting'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>high plat

Did you know that the game's ingame ELO system is not a good or accurate indication of player skill?

>> No.11274586

if a player's ELO is stable around a given point, it means he's winning around 50% of his games at that level

obviously he's not a GOOD player he only fucking plays poppy that's garbage, but if he can hold is own with other players of that level, who gives a shit

>> No.11274591

world of tanks is the opposite of pay to win. every time you see some guy and think "how did this guy even get to tier 10 playing like this?" you can look at his profile and find a lowe with 600 games and a bunch of tanks with 40% win rates that he free exp'd out of.

/q/ is terrible for venting. instead of going to complain and getting other people to whine with you, you get a horde of faggots who don't even go to the board you're talking about saying it's probably your fault.

>> No.11274592


>Easy to keep running by grinding credits.
But then you can't gold round spam when you're grinding credits without premium.

>> No.11274599

>Can't have everything for free, it's a business.
that's why you make stupid cosmetic items cost money

valve probably makes 50 times more money off dota2 and tf2 than WoT makes and all they sell is silly hats

they don't even make the silly hats, they just take a cut of player-made silly hats and they're still printing money

there's no excuse for bullshit pay2win (lowering your grind time by 6 months is pay2win)

>> No.11274603

Well, at this point I've locked myself out of saying "But I have played it!" and not looking like an idiot, so I'll refrain from going further.

I do feel like the freemium model has gone up in popularity a lot lately, and everyone keeps tallying it up to "skill" versus money in order to defend their game. I suppose that's understandable.

>> No.11274606

>there's no excuse for bullshit pay2win (lowering your grind time by 6 months is pay2win)
how these games work is that you get locked in the retard bin with the retards for about six months, but by the time you're done, you're as good as anyone else

that's how the games that aren't total bullshit do it anyway

>> No.11274608

having a tier 10 tank faster does not give you an advantage against other tier 10 tanks in combat.

>> No.11274610

Not to mention they made close to eight million selling what is essentially an e-book.

>> No.11274614

I guess you would understand if you got good.

>> No.11274616

"Spamming" gold rounds (aka going into battle with all APCR instead of AP+APCR mix) is not even advantageous in many cases. Normal AP has better penetration at range and a larger normalization angle. I usually end up using 2-6 gold round a match playing at optimal efficiency and at least break even (or make a small profit) in a E75.

tl;dr you're retarded.

>> No.11274620

I miss the days when /jp/ wasn't complete shit

>> No.11274624

Quality bump, dude.

>> No.11274627

We'll never again have a WoT thread without shitters complaining about "pay2win" mechanics and people just generally tanking it easy.

Oh well, less pubbies for me to carry.

>> No.11274630

It's amazing that you're able to have WoT threads that last more than five minutes at all.

>> No.11274631
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You know that thing that pay-2-win apologists do when you tell them how their game is pay-2-win, like the damage control thing where they try to down-talk each point by saying 'it's ok, you can just put in the work!'

It's really cute. I just wanna eat them up

>> No.11274635

Obviously when you use a specific gun that doesn't benefit much from gold.

I'm talking E-100 15cm and PzIV 10.5cm etc. Both of them have a long enough reload that you're probably not going to change ammo on the fly, except HE when only arty is left. Although 10.5cm is nerfed anyways.

>> No.11274641

Mechwarrior is fine from a gameplay stand point. The free2play model is what kills it, like many games.

>> No.11274644

Such entitlement.

>> No.11274646

To be fair premium tanks are not 'best tanks of their given tier'. They are actually in-between starter and end tier tanks. Yes, they do on occasion have some extremely good advantage like 250mm penetration of T34, but in reality its far less maneuverable, armored, worse aiming and DPM, than T32 (although T32 has worst gun for its tier). KV5 and IS6 are pale in compression with cheating-piece-of-shit-IS3 and KV4. Jgpz8.8 and Love significantly weaker than their non-premium counterparts. Even Type 59 is not really that good right now, since both his and T54 front armor was nerfed long time ago, it was really good only when it could bounce 200+ penetration, but now any heavy tank would easily pierce him in frontal armor, but now tank is slower, gun is significantly inaccurate and DPM is not that great either, T44 kicks his ass with pretty much everything except frontal armor. It's really removed because many people thought it was so OP and price is lesser than Love or T34, but in truth its only decent because its still only Tier8 premium medium tank with above average dynamics so farming silver is somewhat entertaining without staying in bushes.

>> No.11274648

B2 best premium

>> No.11274649
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>> No.11274657

The problem with the ``skill'' argument when discussing pay2win is that it always assumes the guy who put money into the game is some skilless dumbass.

Of course, in some games you can overcome a paid advantage with pure skill. The problem is when 2 similarly skilled players are put against each other and one has money into the game and the other one doesn't. It's even worse if the 2 similarly skilled players can't even be put against each other because player 1 has to grind for months before he can even get to the same ``level'' player 2 paid his way to.

>> No.11274662


someone post the diablo 3 'stand back n00b i'll frag this charlie' picture

>> No.11274667

>It's even worse if the 2 similarly skilled players can't even be put against each other because player 1 has to grind for months before he can even get to the same ``level'' player 2 paid his way to.
As long as they're on roughly even ground by the time our poverty player finishes his grind, it's not a pay2win. It is "pay to save you several hundred hours of worthless grinding," but that's not the same thing.

>> No.11274670
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>it's not a pay2win. It is "pay to save you several hundred hours of worthless grinding," but that's not the same thing.

Are you too dumb to recognize that 'pay2win' is a simple shortener for a much larger and more complex definition?

>> No.11274673

Then maybe you should have come up with a better abbreviation for your long and complex concept.

>> No.11274680
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x720, aya looking abashedly and incredulously at foreigner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't invent the term pay-2-win, tyke.

>> No.11274688

Then maybe you shouldn't use misleading terms invented by others. Try a more accurate one like "microtransaction model."

>> No.11274696

No you aren't getting it. pay2win is for games in which a paid weapon/skill/vehicle/etc gives you a concrete advantage over the free players. This is considerably worse than the standard pay for cosmetics/convenience that are necessary to support the game.

>> No.11274702

Okay, technically that's not right, either, since DotA II has a microtransaction model, and other 'pay2win' games' transactions are far from micro. I'm sure you could come up with something, though.

>> No.11274719

Is there still a /jp/ chat or clan on the EU servers?
I remember /jp/ playing together in the beta, but after the server split the threads soon died.

>> No.11274722

That feelio when you're in the clan that "couldn't hold up their end of the bargain" because half of your leadership fled to burning legion clans after 2 defeats.

>> No.11274723

Well, no. Microtransactions aren't inherently bad. TF2 and DotA2 (among other smaller f2p games) do it right.

>pay for cosmetics
>pay for convenience
Almost as bad as pay2win. And then sometimes the ``convenience'' overlaps with pay2win like in LoL. I don't know if it's still like this, but a lot of the LoL champions were absolutely broken on release back when I still played, then were slowly toned down over the following weeks. Then you have all the clusterfuck of champions being counterpicks of other champions, needing custom rune pages to win some matchups, etc.

I've never played WoT so I can't really speak for it, but from what I've read in this thread (and from what I know), there's a lot of constant grinding you need to do that is basically no fun at all just to be able to enjoy the game and that paying players don't need to do. That's a bad model.

>> No.11274731

>there's a lot of constant grinding you need to do that is basically no fun at all just to be able to enjoy the game
I can tell you that this is false.

>> No.11274745

>And then sometimes the ``convenience'' overlaps with pay2win like in LoL. I don't know if it's still like this, but a lot of the LoL champions were absolutely broken on release back when I still played, then were slowly toned down over the following weeks.
Broken new heroes rip shit up for a few hours before everybody adjusts their banlists.

>Then you have all the clusterfuck of champions being counterpicks of other champions, needing custom rune pages to win some matchups, etc.
You're usually able to dodge those kinds of awful matchups if your team can coordinate well in the lobby. The custom pages aren't so much of an issue as it's frequently a matter of switching runes you already have (bringing MR instead of armor top vs Rumble or something) into a new page.

I say this as a free player and huge fucking loser who sunk over a thousand hours into the game, and have all the pages, runes, and champions I give a shit about.

>> No.11274769

Well they need to get money from somewhere and pay for cosmetics only wouldn't bring in enough. A tank game can't really offer that many cosmetics.
I blame the current situation with free to play games mostly on the hate to pay monthly for an online game, but now people often pay even more than 13 bucks a month on f2p games.

>> No.11274784
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I botted my way to like 700 referrals back when the referral system was still abusable and avoided the grind almost entirely.

Relying on bans isn't the best system in the world. It just means you're gonna have to face one of the other ridiculously strong permaban champion. I was plat elo before I stopped playing and even then I still couldn't expect anything out of random teammates in solo queue. You're gonna face champs you can't counter because your teammate absolutely wants to play x role and there isn't much you'll be able to do about it if you don't have a champion with an even/favorable matchup.

And you can't even switch up your rune pages during lobby, so you need the pages to be preset, which means you need an extensive amount of rune pages, not to mention buying the actual runes. I had like 4 pages just for all the junglers I played, then AP mid, AD top, AD caster top, massive MR runes for certain matchups for every role, then you have 1 or 2 pages for supports, 1 or 2 for ADC, etc.

>> No.11274820

I don't want to pay for cosmetics in games. Pay2cute is literally the worst weeb abuse I could think of. In summary, I hate you and think you are the reason why games suck these days. No offense.

>> No.11274834

Half the games I play are only for the cute characters.

>> No.11274840

Explain why.

Paying for cosmetics is quite literally the best way to build a microtransaction based game, both for the players and if you let players design items, the company behind the game (they get to make money without even doing anything).

There is no valid argument against ``pay2cute''.
If you don't want to pay for cosmetics, you don't. The worst that happens is you don't get a silly tophat for your tank or whatever it is you're playing. In a pay2win game, if you don't pay, you just lag behind paying players and causes a shitty environment (and discourages a ton of players from playing your game for that reason).

>> No.11274906

I've been playing tanks with /jp/ for a long time. I just want to intercede for a moment in the conversation.

For as long as I have been playing, I have not dropped a single dime into this game. I make plenty of money playing the tanks I like. The object of the game is to queue up in battle and kill tanks. This just so happens to be the exact same method of "grinding" exp and money.

I understand that all tanks have different play styles, and they may not all appeal to you and you will have trouble grinding up certain tanks. An injection of cash won't make any tank good. It can expedite your progress, but it will never make you good at bad tanks.

In this respect, the game is not pay to win. All the money in the world will not turn your shitty stats into unicum stats. In fact, many terribad players spend untold amounts of cash in this game, and they are the most depressing sight in the game.

Anyone who calls this game pay2win only brands himself someone who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. And LoL comparisons? Oh god, you literally play that shit? Thanks for outing yourself as a scumbag.

>> No.11274918

hi boof
bye boof

>> No.11274924

That doesn't sound bad. I'm going to download the game and give it a try. I avoided it for years because everyone said it was p2w.

>> No.11274927

>Oh god, you literally play that shit?
No, I only figuratively have 2k games logged.

>> No.11274950

daily crossboarder thread
yo wats up /v/ :)

>> No.11274998

in a mmo where you can dress your character up I'd rather be a cute loser than a winner wearing ugly default clothes

>> No.11275014

why are there so many cyberstep shills in this thread

>> No.11275022

Please keep your offboarder terminology to yourself in the future.

>> No.11275025

Shut the fuck up and don't reply to me.

>> No.11275031

I was watching some doujin artist draw porn and then decided to play WoT

It looked like pangya loligolf only ugly

>> No.11275083
File: 191 KB, 2550x1993, Hellcat Orin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not him, but you are literally a faggot.

>> No.11275087

I have over 10k tank matches, but I also played LoL. Its not shit and actually is fun to kill some time.
But yeah, wot is too different to make comparisons, its not dota-like and clearly not for everyone.

>> No.11275091

I don't like men, though.

>> No.11275103

nm, u? :-)

>> No.11275114

He's just mad you're playing a game he doesn't like

>> No.11275365


All MOBAs are terrible.

Some are worse than others.

Then again I am on /jp/, land of shitty taste and autists.

>> No.11275394

that's great and everything but I'm still going to enjoy myself

>> No.11275411

If you like shit, keep eating it.

Have fun

>> No.11275421

>"pay to not grind"
Pay to not grind is a marketing tactic created to lure people in p2w games. Companies needed a way to market their games ever since p2w became synonymous with cancer.
Good job at failing for advertisements.

>> No.11275422
File: 157 KB, 1280x1024, mechwarrior-4-mercenaries_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a vehicular combat game, sort of like Mech Warrior, only with tanks.

MOBAs is just another name for DotA clone.

>> No.11275431
File: 242 KB, 627x354, 1368229165214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, I will

>> No.11275758

"Pay to not grind" is accurate, and "pay2win" is something angry nerds thought up because they're too lazy to grind.

>> No.11275789

>A tank game can't really offer that many cosmetics.
I respectfully disagree. There's a lot of customizations that could be added to tanks that are largely cosmetic (some of these are already present): visible spall liners, tread skirts, pack equipment, camouflage, spare equipment (grousers, track segments), decals, visible crew, crew uniforms, canister launchers (smoke)...

>> No.11275805


How is "pay to not grind" accurate when they still have to grind?

I don't understand.

You can't just go "hey, I want this tank" and go buy it. It has a base XP requirement that you can't get around. You can't buy XP.
The only thing money will let you pay for is to let you grind out that XP on a different tank. And that's it.

>> No.11275805,1 [INTERNAL] 

"Ban me"

>> No.11275805,2 [INTERNAL] 

Asuka spammer is a MOBA normie?

>> No.11275805,3 [INTERNAL] 

Remember Mechwarrior: LL? That was a good game.
