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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11268678 No.11268678[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Happy morning, /jp/.

The sun is coming up. You should look at it.

>> No.11268681

looks like a flaming butthole

>> No.11268682

Okay well anyway I visited my aunt's house again today. It was lots of fun. I made cookies together with my cousins and taught them the correct way to make the cookies. While in the kitchen the littlest girl was on my back and the second littlest was trying to put cookie dough in my ears and tickle me.

A few hours after the cookies I walked past their room and noticed them all huddled around a computer playing Counter-Strike Source. I love 1.6 so I figured I'd sit in and give some tips. In the end I was the one playing with the youngest in my lap, the second youngest still trying to tickle me, and the third oldest watching and telling me what to do. After I felt I had played enough the third youngest started watching videos and the youngest made me more comfortable by wrapping herself in a comforter, jumping on me, telling me how to sit that was most comfortable for her, and telling me to put my arms around her.

Eventually the youngest went to her bed in the corner and had fallen asleep, so the second youngest decided to lay on me with her head on my chest and legs draped over the shin of my leg that was resting on the knee of the other. The third youngest got on her bed too and we all started talking about dinosaurs. That quickly got boring for them so they decided to throw a ball around for fun, throwing it especially hard at me. This is when they started to get a bit hyper. The third youngest would occasionally smother her sister with a blanket or tickle her relentlessly and I felt sorry for the little girl so I would try to pull them apart.

I was in the room from 9PM to 1AM. They had to get to sleep so I thought it best to leave.

>> No.11268688

Also I should mention that while watching movies, the second youngest was kneeling next to me and although I wasn't specifically looking for it, her pajama shirt was stretched at the neck and from my angle I could see one of her nipples. I stopped staring and decided to pretend I didn't see it so she wouldn't get embarrassed.

>> No.11268684


I wonder what Gatchagirl's butthole looks like.

How can she act so carefree and light-hearted when she has a butthole?

>> No.11268694

Global Offensive is better than Source which is better than 1.6.

>> No.11268695


CSGO > 1.6 > CSS

>> No.11268698

GO doesn't have the same charm as 1.6, but otherwise I feel it a more acceptable replacement for 1.6 than Source. Nipper's maps in 1.6 are what draw me back to it again and again.

>> No.11268702

Really? I never played CSGO, only source and 1.6.

I could never really get used to source after playing 1.6 for so, so long.

>> No.11268709

GO is fucked. Run and gun call of duty bullshit.

>> No.11268714

Should I be feeling guilty for spending so much time with lolis? I do help out around the house and I think we all enjoy the company of one another but every time I visit I feel a bit weird.

>> No.11268721

I wish I could play a modern-day Quake that's good and populated

Something with fresh game mechanics, and where you have to train your movement, not just your aiim

>> No.11268728

You could play shootermania but it's a cash grab and not popular.

>> No.11268729

GunZ: The Duel

>> No.11268737

What kind of name is Gatchaman?

>> No.11268738

What, did Quakelive die?

>> No.11268746

One of the prerequisites was good.

>> No.11268763


>> No.11268762

CS is a shit game for stoner nerds and highschool rejects

>> No.11268821


>> No.11268823


>> No.11268844

fuck I have to sleep

>> No.11268845
File: 297 KB, 479x376, laughing counter-terrorists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11268852

FPS is a shit genre for stoner nerds and highschool rejects

>> No.11268855

Please don't lump PC FPS games with console FPS games.

>> No.11268864

because retards love it

>> No.11268862

Why does console FPS games even exist? I don't even particularly seek out PC FPS, but console FPS games are just unplayable.

>> No.11268867

I've been playing Project Reality and I like it it is much better than BF2 which is just vehicles spam.
The interface could be better because there is no way to tell what you are doing unless you have someone tell you.

>> No.11268870

Please. CZ is better than all of those combined.

Nah. The good thing about 1.6 is that it's still heavily populated after all these years, people can't upgrade so they just stick with 1.6. Which is good, because it's the better game.

I wish I could say that they play it because they've played console FPSes their entire life(Goldeneye, Timesplitters, PSX/whatever port Doom etc), but there are some people playing Cowwa Duty who don't even know what an N64 or PS2 is.

>> No.11268877

I'm the best at COD2 on console.

>> No.11268880

Console FPS is really fun because everyone has lower accuracy and can't just snap on to your head as easily as with a mouse. Sniping is more challenging too.

>> No.11268886

1.6 > GO > Source

Quake 3 > Quake 2 > Quake Live > Quake > Quake 4

>> No.11268885

There's nothing to be good at when the game aims for you.

That's like saying being one armed is more fun because daily life is more challenging.

>> No.11268890

What the hell is Quake 4

>> No.11268894

Timesplitters was the shit! God I miss playing that game.

>> No.11268901

The online community for multiplayer FPS is really fucking awful. I don't know how anyone could stand it.

>> No.11268903

It's Doom 3.

>> No.11268910

Tribes is movement based.
It's pay to win however because unlocking natural upgrades would take a million games.

>> No.11268933
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, bizarro-yura blowing whistle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Multiplayer anything has a bad community. Games appeal to young kids and young kids are bad people.

On the topic of games, I've been playing some HellMOO.

>> No.11268941

FPS, moba and RTS communities are all shit. Fighting games have communities of varying shittiness but they can be quite nice.

>> No.11268954

No, it wasn't always like this. The MMORPG communities pre-WOW used to be quite decent for example. Red Orchestra and ARMA also have good communities but they're exceptions.

>> No.11268955
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They're all bad, but I didn't buy the games to play the AI.

>> No.11268960


It's not the young kids that are bad, it's the 16 - 24 year olds on /vg/ that shit up all the games.

>> No.11268973

Community quality goes by handhelds > PS3 > PC > 360 these days. Good examples are pre-PC release and post-PC release Dark Souls and 3DS and WiiU MH3G.

>> No.11268976

Are you the person who runs around as Cirno all the time? My friend Danger used to tell me to play all the time and I just didn't feel like putting much effort in training my character.

>> No.11268988

I really like the shitty community that surrounds CS. So much shit talk and nonsense it's pretty entertaining, one of the only remaining old school gaming cultures.

It's too bad how Valve killed community servers by adding their shitty match making systems to the game.

>> No.11268998

Community servers still exist. Matchmaking didn't kill pubs, it's for people who actually care about playing the maps how they're meant to be played and not in a 16+ vs 16+ clusterfuck. Also people who want to play seriously/scrim.

>> No.11269003

Except every multiplayer FPS is like that. What is so old school about a bunch of underages insulting each other over their mics?

>> No.11269023

Nah match making is a joke, 64 tic servers? Also the top ranks are full with 200 ping Brazillian hackers. Nobody takes it seriously.

It's pretty much forced you to subscribe to esea or whatever other pug service just to find good games and even that isn't not much of a community just a bunch of squabbling kids.

In 1.6 and Source there were plenty of high tic ~20 man servers where you could find a home and relax for a few hours. GO community servers are mostly custom game modes. It wouldn't be so bad if the match making servers where configured properly since you do tend to run into the same people during match making.

>> No.11269033

It's hard to explain. It's not the same type of thing that goes on in other FPS, a lot is tongue-in-cheek. Most people who play CS are old too since it's an old game.

>> No.11269048

Let's be honest, it's all the same shit. What you call "old school" is the wave of retards who found out about multiplayer games when Counterstrike became a big thing. Ironically they shun people who play CoD and BF when they end up jerking on their K/D ratio themselves.

>> No.11269078

What the hell did they do to dedicated server? It's not in the tools anymore. I was hoping to host a 1.6 server so maybe some of us could chat or something.

>> No.11269086

I don't think you've ever played CS that's not it at all.

>> No.11269095

I play Sudden Attack.

>> No.11269176
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No, I played as Necrodracula most recently.

I made a zombie-vampire and got super buff but the wizards nerfed it.
