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11263296 No.11263296 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite 2hu indie games /jp/?
Mine are Boho Youyoumu and Super Marisa Land.

They are very fun and cute platformers to sink some time into!

>> No.11263301

PCB and IN.

>> No.11263316

Do spinoffs of indie games have a name or genre or something or they're just addressed as "Indie game spinoff" ?

Defend the library.

>> No.11263318

>Do spinoffs of indie games have a name or genre or something or they're just addressed as "Indie game spinoff" ?

"Fan games" or "derivative works", maybe.

>> No.11263328

I don't really know myself friend, Touhou definitely is an indie game in itself.
They could also be called parodies, since games like Super Marisa Land are obviously based off Mario.

This works!

>> No.11263334

SA and IN
If you're referring to the derivate works then Touhou Mother and Satori Battle Network as soon the full release comes out.

>> No.11263338

I don't understand why "indie" is even a genre. I mean, a genre is supposed to describe a certain type of gameplay, not the means with which the game is published.

>> No.11263337

Your favourite Touhou fan game is a game that isn't even out yet?

>> No.11263342

Yes, I played the demo and already love it.
Plus I love the Megaman Battle Network serie and Satori is my favourite character.

>> No.11263349

Nobody ITT is using "indie" as a genre. From what I can tell, both >>11263296 and >>11263316 actually mean "independent games".

But it makes sense for a certain scene with specific connotations to become a genre in itself. It happens in music all the time.

>> No.11263356

Are there any good "original" 2hu fangames (IE ones that aren't just "X game but with Touhou characters)?

>> No.11263360

Maybe Touhou Pocket Wars, but it could be based on a Gashapon game I've never played.

>> No.11263362

Music genres are another story.

I mean, Steam is like the leading videogames digital store and considers "Indie" a genre. Marketing bullshit is what it is.

>> No.11263374

Well, it's useful to have a category that says "these are independent games". I wouldn't say it's quite a genre (at least, not yet) but I don't have a problem with it.

Though isn't Steam a game publisher? Like, you send your games to Steam, they publish them through their software? Or is it more complicated than that?

I feel like if I was making an indie game, I'd just put it on my website.

>> No.11263405

Steam would give a lot more of publicity to your game. Chances are no one will find out about it otherwise unless either your game or your site is well advertised

>> No.11263426

But you still have to pay 100$ only to suggest the game to Steam, then it has to be rated by the community in the Steam greenlight, and if it gets accepted you only get the 30% (or Steams gets, I don't remember) of the sales.

>> No.11263428

I suppose. But if I made a game, I'd probably be shy as hell about publicizing it. I'd channel my Japanese spirit and keep it a closed circle affair, with people spreading it by word of mouth if they choose.

>> No.11263472

30% of possibly thousands of sales is a lot better than 100% of a few sales from your unknown site

steam also hosts all your data and helps you update your game easily and interact with your players

you're also not limited to steam, you can put it up on other sites and your own site at the same time too, so its not like you lose anything really

>> No.11263479

Katsugeki Kidan, although I'd enjoy it more if MArisa's Master Spark wasn't such BS.

The two Touhouvania games are fantastic, 2 being a massive improvement over the first.

Touhou Soccer 2 is great for it's flashy visuals, and awesome OST. The gameplay...kind of like 2D Blitzball.

Aaaaand...Mystical Chain. Fun gameplay, great soundtrack, and awesome bosses, my favorite being the one where you have to take down both Mokou and Kaguya while they're trying to kill each other.

>> No.11263531

I wonder if /jp/ would play a 2.5D Super Marisa Land.

>> No.11263623

New Super Marisa Land
