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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 81 KB, 480x640, 1375473346490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11262222 No.11262222 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>11243106

>> No.11262228

I want to put it in

>> No.11262238

I want to put it in

>> No.11262259

Post the FAQ faggot

>> No.11262274

Put what, where exactly?

>> No.11262275

The penis.

>> No.11262278 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 548x738, 1370649606584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the FAQ faggot

>> No.11262281

love, inside her heart

>> No.11262283 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 907x706, 1370649798689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more FAQ faggots

>> No.11262310 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, 1375347098695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggot thread?

>> No.11262343
File: 43 KB, 570x405, nanimo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this faggot!

>> No.11262429

She's a virgin.

>> No.11262491

fucking nogizakafags fucking up the thread ops

>> No.11262495

I think I fell in love with an idol.

All I think about is her.

>> No.11262502


>> No.11262517

There was nothing noteworthy for the OP.

>> No.11262562
File: 90 KB, 500x281, TKY201307300217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even then, a simple Ctrl-V of the last thread's OP would had sufficed. Also we should start including the pastebin link to the FAQ on each OP to reduce the amount of people asking for general informations.

>> No.11262568 [DELETED] 

i get u man !! fuck dem newfags :P fuck spoonfeeders as well they da cancer killing our threads :PP P

>> No.11262573

It is a simple action. Posting the link to the FAQ will save time to everybody, I dont know why do you have to make such a retarded comment.

>> No.11262575

Speaking of which

Current FAQ to do list

1. AKB0048 short description
2. Short descriptions of each of the documentaries
3. A good list of all the members of Nogizaka with pictures of each for reference

1. Other AKB variety show summaries
2. Other AKB drama summaries
4. Possible improvement to the overview of '48' as a whole

If anyone could help out in any of these things it would be great, I'll have the thread open all day UK time and add in stuff as and when people write it.

>> No.11262609

Don't touch my waifu you faggot

>> No.11262624

Your waifu is ugly, nice taste there loser, rofl.

>> No.11262689

Nice bait there m8

>> No.11262694

you can stop me, but not the other 50 guys that she fucks

>> No.11262702

I wonder how often does she fuck her managers. It can't be every night, I hope.

>> No.11262705

HKT no Odekake
SKE48 no Sekai Seifuku Joshi Seasons 1&2
NMB48 Geinin
You might also wanna add the 0ji 59fun and 1ji 59fun
SKE no Magical Radio seasons 1, 2 & 3

>> No.11262709

We have Geinin and Magical Radio, if you feel they aren't detailed enough feel free to write improved ones.

>You might also wanna add the 0ji 59fun and 1ji 59fun
Good idea I'll do that now

I can do this one

>HKT no Odekake
>AKB to XX
>SKE48 no Sekai Seifuku Joshi Seasons 1&2

Not familiar enough with these, do you feel comfortable enough with them to write a summary?

>> No.11262710

>Current FAQ to do list
>3. A good list of all the members of Nogizaka with pictures of each for reference

You mean for the Excel file, not the FAQ right? http://www.nogizaka46.com/member/

>> No.11262725

Excel file?

I included the other lists from s48 as a facility for people to find members they don't recognise in pictures without asking here.

>> No.11262739

How can I marry her?

>> No.11262767

My bad, only checked the start and end of the FAQ.

As for the Excel file I mean this >>11254799 by another guy

>> No.11262780
File: 42 KB, 580x580, 1374475836576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think her ass crevasse smells like?

>> No.11262782

like love

>> No.11262799

Thanks though, I added the list in.

>> No.11262807


>> No.11262825

S48 wiki has http://stage48.net/wiki/index.php/Nogizaka46_Members, edited to use that instead.

>> No.11262837

That doesn't have pictures. As I said the reason for including them at all is so that people can identify the names of members they may have seen but don't know the name of without asking in the thread.

>> No.11262846

Use this, it's far better suited and everything is in one place. People can filter down to the group/team that they know. It's kept up to date and everything so it works quite well. Nogizaka is still separate though.


>> No.11262857

I like this idea. It also incorporates the G+ account of the members.

>> No.11262859

Forgot about that. Done.

>> No.11262906

Why does AK48 and SKE48 sound like the same group? Even though they're different girls... The so ngs all sound the same.

>> No.11262909

Why does every idol j-pop sound like the same group?

...is what you should have asked.

>> No.11262910

Yeah berryz kobou sounds the same too.

>> No.11262914

Because a) you get two large groups of girls whose average age falls in the teens and have them sing together and of course their voices will average out to a similar sound and b) you're not used to them, so you can't tell the the difference, and c) >>11262909 what this guy said.

>> No.11262923

do they? i never listened to them?

>> No.11262932

Youtube masara blue jeans, sounds like the same band.

>> No.11262944

This sounds more like older AKB to me.

>> No.11262953

Is j-pop worth getting into for the music?

Does anyone here actually cares about music or not?

>> No.11262962

I enjoy the music, but if it weren't for the idols, I probably wouldn't enjoy it as much.
I'm in no way into Morning Musume, but I still love a couple of their songs. I think AKB is like that to people who aren't really into it.

>> No.11262971

Stuff I'd add to the FAQ:
The election and request hour since that's when the thread blows up, might as well include janken too
What teams and stages are, the fact that they stream every show and most of it shows up on youku. If we're doing recommendations, B3 and K5 are good to start with and the revival box set (minogashita kimitachi e) is great and up on HO
Nemousu TV + note that there are a bunch of longer specials
also that Shukan had fancy extended DVD specials too, like the waterpark and dokkiri school
SKE and NMB are lacking variety show entries, I haven't really seen enough of them to comment but Itte Koi 48 at least was pretty good. Docking48 was kinda boring though, has NMB had a good variety show yet?

>> No.11263120

Why isn't there anything about AKB's related units in the FAQ?

>> No.11263143

Is there anyone who has went to their theatre everyday? Has seen every of their live performances?

>> No.11263159

Isn't 48 a lot of girls? Are they even all friends? Have all of them even spoken to eachother?

>> No.11263160

Does anyone here live in Japan? Did anyone here met an idol in their life?

>> No.11263164

I had sex with all of them. Since they're all together all the time, they all have a period at the same time. So if one is on the rag, you can go home for a week.

>> No.11263185

Why AKB48 girls aren't as pretty as the k-pop girls? Are double eyelids of AKB48 girls natural or did they all get a surgery to have them?

>> No.11263346

Yes. Probably not. Probably not.

Tickets are done given out by a lottery, so it's random chance whether you get one or not.

>> No.11263391

I can do that now, I'll probably miss something structure wise so if I do feel free to correct me.

Those are both questions which seem to get asked on a regular basis so I've written answers in the FAQ.

>> No.11263401

I care about the music
That's why I don't like AKB as much
I love NMB the most

>> No.11263414

I'm pretty sure all if not most of these posts are the same person trying to stir up shit. The phrasing is the same.

>> No.11263415

Very nice and eloquent, thank you for doing this :)

>> No.11263448
File: 43 KB, 315x472, jphip171634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she 在日?

>> No.11263508

now someone post shimiazakis photobook

>> No.11263525

Read the FAQ, those kinds of questions are exactly what it's for.

>> No.11263535

whats faq have to do with posting photobook url

>> No.11263541

You'd be surprised.

>> No.11263544

less lip more paruru

>> No.11263560

Surely you mean finger since I typed that not spoke it.

>> No.11263567


>> No.11263569

what makes you think so?

>> No.11263616

I live in Japan only 1/2 of the time, when I'm sleeping, and I've met a lot of idols.

>> No.11263730

HKT no Odekake
HKT48 members go out to various places to promote themselves(From H!O).

For the other shows maybe somebody can translate the show description from their website.

>> No.11263732


>> No.11263763

Somebody posted this on the previous thread. Its Bakuretsu Papa
AKB48 - Mechaike! 13-08-03 (Full)


>> No.11263810
File: 50 KB, 639x856, 03 - 1 (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11263858

That old fuck touched my Mayu. She is impure now damn it.

>> No.11263886


>> No.11263887
File: 45 KB, 420x262, AKB48_41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. I didn't this show because of workings. Is it real that Mayu was kikcked by fucking oyaji

>> No.11263938

More like he pushed her head with his foot. It wasn't really a kick obviously, but yeah.

>> No.11263941

HKT on AKBingo!

>> No.11263982
File: 142 KB, 674x1041, 77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These scan lines are fucking atrocious. Damn I am glad I actually decided to buy this pb and not wait for good scans. These are almost not even worth posting.

>> No.11264013


yes. more than once along with an armbar and a bodyslam. he bit sasshi's foot and threw her into a swimming pool too. very arousing.

>> No.11264118

That still pisses me off, damn it!

>> No.11264133

I was surprised when he started to bully Rena, and then I wanted him to stop.

>> No.11264137

You can't just scan something and expect it to be perfect. You gotta level that shit, rotate it, get rid of whatever blemishes there are and make sure the other side of the page is not visible. God I hate that last one.

>> No.11264150

Its all in jest. You can see them giggling on the side and Sasshi slapped him as a revenge.

>> No.11264162

Yeah I know what you are saying.
Even If I did scan the PB I would probably do no better, but still it's been forever since it got released and still no HQ scans.
It would cost me 25 cents per scanned page to do it myself, and it would be kinda weird scanning in the library. I wish I had a good one of my own.

>> No.11264387

The way he treated Mayuyu hurted my heart.

>> No.11264399
File: 17 KB, 480x270, A Nogizaka in mizugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody asked for this and I found one.

Don't worry, its just play fighting. Also, Mayu got to touched a lot of butts.

>> No.11264460

Does anyone have a link to a torrent of AKB's discography that does not take up too much of my harddrive? Or if not AKB, a torrent for the sister groups' discography?

>> No.11264472

There's one on H!O, it's 20 GB though. Here's a link for direct download if you want it http://umi-uta.livejournal.com/3472.html

>> No.11264473

This is all I have.
Some links may work others may not. When I did download them all during March they all worked. You can get all of NMB and of course HKT through individual torrents on H!O. I think the first two SKE singles are missing but I got everything else from there as well. This was sometime last week.

>> No.11264476
File: 261 KB, 1366x738, tanaka_wakatabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also HKT48 Tonkotsu Mahou Shoujo Gakuin.
Only the first episode is translated to english right now though.

>> No.11264487

Basically Sashi is the host and they have guests every time, put them under a spell so that they don't get mad and ask them questions and make fun of them.
There's also loads of variety and I personally love this show.

>> No.11264519

What's the difference between the theatre edition and the types?

>> No.11264564

1 different song between each type, different cover..
do you even google?

>1. AKB0048 short description
take the description from myanimelist, or..
>In the future, entertainment is banned in the whole galaxy. The idol group AKB0048 become the resistance against this oppression. Expect concerts and mecha action. Lots of AKB inside jokes.

>> No.11264565

Theater comes with song by KKS. Types come with song of respective teams. Theater is also cheaper.

>> No.11264599

There's an extra song for each type if I'm not wrong.

>> No.11264621

So...should I get both the theatre edition and the types? Or should I just get the albums instead?

>> No.11264632

Get everything if you want ALL songs

>> No.11264631


>> No.11264657 [DELETED] 

why can't anyone seed AKB48+10 :(

>> No.11264663

Keep in mind that the theatre edition doesn't ship internationally, so you'd need a proxy or something. If you're willing to wait and don't care about photos, secondhand theater editions can be pretty cheap. Sometimes people will sell a complete set of all the type as well.
Unles your really into collecting stuff, just buy one type of each single- chances are you won't love all the songs, and then spend the extra money on concert DVDs or whatever you like.

>> No.11264668

I once downloaded 2 episodes for over a week.
They weren't as good as I thought they would be. Never again.

>> No.11264671

Theater doesn't include a DVD just the song so you can't watch the PV's. There's also an extra included on the 3 types. Most of the time, its divided into 2 or 3 parts so you would want to buy all types if you want the extras.

>> No.11264679

Thanks. So if I download all of this, I will have ALL of their songs right? Nothing else missing?

>> No.11264712


>> No.11264713

album only have A-sides IIRC
B-sides and specials rarely goes into albums
get whichever you likes most (if you like team B's songs, get B-version, etc)

>> No.11264719


>> No.11264726

>[Aidol+H!F] 120912 AKBINGO!
It's here!! Time to wait four hours~

>> No.11264727

There are some album exclusive tracks, so you'd need to download those as well.
The list also doesn't include their indies singles, and there's a tie in with Idoling!! that's kind of fun. Have a look at sub-unit songs as well.
I'd recommend trying to get an invite to JPopsuki if you don't have one already, they have a really good search system for music.

>> No.11264729

Who are they?

>> No.11264737

Are they still relevant?

>> No.11264748

As a group, or the collaboaration itself? They're still around as a group.
The single was released years ago (2009) and it's just a one-off but I loved the episodes of AKBingo where the two groups interact, they're some of my favourites. The subbed shows are up on gouza's channel, just search for ABKIdoling!!!

>> No.11264762

How do you even get an invite? I've been trying to get one for months.

>> No.11264767 [DELETED] 

What's the deal with the mountain of newbs lately?

>> No.11264772


>> No.11264827

Luckily, the troll got sincere answers.

>> No.11264848

Every so often you can find someone with invites. They're not too rare and I actually got one from a (yes, yes...) thread on /a/. I've already used my invites, or I'd send you one. I think everyone starts with 2.

>> No.11264854


>> No.11264889

>be in japan
>watching tv
>akb members in tons of commecials
>Sashihara Rino isn't in any of them

I thought she was voted #1? When acchan was center she was in every CM.

>> No.11264903

>>be in japan

>> No.11264909
File: 191 KB, 599x598, AUITSM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11264913

I told you first.

>> No.11264911


You first

>> No.11264919


You are mistaken

>> No.11264920

why dont you sage? posts like that should be saged because they are offtopic

>> No.11264929

>why dont you sage? posts like that should be saged because they are offtopic

>> No.11264942

What's the difference between AKB48 and AKB78?

>inb4 30

>> No.11264943

Murashige Anna and Nakanishi Chiyori

>> No.11264945

Epic passive aggressive post and sage, dude. You're fitting in already!

>> No.11264966
File: 110 KB, 1024x819, SUMMER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

summer as fuck

>> No.11265018

Fuck is a AKB78

>> No.11265019

welp this was my first post in /jp/ and will be my last. you guys are nuts.

>> No.11265077

Added a little to that and put it in.

>> No.11265093
File: 351 KB, 1217x1600, ibzWWvFYsFP9xJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the links are dead so you might have to Google it yourself, but most of the general stuff is included in there, yeah.

>> No.11265104

The most popular ones with commercials are Shinoda and Itano, Sasshi was voted first but she isn't popular with commercials it seems.

>> No.11265121

As of now, who in AKB48 has 八重歯?

>> No.11265209

Tomochin? Oshima Ryoka? I don't know, probably a lot of them.

>> No.11265226

Keira's fangs are very noticeable

>> No.11265288


>> No.11265345

What? Maybe 2 years ago. Mayuyu, Oshima, and Paruru are probably most popular now for CM.

>> No.11265386

I just saw a Sashihari CM. It was for a curry restaurant chain. lel.

>> No.11265500
File: 93 KB, 580x870, downloadfile-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did yoy buy Paruru's photobook?
I bought 3 books for being ranked to Akb'photobook ranking

>> No.11265514
File: 110 KB, 674x997, 178729_1374838832ihsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much?

>> No.11265569

total 4410yen

>> No.11265573

More than you can afford, pal

>> No.11265575

>I bought 3 books for being ranked to Akb'photobook ranking


>> No.11265585
File: 174 KB, 737x983, downloadfile-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because Paruru is my ichi osi

>> No.11265593 [DELETED] 

He wanted to boost photobook sales in an AKB ranking

>> No.11265606

I want to fuck Paruru so bad.

>> No.11265607

He wanted to boost photobook sales, so Paru would rank higher in an AKB ranking

>> No.11265681

Why is Paruru suddenly so popular in these threads?

>> No.11265713
File: 2.93 MB, 281x180, 6925558472991.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got some kind of personality

>> No.11265745


>> No.11265751

Overexposure to the paruru can have drastic side effects.

>> No.11265764

I love Paruru so fucking much, I can't stop thinking about her.

>> No.11265876
File: 2.49 MB, 384x216, 6931087201615.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11265895

how dare that hitler kick my poor sasshi

>> No.11265957
File: 3 KB, 295x18, MUH RATIO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a invite i could give out.

Just as long you don't fuck up your ratio. But then again, keeping your ratio shouldn't be that hard with their bonuspoint system. Just download as much shit as you can durring freeleach and you should be alright

>> No.11265959

Ask in a k-pop thread on /mu/, people give out jpopsuki invites every day there.

>> No.11265963

Can you give it to me?

>> No.11265966

drop your email

>> No.11265986



>> No.11265990

No problem. Just stick to the rules and you should be fine.

>> No.11266021

Do you get to invite people right away if you just joined?

>> No.11266032

Requirements: 10GB uploaded. Has been a member of the site for more than a week and ratio above 0.7.
Privileges: Can use invites, notifications, set a forum signature, access the Top 10 and edit the Knowledge base.

>> No.11266029

Nope. You got to upload 10GB before you can use your invitations.

>> No.11266033
File: 156 KB, 674x1069, shimazaki-haruka-first-photo-book-paruru-komaru-64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think ways hair smells like?

>> No.11266071


>> No.11266082

I don't know what you mean. smell?

>> No.11266084

can you please fuck off with the paruru shit

>> No.11266090
File: 26 KB, 550x309, downloadfile-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go Tokyo to see Paruru directly.
How about you?

>> No.11266099
File: 328 KB, 1536x2048, 04 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another high quality drawning by Sakuratan

>> No.11266112

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.11266126
File: 95 KB, 674x1035, 573892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Paruru and want to date her and then introduce her to my parents and then have sex with her maybe.

>> No.11266205

Paruru is the biggest slut biscuit

>> No.11266320

Too bad none of those things will ever happen!

>> No.11266502


>> No.11266510

maybe with ur parents?

>> No.11266561 [DELETED] 

rino is scum

parurus pb was terrible only a few good ones and the best one was her wearing a kimono

you are all lolli lovers and disgust me to great extends

you dont have autism you are just a beta pleb and deserve suicide

rino is whore, mayuyu,juri,yuko are true center and if you like a girl who isnt in akb's main unit you are a pedo and should get v&'d

>> No.11266600
File: 73 KB, 426x639, c854d85f1b85196407d03cccec9b7e91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11266610


>> No.11266611

I'd totally tongue the sweaty asshole of Paruru.

>> No.11266620

Here >>11263763
It's also up on H!O.

>> No.11266621

>mayuyu,juri,yuko are true center
that Juri better be Takahashi Juri, or you just have awful taste.

>> No.11266625 [DELETED] 



>> No.11266655

Lil B is following Shinoda Mariko on Twitter.

>> No.11266661

Mayuyu isn't very popular with CMs, I don't know about Yuko but Haruna is more popular than both of them.

Also Mariko and Itano are still very popular with commercials, as can be seen here. Paruru as well.


I'm surprised they have more contracts than Sasaki Nozomi

>> No.11266743

Lil B follows everyone. Just the other day my roommate told me in the middle of the night that he was getting followed by him too.

>> No.11266763

Does anyone actually take Lil B seriously? I'm not sure what to think of the guy, is he genuinely a nice and positive person or is it all just a persona.

>> No.11266800

Japanese girls
>usually socially anxious/awkward/retarded
>overly shy
>immauture and childish
>uneducated and ignorant
>easily impressed with the dumbest shit ever
>oblivious to everything outside of Japan (can't speak, read or understand English), and probably don't even know their own culture that well

>> No.11266823 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11266849

that's why they need a gaijin friend to teach them

>> No.11266859

Go back to /jp/.

>> No.11266877

Mariko-Sama changed her hairstyle. https://twitter.com/mariko_dayo/status/362991676

>> No.11266886

>It's also up on H!O
where? cannot find.

>> No.11266942

It's very cute, it suits her well. I hope she continues to get photoshoots in magazines, I would like to see her new hair in more pictures.

>> No.11266994
File: 209 KB, 674x1028, 178729_1374838854Vr2o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She maybe likes white people!

>> No.11267015
File: 9 KB, 717x94, 1375619192223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11267061

thank u very much

>> No.11267066

kill yourself spoonfeeding faggot

>> No.11267092
File: 42 KB, 194x385, 1375578303288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad. i won't

>> No.11267111

Wow, what the fuck, who even answered this

>> No.11267135
File: 138 KB, 643x824, 1375578601233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yasusu getting tired of akb

>> No.11267158

What's it say? I can't into moonrunes.

>> No.11267175
File: 157 KB, 686x663, 1375621399911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11267178

Either translate that shit or don't fucking post, don't expect everyone to be able to read fucking gookrunes, retard.

>> No.11267185

can't read it, you lose dork.

>> No.11267180

it says hes fed up with whats happening with akb.

>> No.11267187

So even he wants to graduate with the first gen. lols.

>> No.11267194

Compared to almost every other example of Japanese success in almost any field I've been really impressed with his ability and willingness to change and evolve as time goes by. If he really does pull the plug in favour of something new, I feel I trust him that it's for the best.

>> No.11267209
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, 43rf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must be sorry to be you dude

>> No.11267206

If AKB48 ends then all these idols would be jobless and maybe then I'd have a chance with one of them.

>> No.11267214

I wanted him to spin Annin. It didn't happen. (._.)

>> No.11267231
File: 211 KB, 1280x720, 3f42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mayu the butt staker

>> No.11267249

Who the hell is that dude?

>> No.11267290

Arrrggghh COME ON COME ON COME ON COME ON BABY burned into my brain already. Koisuru Fortune Cookie is their catchiest song in a while. Cute dance too. Full PV when?

>> No.11267293

How long would it take me to listen to their entire discography?

>> No.11267296

Holy shit, these newfags are so annoying.

>> No.11267307


>> No.11267314



>> No.11267319
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>> No.11267335
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>> No.11267338

Are they really doing new episodes of that show, I thought that was done a long time ago

>> No.11267348
File: 65 KB, 684x1024, paruuglyhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Paruru antibullying crusade created a monster. These jerks aren't real Paruru oshi's. If they were, they wouldn't be saying lewd thing about her.

>> No.11267364

i love how everyone here completely tore it apart in the beginning now theyre like "im starting to warm up to it" blah blah blah maybe it was just the newfags

>> No.11267369 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 669x695, 1375621277579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yasushi don't care if they have a love relationship, just they need to decide which is more important, akb work or love then take the right action (quit, continue and put up up with fanbase flaming, etc)

>> No.11267374


I think it was a summer special. The set was outside hence oyaji was sweating like a rapist under his wig.

>> No.11267375

its just one maybe two fags

>> No.11267381
File: 205 KB, 669x695, 1375621277579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yasushi don't care if they have a love relationship, just they need to decide which is more important, akb work or love then take the right action (quit, continue and put up up with fanbase flaming, etc)

>> No.11267384

It's an annoying Disco song that was clearly inspired by Daft Punk's Get Lucky and this summers other disco styled western music.

I fucking hated Get Lucky the first 100 times I heard it on the radio, but now it's alright. Same thing with Fortune Cookie.

>> No.11267397

Because of all the complains I tried to refrain from listening to it. Downloaded the PV last week and gets stuck in my head every once in a while.

>> No.11267399
File: 151 KB, 674x984, 178729_13748388204aFp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paruru is my true oshimen, I just wanna make love to her.

>> No.11267411


>> No.11267427

Does paruru literally have any talents other than a nice face (and that's not a talent)?

>> No.11267459

Shitposters are so easy to recognize these days.

>> No.11267476


>> No.11267483
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, 56tf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. can't even do her own "troubled" face right.

>> No.11267490

I love her teeth.

>> No.11267508

She can ride a unicycle!

>> No.11267552
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>> No.11267628
File: 77 KB, 500x666, tumblr_m77hotA3vZ1qzkxg2o6_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like Paruru?

I like Pruru,too

>> No.11267633

I can't stop thinking about her.

>> No.11267657

I'm still in shock over Sasshi center. Really, what the fuck happened?

>> No.11267658

She looks a bit like Yukirin there.

>> No.11267667

Except she's prettier.

>> No.11267672


>> No.11267673
File: 30 KB, 470x633, m-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasshi is good girl
She protected Paruru with loving

>> No.11267706

Fuck you

>> No.11267712

I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I still think it sucks.

>> No.11267720

You're in the minority now it seems.

>> No.11267733

Everyone realised that she tries her best and she is hardworking, so she deserves being center.

>> No.11267766


She will never be proper center. Her heart's not in it and she doesnt have the mass appeal of the other main girls. Looks out of place. Yuko still best girl.

>> No.11267841

Maybe in your eyes, but it seems Sasshi is the best as far as the people that vote are concerned.

You're just going to have to suck it up until next year.

>> No.11267855
File: 314 KB, 1197x1590, 8c722aaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the "people's" idol. Obviously not ace material but she had a great turn around after her scandal. OhtaPro / AkiP twisted the scandal into their own hands and pushed her into everything. From hosting to dramas, her name was everywhere.

>> No.11267868

This. It's is so boring watching Sasshi as center. I literally watch the rest of the girls in the background instead.

>> No.11267879

It's fun playing spot the oshi.

>> No.11267889
File: 30 KB, 480x640, eed92148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are all osaka girls such whores?

>> No.11267972

Nonstop? 2-3 days

>> No.11268056

who is this next girl who now caught up with love relations?

>> No.11268080

he does it better than paruru.

>> No.11268105

4 albums 2-3 days?

>> No.11268142

Hehe. Add about 40 singles, 15 set lists, units and solo singles. Right now without instrumentals my playlist is 2.8 days but it also includes sistergroups.

>> No.11268196

Stages included?

>> No.11268205

Sound about right, my collection isn't complete but it is 2.6 days.

>> No.11268213

Set lists are what I meant as stages. I have all of what i mentioned for AKB and singles only for the sister groups.

>> No.11268292

For stages, why not watch them all? I tend to think of AKB as being a bit like a theater group or something in that I don't tend to enjoy the songs nearly as much without having an image of the dance/costume/members involved.
It's the same with singles actually, a good PV will make me love a mediocre song.

>> No.11268344
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>> No.11268351 [DELETED] 

I feel the same way. I find watching the PVs and stages more enjoyable then listening to them.

>> No.11268354

I feel the same way. I find watching the PVs and stages more enjoyable than listening to it.

>> No.11268416

I love all of Heart Gata Virus' performances. I like doing furicopy to it.

>> No.11268463
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>> No.11268531

Apparently she denied it in her G+. In these cases usually they either shut up or act retarded.

>> No.11268583

Nana's heroics are in vain...only her and Maachun left.

>> No.11268585

Worst part is I'm completely not even surprised. That group is an utter mess, I feel sorry for Nana being in the middle of it.

>> No.11268588

The Mayuyu head kick is stirring up a lot of shit in Japan. It was suppose to be funny because of the absurdity of it. Also, isn't it already implied that its going to be like that? What do you guys think?

>> No.11268599

Don't really mind, it was silly and funny. What were the specific complaints about it, what was it that they didn't like?

>> No.11268601

Mayuyu fans need to lighten the fuck up. She used to be my oshimen and I laughed my ass off when he manhandled and kicked her. What he did to BakaCenter was a bit worse, although just as funny.

>> No.11268616 [DELETED] 

They're saying that he shouldn't have kicked Mayu in the head. II think they're just too sensitive and did not find it humorous.

>> No.11268617

They're saying that he shouldn't have kicked Mayu in the head. I think they're just too sensitive and did not find it humorous.

>> No.11268851

I guess it looked like it hurt

>> No.11268926


they cut to an ad break just as he did it, which made it look worse than it was.

>> No.11269094
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>> No.11269097
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>> No.11269104
File: 1.34 MB, 320x180, 1330972430204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so he's switched from mm to akb

>> No.11269134
File: 1012 KB, 400x200, kickstartingcyborg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want his job.

>> No.11269144

This is the first time I'm in a AKB thread, who is this guy and what is he doing? How can he harass idols like that?

>> No.11269161

Of course she is going to deny it. She is lying her ass off.

>> No.11269164 [DELETED] 


EVERYONE who sees rinohoe SHOULD kick her
no one gave a single fuck about feeling bad for doing it

>kicks hoe, gtfo make room for true center oshima

>> No.11269184

Iwata Karen's name on G+ is Iwata Iwata Iwata Karen right now.

>> No.11269214
File: 954 KB, 400x225, SasshiSlap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's coming for you next!

>> No.11269228

And Sakura-tan's changed to Sakura Sakura Miyawaki Miyawaki!
Supposedly this is a joke from Andare, but I don't know which one.

>> No.11269261
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>> No.11269273

That was in the documentary wasn't it? Nakanishi comforting Sasshi after the news about her transfer.
It's kind of nice to see the Chihou-gumi bond is still strong even now.

>> No.11269281
File: 1.01 MB, 1440x900, Screen Shot 0025-08-05 at 10.38.20 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

takajo is so underrated

>> No.11269285

paruru is so underrated

>> No.11269318

No pics, no scandal. Fuck off. Also your mother's a whore. I have no proof or anything, but once I get Cyzo to publish it I guess it's definitely real.

>> No.11269320


>> No.11269329

Why is caps guy still in these threads? Doesn't he know he's the biggest loser the threads have ever seen?

>> No.11269337
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>> No.11269335

Your point?

>> No.11269341

Your point?

>> No.11269339
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>> No.11269348
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they wanna write about it but can't

>> No.11269351
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>> No.11269359

do you understand japanese?

>> No.11269362

Who's that girl in the center, she's the prettiest.

>> No.11269370


>> No.11269372

paruru fag, there is a difference between posting your oshi at an appropriate level and spamming the shit out of her which you have been doing quite frequently now

>> No.11269376
File: 181 KB, 790x769, 1375680729826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11269385


>> No.11269389

Where are they exactly?

>> No.11269390
File: 221 KB, 897x1280, f44716c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitter much?

>> No.11269393

Not him but I agree with that guy. It's getting to be too much.

>> No.11269396
File: 178 KB, 1226x689, 1375682390516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11269398

is that cameltoe shopped

>> No.11269418

I have that set. Not shooped.

>> No.11269433

Just when I was about to post this.

>> No.11269437

How inappropriate.

>> No.11269443
File: 839 KB, 1500x2091, 53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, looks more like folded panties

>> No.11269447
File: 99 KB, 1280x800, chinatsu_masterpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda reminds me of pic related

>> No.11269451

nice scan

>> No.11269475
File: 351 KB, 480x640, 2be43d81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So much おっぱい in 2nd part.

>> No.11269486

this is my 2nd fav idol after paruru

>> No.11269493

Akisun must have been in 7th heaven

>> No.11269531

Such an unfortunate nose.

>> No.11269626

I know she isn't hurt and is all an act but it still pisses me off!

>> No.11269733


she had her moment.

>> No.11269801

She's gotten really gorgeous since she joined JKT, something about that Jakarta air. Those fucking legs.

>> No.11270023
File: 323 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mpbbuqxvXW1qhx9ubo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think Maimai's moles are awkward? It keep bothering me but I love her ;__;

>> No.11270024

Bike riding everywhere! She could out dance and outlast the best of the original Team K now with dat stamina and control.

>> No.11270075

>Bike riding everywhere!
Poor air quality is a fact of life in Jakarta

>> No.11270115

Would you pay for her mole removal surgery?

>> No.11270130
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x809, matsuincest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you come, /jp/?

>> No.11270136


>> No.11270167
File: 577 KB, 1104x1600, Rena-chan (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11270195

but her face...

>> No.11270247

I'm just a poor wota

>> No.11270300

why? what's wrong with her face?

>> No.11270304

she's not very pretty

>> No.11270319
File: 84 KB, 849x445, 1375701579360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tpe48 to start next year. whos gonna get set there.

>> No.11270348

Dayum look at Rena

>> No.11270442

Yuko so she can practice her English.

>> No.11270443

I think somebody already posted this but just to make sure.
14th Team Surprise single

>> No.11270466

Oh my. I was looking for this the orher day. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.11270740
File: 43 KB, 450x309, 001l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayuyu has landed another voice acting role, in the japanese dub for the new Percy Jackson movie

>> No.11270828

Paruru is the most beautiful girl in the world.

>> No.11270854


>> No.11270857

What's so funny?

>> No.11270942
File: 106 KB, 639x483, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paruru is the most beautiful girl in the world
>Paruru most beautiful

You're funny anon.

>> No.11271090
File: 999 KB, 964x833, paruru a shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is the shittiest one ever.

>> No.11271131

The fuck happened to these threads? I'ts now just sexualizing the idols, Paruru and hating.

>> No.11271164
File: 477 KB, 1152x1628, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many newfags, it was better when this thread wasn't about helping new people.

>> No.11271199

That's a bad angle for KitaRie. Dat Akicha~ Did she take Yukirin's torso?

>> No.11271231

I agree, worst thread of all time.

>> No.11271241

What the hell did they do to Churi?

>> No.11271386

see >>11265745

And I was starting to like Paruru too, but now...

>> No.11271409

When you stay stuff like that it means they won.

>> No.11271437
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>> No.11271479
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>> No.11271493

I don't know if this is a typo or what but, damn that's a real mark down http://www.hmv.co.jp/en/artist_Game-Soft-Playstation-Portable_000000000252014/item_AKB1-149-Renai-Sousenkyo-First-Press-Limited-Edition-Deluxe-Box_5137271

>> No.11271505


>> No.11271662

I got mine last week, it's kinda heavy so the shipping cost can be too much for some people.

>> No.11271674
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>> No.11271685
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>> No.11271693
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>> No.11271710
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>> No.11271754

How much was the shipping cost

>> No.11271845

kill yourself autistic shit
people barely visit these threads now because you autists and elitists ruined it for everyone.

>> No.11271927

Can you please tell my what's so funny about it?

>> No.11271964
File: 467 KB, 1152x1628, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are in /jp/ man. I don't mind new people, but it's getting out of control.

The box weighs less than 3kg, including Paruru's photobook. Check in this link how much it would cost for your zone.


You should stop replying to trolls.

>> No.11272099

Do you have the rest of the set? It's great. Undergirls > Nextgirls though, if only they replaced Miichan with Annin...

>> No.11272111

Apparently Shukan Bunshun just caught some guy staying over at Sae's house


>> No.11272112

I bought one too for the vita last week. The shipping was ¥4500

>> No.11272113

They sure are bored.

>> No.11272148

like always, bunshun always choose a good time to publish
just few days ago the news about sae new musical gig came out and now this

>> No.11272160

It's supposedly her brother's friend, I think

>> No.11272162

Ah, the all purpose excuse.

>> No.11272177

Well, she does have a few brothers after all.

>> No.11272264

>We are in /jp/ man. I don't mind new people, but it's getting out of control.
That's why the FAQ is a good idea, it makes the information available, but keeps it out of the thread.

>> No.11272680

I realised that there isn't anything about AKB Kousagi Dojo though. Is that not counted?

>> No.11272684

No it just hasn't been written, I can do it in a bit.

>> No.11272713

Please do so.

>> No.11272796
File: 55 KB, 520x402, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11272809

I want to lick Paruru's body so bad.

>> No.11272862

I noticed that earlier. Is it Shunkan Bunshu's fault Sae is losing her mind on twitter?

>> No.11272868

Is she done?

>> No.11272871

Yeah, but she's calmed down now.

>> No.11272872

I'm new in these threads.

Do all of you really understand Japanese? If so then I am really jealous and wish I could be like you one day.

>> No.11272874

The tsundere is getting a bit much. We get it.

>> No.11272875

I genuinely dislike her. Not indifferent like many of them. I don't like her.

>> No.11272879

Paru is a robot, why do people like her again?

>> No.11272901
File: 1.84 MB, 313x175, STzqVCj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11272977

What do you dislike about her?

>> No.11272984

I sure hope the people who you like most in your home life aren't lying, promise breaking sluts.

>> No.11272986

Not him but imo she's too plain. She does nothing to stand out and I feel like she's just there to fill the space. She's also nowhere near pretty in my book and her fashion sense is deplorable.

>> No.11273002

She's really good at talking and a decent MC, things that are kinda rare in AKB. She's funny and helps the younger members a lot (at least from what I've heard from HKT).

She's WAY far from being my oshi, too low on my list, but I think she has some good points, despite being a slut and whatever.

>> No.11273004

Word, she ain't no Paruru.

>> No.11273051

>Word, she ain't no Paruru.
>no Paruru.

>implying Paruru is pretty and has good fashion sense

what the fuck man, Paruru looks like she has zero life energy half the freaking time. Paruru has to be the plainest AKB48 member in history.

>> No.11273052

I think that's what I like her the most. It feels like she's more reachable than the prettier members since she's not as pretty.

>> No.11273074

It would be easy if that's the case but with how recent events have played out, that line of thought has completely gone to the opposite direction, for me anyway. Call me delusional or whatever but it's part of the fantasy that makes the whole thing work.

>> No.11273083

Paruru seems like a goddess to me.

>> No.11273084

If by a few, you mean two.

>> No.11273093
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, EP_151_110907.mkv_snapshot_08.14_[2012.06.28_22.10.04].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11273097

I got Sasshi in a bag then if that is true.

>> No.11273102

Is she REALLY that good at talking and MC? Seems to me that Yuko is better than her at everything except MC. Looks, dancing, singing and when Yuko talks, she's so damn charming. Sasshi is good at replying to people when they ask her questions. As for MC, it's 50/50. Unless the guest is good, the whole show becomes boring. Again, it's because she's good a replying to people and not as a topic starter.

>> No.11273105

It was quite humorous to me when Paruru showed more emotion than Sasshi during the KFC performances.

>> No.11273116

>Paruru has to be the plainest AKB48 member in history
Did you really fucking say that?

>> No.11273186

Well I never said she was BETTER than Yuko or Takamina, no way, that's like comparing god with a slut.
I just said that she's good compared with 80% of the rest of the group, since it's really hard being noticed when she's not 1st, 2nd or even 3rd gen, but it was her personality and character that achieved that (5th gen ranking senbatsu 3 years in a row, Kitarie and Akicha are already out), not her looks IMO.

And I agree, she's good at replying more than starting a topic.

I still don't like her anyway

>> No.11273234

What is this HKT event programmed on Youtube?

HKT48研究生 2013年8月11日「PARTYが始まるよ」公演

>> No.11273250

HKT kenkyuusei performs the stage Party ga hajimaru yo

>> No.11273252

Thank you, I dind't expect a streaming for that.

>> No.11273286

When is it? I wanna see Meru and Mio.

>> No.11273300

I know I'm in the minority, I like her, and her talking skills are pretty impressive, amusing most of the time too. She brings out the interesting aspects of people also, for example people like Mayu or Yui who has pretty low variety skills. But when with her, they become a more dynamic person and can be funny and amusing in their own, and I think this is because they feel comfortable around her (those two are improving a lot now though) . Of course this is subjective, but to me there's almost no dull moment when she's obnoxiously blabbing away. She's usually better when there's a specific topic, or she's good at comebacks in general. The way she sells herself is effective in that she's more relatable, despite not having the prettiest face, she's not fuck ugly either. Appearing in primetime television, mentoring HKT, being seen as this fail goofball idol that still manages to laugh her way through all the criticisms, her mainstream popularity is only increasing. If I may be so bold in saying this, she might be close to Acchan levels of popularity, but in a different way.

She's in no way my oshimen but I can at least understand why people are liking her. Bar the scandal thing, which I'm pretty sure already cost her fans and people to drop her and whatnot.

>> No.11273363

Do you ever sexualize idols? Is it morally wrong to do such a thing?

>> No.11273420

Everyone is morally free to sexualize whatever they want. Personally, I don't.

>> No.11273449

I guess you can if you're sexually attracted to them. I think this was also asked before at around #20-30. Some say its wrong and some says otherwise. There's also a lot of varying views as to why they think that way.

>> No.11273454
File: 122 KB, 674x991, shimazaki-haruka-first-photo-book-paruru-komaru-11_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. No, there is nothing wrong with it.

I have lewd thoughts that involve Paruru every day. I bet she is really experienced in reality.

>> No.11273501
File: 42 KB, 406x542, my oshimen, Bisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It became a mixed bag for me recently. Of course everyone's free to do that and there's nothing wrong with it, but I personally don't do it myself. I will admit that there are girls who are just asking to be sexualised though...like Milky for example, but I don't.

I especially don't entertain thoughts like that with my oshi, but there's this one girl...who somehow crept into my embarrassingly perverted side. Of course I respect and admire her first and foremost, but I can't help but think about her in a...yeah. This girl is Maachun. She's in no way sexy but somehow, she's so attractive in my eyes. So much that she's the exception to the rule.

>> No.11273514
File: 12 KB, 510x351, 1338409503716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the cat called Bisu?

>> No.11273529

Yui always had peculiar naming sense, just like her fashion and everything else. Maybe this is just one of them being victim to it. Poor cat.

On another note, that cat sure grew.

>> No.11273538

No, you can sexualise them if you want to.
I could never beat it to my oshi though

>> No.11273545

I think that one of their main points is to be sexualized, and they're aware of that themselves. Some people just don't want to admit that.

>> No.11273622

That depends on what "being sexualized" means actually.
I find myself saving every single gravure picture of most members, even the infamous Acchan handbra session. I find most of them sexy, attractive, lewd, boner-inducing even (Kuramochi being mainly responsible for that). But that's all, I like the pictures, I like the girls, and I enjoy saving and watching the pictures, because that's part of their job.

I think there's a line between sexualization and admiration.

tl;dr I don't fap to AKB.

>> No.11273640

>Acchan handbra session
What's the story behind that? I'm new to idols. Why did that "shocked the world" or whatever?

>> No.11273644

Worst thread ever, paruru is the sluttiest 48'

>> No.11273658
File: 1.63 MB, 300x262, nyansurprised.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because you are an autistic faggot

>> No.11273659

>paruru is the sluttiest 48'
How so?

>> No.11273663

In every single way you can imagine. Sasshi is a goddess compared to her

>> No.11273689

Guys, stop talking about someone's Oshimen.

It's mean.

>> No.11273698 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 510x640, kasai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, they weren't that bad at all, maybe you're mistaken it for the Kasai's pedo handbra session, that DID shock the world.

>> No.11273704

I'm pretty sure they pulled that shit because they were pissed at Kasai

>> No.11273708

this is awful

>> No.11273710

Do I find myself thinking about certain members in a sexual manner? Occasionally.

I just don't act on those thoughts.

Morality is a stupidly subjective construct.

>I think that one of their main points is to be sexualized
IMO, you're partly right about this, just that it's not the "main point".

>> No.11273711
File: 220 KB, 1500x2024, acchan (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is, this is Acchan's in comparison.

>> No.11273739

I'm only now starting to realize how ugly she is.

>> No.11273778

I try not to.
There was this part in SayoCrawl where they are in the pool and Haruna is like lifted up and you can see her boobs bounce a little but really good.

>> No.11273858
File: 49 KB, 445x720, 999978_496949290379713_775206231_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to avoid sexualizing my oshi, she's 10 years younger than me and growing up really nicely.

>> No.11273869

Sometimes it's hard to look at some of the gravure shots with a pure mindset, at least for me. Kojiharu is just too much to handle.

>> No.11273883

What a stupid fucking question.

It's not like any of the idols are pure, untouched virgins to begin with.

And it's not like you can "corrupt" them with your thoughts, retard.

>> No.11273936

That's not the point. It's more of a feeling of wrongness, like you were getting off to your little sister, or your best friend's girlfriend or something. I don't actually think I would "corrupt" them, it just doesn't sit well with me.

>> No.11273963
File: 763 KB, 1500x2111, 91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HQ scans of Paruru pb up on hello now, if anyone still looking. The scan quality is pretty much awesome as well.

>> No.11273969

link please

>> No.11273990

How can one girl be so fucking beautiful?

>> No.11274019

sausage is pure and untouch. She denied her scandal

>> No.11274064

Sexualizing them is corrupting your own self. Next thing you know you'll be a unpure, touched unvirgin to end with.

>> No.11274090

I wish I was an unpure, touched unvirgin. :(

>> No.11274208
File: 581 KB, 2148x1600, aD8Xz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah

>> No.11274277

when i see pics like this that im pretty sure ive never seen before part of me is like sweet! and the other is like damn why dont i know the sauce of this, so, source please?

>> No.11274283
File: 16 KB, 249x331, 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't recognize this, you don't belong in this thread.

>> No.11274293

Or perhaps he is quite new and you should calm down..

>> No.11274295

No, I shan't.

>> No.11274322

im not, is it from the french pb?

>> No.11274326

and im sad that i know that and not the other pic

>> No.11274341
File: 766 KB, 1389x2000, 137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not, its the new york one.

And of course, a picture like that can mean yes sex pls.

>> No.11274410

Do you think we'll get streams for the Tokyo Dome concert?

>> No.11274499

Do you guys talk about akb48 outside the internet? I guess it will be fun to discuss about this stuff with somebody but I find it difficult to ask.

>> No.11274508

Sometimes I accidentally find myself going on about how cute my oshi is, or my opinions on some recent event to one of my friends, but I try not to, as none of them are really interested in AKB.

Back before I was into AKB, I met a girl that liked AKB. Now I'm wishing I actually maintained contact with her, it sucks not being able to talk to anyone about this stuff and have them really understand it.

>> No.11274578

It comes up once in a while in casual conversation for me, strangely enough. We are all Asian though so it's not so unusual. Our wifi network somehow has them as our password, so it comes up as a topic when people are like "Hey wait a minute, isn't that that one group"

>> No.11274605

I'll try this.

>> No.11274659

I have a question. In the episode of Shukan when Kojiharu had the hula hoop challenge that she failed and then Sashi, who was running the thing, forced Kojiharu to apologize. It looked like Sashi had unresolved problems with Kojiharu. I have seen some rivalry between these two in other shows too. Somebody knows when did it start? I feel like I missed something.

>> No.11274827
File: 86 KB, 550x309, FCkiW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sashihara Pride is just a silly corner in Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku

>> No.11274849



>> No.11274879

I hate downloading older concerts, they all take more than a day to download since no one fucking seeds them.

>> No.11274880

I want to lay my head there.

>> No.11274884

paruru is literally flawless

>> No.11274916

I'm pretty tired of the paruru spam. I don't see any other girls getting posted to this level.

>> No.11274931

I honestly think it's just trolling at this point.

>> No.11274944
File: 120 KB, 1545x1024, Takamina (108).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11274960
File: 226 KB, 600x800, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11275061

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New Thread: >>11275055
