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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11260811 No.11260811[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone in town for Defcon?

>> No.11260814
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>> No.11260831

How is defcon?

>> No.11260843

How is this otaku culture?

>> No.11260956

i wish i could go, booze, hacking (none of that anonymoose bullshit) what more could you ask for

>> No.11260980

Thought about going, but I’m already going to the superior conference (CCC)

>> No.11261007

Would anyone seriously want to connect to whatever available wifi networks there?

I want to hear more from the guys who where doing BGP hijacking, as that's something that could really get interesting.

>> No.11261010

sure, why would you ever bring a computer or other device that wasn't just running a freshly installed GNU/Linux or BSD or similar platform with no info you cant afford to lose or get hacked?

>> No.11261034

Does not matter. Linux isn't magic security by default, some distros come with retarded security (or lack there of) defaults. (I'm looking at any distro that doesn't include a root user by default and expects the user to do everyrthing via sudo, this basically makes it completely pointless and destroys the purpose of even separating root from users, it's like windows.)

Even taking away all group/other rwx permissions from everything you give a shit about, disabling ssh, iptables stronk, long password, no network connectible stuff like NFS on, etc. I'd still be freaked out.

It makes me wonder what kind of routers they have there and what they're running. Would they protect against MITM attacks, atleast ones from stuff like babby playing with ettercap?

>> No.11261039

It doesn't matter if you don't have anything on the drive you care about. Christ, it's not a complicated concept.

It's the laptop equivilent of a 'burner' cellphone

>> No.11261050

Yeah I know I acknowledged that.

I was still in the mindset of the hypothetical scenario where you do.

>> No.11261057

Where you do what?

>> No.11261065 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 512x1002, 1367313888444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I what what?

If what do I want is what you mean, I just want to talk if you haven't noticed.

>> No.11261072

Why is going to cons considered okay to do on /jp/ when other normal stuff is looked down upon?

>> No.11261075

But you're on /jp/ not /g/, there's even less people who know this sort of thing here, not that there's many on /g/ in the first place.

MITM attacks are pretty trivial to guard against, just SSH out to your own server and have the keyfiles to authenticate it.

>> No.11261078

Defcon isn't an anime convention, it's a hacker convention.

con implies anime con on 4chan.

ergo Defcon is not actually a con. it's just Def

>> No.11261080

>or BSD

OpenBSD is secure as HELL.

>> No.11261083

I was probably going to go

But then I didn't


>> No.11261082

Maybe because it's a hacker con and you need hackers for eroge translations.

>> No.11261087

seriously though, why would you go to defcon, when you could go to the CCC instead?

it seems like it's pretty much better in every way.

>> No.11261089

Your right then I wouldn't even have connect to the LAN, just a what if.

You'd probably only find creepy nerds, literally autistic fat neckbeards, and one with an alienware laptop who's completely out of place.

>> No.11261091

I didn't know that, but my question still is relevant. Even if it's an anime con it's considered cool enough for /jp/ for some reason.

>> No.11261094

yeah why would anyone go to defcon in the united state when they could go to a conference in europe

i can't fweaking imagine

>> No.11261095

One is in the US and one is in Europe.

>> No.11261098

It's orders of magnitude better and the total cost of trying to get lodging and travel to fucking vegas is pretty damn close to the total cost of travel and lodging to Hamburg if you know what you're doing

>> No.11261102

if you're paying a bunch of money to stay in vegas you don't know what you're doing either

>> No.11261101

Wait nevermind I'm retarded, yes you would have to connect to the LAN to get internet access to connect your SSH server in the first place.

>> No.11261105

Nobody would give a shit about anime conventions if they didn't dislike the typical attendee, who is nothing like your typical Defcon attendee.

Transatlantic flights are much more expensive than domestic.

>> No.11261109

>your typical Defcon attendee.
fat man with b/o wearing black tee-shirt

not too far from an anime con really

>> No.11261110

Lodging in Las Vegas is much more expensive than lodging in Hamburg or in the conveniently European style public transportation accessible areas nearby in Hamburg

>> No.11261114

if you know what you're doing with frequent flier rewards cards you can basically fly international for free once every year

>> No.11261115

If you were going to this convention, you likely live on the west coast and can just drive there. Getting a plane just to go to a convention is silly.

>> No.11261117

>If you were going to this convention, you likely live on the west coast

How the fuck do you figure that?

>> No.11261118

That requires you frequently fly to begin with.

>> No.11261123
File: 816 KB, 1280x1024, gentoo-openbsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Install Gentoo/OpenBSD

>> No.11261124

Actually it doesn't. It requires that you be familiar with a few forums dedicated to min-maxing credit card reward systems and follow through with the simple instructions they give you.

granted you have to have somewhat good credit.

>> No.11261126

You would go to some other convention otherwise, one that's closer and probably not as big.

>> No.11261129

>You would go to some other convention otherwise

There's not a massive amount of actually good hacker conventions in existence, you can't just drive into any town and find one.

I'd say there's two, absolute max, three, in existence.

HOPE (I don’t' consider this good, it's closer to 'occupy walstreet' than actual technology or hacking.)

>> No.11261135


>> No.11261141

Blackhat is part of Defcon

RSA is also on the east coast

nothing else on there is notable, some of them don't even have wiki pages

IEEE i guess if you expand the definition of hacker to include "literally professional engineers"

>> No.11261143

Are they going to live stream any of the talks at Defcon?

>> No.11261145

>Blackhat is part of Defcon
wow lets beat this stupid nerd up

>> No.11261146

you sound as annoying as that kaminsky faggot

>> No.11261150

please do not compare me to kaminsky ever again

>> No.11261152

Why does it need to be notable? A small computer security convention could be just as informative as DefCon.

>> No.11261153

I'm glad to see you have good enough judgement to know an annoying faggot when you see one, anon.

>> No.11261156

Do most of the people in the hacker community have as much of an ego problem / are annoying as Dan Kaminsky though?

It took about 5 minutes watching one of his talks before i couldn't take any more, I can't pinpoint exactly why but he's just intolerable

>> No.11261157

yeah i saw him speak once

basically zf0 5 was cool as heck

>> No.11261160

its a pretty even split between cool people and annoying shits

>> No.11261162

I wish more security jobs (mostly pentesting but I'd take anything, really) existed. I'd have to move cities if I wanted one, and even then there's only like 3 companies in my province.

Also it's all a big circlejerk of networking mostly. The regular web/mobile programming jobs are getting super boring to me.

>> No.11261164

They do exist, they're just classified and involving working for 3 letter agencies (or their equivilents in other governments, if you're not American. or perhaps organized crime, especially in russia)

>> No.11261168

The IT industry in general is over-saturated. I would recommend jumping ship and trying to get into another industry.

>> No.11261177

>The IT industry in general is over-saturated.
This isn't even close to being true. I've changed jobs like 4 times in the last 2 years because they were all getting boring to me. Finding a job in general in CS isn't hard at all if you're any good. I just wish I could do interesting things, and to me security is interesting, but there's no jobs/not many/they're all companies made entirely of people who already know each other.

>> No.11261180

Maybe if you have a bachelor's and four years of relevant experience, but people heard the IT industry is profitable, so everyone went and got an A+ certificate.

>> No.11261192

I have a bachelors in EE, theoretically could I do IT?

>> No.11261193

>Maybe if you have a bachelor's
well yeah

I'm not gonna learn CPR and then expect to get a job as a physician.

>> No.11261202

You can easily be a nurse's aid without any college education. Plus the health industry is expanding.

>> No.11261224

Orderlies are a thing of the past. Nowadays you have male nurses.

>> No.11261288

yea but nurses aids get paid super shit.

If you wanna go into health care but dont wanna get a nursing degree/licence or higher, go get your EMT-B certification. Its like a 3 month class and wont cost all that much (you can go voluenteer at a fire house and they'll train you for free). With that cert you can become an EMT ofcourse or also a med tech. Med Techs are kinda like nursees aids, but the hospital you work for will teach you phlebotamy and you'll start lots of IVs and stuch. The pay isnt super, but its better ($25k-35k/yr).

Then if you're awesome you find a way to get your paramedic certification, work for a good county doing 2 24hr shifts a week (so you only work 8 days a month, oh and while you're not out on a call you can chill in the firehouse and watch anime or whatever) and make like 50k+ starting in better areas. Combine that with working part time/full time med tech to pull in an extra 15-30k. Still have lots of time for /jp/ stuff and make near 6 figures doing it.

>> No.11261293

That sounds really nice. I wish I had proper social/hygiene skills to get into the health industry.

>> No.11261303

Is this the new normalfag general?

What anime wallpapers do you bros have on your smartphones?

>> No.11261305

Just signed up for EMT-B at a local college, going to be volunteering at the firehouse and working towards joining the fire academy. I figure it should be a pretty chill job after all the studying

>> No.11261316

i forgot to sage my previous post, sorry
I'm just finishing mine up, and trying to pick where I'm taking my paramedic. Did an 18hr ride along the other day though. Slow day unfortunately and all our trauma calls got intercepted, but the fire station people were lots of fun. I spent most of the morning and later evening playing the love live game on my phone because we wern't getting any calls. I should have brought my laptop and finished some of the anime im backlogged on. Also when you get to medical, make sure you spend alot of time studying babies. Seriously, fuck babies they have their own sets of rules for everything.

Word of advice on choosing a station. Try to figure out what the culture is like there ahead of time. Make sure the volunteers and career guys get along. If they dont there's bound to be alot of drama and it will ruin your fun environment. You looking to go career or just for fun?

>> No.11261318

>2 24hr shifts a week

>> No.11261323

Its not really work. Its sitting around waiting for work to happen.

>> No.11261335

Thanks for the advice, yeah I really hope there isn't any stupid drama between volunteers and paid people out here, that shits just stupid... I'm pretty much going for a career, but going to be doing other stuff on my days off, going to get my helicopter pilot rating for sure so I'll see what I can do with that. I know some people so i'm not to worried about finding a job once I have the required certs
