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File: 158 KB, 1264x798, younggirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11258076 No.11258076[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So...anyone playing this weeb MMO?
It's in alpha stage

>> No.11258085

Video games go to >>>/v/.

>> No.11258086
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>> No.11258095


>> No.11258102


it's buggy as hell, textures don't load, multiple crashes when entering a dungeon
Guessing the name comes from the food item you feed your npc partner to raise their love to you but the whole games is just frustrating as HELL to play

>> No.11258131

What were they thinking when they released this shit

>> No.11258138

I've checked some videos yesterday and it looks horrible
I feel sorry for people trying to play this

>> No.11258145
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Great NPC design

>> No.11258150
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>not waiting for the superior warhammer 40k mmo

>> No.11258151

It's not cute at all

>> No.11258155

even greater background design

>> No.11258153

gay game you're gay

>> No.11258157

it will be glorious in every way

>> No.11258158

what happened to hotglue?

>> No.11258164

someone up for last stand on warhammer retribution?

feel like to play a few games, not many people are online.

>> No.11258175

But it's not going to be cute

>> No.11258180 [DELETED] 

gay game you're still gay

>> No.11258187

being gay is totally fine

>> No.11258193 [DELETED] 

fuck off degenerate

>> No.11258257


Why is that most Japanese MMO are so bad graphic wise?

>> No.11258262

what does the "glamorous female" look like? I'm not playing another cybershit game again.

>> No.11258268

Why is your English so bad?

>> No.11258273

sorri im not native. NOT MY LANGUAGE

>> No.11258274

>flips playing it

>> No.11258280

how can you tell

>> No.11258281

No I play Tera.

>> No.11258282

No I play MapleStory.

>> No.11258284

>may bow ba d2

>> No.11258291

>another MMO teasing you with cuties when you know that you'll never get a girlfriend
N-No, thank you. I've had enough of that.

>> No.11258292

tera and dragon nest are years ahead of this

>> No.11258333

>another generic MMO where you play as a cute girl

>> No.11258360

I'm enjoying it. Which outfit is the wedding dress I see girls wearing? I bought the goth loli and it's meh

>> No.11258410

She doesn't look very cute, too old.

>> No.11258449

Oh shit it's Mara

>> No.11258823

So many cute outfits, yet such shitty gameplay

>> No.11258840
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>No Glamourous Male
It's horrible

>> No.11258860

I want Wonderking back.

>> No.11258862 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11258867 [DELETED] 

Video games are for children.

>> No.11258875

Let me guess, 80% of the quests are going to be "kill x y times" and "find a x quantity of y"?

>> No.11258876

Is there an RP server?

>> No.11258882


>> No.11258890
File: 102 KB, 512x384, 1353144463653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this crap again. Dude, use at least one MMO-thread if you wanna talk about these stupid video games with your normalfriends on /jp/ instead on /v/.

>> No.11258930

do you mean they trick us into buying just like regular anime and manga does? Someone should stop these bastards...

>> No.11258963

Maplestory is still here

>> No.11258968

Shitty graphics.
Shitty gameplay.
Shitty quests.

>> No.11259030

Why isn't /jp/ making Touhou MMO, like My Little Pony fandom is making MLP MMO?

>> No.11259034

Because that's stupid. MMOs get old after like a week.

>> No.11259052

Because MMOs are 99% of the times boring after you realize all are you doing is trying to level cap and doing the same kind of quest over and over.

The only mmo I'm still playing is Mabinogi, with the story updates it somehow manages to keep me playing.

>> No.11259060

What would it even be, another Phantasmagoria game?

>> No.11259069

So who wants to play H&H? they're at world 7 since june

>> No.11259088

This is the only thread, dear

>> No.11259115
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MMOs aren't much about playing anymore, it's just a huge marketing strategy to get dumb people paying for rare items or better skills. I always feel kinda sad for these /v/-/jp/sies who spent hours in leveling their characters just becasue *if* this game turns out good, they have OP-characters and be No.1 in stats - and 1 month later all servers are empty.
I don't think ZUN would allow his precious Touhous to be in such jewish video games. But still waiting for my virtual reality Pokémon-MMORPG.

>> No.11259116

>Because MMOs are 99% of the times boring after you realize all are you doing is trying to level cap
You're supposed to enjoy MMOs with PEOPLE, and this is where you're supposed to find the fun. Story and mechanisms are only for show.

>> No.11259119


I can't even enter the towns because of that nasty lag spike. Stuck in ToT.

>> No.11259129

Or they're playing them because they find them fun.

>> No.11259128

sorry pumpkin, looks like >>11254641 already got deleted

>> No.11259145

Someone in that thread convinced me to download "Vindictus", and I tried playing it but it seems like 75% of the customization requires you to buy it with Nexon points or something.

Is there some point in the game where I will be able to buy all the stuff to make my character cute, with ingame gold?

>> No.11259152

Its Nexon so no. Sorry anon.

>> No.11259166
File: 275 KB, 800x600, SS_2013-07-09 22.14.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I created a thread some time ago, but only like three people joined and they stopped playing after a day or so. I also stopped playing after two weeks or so since I've been too busy with other stuff (like Civilization V and VNs).

>> No.11259425

I don't blame you... you can't really take it easy at this game because of the constant fear of raiders. Guess I'll play something else.

>> No.11259461

Well, that wasn't really the problem. (Well, that too, but I was ready to pack my stuff and move via the cave I had access to.)

Haven & Hearth is just a game you can't play casually. You either spend a shitload of time in the game or you don't play at all. You can't really do anything if you play for less than an hour a day.

>> No.11259472

Civ 5 is casual

>> No.11259483

The only good MMOs are offline ones.

>> No.11259491

uh oh we got a troll :))

>> No.11259496

Stop posting like that.

>> No.11259505


>> No.11259539

I guess, since I just can't seem to get into Civ III no matter how much I try. Still, even if a game is 'casual', if it can get me to spend 170+ hours and still have me enjoy it on a near-daily basis, I call it a good game.

>> No.11259548

Civ 4 and Rhye's and Fall of Civilization mod

>> No.11260111
File: 915 KB, 1286x828, 鬼斬_2013-02-07_11-34-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried it a few months ago and thought it was pretty bad. Plus buggy as hell and is basically an unplayable turd.
Maybe the US release will be a little fixed but it's cyberstep so why bother.

>> No.11260140

The US version isn't too bad. It's about what I'd expect out of an Alpha.

>> No.11260143

Well, the point of the game was mostly the cute girls. You shouldn't be expecting some kind of awesome, innovative and functional gameplay.

>> No.11260149
File: 761 KB, 1286x828, 鬼斬_2013-02-07_01-08-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I still wasn't too impressed. I might give it a shot in the beta or something.

My expectations for MMOs nowadays are very very low.

>> No.11260163

Nexon's twice as jew as Cyberstep so no.

>> No.11260171

I typically pay around $60 for something like that. Hell, I even paid to be a part of the alpha for that ~13 million dollar space sim Star Citizen.

>> No.11261079

>I tried it a few months ago and thought it was pretty bad. Plus buggy as hell and is basically an unplayable turd.
That's about how I would describe this alpha. For an action rpg, the controls and gameplay are pretty sucky.

>Well, the point of the game was mostly the cute girls.
Good luck with that. None of the NPC character models look that good.

>> No.11261964

Too bad, I made a really cute character but the gameplay is awful shit, and places look ugly too.

>> No.11263069

playing it right now, it's fun.

>> No.11263080

Looks like a Sega Saturn game.

>> No.11263093

I like of like the combat.

>> No.11263096

No game is fun after 100 hours, gameplay has a limit, and MMMOS gameplay is horrible

>> No.11263102

I can play a sandbox game for over 100 hours.

>> No.11263104

I can play a sandbox game for over 1000 hours.

>> No.11263108

I have nearly 4000 hours on street fighter 4 and I can still have fun with it.

>> No.11263113

but mmo gameplay is way worst
you addicted

>> No.11263115

it's because you haven't found something better to do with your time yet

>> No.11263116

I have nearly 40000 hours on doter and I can still have fun with it.

>> No.11263155

watever nerd
*farts in ur face*

>> No.11263183

> 4000 hours
> The average shoto player throws 90 hadouken or hadouken like attacks per match
> matches generally take up to 2-3 minutes
> 8000 matches roughly
That is precisely 720000 hadoukens

assuming you play shoto.

>> No.11263186

> That feel when I just fucked up spelling shota
> That feel when I just did math wrong

Get hey me. Get Rekted.

>> No.11263194 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11263198

the only good MMOs are the ones where I cyber with ur mom lmao

>> No.11263222

>The average shoto player throws 90 hadouken or hadouken like attacks per match
But that isn't true, I imagine the figure is much, much less.

>> No.11263274
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Enjoy awesome quests like find the lost daruma chillins.

Why aren't you playing yet?

>> No.11263647

I got FFX over 100 playing blitzball tourneys

>> No.11263662

Fucking love blitzball,
fucking kill to blitz right now

>> No.11263922

Actually, by this point I've spent more than 100 hours in Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Ragnarok (old DOS roguelike), Terraria, Skyrim and Civilization V. My current playtime in Haven & Hearth weighs in at 739 hours.

>> No.11263930

imagine being that autistic.

>> No.11264069

I never counted the hours, but I played Warcraft 3 for almost 8 years back when I was underaged b&.

>> No.11264281
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I was always good at glitching into things.

>> No.11264285
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>> No.11264295
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In a different place this time.

>> No.11264842

Why do I see no option to customize hotkeys? It's kind of a problem since my left mouse button barely works.

>> No.11265062

>but mmo gameplay is way worst

That is because everyone is making themepark MMORPGs.
If only someone made sandbox MMORPG like EVE Online but without Microsoft Excel Simulator

>> No.11265130

i heard age of wushu was like that, but i downloaded it and played it a bit and didn't like it. i didn't even play it that much. just the whole thing, I cannot bear it. i need a certain level of quality production, graphics, and immersive theme

>> No.11265150

I know what you mean. I'm fine with bad graphics but when the whole package is this terrible I just don't bother.

>> No.11265309

The only good thing about the game is the difficulty of the mobs. Feels like you're actually doing something when fighting.

>> No.11265406

but sandbox mmos require the most social interaction

>> No.11265412

Which is bad how? Like, I know some of you are socially awkward and stuff but if you never want to interact with people then what's the point of playing an MMO to begin with?

>> No.11265427

Some people just want a game with tons of grinding. I don't really understand it either.

>> No.11265445


My point is, after you play for let's say 200 hours, you don't play because the gameplay itself is fun but for the sense of accomplishment you get from getting things done in the game

>> No.11265470

PVP and server drama.

>> No.11265501

How and where do I dress up my little girl?

>> No.11265579

there's a difference between playing a game with people and being social with them

>> No.11265616

Well, what do you mean? Can you bring me an example?

>> No.11265750

Is this actually popular in Japan

>> No.11265806

I hate any online games when a stupid subhuman flips plays it.

Philippine players are the scourge of online games.

>> No.11265831

This so much, I got to level 7 before I actually looked at the chatbox, instantly exited the game.
It certainly doesn't help that weeaboo MMOs that get localized to English will always have a huge failpenis population.

>> No.11265854
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We share the same sentiments, before I fully devote myself into an MMO I always check the population and it's environment.

If it is infested by those disgusting filthy flips by observing and monitoring the chatbox(since they are the one who spew random spam of their primitive shitty language) then I'll immediately uninstall and delete the game.

>> No.11265877

Anyone still playing Eden Eternal?

>> No.11265913


>> No.11265934

Isn't that korean
Doesn't that also have pinoys in it

>> No.11265939

Oh shit. I'm not who you're replying to, but listen up buddy.

When I play this junk, I want to go through and PLAY THE GAME, cooperate with people of course, but these things are usually overrun by filos, indos, underage weebs, who are all obnoxious as shit. The amount of disgusting filo guys I've had trying to chat me up into being their real life waifu is disturbing.

I'm downloading this now and just when you think it's all done downloading, there's more, it's like a shitty infomercial.

>> No.11265969

Pa buff po.

>> No.11265977
File: 32 KB, 158x144, 1309756107720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downloading now, looks like it could be fun for a while. I hope to meet up with some /jp/sies though.

>> No.11265979

that was the last time /jp/ banded together and pwned some n00bs

>> No.11266024

If only Tera beta lasted forever. Apparently, everyone dropped it two weeks later and BAM, DEAD SERVERS, and BAM, PAY 2 CUTE.

>> No.11266063


Failipinos may be trash but the Indo wkwkwks are on a whole different level

>> No.11266194
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Do I need to use a proxy to get access if I live outside US?

>> No.11266207

If the hordes of pinoys and indons are any indication, no.

>> No.11266210

No, just swap your region/format whatever it is to english (united states).

>> No.11266231

BRs are the scourge

Pinoys can be ok, they prob like anime and other games, they're as bro as Koreans

>> No.11266235

You don't like seeing user names like "XxXPiNoY_Boii420xXx"?

I love it.

>> No.11266236

I'm still not entirely sure but I guess some people like to play with people without actually talking to them.
Personally I found that games that require you to actually talk to people instead of giving you a "join party" or "join dungeon" button attract less annoying types.

>> No.11266271

Nigga, let me tell you how it is.
Indonesians, Chinese, and BRs are ten times worse.

>> No.11266417

That's not what doter taught me.

>> No.11266430


>> No.11266535


here's your problem

>> No.11266576

I wasted 1100$ on 2moons.
Why was this game so shitty?

>> No.11266595

That's a problem?

>> No.11266725

Obviously the game isn't as alive as it was in beta, but it definitely isn't dead currently (as long as you play on the most popular servers, like MT)

It also isn't p2c, I played it for a few months and was easily able to buy any cosmetic item I wanted with in game gold. Thats the best part of the game, it isn't really p2w at all, its pay if you dont have enough time to play the game to buy the stuff with in game currency.

The game is shit though because the end game is bad. It also forces social interaction because the current best dungeon in the game and the only one any one cares about requires you to form a static group who run it frequently, or just get really lucky and get carried a few times until you learn it.

The other part of the end game is a grind but in the world way possible, instead of killing something over and over again for a small gain in something, you kill something over and over again for a fucking tiny chance of a super rare item to drop that is required to make the best equipment in the game.

The item sells for enough in game gold to buy multiple of the most expensive cosmetic item on the market, and I would put it around 60-80$ if you used gold/money conversion rates.

Aside from that, there is shitty unbalanced PvP.

>> No.11269795


At least it wasn't Maplestory

>> No.11269915


At least it wasn't Onigiri.

>> No.11270862

At least it wasn't Cosmic Break

>> No.11270936

Fucking hell. I just finished the oni dungeon by myself since everyone in my party died along the way, and when I was teleported out of the dungeon, the loading screen won't finish. Even when I close the game and log back in, it's still fucked.

>> No.11270955

Cosmic Break was better, you crazy.

>> No.11270994

Where the fuck do I get the fundoshi from?

I tried to farm the paper looking onies for a while and all they drop was cotton and shit.

The paper oni npc only says how he hopes no one turns him into a fundoshi. I must be doing something wrong.

>> No.11271002

Well in terms on how a game can suck you out of your money yes.

But yeah cosmic break is better than onigiri. This game looks like it was made for the dreamcast or something. Maybe thats why I feel strangely nostalgic for it and the music.

>> No.11271005

Probably a fucking rare drop, but I think you're going for the right monster. I gave up after some 30 kills of those things. Not worth my time.

>> No.11272076

Still waiting...

>> No.11272233
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Cyberstep confirmed for 4chan

>> No.11272236
File: 205 KB, 1286x835, if she ain't the best I'll eat my hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want them to do this one.

>> No.11272375

Very much so.

>> No.11272429

Finally finished downloading the updates for this game.

Pretty cool so far, I like the combat system. However, the enemies sure are hard. I'm trying to do the very first quest you take on after the training area, and I keep dying. Oh well, time to grind.

>> No.11272463

They're not really that hard. If anything the hardest dungeons are the one which require more than one person because the boss deals so much damage and you have to kill all of the mobs surrounding them first, such as the Chief Daruma you'll face at level ~15, Four Magatama Jewels at level ~26, the Beholder at level ~28, and Beelzebub at level ~30.
Anything else can be soloed.

>> No.11272540

Fucking pinos, asking whether I'm one of them all the time

>> No.11272580
File: 1.48 MB, 1366x768, kk1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how long is this game supposed to be loading? I've already waited like 30 min. All I get is this screen and that bell(?) spinning under the mouse cursor. Is it even loading?

>> No.11272634

Wow, the environments look worse than WoW.

>> No.11272638

P2W, shit graphics, shit gameplay.

>> No.11272715

Change your regional settings to English (United States)

>> No.11272851

Thanks it worked!

>> No.11272951

It got a lot easier once I got a decent weapon.

>> No.11273202

So wait, is this Korean MMO or Japanese MMO?

>> No.11273257

shitgame/10 amaterasu can suck my dick kaguya is mai waifu

the only way to level up is to grind muscas with 1-shot spells because whoever designed this game refused to scale exp with level so you'll be killing lv40 shit that give you the same amount of experience as lv20 shit
terrible game buggy as shit why did I play through it help

>> No.11273280
File: 187 KB, 1280x800, onigiri 2013-08-03 21-37-15-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's probably my favorite. When you summon her her bubble says "ids habbening :DD" or something like that.

But yeah rather bad game.

>> No.11273292

To everyone complaining about game imbalances, bugs and the nonpolished state of the game:

It's in friggin' ALPHA stage. Jesus.

>> No.11273344

being in alpha is no excuse for this degree of piss poor execution

>> No.11273409

It's Japanese. Corean ones are usually more entertaining.

>> No.11273410

I feel that this is gonna be Megami Tensei online 2.0

>> No.11273415

Is there any rape or gangrape? In other words, PvP?

>> No.11273422

no there's barely any multiplayer interaction at all aside from partying and chatting
you can't even trade or friend people
and the party system is bugged to hell so 90% of the time you fail to join the party and 90% you can't leave one once you join

>> No.11273436

how do you guys make full screen? i still cant figure it out.

>> No.11273446

Damn this game has a cool angel mullet

>> No.11273458

Can you PK other players?

>> No.11273477


MegaTen: Imagine had a good story and was fun to play. Does this?

>> No.11273481

You're running a test for them so they can fix party system bugs, you know. It's the only reason you're playing the game. Why do people treat alphas or betas like they're full releases? You're just bug testers playtesting a game.

>> No.11273517

b-back dat ass up

>> No.11273537

Glad to see I am not the only one who thought that.

As soon as the music kicked in I immediately thought of megami tenesi online

almost had an urge to play that grind fest again


>> No.11273605

alpha testers are not solely responsible for quality assurance, there are teams that companies hire who are responsible for that. With that said, alpha testers do pick up their share of bugs, but they are no means the vanguard of quality assurance.
The fact that alpha testers have to pick out such game breaking bugs goes to show how little effort the company put into game. Likewise, expecting quality in an alpha test by no means demonstrate that we're expecting it to be a full release.

>> No.11273608

cannot full screen at the moment
it was in their FAQs

>> No.11273613

no but you can heal others

>> No.11273616

I don't know if it's the case for this game but for a lot of localized mmos "alpha" and "beta" doesn't mean shit because the game has already been out for months/years in gookland.

>> No.11273650

>The game crashes everytime after the first cutscene
pls help

>> No.11273811

Don't play it, it's shit

>> No.11274096

Hey idiot, we tried this game before you stepped in it ages ago.

It was fucking bad even in the native version. Same bugs, same everything, it's just a generic shit game.

>> No.11274417
File: 181 KB, 1599x664, 23jqt1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally get to use this image

>> No.11274421

I don't even have to play it to know that it'll be total garbage.

>> No.11274440

you sure proved him wrong with those silly faces

>> No.11274450

Of course I did. Silly faces prove everything wrong.

>> No.11274459

In all seriousness that picture tells the future of this game.

I enjoy playing this so far but you got to be on stupid pills if you think this game is going anywhere.

>> No.11274472

The only thing I get is why closed betas and ndas exist.

People will play a early build demo that you told them was an early build demo, and judge it as a full game and keep calling it that years after the fact. It even said the only point of this test is to test the party system out and people are even complaining about the party system being broken here.

>> No.11274911

I think after a good 20 or so years people just finally got tired of the whiteknights being annoying and going "gosh people X company just released this game they'll fix it when it's ready"
After so many years, it's only finally become appropriate to bitch and moan freely about any given game for any given reason. An entirely good thing.

>> No.11275142
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>> No.11275173

Well then call me when it's out of alpha

>> No.11275212

Are they gonna wipe the game after alpha or/and beta, or I'll be able to keep my chars?

>> No.11275226

Even though there's touhou everywhere here?

>> No.11275229

ill be playing FFXIV:ARR because nostalgia and I have no taste. bring on the hate

>> No.11275230

>Expecting someone from /jp/ to socialize

>> No.11275296

for some reason I kinda outgrew MMO's a year or two ago. I still played Mapple Story and Mabinogi with some friends about a year or two ago but haven't played them since.
I actually played that game last year. All monsters got Nerfed between then and 2006.

>> No.11275311

the inventive for people to test alpha is that 3 people will win an ipad mini

>> No.11275380

"Oh, man! Gotta get that iPhoneXL -size to a slightly larger iPhone!"

>> No.11275455
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>Giving you an honorific in English

>> No.11275486

I don't see the point of making a game massive. You usually only interact with around four or five people at any given time, so why not restrict it to a multiplayer game with four or five different people? What's the point of having tons of people run around you don't care about?

>> No.11275534


>> No.11275550


>> No.11275601


>> No.11275627

I went with the healer stats because I always play healers and I have no staves so I find all I'm doing is killing shit and in groups nobody needs healers anyway.

Guess I fucked up, or is there a use for healers in this game say ... above level 20?

>> No.11275683

I don't know what's the point of Mind because I was starting to heal for 80hp with Healing Shot without any actual points invested in it as Kind(WILL/MND).

I also don't understand why would you bother to play that shit game at all, it's clearly not for orthodox MMO gamers, more casual than shit they even did before like GetAmped.

>> No.11275698

I thought MMOs were forbidden in /jp/?

Did moot fire the people who said that or what?

>> No.11275709

korean mmos are forbidden

>> No.11275717

Yeah, and they said english translated ones too?

OP is clearly trying to discuss the even shittier version.

>> No.11275725

you are the worst 2hu
you are the 2hu smell
remove youkai from the premises

>> No.11275728

what is the reasoning behind this? tea otaku can discuss non-japanese varieties of tea. someone should complain about it in /q/.

>> No.11275732

korean mmo threads are awful. It's bad enough that they have nothing to do with japan but they're also blogging and circlejerk threads.

>> No.11275735

I don't see how they fundamentally differ from japanese mmos aside from being slightly less shitty programmed

>> No.11275737


because they aren't from japan

>> No.11275739

That doesn't mean much.

Shitty translations should go to /vg/ like everything else. There should be not a single exception unless they're discussions of the native versions of each game.

>> No.11275780

K-pop fans whined about not being able to post here until anything with the word Korean was deleted by some mod who probably isn't even around anymore. Also that Wizardry spammer who got mad no one wanted to play his kusoge trolling the threads, but he's gone too.
Moot never explicitly agreed, so feel free to bother him about it.

LNs aren't allowed here anymore even though they're 100% Japanese. Being from Japan isn't good enough it seems.

Why should you be able to talk about things in Japanese and not things that were translated into Japanese?

>> No.11275784

>Why should you be able to talk about things in Japanese and not things that were translated into Japanese?

When did anyone say that?

Discussion of English translated MMOs belongs to /vg/ though.

>> No.11275815

Let me rephrase, why should you be able to talk about MMOs in Japanese but not Korean MMOs on Japanese servers or CS on Japanese servers?

Having to be both Japanese and in Japanese is a stupid requirement.

>> No.11275851

If I was in your position, I wouldn't give a flying fuck about what was ``required'' or not to be able to post it. After all, these requirements change every other week when mootykin hires a new shitface to serve as temporary janitor. Just create your thread and wait. If it garners interest, all the better, and if not, well, then no one cared to begin with.

>> No.11276511

yeah wizardry was a piece of shit, 2013 running animations should not look worse than the running animations from ocarina of time

>> No.11278416

I just created my character, I hope I can have tons of fun and find a /jp/sie friend

>> No.11278494

RIP in peace Tempura

>> No.11278502

It really looks like something from 2002-4. And not only the graphics but the unpolished UI and fonts too.

>> No.11278504

They can't even make sprites.

>> No.11278677

So why did those goddamn japs decide to publish it here?

>> No.11278781

Probably because the eastern marked is saturated with shitty, low-budget MMOs like this. They were probably thinking that weebs would gobble up everything as long as it has cute girls.

>> No.11279207

4chan made CB a success, so maybe it could make this a success too.

>> No.11279528
File: 653 KB, 1440x900, Nanami Picnic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danroading now.
Mostly because I want to hear Nanami ask if it's okay to install.

>> No.11279618

Sprites remind me of those anime character models in WC3, like Naruto, Inuyasha etc.

I remember when back in middle and high school I was playing WC3 on a net with my bros. We would play Werewolf, different fun arenas, Ice Trolls, Genetic Mutation, Naruto maps and other cool stuff. We even had a clan named [Uchiha] and wrecked some asses. It may sound lame, but I had a lot of fun back then.

Damn, I really miss those days.

>> No.11279625

And they aren't much wrong.

>> No.11279668

Whatever they pay to viral market this shit, Tempura, you should demand more.

>> No.11279687

It's weird seeing Tempura being talked here.

I mean CB has become something like a close knit dysfunctional family. I would think no one out side of CB would know who anyone was.

>> No.11279713

>25,233 people like Onigiri.

>> No.11279720

>25,000 accounts were created to like Onigiri

Seriously, this is not a good game, and why the HELL is thread still up, jan?

>> No.11279731

Becuase I miss playing cosmic break and I wish the dev would improve the performance of the game and put in new content that does not have to be bought with RT

>> No.11279740

free ipad mini

>> No.11279839

You can buy Facebook likes.
For only 800 hundred dollars, you can make shitting on floor acceptable to the world.

>> No.11281324
File: 417 KB, 1279x799, chloro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well never got too far and most of the time was playing with Kanbara

Still, I didn't hate it. This is the Japanese Gothic outfit, a sore disappointment, I was hoping for something more goth loli and not whatever the hell this is.

What outfits did you guys get or see? I was hoping for the frilly white looking wedding dress and maybe the angel wings

>> No.11281331
File: 111 KB, 1286x835, kaguya pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had my fun making with this game.
Making Kaguya say stuff.

>> No.11281337
File: 129 KB, 1286x835, source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also exploited the shit out o

>> No.11281381

Ahhhh, out of all the mmo's you faggots want to play this one? Didn't you learn your lesson from CB and it's pay2win shit?

Also, it's weird that this thread has been up for so long. Usually, almost every mmo thread that pops up gets instantly deleted. Not that it's a bad thing. I wouldn't mind mmo threads on /jp/ again; /vg/ is a horrible scary place.

>> No.11281387

Cool /a/ memes.

>> No.11281590

/vg/ also doesn't play otaku games at all. Multiple threads I've started there about cute girl dressup MMOs are ignored.

>> No.11281856
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is Blade and Soul coming out?

>> No.11281925

Can't come soon enough.

I tried playing on the private server thats open currently, but they are running the CB2 version of the game which is buggy as fuck. I got to level 7 and then my character glitched through a wall and the un-stuck feature would not get me back up no matter how I tried it.

The combat is fun (although not as good as I was expecting, its mostly just counters/parries, at least at low level), but the best part are the environments and character models. The environments aren't that good graphically, but they are just pretty cool, like a bamboo forest or a giant floating kung-fu island.

The private server has had news of an update coming eventually so it will be running the current version of the game, but god knows how long that will take, since its been running CB2 for the last year with 0 updates until last month

>> No.11281929

>cute girl dressup MMOs

What's the point of playing a game that has no draw past character creation?

>> No.11281936

I just want a new Mabinogi.
And that shit they are calling Mabinogi 2 isn't Mabinogi at all

>> No.11281940

that grill looks cree(a)py

>> No.11281968
File: 199 KB, 1040x806, uhYpYy0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think thats bad?

It is also worth noting that the character models (and the game in general) look much better in motion, and jaggy as shit in screenshots.

>> No.11281970

It looks really creepy.

>> No.11282409

is the lewd catgirl a npc?

>> No.11287264

She seems like a summon

>> No.11287297

Western version of the game predicted to come out sometime in 2014.

Expect CBTs to start early-mid 2014 at best.

China's version of BnS is about to hit OBT on the 15th this month, so if you generally understand the interface and don't mind all the Chinese characters everywhere, you can try it out.

>> No.11287306

to add to why you would want to play the Chinese BnS when Korea has had it out for a few years. China's BnS is free to play and doesn't require a citizenship number (or whatever it's called) unlike Korea's version.

>> No.11287371

not to mention that it is filthy korean

>> No.11287504

At least it's not Japan.

>> No.11287597

japan games are best

>> No.11290839


>> No.11291644

Will OP ever stop necrobumping his thread?

>> No.11293353

Lol, necrobumping

>> No.11297931

This is my longest lasting thread yet, dude

>> No.11297942

It should have been the shortest one

>> No.11297956
File: 32 KB, 320x240, 1373962328996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Currently in alpha

>> No.11299004

So, who is playing the new eden eternal?

>> No.11299007

I got an e-mail from this. If it's anything like Eden Eternal then I suppose I can give it a shot.

>> No.11301561


Seems cute ,might try.

>> No.11305200

Despite all the hate, it DOES have a decent combat system which automatically makes it better than 95% of all other mmos.

>> No.11305224
File: 1.18 MB, 1600x900, snapshot_20130814_145139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still playing the original.

I'll probably enjoy the hell out of it.

>> No.11305978

Looks like some pre-2000 shit. I won't even get into the gameplay worth, since it's an MMO.
