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1125654 No.1125654 [Reply] [Original]


Japan Male Virgin Society.

>> No.1125664

is this real?

>> No.1125669



>> No.1125679


International Male Virgin Society.

>> No.1125680

Please tell me they have message boards. Where they discuss VNs and figures. Please.

>> No.1125686


Is that Kouta Hirano I see there?

>> No.1125683


International Male Virgin Society.

>> No.1125693

so, what are they supposed to do?

>> No.1125698

wasn't there some j-league football/soccer star who said he couldn't be bothered with real women anymore or something so he bought a realdoll instead? Apparently he's a virgin too, I dont get it, he's a fucking j-league star, he could easily get a woman.

>> No.1125712


Fight crime.

>> No.1125737
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Wow, check out his DoB.

I wonder if what they say about Japan is true, that there's this huge chasm between those who can get sex and those who cant.

>> No.1125750

THEY'RE ALL YOUNGER THAN ME! Most of these guys are born in the late 80's/early 90's. Why are they complaining?

>> No.1125760




you cannot complain.

>> No.1125761
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What I wouldn't give for someone to love. ;_;

>> No.1125787

FUCK! That guy is 13 years ahead of me....

>> No.1125789


37 years old.

He is our God-King. We must prepare sacrifices for him.

>> No.1125810

dont tell me we actually *do* have virgins in /jp/ that are older than 18? I thought that was one big joke.

>> No.1125814

Uh, actually, all of us are.
Theoretically, we're all virgins and none of us are under 18, you know.

>> No.1125821


Welcome to the real world.

>> No.1125822


lol least i cashed in my v card loser.s

>> No.1125816

Go back to /b/.

>> No.1125826


>> No.1125828

women should just be taken to stables and forced to fuck for the rest of their miserable lives. Men should be able to buy and sell women on the open market.

>> No.1125829

Some are not virgin but it's not a thing to be proud of.

>> No.1125835


I don't believe you cashed your v card. Enjoy your bankruptcy.

>> No.1125836


What isn't?

>> No.1125837

Well, I said theoretically, there still are exceptions, of course.

>> No.1125853

I start, in September, a decent graduate degree (MSc) in Economics at a good university.

I have money in the bank.

My family is pretty well off.

I have friends.

Yet I have NEVER had a girlfriend.

It baffles the mind how leading an otherwise normal, and dare I say it somewhat successful life in all those other areas I have managed to fail hard when it comes to women.

>> No.1125858

you're probably ugly, ever thought of that?

>> No.1125861


I'm really not, I'm not going to go as far as those bullshitters who claim they're actually good looking, but I manage to keep in shape and stay healthy.

>> No.1125865

You're better off that way.
Drama isn't going to make your life better, nor is inserting your penis inside a lukewarm hole.

>> No.1125884

We're like exactly the same, except I'm doing the PhD. Some friends, decent looking, runner, cyclist, etc. Never a girlfriend.

>> No.1125938

Do you ever talk with your friends about it? All of my friends have had relationships.

>> No.1126484


You have the money and resources just get a hooker if you are desperate, go to a strip club, go to bunny ranches (Las Vegas only I believe).

Fuck relationships just buy women, you won't get screwed over, you won't waste your time, and you won't be a virgin.

>> No.1126505

hahaha. similar situation here. I'm not a NEET loser - just graduated with a BA, thinking of law school if I can't find work soon, but for some reason I just fail at girlfriends.

>> No.1126512

a) You're not a virgin
b) underage b&

Get out.

>> No.1126649


>The deflowering service has been founded for men aged 21 or older that have little or no sexual experience and would like to change this. An exciting first sexual experience will be remembered forever. Society Service will assure that the deflowering will be unforgettable.

>> No.1126678


See people willing and able to help you!

>> No.1126698

>nor is inserting your penis inside a lukewarm hole.

Most likely, but knowing there is someone you can trust, someone who loves you with all her heart for _what you are_ irrespective of your looks, wealth, power, whatever. Just someone who is with you to hold you and encourage you. That would be...nice.

>> No.1126745

The virgins who are homogay probably have it harder.

>> No.1126747

All through highschool I had girls hit on me. The thing was, they were all obese and black. Not that I'm racist or anything, I just prefer pale skinned lolis.

>> No.1126754
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>Just someone who is with you to hold you and encourage you. That would be...nice.

Good luck trying to find someone like that in the 3D world.

I'm not your usual WOMEN ARE PIG DISGUSTING kind of mysoginist 4channer. But we the weeaboos grew up learning to expect something no one can offer us.

>> No.1126752

Get friends, if you're the right kind of person, you'll hate each other with all your hearts but trust each other.

>> No.1126761


Nobody cares about emotions like that at this stage in the game, that is probably why you won't get laid, YOU ARE TOO NICE.

>> No.1126779

More like, you expect other people to be nice than you are too nice.

>> No.1126792


I wish people were nice, I hate having to be a jerk but it has be done.

>> No.1126794

I knew a girl that was all touchy and followed me around everywhere. She really did care about me, but I didn't know how to respond to that and she had bad teeth so I avoided her up until the day she moved away.

>> No.1126817

Does anyone else sometimes just rage at the fact women will NEVER know what it's truly like to be alone? Like... TOTALLY alone. Think about that for a minute, that's the trump card in being a woman. You will be always assured a shoulder to cry on, a person to talk about your thoughts and so on.

>> No.1126834

On the other hand, they cannot understand truly manly comradery.
They're backstabbing even with each other.

>> No.1126840


That's true, I think a man will always have these really awesome life-enduring friendships, basically a form of platonic love which women will never get to experience.

>> No.1126843

Men do that, too.

>> No.1126848

Only Manwhore.
Manly Men live an honorable lifestyle full of manly sweat and platonic love.

>> No.1126861


That's wishful thinking to compensate for something else. Just like telling yorself that good looking people are probably dumb.

>> No.1126866

You need more manly relationships to understand what we're talking about.
If you want trust, fun, understanding, friends have that.

>> No.1126876


woman spotted.

women dont have proper emotions.

>> No.1126885


Don't start a shitstorm... Does it really matter?

>> No.1126886

Before my return to /jp/ I was over at /r9k/ and I told one of the degenerate subhuman normalfags over there 'you are crazy, you probably think a woman who has slept with more than 10 men has self control'.

And he thought it was absurd, that I was trolling. How could anyone object to a 20 year old woman who had slept with 10 men s/he said? I claimed that it shows a lack of will to commit. But s/he kept on and on.

Effectively, whore keep on raising the bar for whoredom.

I think if a woman has slept with more than 2 men she is a whore personally. Back in the old days you could inspect woman's vagina before marriage to see if she was a virgin.

>> No.1126900


>>1126876 is right. I can spot that you are a woman too. You are just jealous that men have these kind of friendships outlined whereas women will turn from best friends to worst enemies over a batted eyelid to one of their boyfriend's at a club.


>> No.1126908
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>> No.1126910


Go away, this thread is for real ronery misogynists, not trolls.

>> No.1126919

What is this manly shit? I've got a best friend I could easily trust with my life, but I'd never call it a manly relationship. It's not like we go out and break boulders with our faces.

>> No.1126917

Fuck you asshole.

I am the original ronery misogynist.

>> No.1126928

You're just not manly enough.
Real men amuse themselves by lifting random heavy objects and calling the one who gets hurt a pussy.

>> No.1126938

Like hell you are.

Exactly. The guys in this thread are probably all mecha anime fans.

>> No.1126944

I *know* you are a woman.

>> No.1126960
File: 43 KB, 412x450, 1218743939229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure is /r9k/ around here...

Wouldn't you rather rate the purity of a woman by the honesty of her feelings instead of counting the number of men she's been with before you?

>> No.1126961

I'm not a virgin and I still hate women.

>> No.1126970

I *know* you are a woman.

You are so fucking crazy! You want to be seen as pure yet you sleep around! It's insane!

You made your bed.

So you lie on it.

Do you understand? You cannot have it both ways, it really is that simple.

>> No.1126971

What? And pretend I'm not a shallow sack of shit? Next you'll tell me I shouldn't pay too much importance on how she looks. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.1126983

>You made your bed.
Haha, you fucking dumb faggot. I had the guy I fucked make the bed.

>> No.1126984

Since they're all stupid and like shallow crap, the only rating we might apply to them is in regard to how many things have been between her legs aside from her underwear.

>> No.1126988

I love you, athens.

>> No.1126995


So it's true, sex is just tool used to trick us into helping you!

>> No.1127002

Fucking faggot

>> No.1127003

What kind of guy does his bed , moreover someone else's ?

>> No.1127009

A fag, obviously, can't you read?

>> No.1127020

I *knew* you were a whore! It is only whores who complain about people liking women who dont sleep around. They are SO desperate for attention that they even need to come to /jp/!

You ARE a whore!

>> No.1127015

So /jp/ seems to be shit now. Thanks summer.

I remember you faggot. Fuck off.

>> No.1127022


This thread reminds me of this so hard.

>> No.1127044

That's a surprisingly good summary of the movie.

>> No.1127056

Make your bed? What? I just sleep on a mattress with a comforter as a blanket.

>> No.1127053
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DAMMIT!!!! must control urge to kill!

>> No.1127074

>Make your bed? What? I just sleep on a mattress with a comforter as a blanket.
WHAT. Be a real /jp/-ateur and sleep on the floor!

>> No.1127085


it wasn't addressed to you, it was addressed to >>1126960.

>> No.1127088

Weak, this is weak.
Real /jp/sies DON'T SLEEP.

>> No.1127078

I just wanted to be loved! That's why I slept with other men before!

I'm not going to make you like me anon, but... Can you at least not hate me?

>> No.1127091
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Forgot the pic.

>> No.1127093

Nope. God hates fags and so do I!

>> No.1127097

Hating someone isn't the opposite of loving someone. Ignoring someone is.

I forgot what animu I got that from.

>> No.1127100

I wish I was a whore so bad. Then maybe I could get laid.

>> No.1127101

>I'm not going to make you like me anon, but... Can you at least not hate me?

No, you are worthless. You have no self-control.

Please do not have children and further pollute the gene pool with your ilk.

How can anyone not hate women with people like you as the self-styled ambassadors of an entire gender?

Go suck a cock whore.

>> No.1127116

You are so crazy. How can you wish something like that? You are crazy and irrational. You should go eat dishwasher tablets or something.

>> No.1127118

I love threads like this because I can never tell who's serious and who's making fun of the first.

>> No.1127128

trolls trolled by trolls, lol.

you reap what you sow. No girls on the internet, stop pretending he is one.

>> No.1127135

29 still a virgin here. weep for me /jp/

>> No.1127137
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Why aren't these CGs in the actual game?

>> No.1127142

It's just logic, the opposite of a feeling is no feeling, not the opposite feeling.

>> No.1127144

You *must* know there are girls on the internet now. You *must* understand this.

Look at various places on the internet.

Girls are there. And girls are crazy so they attention whore a lot and they need attention but to get attention on the internet is hard work (by women's standards) so to crack coconut and get the sweet nectar of attention they have to do things like say 'please like me 4chan!' and sometimes they will post pics, not always, but they appear hesistant. Usually this is an act, they will also say, 'im so ugly', so that they can fish for compliments.

This is commonplace on the internet now.

>> No.1127156


You suck at trolling. Please give up.

There are no women on this thread.

>> No.1127162

Perhaps you are a woman covering your own tracks.....

>> No.1127160

You know what would be most ironic ?
If you turned out not to have a penis.

>> No.1127167

That wouldn't be ironic?

>> No.1127176


It would be hypocrisy.
But nowadays that seems to be the same thing as irony

>> No.1127181

It would be hypocrisy on athen's part.
It would be ironic for all the people who would've been caught in his trolling.

>> No.1127190

How many men a woman has slept with is important. But some people rule some things out. Like time. If your 20 and have slept with 10 different guys, you are most likely, in fact, a whore. well, a slut because you don't get paid, but that's not the point. If a woman has slept with 10 guys over a period of 15 or 20 years, then I would probably be ok with that, as long as she didn't have any STDs. But I'm not old enough yet to be meeting people who have been in intimate relationships for 20 years. And some people, men included (well, most men actually) have problems with something I have heard some people call, sexaholism. Sexaholics, used for humor I'm sure, are real, and they have a problem. It's not because they are whores or something, it's because they are lonely, or lost, and don't know what to do, so they have sex, and get used to it. Don't hate these people. help them.

>> No.1127196

Oh wait. I think it might have been Porkslope Turkeyhandle, but I forgot which scenario.

>> No.1127197
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Pretending to be a woman (or revealing to be one) is easy modo trollan at /jp/.

>> No.1127198
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>> No.1127208

Why should I? What have they done for me?

>> No.1127210


Arc route. I think it's something related to Sacchin.

>> No.1127202

But I like to mock people with problems.

>> No.1127217

Oh yeah. Thanks.

>> No.1127234

yes yes, it's fun to make fun of people's problems, but sometimes you gotta stop that shit. Also, the problem with the world is, "why should I? What have they done for me?"

>> No.1127244

Considering 9/10 of you would probably be too fucking terrified to take any action towards a girl showing you the smallest display of goodwill, I hardly find this thread surprising.

>> No.1127249
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>> No.1127253

Go back to /b/, normalfag.

>> No.1127255

> Considering 9/10 of us would probably be too fucking terrified to take any action towards a girl showing you the smallest display of goodwill, I hardly find this thread surprising.
Don't pretend, you're among equals here.

>> No.1127262


I think his point is: "if I'm this person, why is it a problem for me if she's been with more different people than I did?". This is all very sitcomesque.

>> No.1127265

If all women were whores and would actually sleep around with any male willing world peace would quickly be achieved, crime rates would plumet and the overall level of happiness would globally increase. Most of the bad things in the world are driven by the intrinsec need to compete for women. Unfortunately most women are not whores and will only sleep with men they deem worthy who tend to be the few same. A real whore is in fact a benefactor of mankind.

>> No.1127260

You don't belong here.

Just leave, please.

>> No.1127261

What does calling them sluts have to do with taking action?
I don't want to take action towards one of *those*

>> No.1127272

The world is already overpopulated, marriage and reproduction are archaic concepts of human evolution.

Why do you need to have sex? To prove you're a man? Who the fuck cares if you're a man or not, we're living in the internet age. Get yourself a fake name and join the next bulletin board that fits your interests. Real life is just about working and earning money to quell your necessities, the rest you can do with a computer.

>> No.1127274


>> No.1127284

>Also, the problem with the world is, "why should I? What have they done for me?"

I do stuff for people I can find some semblance of relation to or have no animosity toward with no problem. When you're asking me to pity the assholes who constantly shit on everyone else because just because they're virgins and fuck till dawn because "they don't know how to love", it's pretty hard to give a shit about them.

>> No.1127289

I wonder what "equals" you're talking about, considering I'm on the other end of what I described. Sorry to disappoint >>1127156, then.

Keep believing him, though. I'd hate to ruin your thread, really.

>> No.1127292

For the last time I'm going to explain what the words 'whore' and 'slut' mean in the vernacular.

So stop making these asinine points.

Whore and slut refers to a woman who sleeps with a shitload of men, but they're usually either degenerate drug addicts that feed their fetish for abuse and degredation (a lot of women have this). Or a woman who sleeps around with the 'top tier' of wherever she is in context (i.e. at a college the jocks, in a major urban center the investment banker faggots and so on).

>> No.1127299

Goddamn, did any of you ever think that the reason your still virgins is because you're so bitter?

>> No.1127303

Goddamn, did any of you ever think that the reason you're still virgins is because you're so bitter?

>> No.1127312

I would hope that most of us couldn't care less about the fact that we're virgins.

Sorry, but this place just isn't for you. Fuck off.

>> No.1127308

Go jump in a game, Enzo.

>> No.1127316

Go away.

>> No.1127320

yeh seriously, as one tripfag to another, dont try to draw these stupid fucking lines of demarcation to make yourself feel superior.

It only makes you look miserable and arrogant.

>> No.1127321

And proud of it. Both the virginity and bitterness.

>> No.1127325


You're mistaking cause and consequence. They become bitter because they're unable to get laid.

As I said, this talk is all bery sitcomesque because it's not likely it'll happen with any of us. Likeminded people tend to stay together, so women-whores will most likely stick to men-whores anyway.

>> No.1127348

I'm not trying to gain respect, it just that every other post is so angry for seemingly no apparent reason.

Plus it isn't really related to /jp/.

>> No.1127352


You're mistaking cause and consequence. They become bitter because they're unable to get laid.

As I said, this talk is all bery sitcomesque because it's not likely it'll happen with any of us. Likeminded people tend to stay together, so women-whores will most likely stick to men-whores anyway.

>> No.1127367

Trolls and some of them actually are that pathetic, but most are trolls.womenarewhoressincebirth

>> No.1127391

This thread is filled to the brim with trolls, I love it.

>> No.1127404
File: 150 KB, 651x707, 1218747295777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT virgins reassure themselves that it's the girl's fault they can't get laid.

If that weren't enough, ITT those same virgins turn around and blame women for having sex, despite wanting to have sex themselves. Normal people don't marry the first boy or girl they meet, fags. They date and break up with multiple people before meeting someone they fit with. Just because you're so afraid of getting burned that you won't ask a chick out until you're sure she's THE ONE (and by then she's taken, if she wasn't already) doesn't mean everyone else has to be a pussy.

As a matter of fact, ITT the male version of this:
>As a single woman, I'm especially looking for a man who doesn't masturbate, even while he's single.

>> No.1127434

I don't care whether I have sex or not. I've realized a long time ago that it most likely won't happen, and I'm fine with that.

For the posturing faggots in this thread who feel superior because they aren't some "bitter virgin": This place isn't for you. Fuck off.

>> No.1127439

It's called setting impossible standards so you don't actually have to bother doing any work. We know what we are doing.

>> No.1127460

Most of the one's saying that are trolls, no one would come to /jp/ unless they were a total loser, and anyone who has lost their virginity only did so to pity sex when they were 24

>> No.1127483

>As a single woman, I'm especially looking for a man who doesn't masturbate, even while he's single.
I never understood this one. Did those women feel so guilty about the first time they masturbated when they were twelve that they're now forever in furious hatred of the very act?

I bet masturbating would help them relieve that tension.

>> No.1127494

It's just something from bash.org. Most women masturbate.

>> No.1127543

>They date and break up with multiple people before meeting someone they fit with.

No, that's called sequential monogamous bullshit whore. Filthy, filthy, filthy whore.

Trial and error isn't good enough, you learn about someone's personality before you fuck them, dont leave it to pot luck.

>> No.1127548

I know most nearly all women masturbate, that was my point, that's why it's hard to understand because there are actual women who think like that.

>> No.1127554

Love doesn't last forever.

>> No.1127571
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>> No.1127602

Not when you're stuck with a shit-eating, life-sucking, soul-drenching woman it doesn't.

>> No.1127710

Seconded. I'm having other problems, the whole secks and woman thing never had a high priority, but maybe I'm just too ignorant and absorbed in my fantasies made in Japan, who knows?
Hiki since two years, and the last time I had a crush on a real woman is from 5 years ago (I was 19 back then), but she sure was cute. Since then absolutly nothing happened not even a slight desire.

>> No.1127800
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Field Goal!

>> No.1127812

goddamnit i cant tell if athens is trolling is just extremely butthurt. seriously what happened in your life to make you like this? as a 19 year old virgin, even i am embarassed to listen to you

>> No.1128035
File: 841 KB, 1600x1200, 1218753912715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk moar at your rocar riblaly.

>> No.1128168

You're all failed experiments, A TRUE HIKIKOMORI WOULDN'T SEEK AID AND SHIT.
