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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11256433 No.11256433[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why haven't you forcefully impregnated a teenage girl yet, /jp/? every time she looked at her child she would remember you, that's sort of like love.

>> No.11256439


Fuck off misogynist.

>> No.11256446

I need feminism because of threads like these

>> No.11256450

>feminists in /jp/
They're... everywhere, aren't they?

>> No.11256459

She would just get an abortion.

>> No.11256465

There are no feminists in a warehouse full of guys raping them.

>> No.11256463

Child murder is illegal in my state so you're wrong.

>> No.11256464

It's not meant to be funny, it's clearly meant to be arousing. Rape is natural anyway. Quit demonizing nature.

>> No.11256466

We will fight you wherever and whenever you rear your rapist heads.

This disease must end!

>> No.11256470

Rape isn't really because of a biological level women want to be impregnated by alpha males who take them by force.

>> No.11256473

>abortion is child murder
mmmphffffffhahahahahaha. Try to explain that to feminists.

And good luck. You'll need it.

>> No.11256474

Is that supposed a play on "There are no atheists in foxholes"?

Cause I like it, I think I'll be quoting that.

>> No.11256480

epic troleing :)

>> No.11256477

I like to comment on youtube videos that are popular among feminists and say things that go perfectly along with the stereotypical idea they have of men. I've actually gotten dozens of death threats. Feminists are violent people, they should not be trusted.

>> No.11256485

I bet you were one of those feminists. I've proven that your kind is violent.

>> No.11256482
File: 33 KB, 1280x720, 00_20_592013-07-30-21h24m57s100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rape thread

>> No.11256490

So this is otaku culture

>> No.11256494

Get the fuck off my board.

>> No.11256499

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11256503

Yes. Yes, it is.

>alpha male

There is no such thing. Humanity as it is now does not operate on natural instincts, but rather neurotic tendencies. In the real world, "alpha male" PUGAs would starve to death, or be killed by other men quite quickly.

Well, humanity as a whole would starve to death when the accretion of industry and technology finally collapses, but... the assholes would die first.

>> No.11256510
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It hurts so fucking bad. Every single cell in my body is begging me to impregnate something, but I can't.

I'm going to go insane at this rate.

>> No.11256511
File: 59 KB, 268x237, 1370656054091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humanity as it is now does not operate on natural instincts

This is what betas actually believe.

>> No.11256517

Know that chair

>> No.11256525

Murder is legal under certain circumstances stated by the law. It doesn't have to be just or nice for it to be legal and a common and safe practice. Most of the time, the law isn't fair at all.

>> No.11256527

You fail at existence.

Put that creative energy into something that you enjoy, something that won't bitch at you and isn't insane.

Women cannot be rational. It's biologically impossible. Don't try to treat them the same as you would a man, expecting the possibility of mutual understanding and respect.

>> No.11256528

Sounds like something a loser nerd would tell himself to feel better.

>> No.11256533

Yours sounds like something infinite summerfriend would post to try and fit in. Go cry in the corner and eat paint chips.

>> No.11256532

I rape myself every time I masturbate. Please, someone save me from myself.

>> No.11256536

No but seriously you're amusingly deluded if you think humanity as it exists now doesn't operate on natural instinct and is in some sort of heightened state. People haven't changed much over the course of history, the same desires and actions are just manifested in different ways.

I hope this helps.

>> No.11256539

I'd rather impregnate an 11 or 12 year old, thats why

>> No.11256540

If nobody told you how, would ou know how to fuck?

>> No.11256542


Fuck you chilly; paint chips are delicious.

>> No.11256547

why do you think kids play doctor nerd

>> No.11256553

Why is this washed up tripfag trying so hard to be relevant?

>> No.11256558
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>> No.11256559

Humanity as it is now doesn't operate on natural instinct. Natural instinct compels personal survival, in most cases, herd survival, and procreation. Humanity has overriden those instincts with both good and bad neuroses. What we are seeing in the world now is largely human insanity warring against physical realities, and losing.

Believing that you can exist without having agency over your own choices is the greatest self-lie that is about to end.

>> No.11256565

Take off the fedora, junior.

>> No.11256596

The message is correct, and the one who attempts to refute it, i.e. you, is fresh off the late summer bus.

>> No.11256597


>> No.11256599

Do as I say or no computer for a week.

>> No.11256609

I wish we lived in medieval times. Back then you had live life as much as possible before dying a violent death, or of some easily curable disease at the ripe old age of 21.

>> No.11256607

Unlike you, those who have been on /jp/ since the beginning and before are quite old.

>> No.11256608

You're witnessing a teenager trying his hardest to sound intelligent. They lack self-awareness.

>> No.11256614

This thread is really problematic. I thought I would be free of all this "LEL IRONIC MISOGYNY XDDDD" after that Dragon's Crown bullshit on /v/ but jaypee isn't all that when it comes to it either. *sigh*

>> No.11256620

That's because you brought your friends


>> No.11256623

You know me and your mother fully support your desire to be recognized as a mature adult, bud, but if you refuse to do as you're told we're going to put a hold on your allowance. Don't make me regret buying you that brand new fedora.

>> No.11256626

Why are you referring to yourself as if you're not discussing yourself?

Why would anyone think Dragon's Crown is misogynistic? The guys have muscles on top of their muscles, and look like Captain America drawn by the guy that has a macho fetish. It's self-deprecatory, not misogynistic.

>> No.11256638

Feminists is always a bad thing to have in your place. You only need one single feminist or whiteknight to completely derail and shit up a whole thread, or even a whole board.

It's pretty scary when you think about it.

>> No.11256635

Who the fuck would want to live in a world without otaku related shit? I can't take it easy without playing eroge.

>> No.11256644

eroge is a substitute for real life without the risk

>> No.11256640

Why are trips always the worst posters? Is it because only normies crave attention on anonymous imageboards?

>> No.11256650

*kicks u in the balls* lol xP

>> No.11256655

Summer, summer, everywhere.

In the same way that reading is a substitute for doing what you're reading about without the risk, like fighting in a war, getting an incurable disease, or having the misfortune of being in a situation as if it was written by Chekhov.

>> No.11256658

>Summer, summer, everywhere.
>inb4 "moot said that summer was a myth" normie reply.
I'm curious to see how you're going to evade this one White Ren.

>> No.11256659

In medieval times your parents would make a deal with another family to get a girl to marry you, that's closest thing you'll get to playing an H-game.

>> No.11256661

It doesn't take a noob to realize you are a shitty poster.

In fact, the longer someone is here the more that fact becomes evident.

You're like one of those kids who parents don't love them enough so they act out for attention.

If you weren't such an annoying prick I would almost feel sorry for you. I feel sorry enough to not auto crack your trip at least. You soil your name enough on your own.


>> No.11256663
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>Anon? Wow, I haven't seen you since highschool, you look at pathetic as ever. What's the matter, still scared of making eye contact with a girl? How hopeless. Do the world a favor and just drop dead, okay?

What do you do?

>> No.11256664

Its alright, women exist purely to fix that urge of yours no matter how you have to go about it.

>> No.11256665

moot is a faggot, and has no idea what he is doing, nor has he ever. Everything mildly successful with 4chan was the result of someone else's work, or just plain dumb luck and timing.

The only non-humans that care about moot's non-opinion are non-humans that tweak his non-existent penis, or non-human summerfriends like yourself.

>> No.11256670

He's trying so hard, it's cute.

>> No.11256672

Heeeh... You're good, you're very good.

>> No.11256673

>just drop dead, okay?
lol okie x_x *drops dead*

>> No.11256677

>I feel sorry enough to not auto crack your trip at least.

Why would you need to decrypt it when I posted it 4 years ago? That is how new you are. QED.

White Ren#chilly

>> No.11256679

He's like a reverse BeastUK since he's lashing out at the staff, when you think about it.

Hey Ren, why don't you try arguing on /b/? Soon there will be 100's of White Rens and you can feel better about yourself

>> No.11256680

The joke is that you're not the real White Ren.

>> No.11256685

I'm always amused by people like you arguing over the true identity of White Ren, even in 2013.

>> No.11256692


People were probably happier back then. Nowadays everyone has facebook, myspace and all this other crap, and everybody is miserable. Back then people didn't have shit, and made do with what little they had.

>> No.11256693

>The joke is that you're not the real White Ren.

There is only one, true White Ren. Ask any real /jp/'er. If you can't tell it's me, you haven't been around long enough. Things don't get better.

Could be worse, it could be sion-chan.

Nobody has ever liked moot or 4chan's administration. Especially not on /jp/. That you could think it's "lashing out" to state the obvious is proof of newfriend status.

>> No.11256694

Forgot your trip.

>> No.11256697

>They're... everywhere, aren't they?
I was watching anime when suddenly I felt that /jp/ needed me.

>> No.11256703

You've just confirmed with that post that you aren't White Ren. You're not even a good copy. Please try a little harder next time, thanks.

>> No.11256707

>People were probably happier back then.

They weren't. They just appreciated when things didn't suck a lot more, and they were too busy trying to stay alive to notice how bad things were.

>> No.11256709

It's super easy to be a good copy of White Ren. Just flame somebody for being new while using sage and you're indistinguishable.

>> No.11256710

You're not welcomed here.

>> No.11256713

The irony in this post is so thick I can hardly read it

>> No.11256717

You don't even know what that word means.

>> No.11256719

Has any tripfag ever given a shit about that, ever?

>> No.11256725
File: 153 KB, 480x476, 1811790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've just confirmed with that post that you aren't White Ren.

You just confirmed with that statement your own delusion.

It might help you read it if you had the brain cells necessary to process the words in question.

>> No.11256730

You can always tell that someone is upset when they started posting reaction images.

>> No.11256731

Reaction images are the lifeblood of a forum. When nobody uses them anymore it means the board is dead.

>> No.11256737

Was this guy trolling or not?
> I feel sorry enough to not auto crack your trip at least
I think it might be too bad to be true.

>> No.11256736

Quite the opposite, actually. Once actual discussion, no matter how inane, is overrun by greentexting and reaction images, the board is dead.

>> No.11256738
File: 1.38 MB, 1047x899, eiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is insane

SRS on /jp/, who'd have thunk it?

>> No.11256739
File: 307 KB, 900x900, 1207505729491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when does anyone need a reason to post White Len?

>> No.11256744

>If you weren't such an annoying prick I would almost feel sorry for you. I feel sorry enough to not auto crack your trip at least. You soil your name enough on your own.

White Ren is a public trip, how can ANYONE be this new.

>> No.11256742

The only thing actually capable of drowning out actual discussion is shitposting.

>> No.11256743

Is anyone even defending women here, theres just a few posts putting the whores in their place and thats about it.

>> No.11256749
File: 109 KB, 462x576, 1584510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a public tripcode. It's mine.

To use it correctly, one must be the little girl.

>> No.11256751

You're not even a good impostor, though.

>> No.11256754

Thus, the decision about having children is, for most people, the most important decision in their lives about how they will affect humanity's resource footprint in the future. (Nina Paley said it graphically.)

That decision enabled me to contribute something else: to launch GNU and the free software movement. Having no dependents, I could dedicate myself to what seemed right rather than to whatever someone with money wanted me to do. If you are reading this page, it is because that decision enabled me to make contributions to humanity that people appreciate.

I therefore urge you to do as I did, and have no children. I don't wish that nobody had any children; I don't want humanity to disappear. But there is no risk of that; for the numbers I could hope to influence, the influence is for the good.

Some make the absurd argument that population decline is the real danger. In 50 years, they claim, everyone will have a comfortable life, so they may have few children (as tends to happen in developed societies today), and the human population could decline. If this went on for millenia, humanity might disappear. Is that a real possibility?

First of all, it disregards the tremendous disaster that global heating and destruction of the natural world are leading towards. 30 years from now, large parts of humanity will probably find it hard to get water or food, let alone contraception. It is unlikely we will provide most of humanity with a decent European-style life with the current world population. So there is little chance, in that world, of population decrease because everyone is comfortable.

Supposing we avoid the disaster and eliminate poverty, 50 years later we might reach a stage where everyone prefers a small family. However, 50 years after that we will probably have greatly extended the human life span. That means a much smaller number of births per adult per year would be enough to maintain a stable population. The danger of overpopulation might even return.

>> No.11256752

I decided not to have children. My family was full of tension and anger, and then I noticed that many others were too. Such a family life was in no way attractive. When older, often I saw parents rebuke their children for playing with me, or even in my vicinity, assuming it would bother me — without waiting to see if I objected. Rebuking those children had become an ingrained, automatic habit. To see this made me sad for them, but I knew I would be the same as a parent. I would not be able cope with a frequently crying baby without becoming upset and angry.

Of course, many people tell themselves, "That happens to others, but I am better than they; I will get it right." Obviously, most of them are mistaken. I did not suppose that I would succeed in human relationships where most people fail.

Most fathers in the US have to work very hard to get money for their children. I did not want a life of running on a treadmill, doing whatever people with money would tell me to do.

A large fraction of US fathers eventually get divorced, and subsequently rarely see the children for whom they are spending most of their time scrabbling for money. What a futile life! But even those who are not yet divorced see their children little, since they are so busy at work.

I am convinced I made a wise personal decision in avoiding this. But I was not the only one that benefitted from it. Everyone did. Not having children is an important contribution to humanity. My decision probably reduced the 2050 population by 5 to 10 people.

Overpopulation is a tremendous danger to civilization and the ecosphere. It makes every human-caused ecological problem bigger. Population growth has slowed but not stopped. The human population is expected to grow by 2 or 3 billion by 2050, and it is not clear how to find water and food for all those people. Population growth also increases the difficulty of curbing global heating.

>> No.11256753
File: 116 KB, 641x1024, 2576699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be a terrible day indeed if the original made a good impostor.

>> No.11256758

The first hurdle is to avoid the disaster. Having no children will help, and it will free you to do something else that will help.

>> No.11256760

>Not having children to raise them with care in a happy family unlike all the others shitty humans
anon pls

>> No.11256763

>pasta without sage

>> No.11256769

Why does kopipe require sage?
