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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 75 KB, 780x600, Rumia~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11248310 No.11248310 [Reply] [Original]

It all started when I was looking for Touhou games to download, I finally reached a site, I forgot the link but the page did look odd, the background was black, it seemed to have Touhou characters in the background made with white lines but they were drawn in an odd fashion. Their eyesockets seemed empty and their style looked creepily realistic, I shrugged it off and continued looking trough the site untill I found the game, it was Touhou 10.1... "10.1?" I thought to myself and downloaded the file, when I started it up the menu screen popped up, it seemed to be made by ZUN aswell, I was confused how this game was never released or heard of.

I decided to play the game later as I had to do some stuff first, I left the menu screen on for a while and went down to brush my teeth, wish and so on. I finally returned and I could still hear the menu music playing through my headphones, but it was different, it sounded odd like the sounds were all mixed together in an odd way. When I put on the headphones again the music seemed normal again so I looked at the menu screen, again it was like most Touhou games, Reimu on the on the cover of the menu, but she looked different too. Instead of the usual she looked sad, realisticly sad that it sent shivers down my spine, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to play it anymore, but I clicked play anyway.

>> No.11248319
File: 1.11 MB, 1600x1200, Rumia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game seemed to be in an unfinished stage as there were only two difficulties available, I didn't know what they were as they were called diffrently. One difficulty was called "Bad" which I thougth would be easy mode, for those that are bad. The other difficulty was titled "Death" which I asumed being Lunatic.

As I never played any of the games on easy mode I choosed the Death option. As I went to play the screen flashed black and white for a moment, I assumed it was a glitch and the game started like any other game, but there was no music. The stage was called "Path of Sorrow", which just added to the whole thing that the game was creeping me out. So I played to the midboss, the midboss seemed to be Rumia but the sprite was slightly different from the what it used to be, I defeated her without any trouble but once defeated it let out a terrible scream, it sounded so realistic, I was shocked and got hit by a random danmaku because of the shock of the scream. "That is an odd defeating sound.." I thougth to myself and continued to play.

>> No.11248334
File: 185 KB, 562x599, Rumiaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reached the boss of the first stage which was Wriggle, red eyes, blood seeming to drip down the face as the conversation started, it wasn't long, only 2 lines by both characters "Reimu: You? Wriggle: Why did you do this to me?" as the battle started Wriggle started to shoot what seemed like flies, every graze I did the Reimu sprite started to become more and more bloody, I thougth it was an experimental effect of this game, since grazing like that in reality would atleast cause some harm. When defeated it let out again one of those screams and the screen turned black again, the screen flashed an image so fast I couldn't see it, but I was right on time to printscreen it, I went to paint and pasted the images and I was shocked. On the image was a little girl, looking just like Wriggle, body chopped apart and blood everywhere, there was a shadow on the image, it looked very familair but I couldn't get my mind on it who's it was.

>> No.11248338

Hyper realistic blood etc.

>> No.11248343

After watching those recent retsupurae creepy pasta stream recordings I can't take creepy pasta seriously anymore, because of things pointed out by >>11248338

>> No.11248347 [SPOILER] 
File: 76 KB, 850x1186, RRuumMmmiiiAaaA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to keep on playing and everything went pretty much the same until the final stage, the boss was just a black figure, nothing more, perhaps the sprite was missing but the screen turned black and all I heard was the sound of losing a life rapidly, the screen turned back to normal and it showed in big letters "You are dead." There were no continues, only exit game. So I exit the game and my background of my desktop was changed. A woman, also looking just like Reimu, her head was torn off which seemed to be by brute force, I shivered and almost threw up from the sight I saw. I decided to get some answers, after research I found ZUN's phone number I decided to call. After many days of trying to call he finally picked out, I explained what happened on the game, the answer I got was shocking. "Delete the game, or you are next." In shock I quickly hung up the phone and then I remembered that shadow in the picture.... That shadow... It was ZUN's...

>> No.11248402

Please do not use little Rumia to shitpost.

>> No.11248430
File: 123 KB, 400x600, Rumia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't really looks like shitposting, though.

>> No.11248448

I love little Rumia! She is so cute, even when she is stalking her prey!

Not a day goes by where I don't think about what a wonderful girl she is.

>> No.11248461

Someone post the one about that unreleased Touhou anime episode.

>> No.11248464

Janny doesn't like scary threads, they keep him up at night.

>> No.11248467

Fuck, did anyone here watch that ufotable touhou anime?

>> No.11248473
File: 19 KB, 700x443, bobbit-worm-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at a local beer festival, when I spotted this small man with a peculiar green flat cap. I thought I'd strike a conversation, but his english was pretty bad. He seems to know his beer, and when asked about what he does for a living, he said it wasn't anything particularly interesting. However, he did mention about making his own games during his free time. I forgot about him for the next few weeks. One day, I went out for some beer with friends, and remembered my encounter with the strange asian guy weeks ago. I went back home that night and decided to search up the game he made, for curiosity's sake. I believed he called it 'Touhou Project'. My entire world changed after that.

>> No.11248496
File: 324 KB, 320x180, ZUN Rumia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that also a creepypasta?
If that is then I'm interested. Mind if anyone search that up?

>> No.11248515

Has anyone heard about that unreleased episode of the Touhou anime?

Supposedly it was this episode that was supposed to be released at Reitaisai 7, but they pulled it from the booth. They've actually been very good about keeping this a secret; it can't seem to be found anywhere online, and there's hardly any physical record of its existence. But I have a buddy who has a friend who used to work with Maikaze, and was close with the director. He was around during the supposed making of this episode. He recalled the D suddenly acting strangely during this time; apparently, he was far more paranoid than usual and allowed no one in the studio other than himself, Nakahara Mai, and Sawashiro Miyuki (none of the other Touhous were even in this episode). But my friend's contact got a prerelease from one of the animators and was able to watch it before the DVD could be destroyed. Now, he only watched it once before Maikaze got to it, but this is what he could tell me:

When it starts out, there's no opening with music or narration: it just goes right to the Hakurei Shrine. This may just be because my friend's pal saw an early version, but the picture quality is a little worse than than the first episode, and the sound doesn't quite sync up right. Reimu is in the shrine counting her donations, and while she looks normal, there's something "off" about her. All my friend's friend could tell me was that when you look at her (especially into her eyes) she seems human but "foreign" somehow.

After a few minutes, Marisa calls out from the front of the shrine. She comes in and starts complaining about something, although the audio is so low that you can hardly hear her. She's white as a sheet and looks more distressed than usual, like something is seriously wrong. This goes on for a few minutes, and after a while she's just babbling incoherently before the picture cuts out.

>> No.11248517

Wow! Rumia looks even better when she's animated.

>> No.11248519

The next act is just Reimu and Marisa sitting near the torii, but it's no longer in color. This time, they both look "foreign," not just Reimu, and they're staring off blankly into space. They start talking with the same low audio quality, but now it's impossible to hear because there's a bass riff that comes in suddenly and just starts looping, making it so you can't hear anything else. But Reimu seems to be in pain, and Marisa is starting to sob. Apparently, my buddy's friend could just make out Marisa saying something like "don't let it through, don't let it come in" over and over again. This just repeats until the episode ends. All the while, the bass riff is getting more and more distorted, and after a few minutes, it just abruptly cuts to some super high frequency square wave.

I guess this made my friend's friend nauseous, so he left the room to vomit but came back as fast as he could so he wouldn't miss much. Since it was close to the 22 minute mark already, the episode had ended, but he caught a glimpse of the last image before the credits: just a still, black and white extreme closeup of Reimu's face. There was some very small text superimposed, but it seemed like the end of a larger portion of text, since the words just said "THEN IT WILL BE TOO LATE." I guess the guy my friend knows tried to take the DVD with him, but a member of Maikaze confiscated and destroyed it before he could leave the building.

So I know there's probably a low chance I'll find anyone else who has heard of this, but I decided to ask here just in case. Anyone know any more details about this episode?

>> No.11248538

I was walking home from the pub one day when I saw a package hanging out on my front porch

I opened the package and almost immediately realized that it was no ordinary package! Inside of the package was some sort of creepy Japanese game called Touhou.

On the front cover there was some weird girl, she looked like some kind of creepy voodoo doll or something. From this I concluded that it was no ordinary video game!

I walked into my house and popped the game into my ordinary Linux Gentoo PC

suddenly purple gas started pouring out my computer, I could tell it was no ordinary purple gas

suddenly I blacked out, it was no ordinary black out!

when I woke up I found myself in a forest, I could tell that it was no ordinary forest, I was also dressed like the girl on cover of that game that I had put into my computer, it was haunted! Oh no!

and then I died :(

>> No.11248541 [DELETED] 

Thata's all?

>> No.11248544
File: 56 KB, 480x516, Reeimuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all?

>> No.11248550

Yes. That and the OP are the only 2hu "creepypasta" that have some effort put into them.

>> No.11248554

So basically its every experimental art school film ever?

>> No.11248563

I wish I could be magically dressed like a 2hu by a haunted game

>> No.11248584

One day I was cruising the mean streets of L.A. when Yukari portaled into the back seat of my low ryder. She hit me up for a few rocks, I said that I don't sling that shit but I got a dime bag if she wants tucks. She got all prissy but smoked my weed anyway. After that we rode for a few minutes, talking shit about Yeezus was overrated as shit. Not sure if she noticed but I got a peek of her bloomers when she portaled out. All in all 4/5 would mos def fuk that old hag booty.

>> No.11248640

I got yer creepyspaghetti

so marisa was surfin dem internets, takin da grate big shite on /jp/, then she came across a post talkin bout some shits called da "sad panda" or sum junk. curious and shit, da gurl looked up da sad panda shit and came across some shit called exhentai.
so maris-mizer typed dat shit in and saw sum lewd ass shit and closed her browser in shock, but then she felt a little horny and decided to go to da site agin. Then it happened, marisa only saw a panda lookin down like a bitch ass nigga, marisa went "da fuk is this shit" then she refreshed her browser and saw dat stupid ass panda agin, she was like "wut da fuk I jus need to wack to summa dat delicious witch booty not sum pussy ass panda shit" so she went to watch reimu do dat bdsm shit to tenshi in dat 3d noe wut im sayin nig.

>> No.11248659
File: 223 KB, 1075x735, dark touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had always prided myself on being two things; rather fearless, and rather good at games. Any game I owned was guaranteed to have been completed on hard mode, no matter what the time span took to reach the end. I would charge headfirst into a fight and had successfully disarmed an attacker who would otherwise have stabbed me.

I prided myself on those two things.

I also prided myself on my Touhou achievements.

To those who haven’t played the Touhou games, they are a series of vertical shooters where you dodge bullets whilst firing your own to progress through 7 increasingly difficult stages, with a boss at each stage. There are nearly 20 games in total for the entire saga.

I had beaten all of the Touhou games, including the PC-98 games. You name it, I had cleared it on both Hard and Lunatic modes. Subterranean Animism, Mystic Square, Double Spoiler… all that were in my Touhou folder were cleared.

You can imagine my excitement, when, out of the blue, my friend (let’s call them A) tells me they’ve found the demo for the newest game, Touhou 14, even kindly enough providing a download link from Rapidshare. Legit enough, right? Aside from I hadn’t seen users freaking out on Tumblr, nor an official announcement on the Touhou Wikia. None of that penetrated my thick skull as I downloaded the file, though.

>> No.11248676

After an hour and a half of total download, unzip and install time, the folder sat innocently on my desktop. “Touhou 14”. This was nothing new; I only named the folders for my games with the English name, and as this was a demo, there was no English name. However, by this point the time had gone 10pm, and college beckoned in the morning for a 6am start. I shut down my laptop and readied myself for bed, barely drifting off into a fitful, dreamless sleep.


When I awoke, there was still murky, residual darkness outside, viewable via the window opposite my bed. I dragged myself out of bed for a shower and some tea, a ritual I had recently accustomed myself to.

By 5:59am, I had eaten, showered and was in the process of blowdrying my hair before dressing when the flashing blue light of my laptop caught my attention. Strange… I’d switched it off the night before. Giving my newly dried hair a shake and a drag-through with a flat brush, I toggled the touchpad of the laptop, only to find I hadn’t pressed the “Off” option when switching off last night. No big deal, it meant I could fool around for a bit until 6:30 when I had to leave for the bus to college. It meant that, surprise surprise, I could give the new Touhou instalment a whirl before Form.

>> No.11248681

mad props

>> No.11248684

Pulling a dress over my newly brushed hair and panties under the dress, I executed the file inside the folder; strangely enough, named in boxes where it would usually be named something along the lines of “TH14 Demo”. However, I assumed it to be the original Japanese text that my tottering unupdated laptop couldn’t read, and shrugged it off as I settled back down into the seat in front of the screen, black as the executable file booted itself up.

In seconds, the title screen was up, amazingly similar to the title screen for Ten Desires, but with no sound. I sighed, thinking it was an error in patching that deleted the music file; I’d had this problem with Perfect Cherry Blossom. Starting up a new game, I was pleasantly surprised to find new playable characters; Flandre, Nue, Komachi, and Utsuho. I was even happier to see that these playable characters were what most fans would consider fairly strong characters, especially Utsuho and Flandre. Now, Nue had always been a favourite of mine, so my directional pad headed straight for her option. Hitting the Z button, however, yielded no result aside from a loud screech from my laptop.

Stupid thing, I thought, it must have damaged the game file. I got the same result from Flandre and Utsuho, leaving me with little hope that Komachi would work.

>> No.11248693

btw I grill

>> No.11248695

Amazingly, her option agreed with my laptop and stage one fired up. But again… there was no music. The normally vibrant background colors were dullened, boringly enough. However, when playing FPS games my laptop tended to sometimes mess with colors, so I paid little heed. There were also no bullets to dodge; no fairies appeared, no midboss, only small cloud-like enemies floating across the screen. The minute I launched an attack on them, though, they fled, leaving a black box behind in the stead of the usual red power-ups or green point boxes. Upon collecting these… a strange thing happened. After I collected 10 of these boxes the screen faded to black, making the loudest static noise ever. Jumping halfway out of my skin at the unexpected noise, I simply held down the power switch to turn my laptop off. Catching sight of my clock on the wall, the time read 6:25; probably time for me to go. College awaited me.

>> No.11248702


When I came home that night, I started up Touhou 14 again, hoping that cool-off time would improve the game. This time there was music for the title screen; however, it wasn’t a ZUN-type sound. It was more several title themes all played over each other… I took it as another quirk of the damage my laptop could inflict on games. This time, however, there was no character select after the title screen. There were no controls at all; they were taken over by the computer, as though in demo mode. It controlled itself as it moved Komachi across the screen, attacking all that came in her path in a rather uncharacteristic way for Komachi. In another strange move, all enemies fled her. The background looked rather like the inside of Yukari’s gap as shown in the fighter games like Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, extending so far that the bomb, life and power counters were hidden.

>> No.11248711

The next shock came when the boss of the level showed up. A very stressed-looking Shiki appears, warning Komachi to turn back. Not too surprising since there was no aforementioned incident and Komachi has a job to do, right? Before any back-and-forth could occur between the characters, as is the norm, the game launched Komachi forward, causing her scythe to cleave her boss in half.

I sat staring, dumbfounded, at the screen as blood seeped from the halved pixels, spreading over the screen until the gaplike background was obscured by red.

>> No.11248716

The game handed control back to me. I shook as I carried onto level two, confronted by some fleeing fairies. Again, they dropped black boxes… however, this time, there was no static sound. I was transported directly to stage two, a setting that resembled the flowing lava of Subterranean Animism stage six. This time, a visibly irritated and fearful Rin appears, warning Komachi that to go deeper is a danger even she wouldn’t approach. Komachi’s control was taken from me at this point; again she was launched into the kasha, slicing the girl’s head from her shoulders. My trembling increased as a split frame appeared on my screen long enough to print-screen it; upon minimising of the game, and pasting of the screenshot into MS Paint, the frame appeared to be that of what looked like a young cosplayer, about fourteen years old, dressed as Flandre. Her cosplay was cut open shoddily down the front, exposing her… with the shards she used to decorate her wings with impaling her chest and abdomen, and what seemed to be broken bone sticking out of her right arm. Blood took up most of the shot.

>> No.11248725

Bile started to rise in my throat as I realised just what kind of game this was. I deleted the image and tried to exit the game… but there was no exit command. Alt+F4 would not work. The laptop would not turn off. The game didn’t show as being run on Task Manager; on the contrary, it showed only critical processes as running. I was faced with no choice but to finish the game.

The format carried on as aforementioned for five more horrible levels, a myriad of different characters being slaughtered by what should have been a fairly easygoing ferrywoman; all three of the Mischievous Fairy Trio at once, Alice Margatroid, Aya and Momiji in the same level, Futo, Tojiko and Miko all at once, and the last level… Nue and Mamizou. My two favourites out of the whole game were dismembered before my eyes, even though they were only pixels.

>> No.11248734

As the game carried on, the split frames appeared for longer amounts of time… making sure I could see the atrocities… all Touhou cosplayers… after the Flandre then a Byakuren, her throat slit; an Utsuho, broken bones poking out from every limb and the neck at a sick angle… A Remilia with her intestines removed and wrapped tightly around her neck, acting as a noose. A Yuyuko with hands, feet, eyes and head cleaved from the body. A Yuuka impaled through the chest with several knives; a Hina whose face, legs and arms were badly charred, as well as a portion of the dress and some of the wig.The one similarity, aside from the complete lifelesness and youth of the girls, whose ages ranged from around 9 through to 16… was that the clothes were all shoddily cut open down the front, exposing far more of the deceased girls than should have been.

>> No.11248742

At the end of the “game”, the agonisingly slow blacking out of the image of the Hina cosplayer, came the credits… without any credits. No words rolled on the screen, only blackness, until where the usual end of the game would be.

“And special thanks… to YOU.”

I’m still not sure how fully the experience has affected me, but I certainly no longer pride myself on fearlessness. Anything red makes me vomit. Anything Touhou makes me faint. I can’t hear the original soundtracks of any of the games without descending into a debilitating panic attack. I dream about the murdered girls, suffer flashbacks to their dead eyes. The police took away my laptop to search the file… but it must have done something to itself. The entire motherboard was completely useless, melted and corrupted beyond saving. The download link had disappeared from Rapidshare. I see my therapist twice a week. She says I have post-traumatic stress disorder.

All I know is that I can see those dead faces, and will until I die.

>> No.11248766

Nice pasta, anon, however...

If you cant see the picture because it flashed so fast, ow could you press printscreen in the right time? Why dont you make it so that the game said you get a screenshot or something, auto-screenshot exist, right? Or maybe you see something flashed, so you look at the replay, with a finger ready on the printscreen button. Seems more viable

>> No.11248785

Times were especially tough for Kogasa. A youkai that earned her bread by scaring people, just getting enough of a surprise out of one person was hard for the blue and purple girl. People rarely took her seriously and kids would play with her like she was a clown. Going to bed weak and listless, having scared no one in all of Gensokyo, was becoming a common occurrence for the withering girl.

Yukari, of course, took notice. Although certainly not a woman to stick her neck out for just anyone, she felt a certain obligation to her fellow youkai. She had created Gensokyo so that youkai could continue to exist, in spite of a modernizing and secular, scientific Japan. Yet, here was a youkai for whom Gensokyo was a barren wasteland, rather than a lush refuge.

The problem, however, was in how to help the girl turn things around. She simply wasn't scary. At all. She might be able to startle people on a good day, but even in doing that she was liable o give herself away half the time. Something different needed to be done. But what, Yukari wondered, as she slipped across the boundary into the real world, in search for this answer.

She soon found it, and it would change that poor umbrella's life.

>> No.11248822
File: 8 KB, 212x340, cryptic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this

>> No.11248825

"Alright Byakuren, lie back on those ceramic tiles...watch the prosthetic neck, it took me ages to make that from wax. Yeah, yeah. You got the contacts in? Good. Stare at the dot on the ceiling, please. Let everything in your body relax. Just like meditating haha. This won't take more than a second..."

It was a messy business that she had entered. The makeup and wax limbs would often melt in the summer, dyes were expensive, and some youkai were simply unable to sit still during makeup application. And the fake blood was ALWAYS hard to clean up, and dyed her hands light red. People would joke about how she was committing a murder every day.

Still, she wouldn't have it any other way. The fake executions, the simulated immolations, the gory pictures of little girls hung by their own intestines - whatever Yukari was doing with then was working. She enjoyed a constant flow of energy into her body, though she didn't know who was being frightened by her work, or where. They were outsiders, for sure sure, since no one in Gensokyo knew more about her job than she did. She was simply a pleasant youkai who used kappa technology to take.pictures of people that were dressed up like corpses. Weird, but they accepted it generally - it kept Kogasa out of everyone else's hair, she paid her models, and she didn't publish the photos in Gensokyo. No one knew what happened to them - Kogasa gave them to Yukari, who simply told her that they would be put to good use teaching people not to be too curious.

Still, one problem remained - the pictures had apparently been a bit too successful. For the first time in her whole life, Kogasa was overweight.

>> No.11248853

One of the villagers that did regular business with her took notice of this. Her usually roomy clothes were becoming taught, with some stress at the seams. Her short skirt covered very little of her thighs.

His eyes continued to wander and evaluate the youkai's apparent overachievement in her new profession. Her gaunt cheeks had long since fleshed out. Her petite breasts had nearly doubled in size; every step made them jiggle, as Kogasa refused to wrap them, and didn't know what a bra was. A noticeable bump at the waistline produced soft, squeezable curves. Same with her hips, and thighs, which swayed and pivoted with a hypnotizing beauty as she moved. And her bottom...dear lord, the delicious peach that was her bottom - he couldn't resist craining his neck to take a peek of her large smooth, chubby cheeks whenever she bent over to grab this or that tool when he was over, exposing her rump to the world. Was this intentional? Was she refusing to buy new clothes in a vain hope that she could fit into them again? Was the frequently scatterbrained woman simply blissfully unaware that many men now shaped up her deliciously ripe body as she walked through the village?


>> No.11249345

> being able to reach ZUN by phone
Come on, anon. Make it half-believable.
