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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 334 KB, 1920x1080, 1349193782-1879443391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11245865 No.11245865 [Reply] [Original]

is weather girls /jp/?

>> No.11245878


I'd say so.

>> No.11245881

I'd say no.

>> No.11245887

only cat cubie

>> No.11245908
File: 34 KB, 350x467, 20110411_03_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lín Yíhuì so cute

>> No.11245927

Nameu doesn't sound Japanese.

>> No.11246066

I can totally see one guy saying I want a girl with slim legs like that but since he is a pathetic loser without confidence he will never find one, so he tries to become the girl he will never have and in his late 20s he realises that his body changes and just ends as a sad abomination on hormones to become his dreamgirl and commites suicide in depression

>> No.11246241

I want to sex those.

>> No.11246507

no they're all taiwanese, but they sing in japanese and have kpop style

>> No.11246512

Some 3D-idiots seem to buy everything as long as some doll-like bitches act as some unnatural moe girls.

>> No.11246525

i would impregnate the tall one with black hair

>> No.11246553
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>> No.11246555

This isn't from an actual weather challenge, is it?

>> No.11246569

Ah. So that is where it is from.

>> No.11246572

Woah, their Japanese is native..no accent. I thought they were from taiwan? Or was this just dubbed over?

>> No.11246594

There's different groups I think. Original in Taiwan, one in Hong Kong and one in Japan or something. Could be wrong but that's how I understood it.

>> No.11247089

They are from Taiwan. all the girls have Chinese names and Japanese names

>> No.11247125

Taiwanese girls are the best.

>> No.11248127

Just saw their other videos, they definitely have a heavy foreign accent. It seems that they cover up the accent in the music.

>> No.11248134

Look at that girl on the end. You can see the top of her hose. Does this have a name?

>> No.11248154

I don't know, but I love it.

>> No.11249162

this. there's something about them that differentiates them from mainland chinese.

my friend says its the fact that their teeth aren't so fucked up and that they dont come from a leagacy of malnourished life like the past generations of mainlanders.

>> No.11249621

a few look singaporean and one looks very korean. i like this ensemble already.

do they have musical works that pay homage to marmalade?

>> No.11249664

They’re literally the same as Shanghai girls. They don't have the best reputation either.

>> No.11250582

i live in an area in toronto with asian majority population. there are a lot of young taiwanese girls in my neighborhood, they all seem to be very nice

>> No.11250593

that's their only good single. the later ones have just been shit. music videos are nice tho.

>> No.11250629

But they're pretty.

>> No.11250743

Not more than others, they don't look very distinct.
I don't think there's any difference in looks and attitude between Shanghai and Taiwan girls. HK girls have a similar attitude except a bit worse and they're shorter.

>> No.11250749

yeah j-idols look so 'distinct' (trans: below avg with major flaws aka UGGO)

>> No.11250752

Well I think Taiwanese girls are the cutest.

>> No.11250758

I was just saying I don't think there's such big differences. Although, mainland girls are often fatter. The switch to food abundance wasn't very kind to the figures and the acne.

That's OK.

>> No.11250773

is weatherbox /jp/?

>> No.11250781

You're telling me there's an area of China full of chubby girls?

>> No.11250785

They're called cities.

>> No.11250942
File: 30 KB, 320x554, 2013060301_s5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weather girls

>> No.11250947


>> No.11250953

Traditional Chinese dresses, man.

>> No.11250966
File: 143 KB, 899x494, 05300000338583125224811008875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the similar Vietnamese dress, ao dai better than the qipao.
Traditional Chinese dresses would be hanfu 漢服 though.

>> No.11250980

>Maximum attention whoring
This thread irritates me.

>> No.11250982
File: 212 KB, 1200x798, Home N Women_Ao Dai_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ao dai.

>> No.11251296
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>> No.11251299

their dresses are way too short to be innocent. they look like they're prepared for mating

>> No.11251309

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11251312

My goodness, you can see their under shorts and petticoats.

>> No.11251327

thats good. i want to mate with the one in the middle or far right

>> No.11251341

That's what I want anyway.

>> No.11257192
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If only I could get a girlfriend as cute as them.. They could even dress up for me like that on my birthday. It's not easy being a wizard.

>> No.11257200

You act like it's hard.

>> No.11257204

Taiwan girls look like plastic Korean girls.

>> No.11257218
File: 101 KB, 246x269, 1374069638565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The odds of finding a non-pleb gf between 25 and 30 are slim to none in my situation.

>> No.11257229

No one to blame but yourself.

>> No.11257260
File: 861 KB, 1183x651, pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying it's all my fault
Thanks bud. It's really nice to have a friend like you.

Maybe if the culture of western women wasn't so skewed towards being a pleb and having a social circle filled with nothing but plebs then yeah it could be all my fault. But it's not, and that's the way it is right now. So fuck off.

>> No.11257264

I wish gooks wouldn't use English in their songs. They sound fucking stupid.

>> No.11257270

So many epic memes in one post.

>> No.11257266 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11257274

Spoken like a true pathetic virgin.

>> No.11257281

Back to /a/ with you.

>> No.11257314
File: 168 KB, 400x400, workanzu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop trying to make me look bad, shitposters.

>> No.11257315

Stop blaming others. You did that all on your own.

>> No.11257316

Samefag to the extreme

>> No.11257324

Grab more straws.

>> No.11257336

Ad hominem much? It's clear you're projecting.

>> No.11257345
File: 189 KB, 367x440, 1374253887163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever. I already stated my case. Let me reiterate:

Western popular culture a shit. It's on our TV, in our music, in the fucking endless commercials wherever you go, in the once great cinema scene. It's all shit.

>> No.11257349

lol what a fucking weeaboo.

>> No.11257354

Whatever, virgin.

>> No.11257366
File: 22 KB, 265x265, 1374467911210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My culture is merely superior to yours, obviously. Too bad that's too difficult for you to understand. Enjoy your western mass media swill and having Avatar be your favorite movie, plebs.

>> No.11257375

*tips fedora*

>> No.11257379


>> No.11257389
File: 19 KB, 245x245, 1375395246842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11257392

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11257400

>look at me trying to fit in with my hu qot bullshit again

>> No.11257405

Are you okay anon!? Your text has gone green! Are you sick?
Pls stay away I don't want to catch your peasoupness

>> No.11257403

But who are you quoting?

>> No.11257422

rage sagers


>> No.11257427

But who were you quoting?

>> No.11257432

Why do people like this post here?

>> No.11257436
File: 1.64 MB, 320x240, fedora-nod_o_GIFSoup.com.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11257439

This is an off-topic thread, Billy

>> No.11257440

LELELE Do you want to eat a burger and watch MTV? Don't you have a kill ratio to maintain on Call of Shitty? How about you kill yourself after watching Failific Rim.

>> No.11257444

This is how the rest of 4chan posts regularly and no one says a thing.

>> No.11257469

And? That doesn't make it okay.

>> No.11257492

Women are the same everywhere, it's not the TV's fault you are a loser.

Shut up, spoiled kid.

>> No.11257509

looks like you went 1 station too early out, retard town is next station.

>> No.11257737

They look like they've taken an entire lifetime of dicks.
I wish I could be one of them...

Well, one thing I like about J-idols is that they don't look like such massive whores. Make no mistake, they are whores, but at least they don't outright look like them and they try to maintain a proper public image.
