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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 844 KB, 1754x1146, 20130307_grisaia02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11243130 No.11243130 [Reply] [Original]

>Not a complete ripoff of SnK

>> No.11243136

I loved SnK.

>> No.11243135

SnK was pretty shit though.

>> No.11243143

I thought it was good. >>11243135
SnK was pretty good. Akabei soft makes decent games even if some of the plot twists are retarded.

>> No.11243157

SnK had a much better OST

>> No.11243162

>Not a complete ripoff of YMK

>> No.11243173

The protagonists are noting alike, no weird military background, or some kind of childhood connection between characters.

>> No.11243180

>not a rip off of image macros

>> No.11243190

It was alright but the fan disc with the supervisor totally eclipses it.

>> No.11243200

>Kid (with special powers) wants to become the best of whatever the world is situated around (Titan Hunting)
>Paired up with strict female that craves protag dick (Mikasa)
> and a male who has questionable relevance to the plot (Armin)
> Has to go to new towns and complete an objective with others into the same thing (Trost)
> Learn that the world they're in has a dark history with monsters (The whole shit with the basement)

>Kid (with special powers) wants to become the best of whatever the world is situated around (Duel Monsters)
>Paired up with strict female that craves protag dick (Taiya)
> and a male who has questionable relevance to the plot (Joey)
> Has to go to new towns and complete an objective with others into the same thing (Duelest kingdom)
> Learn that the world they're in has a dark history with monsters (The Egypt shit)

Pokemon (1st generation)
>Kid (with special powers) wants to become the best of whatever the world is situated around (Pokemon)
>Paired up with strict female that craves protag dick (Misty)
> and a male who has questionable relevance to the plot (Brock)
> Has to go to new towns and complete an objective with others into the same thing (Gyms)
> Learn that the world they're in has a dark history with monsters (Shit with cloning mew)

>> No.11243205

Fuck off back to /a/, you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.11243208

Wow what a fucking idiot

>> No.11243209

Taiya wasn't importat to Yugioh's plot at all.

>> No.11243211

Who. Are you. quoting?

>> No.11243228
File: 82 KB, 707x530, lrn2argue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see picture

Didn't say she was, I was going to say something about being relevant to the plot but then people might bring up "Love interest" or "Mikasa is important to the plot because of her being a parallel character" and so forth

>> No.11243232

Wow what a fucking idiot

>> No.11243237
File: 475 KB, 896x1148, 1375113826075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this girl? Is she the one that killed right away?

>> No.11243238

Clever use of abbreviation.

>> No.11243241

<G-Senjou no Maou
>SnK (Non-bonus disc)

See what I did there? I'm CLEVER.

>> No.11243244


Your mom

>> No.11243245

New character on fandisc.

>> No.11243251

I see, thanks!

>> No.11243262

Fucking lol.

>> No.11243283

amane and yumiko are better then anything in SNK. Alsi the ending of SNK was god awful.

>> No.11243563


Thought Snk was better, i'm having trouble digging through all the Grisaia ''comedy''. It's fun for the first couple of hours but grows so damn stale and predictable.

>> No.11243602

SnK stands for Sharin no Kuni, not your Shingeki no Kyojin infantile cartoon.
Please, step off from the discussion.

>> No.11243627

>better than anything
She was the worst of the main heroines throughout the three games. That's a feat.

>> No.11243653

Which grisaia a best ?

>> No.11243693


>> No.11243699
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, Grisaia5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Getting a little serious now, hopefully it wont fall back into a full comedy.

Also, amane a slut.

>> No.11243710


>> No.11243719

>not daughteru

>> No.11243720


pretty divided, eh..

>> No.11243730

Cow tits and edgy gurl were the worst for sure.

>> No.11243733

Are you all on the right board?

>> No.11243741


We're in the right thread, that's for sure. This a containment thread, yes?

>> No.11243758

>Talking about VNs offtopic

Dont you guys have pointless 2hu circle jerk threads / >jp threads to contribute too?

Tsundere best girl btw

>> No.11243784


Who are you quoting? Why don't you join all the rest of your friends on /a/ with your "lel waifu wars xD" trash?

>> No.11243788 [DELETED] 

To be honest having an authoritative figure in charge in these kind of situations is usually a good thing. That is if the person in question is capable, a democracy wont solve a thing when you're stranded in the middle of nowhere. It's a shame team captain was a tad incompetent and most likely selfish, though. Although she made a smart decision by treating the most capable member of their entourage (the adult guardian) first.

I'm rambling here but I feel like the VN is trying to point out how much of a horrible person the team captain is, whilst she's just trying to work with the tools she's been given and puts the survival of the team as a whole over the survival of individual members of said team. Once again, not necessarily a bad decision.

>> No.11243794
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x720, grisaia6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest having an authoritative figure in charge in these kind of situations is usually a good thing. That is if the person in question is capable, a democracy wont solve a thing when you're stranded in the middle of nowhere. It's a shame team captain was a tad incompetent and most likely selfish, though. Although she made a smart decision by treating the most capable member of their entourage (the adult guardian) first.

I'm rambling here but I feel like the VN is trying to point out how much of a horrible person the team captain is, whilst she's just trying to work with the tools she's been given and puts the survival of the team as a whole over the survival of individual members of said team. Once again, not necessarily a bad decision.

>> No.11243792

Trash talking each other has been a /jp/ tradition as long as we've been talking about VNs.

>> No.11243796

gay. amene and yumiko are the best you just got shit coming out your ass too much.

>> No.11243808

wow you have shit taste man. how can you hate amane, shes a actually really cool character. A lot different from most heroines.

>> No.11243809
File: 1.32 MB, 1273x723, grisaia3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amane is a fucking slut

>> No.11243811


I don't believe "mai waifu > your waifu" can even qualify as "trash talking". I never cease to be amazed how anything the kids at /a/ touch is always reduced to nothing more than" ur waifu a shit! my is beter!" within a matter of minutes.

>> No.11243813

This is true, but traditionally people have had the decency to write out complete sentences about it, with explanations, instead of just throwing one-liners and shit everywhere.

>> No.11243816

Holy fucking shit. Now I understand why you Japanese readers hate translations so much. Even though my Japanese is really poor and I'm a peasant myself, I feel sorry for you guys.

>> No.11243829

It's nothing compared to what will happen after the anime is released.

>> No.11243828
File: 32 KB, 810x800, 1374887607414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you're supposed to side with Kazuki because she's a genius don't you get it?

>> No.11243835

Neah, the anime will probably just be mostly ignored like most adaptations of random moege.

>> No.11243837

At least they won't be doing their "arguing" about it here.

>> No.11243844


it'll still spike the amount of threads on /a/ and all the half-illiterate normies will crawl out of the woodwork

>> No.11243849

Why would anyone who can speak Japanese post on /jp/ with us "peasants". If I could speak the language the last fucking place I would ever post about Japanese culture would be /jp/. Fuck off with your autism.

>> No.11243854

They mostly talk to the other Japanese speakers about untranslated things.

>> No.11243855

Where do you want me to go? 2chan or futaba?

>> No.11243858
File: 396 KB, 498x510, kazuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know, I generally prefer the flawed person over the typical genius kid. I'm obviously biased but mary sues aren't really my thing.

The protag is steering in that direction as well, but he's not half as bad as his older sister.

>> No.11243865

spoiler that shit you fucker

>> No.11243861


/a/ pls go

>> No.11243860

It's hard to post on a Japanese board when you have to rely on text hookers and constant dictionary consulting.

>> No.11243868

You can't post on futaba without a VPN and 2ch doesn't have images. Also, all the japanese sites have absolutely awful interfaces.

>> No.11243873

You also can't post in most boards of 2ch without a VPN

>> No.11243874


Not all that spoilerish, but it might seem to be without context.

>> No.11243881

I payed the 20 dollars for 3 years of posting privileges. I still don't post that often since I'm afraid my japanese will be made fun of though.

>> No.11243877

That's not a spoiler in the slightest. It's a flashback, and even if it wasn't it's the same level of spoiler as "Sumika has a sprite in MLA"

>> No.11243899

Funny but this point is directly addressed in Rakuen

>> No.11243895


Which one of those posters indicated they were fluent in japanese?

How does knowing a different language automatically equate to posting on that type of imageboard?

How does that relate to people being annoyed by this level of shitposting being brought here?

How fucking retarded are you?

Please respond.

>> No.11243901

Couldn't you just use TOR and have it assign you a Japanese IP? It would suck if you wanted to upload/dl pictures about 1,b I guess.

>> No.11243902

Oh wait, I guess the first one kind of is since it shows kazuki talking to amane but at least that's only if you read it.

>> No.11243905


Alright. I'll stop whining about it and wait.

>> No.11243910

Shes fucking awesome, better then your generic shit girls. she knows how to take care of a man and also doesn't mind being naked. best girl.

>> No.11243913

Why is yuij so mean too JB ?

>> No.11246002
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, grisaia8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you /jaypee/ survival experts agree with Captain or Kazuki?

Don't do a thing to preserve energy or scavenge insects/plants for nutrition? The question here is whether scavenging nutrition is worth expanding all that extra energy, ofcourse.

>> No.11246504

Amane is best girl, but Michiru and Irisu please my penis the most.

>> No.11246520

Depends on the territory. I'm not familiar with Japanese flora.

>> No.11246767

So after ending Amane route, I can't help but remember Yuuji and Amane forgot to do something when the shit hit the fan.

I assume the digging up of a certain stash will be further elaborated upon in the sequel?

>> No.11246799

which route did herkz hate editing again?

>> No.11246802

So /jp/, what is the best grisaia ending?
for me is Makina's mystery bag ending.

>> No.11246836


>> No.11246852

yeah I can understand why not.

>> No.11247110

Hopefully not Yumiko's. I didn't finish any other route and I really like her character. But god, route and ending were so cheesy.

>> No.11247139

she has barely any character though

what a terrible route

>> No.11247171

I guess I have to agree, I just have a weak spot for kuudere.

I went for Kiriha Kuze in Fortune Arterial aswell and was disappointed after all. My inability to learn.

>> No.11247230

Brain dead tsundere

>> No.11247242
File: 1.76 MB, 1280x720, grisaia9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah. This route is so fucking adorable. Yuuji is a horrible sadist, though. And all the girls seem to be masochists. Definitely taking after his sister.

>> No.11247293

that was depressing

>> No.11249866 [DELETED] 


>> No.11249911

SnK's twist is awesome, I hope you were talking about G-Senjou's, which was forced, but still entertaining in its own way.
