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File: 50 KB, 788x542, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-J28377,_Volkssturm_feiert_Weihnachten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11242144 No.11242144[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It is 1933. You are in Berlin, Germany. Somehow, you find yourself in a position where you can effortlessly steal Adolf Hitler's wallet. This theft will not affect Hitler's rise to power, the nature of World War II, or the Holocaust. There is no important identification in the wallet, but the act will cost Hitler forty Reichsmarks and completely ruin his evening. You do not need the money. The odds that you will be caught committing this crime is less than 2%.

Are you ethically obligated to steal Hitler's wallet?

>> No.11242148

No, but I can't imagine the person who wouldn't.

>> No.11242150

No. I probably would anyways though

>> No.11242151

no, im not a nigger

>> No.11242154

There are somethings you just don't do. Stealing a man's wallet is not even an option. If you could get that close to Hitler and your primary concern is his wallet, that says something.

>> No.11242155
File: 29 KB, 219x186, iYdD0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11242157

Why the fuck did my Jew picture turn into a terrible spider?

>> No.11242165

The theoretical situation never said you're near Hitler. Just that you have a chance to steal his wallet. Perhaps he left it on his nightstand while going to work and you have the opportunity to steal it off his nightstand while he's gone.

>> No.11242166

If it has the same timestamp as a another file then sometimes they get mixed up.

Look on the bright side, you might have gotten someone in /an/ banned.

>> No.11242167

ethically obligated to commit a crime? Are you retarded?

>> No.11242178

I would hold onto it until he comes back so I could talk to him and tell him I'm from the future and he shouldn't attack the Russians.

>> No.11242180

>ethically obligated
what's that supposed to mean

>> No.11242181

>Implying implication.

Jesus H. Christ, anon, you're such a pussy. I'm sure you'd like to be pegged by loli all nights.

>> No.11242182

The filename says it's christmas. Why would you do such a mean thing on christma's evening? I hope you feel bad.

>> No.11242183

Why would i steal his wallet? He's a good person that saved germany from complete ruin.

>> No.11242186

he got his country cut in half and all the women in the capital raped by slavs

thats not a very good job

>> No.11242189

Ethically obliged? No.

But I do think old currency is pretty neat. So I'd take it.

>> No.11242190

I think he's saying stealing Hitler's wallet is "ethical" because he's a "mass murderer".

>> No.11242192

He didn't say it was. He asked you if it was.

>> No.11242193

Stealth redpill thread.

/pol/ go home.

>> No.11242194

If this is a redpill thread they're doing a pretty bad job with it.

>> No.11242196

No, but i'd ask him for a autograph

>> No.11242199

That was after he died. Furthermore, unless somebody consciously enabled somebody to commit a horrible act, in what situation can you possibly blame somebody's rape offense on another person?

Stay autism.

>> No.11242201
File: 1001 KB, 1792x2431, Adolf_Hitler_in_Paris_1940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>take his wallet
>put in a prepared message inside the wallet
>give it back to Hitler

inside the msg will say:
I am from the future [provide proof in the letter], please do the following in order to ensure the final victory!
1. Do not attack Russia until after you take England
2. Tell the Japs not to attack America until after you take England and Russia
3. ???
4. Profit
5. Kill all the Jews

>> No.11242203

>That was after he died.
its still his fucking fault he just killed himself to run away from his problems

>Furthermore, unless somebody consciously enabled somebody to commit a horrible act, in what situation can you possibly blame somebody's rape offense on another person?
suppose that you were in a house full of aryan women, and outside there was a horde of angry slavic rapists, but they couldn't get in because the door was locked

then you open the door and all the women are raped

i mean its not really your fault but lets face it its your fault

>> No.11242204

Do you know German?
Otherwise they might think you are some spy misleading them

>> No.11242206


>after you take England and Russia
>take Russia

Yeah, you might want to rethink that strategy.

>> No.11242209
File: 191 KB, 980x1190, Hitler1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ich bin eine deutscher soldat!

A little, I would make sure it was correctly written in German before doing it of course.

>> No.11242211

Ethics is an organized system of spooks. You have gears in your head, OP.

>> No.11242214


>> No.11242216
File: 44 KB, 1087x1442, hitler01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>butthurt, scared ruskie detected

Had Germany fought only single front wars, they would have won easily.

Not to mention if their ally, Japan attack from the East while Germany attacked from the West, Russia would have had NO chance in hell.

Also, technically, Germany did win against Russia, if you go by the numbers, since Russia lost MORE than double the amount of troops in the war.

So, just imagine how rekt'd Russia would have been if Germany had done it with a single front war, and also Japs attacking from the other side.

>> No.11242221

>Had Germany fought only single front wars, they would have won easily.
yeah england didn't really do shit from 41-44

>Not to mention if their ally, Japan attack from the East while Germany attacked from the West
yeah well i'm pretty sure you're in hitler's bedroom, not tojo's

>Also, technically, Germany did win against Russia, if you go by the numbers
nobody goes by the goddamn numbers

its a war, not a high score competition

>> No.11242221,1 [INTERNAL] 

