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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 79 KB, 1000x750, jpiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11239325 No.11239325[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many bottles do you have laying around your house, /jp/?

0: Get out of /jp/ normalfag!
0-10: What's the matter, missed the garbage truck? Normie.
11-20: Had a party and hasn't throw the bottles out yet? Fucking normalshit.
21-30: You're in the right way, keep'em coming!
30+ Congrats! You are super NEET!

>> No.11239329

I use coffee mugs

>> No.11239333

I thought of a really, really clever piss disposal idea a few days ago, but I forget it.

>> No.11239337

But good little girls don't do gross things like that!

>> No.11239334

A piss cactus?

>> No.11239335

Dude that's a lot of ginger ale, why do you need that much? Won't it go bad before you get a chance to drink it?

>> No.11239338

I drink tap water, tea and milk.
I rarely get the pleasure of using a piss bottle, but I do keep some unused ones around just in case!

>> No.11239346
File: 5 KB, 173x174, Yuuka doesn't know what to think or say.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it.
Why would you keep bottles around? Why not just use the toilet? Saving water? Why is it that you need to have bottles of your piss just to feel NEET, I thought having the need to feel part of a social classification was one of the characteristics of being a normalfag, was it not? Why not just go piss out the window or something? I just don't understand humans.

>> No.11239347
File: 1.27 MB, 1637x1291, 1247979980443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11239353

OP here, I don't necessarily mean piss bottles. Just all kinds of bottles, I so many bottles that throwing them out would be impossible.

>> No.11239355

Are you a normal or something? Have you never thought how much time people waste in the bathroom in the course of their lives, all for the sake of keeping up appearances?

The point of pissing in a bottle isn't just to show that you're "edgy" and wallow in your own filth, it's a gesture that symbolizes that you have completely rejected the chains of hypocrisy and social conditioning that once bound you in unthinking obedience to power holders and monied interests.

If you can't understand that much, there's no hope for you.

>> No.11239357

Why the fuck do people do this, for neet cred? Why not just go to the fucking bathroom?

>> No.11239362

That's not always an option. Sometimes there are people around.

>> No.11239359

Can you not afford running water? Are you too morbidly obese to get out of bed? Are you just trying to desperately to fit in?

>> No.11239369

I use gallon milk jugs instead of bottles. Whats the ratio of milk jugs:bottles?

>> No.11239364

I have this habit of pissing in the sink.
It's much more comfortable, I don't have to aim, it doesn't splash, it's silent and I can save a lot of water.
Why aren't you doing this?

>> No.11239366
File: 24 KB, 495x599, 1368655766675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had maybe 50-60 empty water bottles scattered on my bedroom floor before I cleaned up earlier this week. I managed to gather maybe 30-40 since then, but I cleaned up yesterday.

I'm not diabetic.

>> No.11239367

Good little girls wear cute diapers and get their boyfriends to change them.

>> No.11239368
File: 541 KB, 400x300, 1233928590_citizen kane clapping.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11239370

Soda bottles.

>> No.11239372
File: 22 KB, 190x180, Yuuka is happy!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically what you're saying is, by not acting like a toilet trained person, you want to show your subhuman simian pride. Okay, I get it! I get it!

>> No.11239376

>it doesn't splash
This is what I hate the most about toilets. I keep thinking up some stupid contraption involving a tube and attaching it to the inner bowl or something so the fucking splashing is eliminated but that is way to much work for me.

>> No.11239374

What's wrong with recycling? Isn't that a good thing? Or is it some sort of secret jew propaganda?

>> No.11239386

I had about 25 empty vitamin water bottles behind my fridge cause it pissed me off my mom didn't recycle them.
But then she cleaned them up while I was gone
The most full pee bottles I ever had was about 7

>> No.11239387
File: 135 KB, 1872x227, pissbleach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be careful. Heed my warning. Stay safe my brothers.

>> No.11239384

Have you tried sitting down? No splash.

>> No.11239394
File: 341 KB, 1280x720, 1375044395753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11239398
File: 20 KB, 183x251, 1372532711950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny pic dude but I already saved that before.

>> No.11239397

For a moment there I was worried I'd thrown them all out while getting ready to move. Actually they're all just in bin-bags on the floor.

>> No.11239404
File: 17 KB, 500x500, Professional-Watering-Can_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered my idea: a piss watering can. That way you won't miss, and you can pour it into the toilet or out the window when you're done.

It seemed brilliant when I was drunk...

>> No.11239406

have you seen any new urinals lately? some of them now put stickers for you to aim at and it doesn't splash back as much anymore, it's pretty neat!

>> No.11239420

What if I can't aim because urine exits my urethra at random angles?

Is this just me? I think there's some excess skin in there, or something.

>> No.11239424

The sink man, the sink.

>> No.11239433

out of luck I suppose.
a catheter is always an option, or just sit down

>> No.11239434

>I never flush my toilet
What the fuck

>> No.11239435

That's what I use, but this problem I have shows the intellectuality of urinals. A narrow, vertical bowl just can't compete with a wide, horizontal bowl.

>> No.11239442

What's wrong with that? Do you enjoy wasting water? It's not a problem if there's human waste in a device designed for human waste.

Do you empty your bin every time you put trash in it?
