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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11239318 No.11239318 [Reply] [Original]

Good Japanese horror movies?

>> No.11239332 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11239344
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>horror movies

>> No.11239363

I watched one on /x/ 3 years ago.
The guy kept replacing his body parts with sheets of iron and his dick turned into a power drill.
That shit was fucking awesome.

>> No.11239395
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, Audition.1999.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE.mkv_snapshot_01.42.17_[2013.07.18_20.15.39].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Audition is a favourite, but it isn't really "horror."

If there's anything similar to this please tell me.

>> No.11239407

Chakushin Ari (1&2, others are shit)
Ju-On (scary as fuck, imho)
Noroi (very good)

I also recommend Shutter, even though its not Japanese

>> No.11239415

Whoops, forgot about Dark Water.

>> No.11239410

Sounds like Tetsuo: The Iron Man

>> No.11239425

Yeah thats what it was! Thanks alot i've been meaning to re-watch it.

>> No.11239560

I haven't watched them yet, but I've recently heard about Suicide Club and Noriko's Dinner Table. Are they good?

>> No.11239621

Suicide Club was shit. I wouldn't even consider it to be horror. More like splatter effects with a shallow mystery plot.
It certainly wasn't scary.

>> No.11239625

I agree.
Suicide circle was a gorefest with a slight eerie feel to it.

>> No.11239631

Why isn't this on the movie board?

>> No.11239646

What's a movie so scary that it will make me scared to leave my chair?

>> No.11239694

Ju-On: The Grudge was pretty scary.

>> No.11239699

The Grifter

>> No.11239716

Cabin in the woods was alright

>> No.11239736

That wasn't really a "horror movie", though. It was a "horror" movie in the same Shaun of the Dead was.

>> No.11239752

You're right, it's a horror comedy

>> No.11240215

Suicide Club is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Which is strange since I either like or love every other movie from Shion Sono.

Speaking of which, Strange Circus is pretty good.

>> No.11240263
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>Horror Comedy

The best kind.

Also, that's a weird House movie poster, OP.

>> No.11240276
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>> No.11240291

I haven't watched a movie since i was 16 my autism don't let me watch things longer than 15 minutes anime are just right

>> No.11240474
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anime 22mins

>> No.11240479

Western version is scarier.

>> No.11240585

not japanese

>> No.11240993
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Debatable. Hong Kong with Japanese producers and I am pretty sure director.

I love those cheasy dubbed over vhs rips to dvds. Like Ninja Wars and Samurai Reincarnation. The thing is that those don't show the endings of the movies, so when they do end you are left confused.

The other thing is that I've almost completely ran out of Japanese ninja movies to watch, so I watched a crappy movie called Power Ninja Squad. They ended up combining crappy 80's American ninja film with a Hong Kong mafia film. The cheasy dub of the Hing Kong movie was really enjoyable, but it didn't show the full movie of it and I could really have gone with out the American ninja portions. It comes from this DVD set.

>> No.11242988
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Empire Of Passion.

Why do parents not understand the art of film? If I were to show them some of my classic movies they would throw them away and think me a perverted killer.

>> No.11242996


>> No.11243012

Noroi, Uzumaki, Tomie (film series), Dark Water

>> No.11243033

Found footage:

Chichibu Demon
POV: A Cursed Film

>> No.11243073

Le Tokyo Gore Police.

>> No.11243086

Never watched/heard of Chichibu Demon. Is that an indication on how shit it really is.

Noroi was the best horror movie ever by the way, none were as scary or well narrated as far as I recall, I'm waiting to see if they upload Cult, the new movie from the same director, in asiatorrent. Occult was ok.

>> No.11243095

>Never watched/heard of Chichibu Demon. Is that an indication on how shit it really is.

It's just really obscure. Creeped me out, personally. You can watch it here if you want:


I would agree that Noroi is at least the best of the found footage horror genre.

>> No.11243104

I found Occult to be just ok because unlike Noroi, almost all of the supernatural existance was bullshit. Noroi kept it at a realistic level that I actually really really liked and came up with a really really good supernatural source.

He should make a sequel of sorts. That's why I'm interested in Cult.

>> No.11243153

Yeah, Occult wasn't as good. I loved the ending, though, the tape that he got at the end. That was great.

I'm excited about Cult too. The trailer looked crazy. Here it is if anyone wants to watch it (the trailer):


>> No.11243160

>horror movies

pick one OP

>> No.11243170

I thought that was the only genre they're actually good at.

>> No.11243178

What he said.

Maybe Metropolis, maybe a bit more. Not much more than that.

In fact I'm starting to get bored with what Westerners think is Horror lately, at best you get The Conjurer and Insiduous which is the standard exorcist/poltergeist movie, I'm more curious about what Japan is doing lately that isn't just fucking retarded to the core.

>> No.11243185


The only really good japanese movies I've seen, outside of anime of course, are lily chou chou and confessions. One is about bullying and the other is about revenge, which kind of had a bullying tone to it.

>> No.11243184

>Tomie (film series)
Very dark
Very scary
Very evil
Very true to witch behavior

>> No.11244110

you should watch more movies

>> No.11244380

i watched kokuhaku the other day

it was really good

>> No.11244389

>Middle school teacher Yoko Moriguchi's (Takako Matsu) life comes crashing down after the murder of her 4 year old daughter. Eventually Yoko Moriguchi suspects some of her own students to have been responsible for her daughter's death. An elaborate plan for revenge then ensues, including forcing students to drink HIV tainted milk ...

God what is this shit. This summary is giving me such a bad impression so far.


>> No.11244392

watch the movie dood

>> No.11244399

just watch it faggot

>> No.11244418

[insert following foaming rage post]

It was more of a joke than anything to begin with. Still torrenting.

>> No.11244428


That's a pretty bad and stupid joke. The two sociopaths kids did do it and of course everyone knows drinking HIV wouldn't actually give it to you.

>> No.11244439


>foaming rage post

I think it it was more along the lines of "you're retarded". Cool edginess though

>> No.11244454

I love that movie. It's fun gore.

Recently I saw Wild Zero and it was pretty cool, alien zombie apocalypse with a real rock n' roll band Guitar Wolf. Big spoiler The main-girl turns out to be a trap

Deadball looks promising, someone watched it yet?

Also, I found this site
Am I just retarded or are all links dead? The megaupload ones are obvious, but all the other ones as well.

>> No.11244503

Just go to asiatorrent.

>> No.11244524

Nice, thanks.

>> No.11245166

I still enjoyed it even if not scary,maybe just in a campy sort of way.

>> No.11245254

I think I liked this movie

>> No.11245270

I downloaded that in my edgy teen years but never got around to watching it.
Is it as brutal as it's hyped to be?

>> No.11245283

Good to kno

>> No.11245322

OPs poster is from the Japanese film also called House

>> No.11245362

Some of my faves are:
Kabe Otoko

but yeah only really watch if you like quite low budget stuff and urban legends.

>> No.11245388


>> No.11245470


I had the same reaction to the description of this movie that this anon had.

Needless to say, after having watched this movie I learned that the sheer amount of times I could shout the phrase "what the fuck" and actually mean it is a lot more than I could have imagined.

That movie. What the fuck.

>> No.11245535

Its not really horror but its really good if I'm remembering it correctly.

>> No.11246873

The Conjuring

>> No.11246876


Also, I still laugh at that title, it's advertising a SUMMONING when in reality it's just an EXPELLING, the complete opposite.

>> No.11247239

The witch had been SUMMONING demons to posses the family and scare them to rule their souls in fear. It's a true story. /jp/ please protect your immortal souls from evil.

Now Japanese movies. Ugetsu. Scary really in the simpilist ways.

>> No.11247421


>It's a true story

top kek

>> No.11247432
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No you!
Seriously. Look into basic demonology. It's funny how the media has you dismiss such factual events.

>> No.11247454

So, if i want to summon a demon to, say, help me study, what do i need to do?

>> No.11247472


>basic demonology

top kek

>> No.11247531
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Teach me how to summon a succubus anon!

>> No.11247860

I saw the movie a few days ago and I don't recall the witch summoning any demons. The only supernatural entities in the movie were the witch, the boy, the boy's mother, and some maid (all ghosts). I still enjoyed the movie, though, even if the title didn't fit very well. Or perhaps the title fits the actual events better, I don't know.

>> No.11248163

How do you think the boys and mother became supernal? The witch had to summon demons to partialy posess them.
Only your soul to wager. Parts of your soul could be fractured. By taking a pledge or agreement with demons you can gain knowledge. It all comes at a cost and thebonly thing they'rebinterested in is your soul and you to reck havoc on earth through "sin". You'll need a legit black book to do tgis though. Good luck getting one of those though. Studying demon help is pretty small time though.
Truth be told I do know how to summon this. It involves being naked and an errect penise.
When you're on your death bed I hope something doesn't come for you in second site beyond site.

>> No.11248172

Are you bullshiting me OP?
House? good horror movies? seriously?

>> No.11248186

It's a comedy horror.

>> No.11248191

Cute pic dude, I'll masturbate to that later.

>> No.11248195

>How do you think the boys and mother became supernal? The witch had to summon demons to partialy posess them.

They were just other ghosts that haunted the house. I under the impression the witch just possessed them herself.

>> No.11248263


>I hope something doesn't come for you in second site beyond site.

In english please?

>> No.11248293

>I under the impression the witch just possessed them herself.
This is possible too I believe. Those other ghosts (souls) were either being held hostage by the witch or by demons.
>In english please?
Humans have always had a double site. Some humans still posses it while most of mankind has forgotten how to see through their second site. I partially believe it has to do with genetics while part of me also believes that those who are spiritually in sync with God, some way or form, can see too. This second or double site I am talking about is a spiritual site, a site that others view a more spiritual realm and creatures that hide they're physical form through illusion. An example of this could be seeing minatores or perhaps the color and shades of peoples souls.

>> No.11248394

>the color and shades of peoples souls.

What color are the souls of Jews and black people?

>> No.11248408


/x/ pls


Jews are definitely black

>> No.11248412

>What color are the souls of Jews and black people?
Morality comes into play.

>> No.11248415

Blacks aren't people so they have no souls

>> No.11248416

All Jews are evil, though.

>> No.11248424
File: 355 KB, 1070x1070, white race rank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know this isn't true anon. Look past blind hate. To lump all wrongs of a race into one is for those who know none.

>> No.11248426

Jesus said Jews are of their father the devil. Jews are evil.

>> No.11248453

Jesus was a Jew.

>> No.11248474

Jesus was a strong, blonde Aryan man.

>> No.11248485

Jesus was black dumbass

>> No.11250165

We're not done with this thread.

>> No.11250525 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 265x265, 1373952615731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is dat scary doge movie?

>> No.11250839

Don't post your shitty maymay pictures here, please.

>> No.11253993 [DELETED] 
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>getting mad at a picture of a dog

>> No.11254019 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11259866
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His endings ALWAYS suck so hard. So many fans hate his endings, yet always had/have us coming back for more due to such interesting stories, sets, costumes, and props. He never does sequels in his horror either. What a shame.

>> No.11259892

Kansen. Please watch it!

>> No.11259921

What's did you find scary about it?

>> No.11262891
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>> No.11263068

jhorror is too kowaii for me. .. I like kawaii things like japanese candies and touhous
