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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 84 KB, 1024x682, 452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.11239291[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

All you fucking losers make me sick with your jealousy of us alpha males.

Which one of you would want a fat wife who rarely washes herself, thinks about food all day and is overshadowed by her partner? - Right: Nobody.

But why would a pretty girl take *you*, someone who's only sitting at the computer and is fat and unathletic (alternatively: skinny and acne-ridden) if they can have strong and handsome guys instead?

I found this forum on a bodybuilding site and after reading a few lines and seeing some unambiguous images I knew that you are losers. Do what I did and make something out of yourself and your body. If you want a girl, you have to offer something in return. Hookers want money; girlfriends want muscles, money and everything else in order to feel protected. You have to be better than the rest to have a girl commit herself to you.

Instead, you keep fapping (as you call it) to cartoon porn because those cartoon girls are crazy about fat basement dwellers like you. But these characters and stories were invented by people like you and therefore appeal to you only. Childlike innocent characters (almost pedophile) and big tits that are reminiscent of a pregnant mother. Only creeps could like something like that. For normal losers there are Hollywood and TV productions.

I could care less whether you don't get any girls because that means less competition. But it's really annoying when people like you clutter the whole internet with their jealousy. Either do something with your life or kill yourself.

Maybe one day I'll meet one of you in the club because there I'm the guy who'll steal your girl with the words "You are hot, let's fuck!"

See ya

>> No.11239297


>skinny and acne-ridden

damn bro right in the feels

> Maybe one day I'll meet one of you in the club because there I'm the guy who'll steal your girl with the words "You are hot, let's fuck!"

Joke's on you, I love NTR.

>> No.11239299

Holy shit, look at this slut.
I wonder how many dicks she already tasted.

>> No.11239307

Lmao. /jp/ is fucking disgusting, there's a reason they're all so shit at video games and life in general, and that's because they're out of shape virgin nerds.

>> No.11239309
File: 14 KB, 331x265, gravity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least when i do get a girl i know she'll like me for whatever type of reason that isn't "give me ur penis", nerd.

>> No.11239310
File: 24 KB, 519x596, josh4893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want a toothpick?

>> No.11239317

the hell is this slut saying.jpg

>> No.11239316

Actually dating women instead of fucking all of them? What the fuck is wrong with you bro? There are three objectives in life, and they are...
1) Finish college and get a good job
2) Have sex with a lot of women before 40, preferably stealing as many virginities as possible
and 3), finally settling down with a cute girl to spread your superior seed.

Note, I didn't list any of the other things that can be considered trivial hobbies. Training your body is an essential for any of these things.

>> No.11239324

Looks like you don't have the superior genes. Time to kill yourself, nerd.

>> No.11239322

tfw you take acutane for 6 months and still get acne back after a year

fuck you dermatologist you said my acne would be gone you nigger

>> No.11239327

>fapping (as you call it)
I think everyone calls it that nowadays, kopipe-kun.

>> No.11239354

You do know there was no point in making this thread, right? If you just thought and typed all that up you wasted your precious time you could have wasted doing something better.

>> No.11239377

You opened my eyes, op. Thanks. I'll go to the gym tomorrow.

>> No.11239388

tfw drop out of school
tfw high rank in a company thanks to my dad
tfw all those loser like OP with degrees and shit all mad at me cuz they know I didn't finished high school and I get pay more than them.
tfw almost all of them seriously think they can get high rank jobs without having contacts or wasting 20 years of their life in the company
tfw abusing my power, one time I ordered one guy to wash my car, that shit ain't even legal yet he did it, cuz he knows if he gets on my side things will be better.
tfw girls get all "girly" when I tell em I'm my own boss
tfw even shy "honest" girls are sluts, they just care about money and status.
tfw all girls are sluts
tfw I just expend all my time on /jp/ shitposting or going off road.

I wish I was more weeb so I could buy weeb stuff without feeling stupid.

>> No.11239396

I keep hoping my dad dies so I can run his business by myself. (and buy alot of cool thing)

>> No.11239392

Most people around here are self-conscious, so that's not funny even when posted ironically. Also,
>you have to offer something in return
everyone is aware of that.

>> No.11239393

>tfw making 6 figures a year at 19 without ever having finished college

Suck it, amerifags.

>> No.11239399

I have a degree in math. Making 200k a year. Any job I want.

>> No.11239405

My dad ain't dead yet but by the time he does I think I'll have enough money to retire.
Running a company is a lot of work and stress, so I'm going to sell everything and live a truNEET life.

>> No.11239403

What are you working?

>> No.11239409

200k a year - loans and college fees

I own a software startup.

>> No.11239412

-_- you can keep those girls :D

>> No.11239419

>so I'm going to sell everything and live a truNEET life.
That would be unwise, if you played your cards right you could probably just NEET it 6 days a week

>> No.11239432

Because it's gay men who wants these muscles.
Girls in general don't like it when it's too much like this, besides a few crazies or fatties.

>> No.11239431
File: 40 KB, 480x480, 1373257122107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umm excuse me....

what if i WANT a fat wife? the bigger and juicier the better in my opinion.

>> No.11239439

it's couldn't care less not could care less.

>> No.11239446

>alpha males
Do people still use this? I'm sorry, I've been cut off from the real world for a while now.

>> No.11239444

Feelio when leeching off of the inheritance of dead rich parents and you can buy any woman you want.

Life is good, I enjoy getting $3,000 monthly for being a lazy fuck all day, just sitting here collecting a big fat check because of a good dice roll. I believe that I was possibly a homeless good for nothing in a previous life, and now this is my reward. Thank you, buddha.

>> No.11239448

I'm the same, I mostly just buy doujin cds from Comiket of shit I like that I've pirated or dakis that usually get showed in a drawer.

I like figs but you can only have so many before it becomes a weird clusterfuck and your house looks like a shop.

>> No.11239450
File: 31 KB, 276x286, 1374903146197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was out in my car today and I went to Starbucks for some coffee. I parked my car right next to the outdoor seating area and there were a bunch of girls there and they looked at my car, looked at me, and their eyes followed me as I walked in. They did the same as I came out with my iced coffee so I got in my car, revved it a bit to clear out my exhaust, and took off while listening to Kavinsky.

I know they wanted to fuck me. I'm not even well built, I'm slim with long hair and a beard. I look like a scrawny lumberjack, but that doesn't matter. Girls look at how confident you look when you get out of your car. That first impression determines everything on whether or not they will want to fuck you.

>> No.11239449
File: 102 KB, 335x334, 1208727483477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> girlfriends want muscles, money and everything else in order to feel protected

www that's kimoi as HELL dude

I want a gross emaciated NEET who spends all his autism bux on cute figs.

>> No.11239455


> size difference

oh god my fetish

if anyone wants to see midgets on tan giantess lookup video4360699/tallasiansmallguys on xvids

>> No.11239454

I want to respond with a story but I think this is pasta

>> No.11239456

It's not pasta, I just wrote it up myself based on my experience that I had today at Starbucks.

>> No.11239457


> tfw no car and no desire to learn how to drive

whatever i'll take public transport for the rest of my life

girls look at how confident you look when you get out of the crowded bus

>> No.11239472

Girls wanting you for your "independence" (car/house/worth) are usually gold digging dipshits.

>> No.11239473

I'm more concerned at the fact that someone with a car, driving to Starbucks and claiming that he's confident is posting on /jp/ right now.

>> No.11239475

They probably thought you were Ryan Gosling

>> No.11239480

Why is this still up after my thread got deleted?

>> No.11239487
File: 387 KB, 662x539, 1365034996351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe one day I'll meet one of you in the club because there I'm the guy who'll steal your girl with the words "You are hot, let's fuck!"
Go on

>> No.11239488

What was your thread?
I think OP gave us decent advice.

>> No.11239496

You dont even know her lool

Is this is how you neckbeard virgins cope with your shitty life? By convincing yourself all women are whores?

Go to /fit/ bro and change your life.

>> No.11239498

The sign of a weakling is somebody who disapproves of having competition. Me? I love having some competition when I'm competing to fuck a girl with another guy, it adds an extra challenge to it. You must be charming and charismatic to be able to bag the chick when you're competing with another dude, it's very nice when you get the girl instead of the dork you're competing with.

>> No.11239499

Do you ever jerk off to yourself in the mirror?

>> No.11239500

Its because you stopped taking care of your skin.

Get a good facial cleanser, wash your face twice an day.

>> No.11239501
File: 22 KB, 498x498, me irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow look at this faggot

you think youve got shit on me?

>> No.11239502

What.. are you doing in /jp/? Honest question.

>> No.11239504

reading this hurts me please stop it you're going to make me cry

>> No.11239505
File: 161 KB, 800x600, 37277925_p9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who call themselves alphas are actually the most sensitive guys around - they are actually all talk until you crack their shell xD
But go on ahead, live in your fucking shallow world with no meaning, no one needs an advice like that!

>> No.11239506

Are we getting raided by >>>/fit/?

>> No.11239509

I'm a girl... Of course I think all other women are whores...

>> No.11239510

Looks like it.

I think they might be in over their heads though.

>> No.11239513

Raided? This is only one thread, this isn't a raid.

>> No.11239515

amazing, 10/10 would read again
saved to my copypasta archive

>> No.11239517

But why are they coming here?

>> No.11239521

O-oh yeah?
Well, Z-ZUN!bar would beat you up if he was still here!

>> No.11239520

I think this is just a kopipe thread and Janny is leaving it up for kicks. Yeah, something like that.

>> No.11239525

it's not fit, it's reddit. reddit was linked here, and now they're looking for 'epic lels'

>> No.11239530

How would you know? Are you from Reddit?

>> No.11239531

>I found this forum on a bodybuilding site

>> No.11239534

Wouldn't they be more likely to go for one of the bigger boards, like /a/ or /v/?

I just don't see how you'd get many "epic lels" from /jp/.

>> No.11239534,1 [INTERNAL] 

The sad part is that there's a lot of people who actually think like this.
