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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, image00453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11234313 No.11234313 [Reply] [Original]

New Grisaia thread (since the tripfag who made the last one deleted it).


>> No.11234319

Amane is a slut.

>> No.11234329
File: 128 KB, 1034x614, 2013-07-27_132328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11234420


>> No.11234444

i didnt realized before

>> No.11234450

Still downloading at 0.2 Kbps...

>> No.11234451

420 tell cops youre fucking their mother everyday

>> No.11234452



>> No.11234461

yuuji dies

>> No.11234470

It's on page 8 and autosaging. Also, when I said the last thread was deleted, I was talking about this one : https://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/11227836/

>> No.11234474



>> No.11234489

thuglife chose me

>> No.11234490

It was deleted because there was already a thread alive, that is >>11144472

This thread wont disappear until tomorrow, there is no need to create a new thread.

>> No.11234503 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, grisaia1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11234596

Which route should I play last?

>> No.11234611

Makina and Amane are both good routes if you want to end on a high note

>> No.11234664


>> No.11234697
File: 150 KB, 640x830, unique character designs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>11234611

I'm personally going in this order, saving Amane's for last.
Not completley sure about route quality, but I tried to put them from worst to best, to end with the better routes.

Yumiko -> Sachi -> Michiru -> Makina -> Amane

>> No.11234868

michiru is cuter

>> No.11235158

I hope your picture isn't trying to make a jab at Poyoyon. Cause if it is, I'm going to be mildly upset.

>> No.11235448 [SPOILER] 
File: 175 KB, 640x360, amane18f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11235532
File: 466 KB, 600x338, 1364371231869.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I like how she resembles Hachikuji, and the expressions and her character seems fun and unique. I just noticed a case of sameface and had to make that picture.

>> No.11235554

Good lord how slutty. Is she going to upload it to her amateur sex tumblr too?

>> No.11235559

No, her phone is set to do that for her automatically.

>> No.11235570

fantastic. she'll have her followers comments already waiting for her by the time she's finished cleaning up.

>> No.11235571

Poyoyon is a master of sameface. What he's good at is mashing together visual traits, like bandages on top of thigh-high socks paired with sukumizu. They hardly make any sense most of the time, but I find them charming and adorable in their contradictions.

Unfortunately, his character designs for actual shows and stuff are much more restrained. Still, despite the sameface, the characters all stand out as being unique.

>> No.11235575
File: 258 KB, 320x480, 0921302f7dc934cfaf7c14b15c2b263f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else having trouble installing the patch? The Japanese version works fine (that torrent form Nyaa), but when I run the .exe it does something that makes the game thing 'it wasn't properly installed'.

There doesn't appear to be any 'known bugs' on the TLwiki page yet, so....

>> No.11235582


I really hope that's a troll pic. Otherwise you would like really stupid since the ONLY thing that is even remotely similar between the two is that they both have twintails, which aren't very similar styles either.

>> No.11235584

she showed it to all her friends

>> No.11235598

you are losing nothing

>> No.11235613

Did the patch installation itself run okay?

>> No.11235614

>the ONLY thing that is even remotely similar between the two is that they both have twintails
That, the angle, the style, and the facial expression. It's done by the same artist, after all.

>> No.11235616


Yeah, that's the weird part. I also see the patch data in the folder.

>> No.11235624


>> No.11235628

Do the subbed videos add much?

>> No.11235638

they add subtitles to the videos

>> No.11235641
File: 29 KB, 196x344, herpderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to emphasize the sameface thing
Here's a better pic for those incapable of focusing on the facial expressions.

>> No.11235648

Download cancelled. Thanks for saving me 50 hours I can use to post Touhou instead.

>> No.11235651

Most female 2D characters have the same face. With male characters they can throw in more real facial characteristics but female faces are usually just very flat.

>> No.11235652


is this a recursive joke

>> No.11235657


Then your pic is obviously incorrectly labeled as "character design" not only constitutes the entire appearance, but personality traits of the character as well

>> No.11235671
File: 37 KB, 196x344, 1374970506886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are totally different

>> No.11235682
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, mei-tantei-hachikuji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, noted for future reference
nope, sameface

>> No.11235704

This is weird. Did you use fuwanovel's copy of the game? It was screwed up.

>> No.11235705

Now that’s a surprise.

>> No.11235708

Why did you get rid of the 'no gaijin allowed' message at the beginning?

>> No.11235720

Oh, Popotan. That was one of the first anime shows I watched.

>> No.11235715
File: 80 KB, 500x375, poyoyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly different angle, but his characteristic traits are all there, particularly eyes and mouth. The only thing that's missing are the "sticker blushes".

>> No.11235729
File: 1.03 MB, 2400x2834, 25e4872c971e781d78bf597926bd75e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, no. This is the Nyaa torrent version. Unless fuwa uses the same thing.

I retried reloading and reinstalling a few times and got the same results.

I don't need to be in C:\program files, do I?

>> No.11235752

No, it should work anywhere. I'm honestly not sure what happened. What's your OS and install location? Try right click and install the patch as administrator?

>> No.11235776


Yes. It's on Windows 7 Home Premium and down in users (C:\Users\Random2\Games\frontwing\グリザイアの楽園 specifically).

It's the straight-up text patch from the TL page. Though, might it have anything to do with the 1.0 vs 1.1 thing? I'm pretty sure that nyaa torrent is a 1.0 game.

>> No.11235781

That’s Rakuen, the last game in the series. You need 果実

>> No.11235780


Oh, the error pops up as 'boot error', if that means anything to you.

>> No.11235809


...hmm. Not sure how that happened. Thanks!

>> No.11235814

Oh, and the 1.0/1.1 thing is no problem. The English patch installs the 1.1 patch itself.

>> No.11236176

Well, he's gotten a little better at drawing hands, at least...
The poyoyon H CGs in this game are really strange, Yuuji is always just like a weird lump of muscles in the corner of the frame

>> No.11236185 [DELETED] 

Why does this game need 2 threads?
I don't think the other thread will be deleted soon, the janitor keep deleting 2/3 pages every 6 hours.

>> No.11236193 [DELETED] 

I agree. We should also maintain a strict 1 touhou thread on /jp/ at any given time policy

>> No.11236201 [DELETED] 

Just hide the thread if you're so butthurt about it.

>> No.11236219 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't be butthurt if the janitor didn't deleted all my new threads of a thread that reached the bump limit.

>> No.11236261 [DELETED] 

m4d Eng1sh sk1llz

>> No.11236263

look at that baka

>> No.11236269 [DELETED] 

it's the fault of my japanese spirit

>> No.11236278

I can't believe we both had the same mistake!

>> No.11236325

This torrent is so fucking slow

>> No.11236335

shitty generic moege

>> No.11236553

Don't worry! Just fuwanovel!

>> No.11238151

I've been going at it for 5 hours now and I have the same opinion. Same gags over and over and over and over again. I'm tired of it.

>> No.11238175

Then stop reading it. You should have stopped after 1 or 2 hours actually.
Why are you forcing yourself? Do other people's opinions have that strong of an influence on you?

>> No.11238231

you have bad taste

>> No.11238261

I think it is funny and have smart jokes
Not that they are original, but it is still good.

>> No.11239484

Sorry for asking to be spoonfed here /jp/, but can anyone link me to a walkthrough/guide of the game. I doubt there would be any in English but at least in Japanese? I'm the type of guy that likes to 100% everything so I'll be needing it.
Thanks in advance.

>> No.11239738


>> No.11242215 [DELETED] 


There's a few choice in the end of common routes. You didn't need a walkthrough to figure out what you need.

In case of you don't satisfy with my answer, there's for you: http://seiya-saiga.com/game/frontwing/grisaia.html

>> No.11242217


There's a few choices in the end of common route. You didn't need a walkthrough to figure out what you need.

In case of you don't satisfy with my answer, there's for you: http://seiya-saiga.com/game/frontwing/grisaia.html

>> No.11242266

You do realise you can 100% everything anyway. Just play through all the routes, in any order you want. 2 choices for each girl is pretty easy right?

>> No.11242281

As someone who actually rides a bike, that picture pisses me off.

>> No.11242293



>> No.11242299

its less about the choices and more about when to save.

>> No.11242325

No protective gear and a half-helmet. Majority of damage inflicted on a helmet during a crash is in the chin region. You go down with one of those on your head and you'll look like an undead zombie with your jaw hanging off by the tendons.

>> No.11242399

Grisaia has a button that makes you jump to the next or the previous choice
Why would you need to save?

>> No.11242416

its not instant

>> No.11244437


If that pisses you off this'll make you livid with rage.


>> No.11246166 [DELETED] 


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk

>> No.11246188 [DELETED] 

A few more dead mudslimes don't particularly concern me.

>> No.11248862 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 1025x576, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an owner of multiple cats, ;_;

>> No.11249099

How long is the common route in this game?

The problem I have with most VNs is that while the random interactions in common routes are pretty interesting and fun, they don't do much to hold your attention for long. I'd like it better if I dive into a proper route where the story is at least more dedicated and focused.

I'm already at the part where Amane shlicked off on Yuuji's bed. Am I anywhere near half of the common route yet?

>> No.11249140

You should read a book instead, ADHD-kun. I hear that they even come with pictures as long as you buy the ones advertised for elementary school kids.

>> No.11249206

Man I want to read this one so badly, but I am already reading some other VNs and I don't wish to stall them. Why did the translation have to come out right now!?! I feel like I am left out...

>> No.11249230

Go fuck yourself

>> No.11249353

The fuck you say to me brah?

>> No.11249358

Go fuck yourself

>> No.11249366

LMAO get ownZONED retard crossie.

>> No.11249372

Same guy as >>11249099 here.

Looking at the exchange above, holy fuck, is this the standard for /jp/? I just wanted to know the estimated length of the common route.

>> No.11249397

I want to know your estimated length!!
*grabs your penis*

>> No.11249400

Yes, it is. Now go back to whatever shithole you crawled out from.

>> No.11249408

Will do.

At least, it seems marginally better than this shithole.

>> No.11249410

They are just ironic shitposting. remember: it IS shitposting even if you are ironic! Learned that lil tip from /a/ ;)*winks*

>> No.11249411


>> No.11249688


When you get into the beach scene it means the end of common route is near.

It tooks me 2 days to get there (read nearly 5 hrs/day)

>> No.11249703 [DELETED] 

If you don't want to read it why read it?

>> No.11249714

guys can you tell me exactly how long it will take me to read through this common route????? if you make fun of me ill act like a big baby

i dont like to read for longer than 1 hour without a choice

i a mautistic

>> No.11249747

i kno rite sry i hav adhd
vns are sooooooooooooo boring i dont even lel

>> No.11249781

Holy Shit guys.

The person just wanted to get a rough idea of the length of the common route. He never said that he didn't want to read it.

It's because of shit like this that people say we're one of the worst boards around here.

>I sage to show that I'm shitposting.

>> No.11249785

wow this yumiko route was already boring and shit and then its just forced drama with her calling the dad.

wow this is dumb

>> No.11249796

Well, /jp/ is one of the worst boards. It's not like we can change that anyway.

>> No.11249795

thought you said you were leaving

sorry if reading is too stressful for you if you dont know when the next choice will be

bet you break out in hives like the geek fag you are

>> No.11249811

1. You can see the length of a VN in VNDB.
2. sage is common courtesy in /jp/ and bumping too much is generally frowned upon. Lurk more my nigga.

>> No.11249915

I'm on 06/30 of the common route, how long until the first choice?

>> No.11249924

there are no choices

>> No.11249983

About this long!
*grabs your hot pole*

>> No.11250241

this is the only path

>> No.11250329

Sachi route was the only "good" one.

>> No.11250355

Lolwut? There is choices in the VN.

>> No.11250386

Is Yuuji the best MC ever?

>> No.11250397

You are correct. He is the best MC ever.

>> No.11250402

English Walkthrough:
Help Sachi
Mr. Standoffish Man
Help Sachi
** SAVE 01 **
Accept the money
** SAVE 02 **
Pull the trigger
--- Makina BAD End ---

** LOAD SAVE 02 **
Don't pull the trigger
--- Makina End ---

** LOAD SAVE 01 **
Reject the money
** SAVE 03 **
This calls for shock and awe. Steal a kiss with overbearing force.
** SAVE 04 **
Run away separately
--- Amane BAD End ---

** LOAD SAVE 04 **
Run away with Amane
--- Amane End ---

** LOAD SAVE 03 **
This is idiotic. Can't let myself get caught up in her nonsense.
** SAVE 05 **
Praise Sachi
** SAVE 06 **
I have to kill myself
--- Sachi BAD End ---

** LOAD SAVE 06 **
I have to kill Mom
--- Sachi End ---

** LOAD SAVE 05 **
Ask for an alternate penalty
** SAVE 07 **
I want to ask you something.
** SAVE 08 **
Don't leave after all. Let's stay together.
--- Michiru BAD End ---

** LOAD SAVE 08 **
How about a kiss before you go?
--- Michiru End ---

** LOAD SAVE 07 **
No, it's nothing.
** SAVE 09 **
Run away together
--- Sakaki BAD End ---

** LOAD SAVE 09 **
Confront him together
--- Sakaki End ---

>> No.11250409

copied from vn-meido, if somebody still cares for a walkthrough

>> No.11250410

I like him, he's really similar to SnK's Main character. I like this type better while hopeless shy and boring character really piss me off (as in SHUFFLE!).

>> No.11250414

Thanks, anon.

>> No.11250423

There are worse, he's better than average. Still he is totally inable of handling women, personally I prefer Yamato from Majikoi

You're welcome.

>> No.11250426

I miss an extra section with all the BGM, CGs and Ero scenes in the title. Does it appear upon completion of a route or something? Or is there none at all?

>> No.11250427

Aren't you supposed to play Amane's route last?

>> No.11250432

Yumiko's is the last (I read somewhere she is supposed to be the main heroine, don't know if it's true)
Still I wouldn't recommend to read it last, it's too cheesy/stereotyped

>> No.11250444

What order would you recommend me playing it in? I'm doing Makina's route first since I hate her and I want to get it over with. It's a chore reading it, so that's why I haven't finished it yet.

>> No.11250459

I’m thinking of
Makina → Sachi → Michiru → Amane

Maybe ctrl through Yumiko just to stick it to moogy and herkz.

>> No.11250485

I didn't finish all of the routes yet, so I'm not a big help, sorry.

I heard good things about Makina's and Amane's routes (I dislike Makina though, too), so somebody suggested to finish with one of these routes.

I'm going for Yumiko (finished) > Amane (halfway, they are the two girls I liked in the prologue) > Mishiru > Sachi > Makina

Amane contains a BIG hint to the sequel, so you might want to read her route last. Yumiko's route is cheesy like hell, so don't do her last. Sachi's is supposed to be bland (but I'm unable to confirm or deny at the moment) and Michiru's might be out of place (another writer? I think I picked that one up somewhere, no guarantee again)

My suggestion as you started with Makina already:
Makina > Yumiko > Michiru > Sachi > Amane

>> No.11250498

That sounds like a solid plan, I'll just go with that. I like Amane the best anyways, I want to save her for last.

>> No.11250502

so the auto text option goes past even when someone is talking with voices.
How do I fix this?

>> No.11250516

I don't see any appropriate option being available (in Majikoi there was one).
Maybe just slow it down?

>> No.11250549

You already finished?

>> No.11250548

So after reading the whole thing and looking at the hints shown. Especially Yumiko, Amane and Makina routes. It would make sense to say that Kazuki is still alive and more higher-up than JB. Is it like that? Or was it on purpose so that the reader would end up thinking that?

>> No.11250556

I'm pretty sure that she is alive, I don't know about the rank though

>> No.11250557

He must be a speed demon then. I am still on Yumiko's route. Where you are on the merry go round :D

>> No.11250568

Fuck off.

>> No.11250581

Question about Amane route:
How many days are they missing? I'm at day 8 of the flashback and, kindly said, it gets annoying.

>> No.11250588


Wait, what.

>> No.11250590

To be specific. 2 sequels

>> No.11250597

3rd* sorry

>> No.11250594

2nd game: Grisaia no Meikyuu
2rd game: Grisaia no Rakuen

Doddler confirmed that he is planning to pick them up, but it will take years at best.

>> No.11250595

Neither of which are being translate.

>> No.11250600

We can and will wait! Although I can't guarantee I would have known a lot of Japanese Kanji by then XD

>> No.11250602

Wrong, look up^

>Doddler confirmed he is planning to pick them up,

>> No.11250603

Good thing to know someone is willing to, at least. But I've been told there's no need for the sequels to enjoy the Kajitsu's storyline. Is it true?

>> No.11250609

Very much true. The Sequels just add to the experience. If you want to play Kajistu. It is more than sufficient.

>> No.11250612

Same Anon again, before spreading wrong information:
It wasn't Doddler, it was Koestl:

koestl @koestl 28 Jul

A couple people asked... yes, I do intend to translate the rest of the Grisaia series

>> No.11250620

>but it will take years at best.
Kajitsu is longer than Meikyuu and Rakuen combined and only took them about a year. ”Years’ is an exaggeration.

Sup Ti9

>> No.11250622

The H count is quite high compared to some VN's. I like them all :D

>> No.11250624

I see, sorry for the unfounded assumption. Let's hope for the best.
Still wondering about

>> No.11250868

why they need to put that scene?

>> No.11250889

What is this bulshit?
The first choices don't change anything but a couple of lines. You can choose whatever you want.

The only choices that are important are Accept the money (enter Makina's route), This calls for shock and awe. Steal a kiss with overbearing force (enter Amane's route), Praise Sachi (enter Sachi's route), Ask for an alternate penalty (enter Michiru's route). If you don't enter in any route, you will be in Sakaki's route.

>> No.11250998

I didn't even realize that I missed the Makina route until I checked the Walkthrough

>> No.11251020

Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.11251025

You are really dumb, that choice was almost "do you want to fuck Makina?"

>> No.11251048

Didn't want to steal lunch money from children.

Though I got punished with shitty Amane endings + Yumiko route, I got my share.

>> No.11251453
File: 786 KB, 1024x576, qc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11252884

Is there an end to the common route? As in, one where you don't pick a heroine?

I tried to go there first, but I feel like I'm already on the Yumiko route. There hasn't been any choice after Michiru's though.

>> No.11252899

yumiko is default route

>> No.11252913

I see. That's kind of a bummer.

Thanks for the information.

>> No.11254646

Michiru's start is asking her a question when you see her "other self". Instead of saying "No, it's nothing".

>> No.11254840

yes, if you don't pick any heroine you will be in the bad end, that is yumiko's route.

>> No.11254965

I must be an outlier. His sarcastic, snarky character and the fact he keeps making comparisons from Muh MILITARY LIEF annoyed me. The rare occurrences that he got pulled from his mental high horse were the only times I derived enjoyment from Yuuji. Granted, this is coming from a guy who hates 2cool4u protags so proceed to berate me on my shit tastes.

>> No.11255004

Crucify me, but I enjoyed Yumiko's route more than Amane's, specifically the ending.
Lord of the Flies got boring and annoying after 4 days and the endings were unsatisfying.

I agree, still better than the usual bland main character (imo)

>> No.11255126

I can’t decide between normal window size or setting it to 720p. This is killing me.

>> No.11255418

2 weeks I think. The later ones go faster though.

>> No.11256227
File: 410 KB, 1920x1080, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now you know how a tsundere thinks?

>> No.11256889
File: 206 KB, 1016x566, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right.

>> No.11256913 [DELETED] 

Braindead tsundere was best root.

>> No.11256958

Clearly you haven't gotten bagman end yet.

>> No.11256977

I get what you mean.
I kinda like it though, reminds me of my former me, when I had to deal with only stupid people and felt like I was a good human being because of it.

>> No.11257016
File: 180 KB, 1024x576, 2013-07-30_014120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't like all the bullying in this game. Everyone is always calling Amane a slut even though deep down she's the most pure and innocent of the group ;_;

>> No.11257022
File: 174 KB, 1024x576, 2013-08-01_213016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Michiru gets the brunt of it too. Even from fucking Sachi.

>> No.11257038

it's loving bullying!

>> No.11257989

Putting SnK aside, I have the feeling the drama is going to be more Cross Channely.

>> No.11258569
File: 81 KB, 610x325, ss (2013-08-02 at 08.52.14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11258571

What’s with KKK caps and conferences?

>> No.11258573

Yeah, it's unbearable. Bullying someone who obviously cannot resist is the lowest of the low. Of course, this shit was written by some Japanese guy. Hope he gets run over by a car or something.

>> No.11258577

Japan HATES black people.

>> No.11258582

>giving a fuck about 0.000000000000002% of its population

>> No.11258585

What's with Key drama in Michiru's route?
I thought this was a serious novel.

>> No.11258709

You forgot "the".

>> No.11258747

It's written by a different author and is very weird. You can think of it as psychological rather than an actual magic hear personality

>> No.11258783

How bad is Michuru? Was going to follow >>11234697 but if it's Key level bullshit I might read it before Sachi.

>> No.11258795

It starts off pretty funny, but the drama is weird and hard to take seriously compared to the other routes

It's not too long though and has some good moments

>> No.11258806

Guess I'll stick it before Sachi then, unless Sachi is even worse...

Damn shame as Michuru's voice actor also does Miyako. Amane's voice actor also did Sumika and Makina's did Rin from Little Busters.

>> No.11258845

Sachi is less funny but the route is sweet. Most people like it.

>> No.11258891
File: 76 KB, 799x599, ka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't you know KKK caps are a must for any japanese secret conference? Get with the program anon

>> No.11258928
File: 167 KB, 1026x576, amane_a_slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michuru is the best route and the best girl for me. Her route has some cute scenes, also eternity and coffins reminded me of Utena. And there was no "high school navy seal" bullshit.
Sachi has a nice route, although it's a bit slow-paced.

>> No.11258959

I stopped playing because everyone was abusing Michuru. Someone should mention to Japan that violence isn't funny or trendy, especially against weaklings.

>> No.11258998
File: 316 KB, 1037x611, michiru comforting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MC jumps to conclusions quite often

>> No.11259013

I was thinking of this game when I said that actually. I wonder where this comes from.

>> No.11259018

Devil on a G String

>> No.11259021

I know, that’s not what I meant. I mean the idea of secret meetings with KKK caps.

>> No.11259031


>> No.11259043

I know the caps are used in Spanish processions. That’s not what I meant either.

>> No.11259059
File: 166 KB, 1024x576, bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alot of it is that bitch Makina. I really liked her in the beginning, but she gets more and more annoying with each scene. At oen point I just couldn't take her annoying voice anymore and muted her; first time I've ever done that to any character. I don't make it a habit of hating fictional characters, but I really don't like her. I just want kick her in the fucking head and rape her. The parts where she actually hits Michiru piss me off to no end. Worst fucking character in the game by far.

>> No.11259062


I can understand why her family hates her and why she was so insecure about people hating her, she's an insufferable bitch. Her father probably committed suicide so he wouldn't have to put up with her anymore.

>> No.11259066

Fashion sense:
Michiru > Makina > Amane > Yumiko

>> No.11259082


Do you feel the need to rank every little thing? What's next? Hair bows? Reactions faces? They wear the same clothes every single day, what kind of fashion sense is that anyway?

>> No.11259111

>>11259082 > >>11259062 > >>11259059 > >>11258959 > >>11258585 > >>11258573

>> No.11259146


>>>11259111 > *

FTFY, crossboarding scum

>> No.11259153

Were you too lazy to account for the whole thread?

>> No.11259202

I just want to confirm but there's no hidden route to this game right?

>> No.11259208

I believe >>11259146-san belongs at the top

>> No.11259215

No. It's part one of a trilogy.

>> No.11259225


The only thing I'm getting on top of is your mom

>> No.11259236

There is a hidden MILF route.

>> No.11259676
File: 189 KB, 1024x576, pafecto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a point. She is pretty much perfect

>> No.11259734
File: 12 KB, 472x45, mah seiyuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She forgot to mention one thing, though:

>> No.11259749

Who’s the seiyuu? I‘m going to look her up in beautyplanets.

>> No.11259751

But it's not just about the personality's transplant, it's about everything in it. Retarded drama, predictable events, over-the-top situations.

>> No.11259776

Does anyone else think the MC talks a little too much? I put it aside for a bit. It's my first run too.

>> No.11259787

Not really.

>> No.11259790

I finished the tsundere route, I have time to play through another this weekend who 2nd best?

>> No.11259799

Hiroko Taguchi.

http://www.tenshi.org.uk/sdb/pages/seiyuu/Taguchi_Hiroko.html (she's got a ton of aliases)

Recognizable as Sora from Yosuga no Sora and Sumika from Muv-Luv, but she's done a lot of roles in VNs.

>> No.11259818

Only know her as Sumika but she uses a pretty different voice so you can't tell.

>> No.11259825

>Size: 6.72GB [Packed] Full Bundle
Is this a joke?
I'm quoting the nyaa page.

>> No.11259838

I laughed

>> No.11259851


Majikoi was bigger than that. What are you a faggot?

>> No.11260099

It's funny, I didn't recognize her as Miyako but I couldn't stop thinking of Ogiue for the first couple of scenes where she appears.

Chizuru is Komari and Yumiko is Kurugaya by the way. Plenty of Little Busters! voices.

>> No.11260200

Best route order:
Michiru->Yumiko or Sachi-> the other one -> Amane-> Makina

>> No.11260277
File: 172 KB, 1024x576, cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Makina is such an insufferable little cunt. I would skip her shit altogether but I keep hearing it's the best route over and over, I hope this is gonna be worth it. Amane is too kind for her own good, if I had the option I would have smacked Makina in the face several times over by now.

>> No.11260398

You're doing it wrong if you hate Makina. Is this what's called shit taste?

>> No.11260399

I want Makina to bully me

>> No.11260417

Am I near half the Michiru route when everyone comes back from their vacation?

>> No.11260430 [DELETED] 


* >>>>>>> shit >>>>>> flaming piles of dog shit >>>>>>> more shit >>>>>> your whore mother >>>>>>> your taste >>>>>>> you >>>>>>> makina

>> No.11260512

1/10 of the way through.

>> No.11260573

you really should play the game in Japanese.
in the original,she doesn't use much slangs or bad language. It makes her cuter than a cunt.

>> No.11260605
File: 182 KB, 1024x576, kill this cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>in the original,she doesn't use much slangs or bad language.

Even if that's so, I don't need to read the japanese version to know what I heard here. Calling the person that feeds you, bathes you, dresses you, and basically wipes your shit a bitch makes her nothing less than a cunt. She's a useless piece of shit and all she does is go around insulting people and being over-all annoying. It's not at all cute. She physically assaulted Michiru twice and just once was more than enough for me to hate her beyond hope of salvage.

>> No.11260625

She doesn't really know how insulting the word is. She is a pure and innocent soul.

>> No.11260627

Makina never used bitch as an insult.
She doesnt insult anyone except Michiru.

Her cute image wasn't transmitted correctly in the translation.
Trust me, I played the Japanese version

>> No.11260646

You EOPs have no say in anything. That's the "peasant" part. If a Japanese reader tells you you're wrong, you shut up and stop waving your ravaged ass around.

>> No.11260665

This is just not true, she's routinely swearing and being vulgar because of Yuuji's influence, that was not "invented" for the translation.

>> No.11260694


You're so hip and edgy kid. how can I be cool like you?

If I haven' read the japanese version of course there's no way I can say otherwise you fucking retard. Then again, I purely have to take the word for it that it wasn't translated properly and that's not an argument against the fact the bitch makina comes off as a total hateable cunt in the translated version. It doesn't make me hate her any less. Try hurr durr

>> No.11260703

Amane enjoys being bullied in such way, and their relation is symbiotic.

>> No.11260706

No,she doesn't. Even though she was influenced by his sarcastic personality,her speaking style is a lot different than yuji's

>> No.11260709

From what I've gathered from listening to her lines, and basically only reading the translation when I need to, I think it's a little overplayed on the translation.

>> No.11260713

Have you considered that nobody cares about your opinion and shit tastes? I'm just putting a peasant in his place, like any gentleman should.

>> No.11260714

>english only scum

>> No.11260717


That's really funny because she's continually telling her to stop with her attitude and vulgar language. You can stop grasping at straws now.

>> No.11260716

Not to mention most of the cursing is actually Amane's influence from when she's mad. I'm starting to think that dude has reading comprehension issues.

>> No.11260725

She only tells her to stop when what she says is (sexually) obscene, or calls her a slut. Which is the same thing everybody else does.

>> No.11260729

I don't remember that part, but if you heard "bitch", it actually means slut.

>> No.11260727


This kid comes off as an obvious butthurt troll severely upset that someone dislikes his shit character. You should a little subtly son over the temper tantrums son.

>> No.11260728

Just go read Amane's route, its all explained there.

>> No.11260731


>I'm starting to think that dude has reading comprehension issues.

Irony! Amane hasn't cursed once when she's gotten angry. It's repeated over and over that Yuuji has had the major influence on her. Rather than reading comprehension, I think you're just completely blind.

>> No.11260732

It's funny that you say that when you're the one that's mad. Stop projecting.

>> No.11260742


"herp derp so r u but wat am i" - u

Typical response for a prepubescent grade schooler. Run along now, it's past your bed time.

>> No.11260747

So you skipped Yuuji's first visit to Amane's room? When she breaks in Kansai-ben and Yuuji starts wondering if the actual bad influence on her language isn't Amane?

I didn't read that part in the translation, but most of Makinas "vulgar" language comes from badly imitated aggressive Kansai-ben mixed with random double entendres.

>> No.11260754

What are you doing in /jp/? Plz just go back to your shithole.

>> No.11260755

It's clear that you don't belong here. Not knowing Japanese is one thing, but you should try not to be an idiot on top of that.

Know your place, and get back to whatever shithole you crawled out from.

>> No.11260765


>So you skipped Yuuji's first visit to Amane's room?
>I didn't read that part in the translation

... you're a fucking genius!

Nothing in Amane's dialogue was vulgar or insulting. The language part was clearly referring to Makina speaking Japanese in a bastardized Kansai accent. It's been refereed 100x over that the vulgar language and insults can be attributed to Yuuji. Guess those "japanese" skills didn't help much with comprehension?

>> No.11260789

>... you're a fucking genius!
I said this earlier (>>11260709), but I've been listening to the voices and reading when I need to, which is whenever Yuuji speaks or narrates, or the odd part I don't understand. But if that somehow makes you feel superior, I'm not stopping you.

And I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, because frankly, I haven't read either Makina's nor Amane's route, and I don't really have a major idea about Yuuji's Japanese. It's just that, from what I've heard, Makina's not nearly a foulmouthed originally, but uses rude speech patterns (Amane's) that are probably translated as curses too.

>> No.11260786


You kids sure are edgy, pretending to be in some sort of special sekret club xD. Sorry, I forgot my "place" with the front page filled with autistic shit posts and retards like you in here getting so upset that someone doesn't like your shit character, that the only retort you have is pretending to understand Japanese and saying "herp derp it wasn't in the original so ur wrong xD".

>> No.11260796

It is pretty clear that the only influences of Yuuji in Makina's speech are the sarcasm and the use of military terms.
Everything aggressive comes from Amane.

>> No.11260798

>"herp derp it wasn't in the original so ur wrong xD".
Aside from the abhorrent /v/ bullshit you're adding, this is exactly right. You're free to savor your shit taste, but as a peasant, you don't have a say in anything.

And this is not about you liking Makina or not, is about you thinking you can speak about the game like you know it when you clearly don't, and then spewing bullshit that clearly comes from other boards and/or emulates /jp/'s shitposting.

And of course, like all other shitposters, I don't expect you to actually leave, but I do intend to make it clear that you don't belong here.

>> No.11260802

>a foulmouthed
As foulmouthed*

>> No.11260804

le translated VN quarrels Xp

>> No.11260810

As if peasants had the right of talking shit about anything.

>> No.11260816

Why is it full of complicated words?
I can understand it better in Japanese, what the fuck.

>> No.11260815


This screencap is pretty much the "military" style of language that you seem to be talking about >>11260277

>> No.11260828


I guess I'll just stop posting.

>> No.11260824

This is why I decided not to rear her lines after a couple of scenes with her.

Koestl overdid the slang and stylization on this one.

>> No.11260825


tl;dr The funniest thing is, it's pretty obvious that you don't know the first thing about Japanese. The people who do tried to make coherent points. You just come off as an angry, blatant troll. Hey faggot, the character you like is shit. She's a worthless piece of trash, just like you.

>> No.11260837


>Hey guys, I'm pretending I know Japanese! Am I cool yet? Have I made enough posts pretending I'm better than everyone yet? Look how hard I'm trying guys! Pay attention to me!

>> No.11260840

The only time I consciously went overboard on cursing were a few scenes featuring Yakuza or thugs who spoke in a very rough / rude way. However, it's often a judgement call because talking rudely to someone works very differently between the two languages.

In any case, Makina is unambiguously foulmouthed or obscene in Yuuji style at numerous points, and this is blamed on him directly in the game.

>> No.11260841


But of course, you're not only a peasant but an stubborn idiot, and will come up with some other excuse to shitpost.

>> No.11260850

I can understand why do you think Japanese is that hard, after all you can't even manage to write a post without using greentext like a retard.

>> No.11260854

Koestl, can you answer this >>11252459?

By the way, I don't really remember Yuuji being that foulmouthed himself, I think that's part of the problem here.

>> No.11260868


>I can understand why do you think Japanese is that hard

Cool projection kid. It's more like I don't believe a fucking retard like you that feels the need to make the same post several times within the span of a few minutes calling people "peasants" over and over for some pitiful ego boost, could manage wiping his own ass, much less learning Japanese

>> No.11260879
File: 865 KB, 1280x720, drakeface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do these normies even find /jp/ when their newest fap game gets dished out to them?

>> No.11260886

Nice try, but that's not me. I think he's made like two other posts on that line (if he's the same person), but the one calling you a peasant constantly is me, last post >>11260841

And very nice of you to take that post out of context and then avoid the fact that I shat on your theory, with yet another insult even.

Sure, let's go with that. I'm boosting my ego here. But what you're doing is just embarrassing yourself.

>> No.11260891


I know it may be a bit beyond your brain capacity to comprehend, but there's a link to your sekret at the bottom of every 4chan page that says "/jp/". With the first page filled with "which 2hu would you fuck" and threads with girl pissing themselves, it's quite easy.

>> No.11260898

That is legitimate criticism. There's nothing wrong with the translation "That a fact?" for そうなんだ?or whatever, but it's an uncommon enough expression that seeing it repeatedly may seem odd. The thing is that as a translator it's easy to forget "I already used that colloquial phrase in a script I worked on three days ago, pick something else." Your brain tends to default to certain phrases.

Yuuji can be vulgar and sometimes uses a harsh, arrogant tone that Makina imitates. I honestly don't think there were any issues with how I handled this.

>> No.11260899


You're an entry level faggot that learned how to use basic sentence structure and now you need go around spewing the term peasant in order to boost your pitiful sense of self-esteem. Congratulations you pathetic faggot.

>> No.11260907

You entry level faggots have no say in anything. That's the "peasant" part. If a Japanese translator tells you you're wrong, you shut up and stop waving your ravaged ass around.

>> No.11260919

You can stop repeating this now. When attached to actual criticism, it's useful. When you just repeat it over and over you sound like a guy who just finished reading Tae Kim and is showing off, even if it's true.

>> No.11260922

>it's easy to forget "I already used that colloquial phrase in a script I worked on three days ago, pick something else."
Just like I thought, but then how come both editors let that slip?

And it's just that Makina's speech is apparently cruder than Yuuji's, triggering embarrassing discussions like this.

>> No.11260925

He just copied what I posted earlier and changed it a little, in case you didn't notice.

He's actually attacking the people claiming to know Japanese.

>> No.11260933

My bad. I only glanced at it and thought he copied the same line from earlier without modification.

Now it's my turn to be an illiterate faggot.

>> No.11260941

Whatever helps you sleep at night, dude.

>> No.11260964

The sex sound effects on this game are somewhat on the weird side from the (few) ones I've read so far.

>> No.11260987 [SPOILER] 
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, ohgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like I wanted to fap to it or anything.

>> No.11261046
File: 259 KB, 1024x576, Matsushima.Michiru.full.1004169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michiru is best girl

>> No.11261052

How many sex scenes are there per heroine?

>> No.11261053

Glorious taste.

>> No.11261059

Number of H scenes is proportional to sluttiness factor.

>> No.11261060

It's not like she's my favorite or anything!

>> No.11261061

she's pretty cute

>> No.11261062

So what's an average? Max or min would also help, if possible.

>> No.11261067

Its not like i became the best for you or anything b-baka.... yes that was perfect!

>> No.11261112

As someone who had a cat run away recently, I'm still depressed about her route.

>> No.11261119

as someone who liked the character I shed manly tears during that route

>> No.11261134

She's also my favorite, you know. That scene was a double slap to me ;_;

>> No.11261148

I'm here bro we need to riot and retcon every other character there shall be no girl for yuji other than michiru

>> No.11261151
File: 25 KB, 500x461, i know dem feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11261172
File: 145 KB, 1024x576, 2013-07-31_011312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Liar! Amane is the purest! There's literally no one on the entire planet for her except Yuuji, except maybe Kazuki if she counts

>> No.11261175

michiru is more pure

>> No.11261181

This game made me realize I like the NVL format better.

Am I a weird one here?

>> No.11261195

uhh its better since you see the characters while they talk and not just the bg

>> No.11261198

i liked it better until i started reading them in moon and didn't want to deal with any walls of text

>> No.11261205

my bad im retarded and mistook nvl for adv

>> No.11261211

Huh? Wouldn't NVL actually be the one with walls of text?
I'm not sure I follow.

And I think I just like the NVL one better because it feels more like reading a book. ADV is fine, but this quick switching made me realize it's a little more tiring for long reading than the alternative.

Or maybe it's just that the one being used less feels refreshing?

>> No.11261252

im the one that said both im an idiot

>> No.11261781
File: 235 KB, 1600x900, 1370827166857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets revive this with more michiru who is the best

>> No.11261790


Amane > Yumiko > Sachi > Michiru > Makina

>> No.11261806

Allow me to characterize:
Amane: Tits
Yumiko: Box cutter
Sachi: Maid outfit
Michiru: Twintails
Makina: Loli

Truly the pinnacle of storytelling and character creation. I'm having trouble ranking them because of the immense depth.

>> No.11261811

you dont know the truth about michiru yet

>> No.11261835

You can do that for basically every character that has ever been created. Especially characters from porn games.

>> No.11261843


Sachi > Yumiko > Michiru > Amane > Makina

>> No.11261852


>> No.11262255

Anyone can use google translate. We have no proof you wrote that therefore that doesn't prove shit.

>> No.11262271

>google translate
Anyone other than plebs like you can tell the difference with a single glance.

>> No.11262295

>hating Makina
lol, what a peasants

>> No.11262303

>meme arrows
lol, what a English experts XDDD

>> No.11262359


Yes, "characterizing" based on the first physical attribute that you can see and extending it to story telling. Truly the work of a genius. You don't come off as a complete retard at all.

>> No.11262363
File: 419 KB, 1920x1080, would.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey koestl, how do you deal with translating the ero scenes? Like, there're only so many variations of 'dick' and きもちいい.

>> No.11262463 [SPOILER] 
File: 510 KB, 2048x1152, sac013aL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blurry as fuck
>playing in 1080p without anisotropic upscaling
I'm quoting your parents committing suicide because their child is such a failure.

>> No.11262499

how do I do it?

>> No.11262524
File: 886 KB, 300x168, 4571937+_24144b994771aed83f6dcca05419d83f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11262579

great game

>> No.11262608

Yeah, you keep believing that.

>> No.11262625

Please, teach me your ways.

>> No.11262633

finally finished with grisaia and i have to say i enjoyed it quite a lot.

im anxiously waiting for the translation of the second and third parts but i remember some anon saying something about them retconning stuff, anyone know anything about that?

what exactly was retconned, if anything?

>> No.11262652

5 max (Amane), 2 min (Michiru and Makina)
Sachi has 4, Yumiko has 3

>> No.11262659


>> No.11262832
File: 17 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should all just make peace and join the michiru master race.

>> No.11263077

Am I the only one who reads Yuuji's lines in Sagara Sousuke's voice (FMP)?

>> No.11263124

I don't remember Sagara's voice. Arararagi would fit him though.

>> No.11263233

as long as its with michiru as his girl i approve

>> No.11263369

She's the Professor from the basment, I'm assuming.

Michiru best waifu.

>> No.11263419

>Reaction faces

>> No.11263458
File: 139 KB, 1024x569, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha oh wow

>> No.11263463

That might just be my favorite scene.

>> No.11263492

I just finished my first route (Michiru).

Damn, it was good. And long. This is supposed to be the shortest route right? Finishing a game this long in about a year with this translation quality is pretty incredible, thanks koestl.

Now if only we had a Chizuru route.

>> No.11263506


you've awakened to your love for kuudere?

>> No.11263519

koestl is the hero who'll save eroge fan translations.

>> No.11263522

bro you have michiru who else could you want? join the michiru master race

>> No.11263526

Generally I don't like kuudere (zomgrei, nagato, etc.), but I'll try her route first because of that scene alone.

>> No.11263529

dont be tricked psuedo-tsundere michiru is the one you should love

>> No.11263534

I didn't like her at first, but she's so hilarious I forgot about it. I'm doing her route next.

At this point I guess you're just trying to get people to hate her.

>> No.11263538

Favorite scene, indeed.

Michiru is a close second. Sachi is my favorite and the one I love. Dat hoodie.

>> No.11263540

I understand you must fall before you see the light. Go my son, one day you shall be enlightened

>> No.11263542

sachi is my second, i love tsunderes so its hooked me even better is that shes bad at being a tsundere. she gets so cute once her route starts. we are much alike

>> No.11263574

I like Michiru best too, but you're being a little obnoxious. If you really like her, pipe it down a little, or people will start taking it out against her.

>> No.11263602
File: 387 KB, 1920x1080, ...what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11263608

Sachi is best maid.

>> No.11263611

She's in heat and wants the D.

>> No.11263645

He's the hero /jp/ needs right now, but not the one it deserves.

>> No.11263677
File: 366 KB, 1920x1080, rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Give me another 1.58 years and I'll help you with that. But, so far, s/he's done a good job of capturing the underlying meaning of the text. I'm actually enjoying this VN, even though it's nothing particularly special and I don't really like the cast.

>> No.11263712

Lines like this are so much better on the translation. Koestl is a really good writer.

>> No.11263883

So, for the sequel, would ATLAS and stuff like that work? Because I'm too impatient to wait for it to be translated properly.

>> No.11264034 [SPOILER] 
File: 178 KB, 1024x576, guishen_0044chi001a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what sequels are for

>> No.11264040

From what I understand it's like 10% readable. Better of learning the moon runes.

>> No.11264105

And all is well in the world.

>> No.11265221

I'd rather a JB than Komarimax. Fortunately she's got a route or at least some scenes as well.

>> No.11266263

I'll wait for the anime.
