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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 82 KB, 800x600, comiket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1122150 No.1122150 [Reply] [Original]

Comiket's in one day, /jp/.



>> No.1122157
File: 355 KB, 600x700, 1217636215876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do want Strike Witches doujin. Preferably yuri.

>> No.1122161

They need a BIGger SITE!

>> No.1122162

New Akiko-san to Issho

Fuck yes

>> No.1122164

I, too, will be pushing Share to the limit these next days. God speed.

>> No.1122172
File: 118 KB, 640x585, title-65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doujin circles:
Renai Manga
Tony Taka
Paranoia Cat
TIMTIM Machine
Mitarashi Club
Nise Midi Doronokai
Digital Lover

Game studios:
Bloom Handle
Sky Rockets

>> No.1122173

If it's so popular & crowded, why don't they pick a larger venue for it?

>> No.1122174

Do you live in Japan, op?

>> No.1122195

I don't live in Japan.

>> No.1122203

They were actually negotiating with Russia to temporarily rent out an old aircraft carrier at one point.

As for why they don't actually have it somewhere else by now, though... maybe nobody wants to deal with all the problems it'd bring (loads of porn, huge crowds, long queues, occasional idiots, etc).

>> No.1122205

Like a big open field. That would be nice.

>> No.1122211

Unless it rains

>> No.1122212

It's not like anything would happen for us here

>> No.1122220
File: 148 KB, 591x834, 無題.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


□署名用紙 http://www.savemanga.sakura.ne.jp/syomei01.pdf 

>> No.1122246


Buy Pop-Tarts.

>> No.1122294


>> No.1122302

Hey /jp/, what share cluster settings should I use?

>> No.1122315

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.1122318

I use:

>> No.1122322

Also, what node?

And thanks a lot.

>> No.1122333


Click "share_ex.txt".

>> No.1122355
File: 88 KB, 422x552, 1218343849912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1122362

Crappy protocol is crappy.

>> No.1122368
File: 77 KB, 300x421, okaz_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't... fucking...wait...

>> No.1122382

I can't seem to connect to anything. It always goes to "check" and then disappears. I have my router set to DMZ on my internal IP address, all firewalls off. Any idea why this is happening?

>> No.1122378

people don't use it because it only connects to other people who use it and nobody uses it

>> No.1122390

I can't seem to connect to anything. It always goes to "check"/"search" and then disappears. I have my router set to DMZ on my internal IP address, all firewalls off. Any idea why this is happening?

>> No.1122399

First lesson of Share: Share sucks, and the Elevens are masochists for liking it over any number of more modern P2P applications.

Try tinkering around with the network settings. Mine took about an hour to finally behave.

>> No.1122417
File: 4 KB, 329x111, HAHAHA, WHAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About p2p programs, I was going to make a thread about perfect dark

>> No.1122422

Your nodes are disconnecting for some reason. Check the log, if there is a "disconnect due to port error" log, it's probably your router. Also DMZ is never a good idea.

>> No.1122436

What's wrong with DMZ? I always assumed it basically opens up every port to one computer, much like the ports would be if you were to directly connect the connection to your computer.

>> No.1122443

28/217 search connection errors
4/217 search acknowledge count

I think it's working. Just not downloading anything? I set it to >>1122318 's clusters.

>> No.1122448
File: 85 KB, 1149x915, 1218682146593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1122453

>basically opens up every port to one computer

That's what's wrong. Leaving ports open is never a good idea if you are not using them. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

>> No.1122477

It might be faster, but as far as I know UDP does tend to be less reliable since it doesn't check the packets header. Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.1122481


>> No.1122484

I don't suppose anyone has any idea how to fix share when it won't connect to nodes for more than 4 seconds? (I've sat and watched it, it's 4 seconds every time.)

I haven't been able to get it working since I got a new computer a couple of months ago. I used for a couple of years before that, and I know everything is set up as it should be. I've seen other people have this problem and be unable to fix it, and it seems to be a comparatively recent thing. I don't know what the fuck is up with it. How I wish the Japanese would learn to torrent.

>> No.1122492

My nodes keep disconnecting, but my port is fine (no port disconnection message).

My nodes are up to date as well.

>> No.1122504

Oh... nice explanation, themoreyouknow.jpg

>> No.1122518

I hate to request, but where can I get share? I lost it after a format, and now I can't find a link. I already checked uguu.

>> No.1122552

I can't find shit either.

>> No.1122606
File: 82 KB, 320x450, ayayayaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1122629
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 51qejGsjJyL._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious j-core tiem. The 16th needs to come faster.

>> No.1122646
File: 349 KB, 907x1268, 1216521064039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1122667

Are people still using Share heavily, after the bust of the 3 cappers?

I've gotten into the groove with Perfect Dark, but it's got... issues... that make using it less than optimal.

>> No.1122684


oh fuck, new Aya doujin from Paranoia Cat is coming out?

let me get my tissues ready.

>> No.1122686

I wish I knew enough Moon to use Share

>> No.1122789
File: 461 KB, 600x839, hana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, yuri.

It really seems to be getting more and more popular, these days.

>> No.1122808
File: 87 KB, 879x700, yomiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polygon Love 2: Okawari is FINALLY going to be released at this year's Comiket, on Aug 16.



>> No.1122807

which is nice ;_;

>> No.1122814
File: 100 KB, 511x800, toho03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1122816
File: 16 KB, 352x198, 1208065198720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


too bad no Fuuko...

>> No.1122820
File: 134 KB, 640x800, guren02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1122826
File: 57 KB, 373x700, yoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1122830
File: 80 KB, 662x700, nagato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They even copied Nagato's swimsuit from an Alter figurine.

>> No.1122836
File: 41 KB, 280x700, ruri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1122840

She might still be in it and not just on the cover.

She's confirmed to be in the Omake book, though.

>> No.1122938

Disconnected due to port error.
Disconnected due to port error.
Disconnected due to port error.
Disconnected due to port error.
Disconnected due to port error.
Disconnected due to port error.
Disconnected due to port error.
Disconnected due to port error.
Disconnected due to port error.

All of my firewalls are off. My modem is set perfectly. Fuck you Japan. Fuck you....

>> No.1122949

Needs more port forwarding.

>> No.1122973

Has anyone announced Hidamari Sketch doujins? I haven't seen too many of those

>> No.1122984

>Hidamari Sketch doujins

>> No.1122986

Fucking can't wait for it.

>> No.1122994
File: 275 KB, 817x1200, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Habeeb it

>> No.1122990


>> No.1123045

How do I port foward?

>> No.1123062
File: 15 KB, 300x300, richboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1123076


>> No.1123104

dunno, lol

>> No.1123131

So speaking of share, how do I actually search for things? My understanding is you add triggers based on keywords and when it finds something it adds it to your database so you can see what it found. None of my triggers have ever returned anything though and my database remains empty...

>> No.1123165

That's how you do it, uncheck "Delete matching query triggers" and check "Add to DB only" for just a search. Are you using single keywords?

One thing I never figured out is how to use filters. My moon isn't that great and going through long query matches is kind of a pain.

>> No.1123238


Ya just single words. I've tried various artist names and titles but never found anything. What keyword should one use for Comiket? Just C74?

>> No.1123240

yup, you might wanna add C74 when searching for stuff from this comiket

>> No.1123871

Is there any need to put anything into the upload or cache folders?

>> No.1124055
File: 254 KB, 1010x700, 1217636183298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do want.

>> No.1124142

Anyone know where abouts the Touhou plushies and Touhou TCG are going to be sold? I don't want to end up spending hours walking around looking for them.

>> No.1124165


Yuri or futa?

>> No.1124189

Oh God,if there is something new from Fatalpulse the fapping won't stop for 3 months.

>> No.1124192

Going by Bolze's site, he'll be doing two Hayate doujin for Comiket. One Nagi rape, and one Maria/ Trap Hayate (fuck yes).

>> No.1124198
File: 127 KB, 400x565, 1218702058843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renai Manga's C74 offering.


>> No.1124214
File: 134 KB, 458x640, comiket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good websites /jp/ knows of to buy doujinshi? I just want ABe Yoshitoshi's stuff.

A little piece of me dies every time I miss a Comiket.

>> No.1124275
File: 15 KB, 284x451, 93924707_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually a pretty good design. I'm not a huge fan of Abe but that looks better than his usual drawings

If I tell you a few doujin stores that ship to the States, you think you can scan them?

>> No.1124280

Will be camping Share for SA.

God, I hope the game is just as sadistic as the demo. I finally managed to "1cc" it on Normal with Reimu/Aya. Stage 3 is fucking rape.

>> No.1125066

There's already 20 oddsome doujins showing up on share, awesome shit

>> No.1125081
File: 7 KB, 366x100, 1215802966419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any news about Persona 4 doujins going on sale there? I seriously haven't found any based on that game yet for some reason.

>> No.1126364

My port keeps giving me errors. What port do you guys use?

I don't have a router/firewall so it has nothing to do with port forwarding.

>> No.1127629

How so fast? Did people rush in, buy what they wanted, then rush home to scan it and share it or something?

>> No.1127637

If you're going to an event like this, you better have a good idea of what you want, and where it is, else you're not going to get anything.

So yeah, there probably is people who just go in, get what they want and come out.

>> No.1127646

Everyone has Wireless hand held scanners.

>> No.1127690

They don't even browse around?
Also... you can only be at the front of one queue. And then it's going to be a 5 hour wait for anything popular after that one. So unless they only went to one or two circles, I don't understand. Also, do they not want to thoroughly enjoy their doujins until they're exhausted and must sleep first?
Japanese take their comiket for granted. I wish Britain had something like this. But all we have is a few tiny conventions with maybe one porn of characters who you don't even need to be told "are all over 18", and came out 10 years ago. Something even as tame and common as a CCS rape doujin would be phenomenally rare over here.

>> No.1127714

Of course there will be plenty of people browsing around, but there's also going to be people who are just going get what they came for and go home.

>> No.1127746

cant wait to that shittttttt god dammit
by the way ill be coming to this shit , anyone want a doujin to be scanned and post it? feel free to ask since i want to buy some awesome fappan material but i have no clue ( I'm mostly going for touhou and figures)

and i plan to buy around 30-50 doujin plus some manga depending on the price

>> No.1127749

hahaha, I hear loli is illegal over there now. Enjoy your nanny police state.

>> No.1127773

>>I hear loli is illegal over there now

>> No.1127797

Not yet, there are just public figures saying they have plans to do it. Might just be empty words to pick up tough-on-pedos points, might actually come into play. Nothing yet, but if anything does come through I'm leaving. Hell, if New Labour win the next election I'm leaving anyway. Even if they don't I still might leave anyway once I've got my degree, this nanny-state sucks; and the internet connections here are awful.
New Labour- doing for society what Old Labour did for the economy.

>> No.1128010

Have you got a list of all the releases? My Share is working properly for me, but other than C74 or doujin (in kanji of course, no IME on this comp) and browsing through the millions of matches in a big block of japanese, I have no idea what triggers to use.

>> No.1128023


That should get you started.

>> No.1128056

Search for it in Share? Who is this Akiko and what is this?

>> No.1128065

>no IME on this comp)

>> No.1128083

awesome. I did not know of that before.
No matches in google or Share. Are you trolling, or are my clusters set up badly?

>> No.1128090

1. combine all of our tissues into a giant ball.
2. push ball into ocean
3. utopian society of /jp/anon.

get to work.

>> No.1128098
File: 172 KB, 715x1000, 1218726510048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akiko-san to issho is a brilliant Kanon H-doujin - not brilliant on the level of Pretty Neighbour or Re-take, but well worth seeking out. This will be the third instalment.

If it gets over here and hasn't been translated by the end of the week, I'm getting my dictionaries out.

>> No.1128110

I'm getting my hiragana mixed up.

Try: 秋子さんといっしょ

>> No.1128119

Oh, so that's 秋子さんといっしょ3 then. Would explain the lack of matches and my inability to parse that Japanese.

>> No.1128153

Yeah, sorry about that. U and O are very close on the keyboard and ょ and ゅ look very similar when you've just had a very long day after too little sleep.

>> No.1128193

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck man I really wish I could go to this.

Now that /h/ has turned me into a circle-snob, I'm really looking forward to some of the new stuff coming out.

Kensoh Ogawa anyone? =D

>> No.1128213

No problem, so long as this turns out to be good.

Also, does anyone in this thread have a link to a list of Share nodes, mine is a bit sparse.

>> No.1128257

I can't even find a link to share. winny falls right onto its face when I try to download something, and perfect dark gives me this bullshit about unity downloads having priority, which at the rate of 40kb/s to reach 2gb will take just about forever.

>> No.1128353

anonymous reporting from tokyo.
i'm about to leave and go to c74, greetings to everyone

>> No.1128360

Buy TYPEMOON dakimakura, sell back here.

>> No.1128448

Find me a cure for the boil in my ear.

>> No.1128478


>> No.1128527

Fuck you.

>> No.1128529

Reported for virus.

>> No.1128540

(C74)コミックマーケット74 CD-ROMカタログ Disc A.rar ゆの萌えはぁはぁyTC0qQb6in 737,089,358 2c6e44a1cbb5d44a7b3be0522cccfb38b27a0703
(C74)コミックマーケット74 CD-ROMカタログ Disc B.rar 沙英萌えはぁはぁXOD0JxVRWe 681,711,702 7762f6e84037710016740ba3f3617885584ae6bd

Disc B is pretty useless. Disc A has a program which lets you pick all the things you would hypothetically get at Comiket. Might be useful for deciding what to look for and to set triggers.

Note that the Disc A program crashes unless dates are in Japanese format and your location is Japan, along with a non-unicode Japanese locale. Took me a while and some babelfishing of 2ch to figure this out.

This stuff has a list of all the things at C74. Quite a heavy download though. My advice is not to bother with B.

>> No.1128556

I just got to Japan and I don't know how to get to Comiket. Is there a website that tells you how to?

>> No.1128563

If you are unprepared then you are wasting your time even going.

>> No.1128584

Why because I won't go to all the best of the best circles and stuff? What does it matter if I want to go to just check it out?

>> No.1128598

Ok Konata whatever you say.

Just go google directions to the convention center by train routes. I'm sure it can't be that difficult.

>> No.1128603

There's nothing stopping you, but you aren't going to get much done. I mean damn, you don't even know where it is.

Google Maps "Tokyo big sight" and take the metro there. There is a station right next to it. Use this site for figuring out the metro: http://www.tokyo-subway.net/english/index.html

>> No.1128613

Pre-configured and all clusters checked. Be sure to set you folders. Also, my share uses port 21.

>> No.1128623

But won't whoever uses that get your client ID or something?

>> No.1128626

That's actually a good idea. Looking for rare stuff and selling it for shitload of money for western people.

>> No.1128627

Still waiting on this one.

>> No.1128633

Not if one isn't set.
Seriously though it isn't rocket science to set up Share.

>> No.1128637

Of course it is, I want an Akiha pillow.

>> No.1128644

Yeah, I have mine set up. I was just asking, because I was under the impression that even if you don't have a Default ID set (ie: nickname), Share automatically generates a client ID/hash for you. Like in eMule.

I could be wrong, though.

>> No.1128646

It uses /jp/ as client ID.

>> No.1128717


Disc A downloaded surprisingly fast.

>> No.1128818
File: 472 KB, 1007x870, C74Catalog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this is a pretty awesome catalog. I'm going to be busy on Share once more stuff starts popping up.

I didn't want to bother changing all my locale / dates / regional settings like >>1128540 mentioned, so I just mounted the ISO on my laptop and ran the OS X version. Works just fine.

>> No.1128839


>> No.1128855

Do we have anywhere to exchange Share hashes? /jp/ as with any imageboard is quite volatile.

>> No.1128864

Just make a new thread (probably with a title).

Have users say what it is and give the hash.

>> No.1128883
File: 46 KB, 342x863, ohgodwhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1128918

Image made me frown

>> No.1128930

hey, I am just now reminded. there was something about katawa shoujo coming out during comiket, right? I mean, at the same time, not actually IN comiket. Is this right? will I finnaly be able to play my disability moe~?

>> No.1128942


>> No.1128947
File: 54 KB, 810x506, 1218765692809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you do this? ;_;

I want my Burn-tan..

>> No.1128956

That was Anon's Nice Day

>> No.1129031

Not even the demo will be done by then.

We're working on it, though.

>> No.1129043
File: 87 KB, 978x726, 1218766717068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>katawa shoujo
>coming out

>> No.1129051

The blog's starting to pick up with some solid examples of progress. Hanako, Lilly and Rin's path's first drafts are done, for example, and there are a couple of screenshots of the art.

>> No.1129067
File: 188 KB, 710x440, 1218766995960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope these guys have some information about Otome Function at Comiket...

>> No.1129063

Even if this shit comes out it will be really short and... well it'll be shit.

I see no point in waiting.

>> No.1129070

They said something about being at around 500,000 words.

Shit, though... guess it'll just be a matter of waiting to see.

>> No.1129090
File: 43 KB, 300x393, 1218767248704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1129113
File: 100 KB, 900x608, 1218767480100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do want Persona 4 doujin.

>> No.1129129

I think they said they were going to beat Tsukihime's count (which is very possible).

>> No.1129145

We have no target counts. Right now we're at roughly 450k, but this number will change a lot (most likely downwards) during the post-production phase of scriptwriting.

>> No.1129178
File: 30 KB, 400x531, 1218768414195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun wading through the flood of fakes on Share.

Fucking Elevens...

>> No.1129189

They've truly mastered trolling.

>> No.1129310
File: 360 KB, 1024x768, 1218770181523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there aren't any doujin for Nanoha StrikerS, I'll rage.

>> No.1129331
File: 335 KB, 908x400, 1218770635601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1129363

Yes, yes, large parts of the series sucked, as well as Caro and Elio.

Doesn't change the fact that the other cast is hot as hell, though.

>> No.1129366

I raged because it's true. Fucking new characters...

>> No.1129375
File: 77 KB, 720x480, 1218771394551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1129391

i can't wait for someone to gas everyone out. japan can be crazy like that

>> No.1129397

Even coloured harmless air would probably be enough to cause a stampede. Huge numbers of otaku killed by crushing underneath other's feet.

>> No.1129400


>> No.1129404


>> No.1129409

I bet you can TASTE the pheromones in the air.

>> No.1129410

i think thats the only way they can get laid.........

>> No.1129418

You can get laid at Comicke?
I'll have to see if I can go to this winter's.

Konota, here I come~

>> No.1129420

Oh, tasty, tasty irony.

>> No.1129477
File: 554 KB, 937x750, 1218772862541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so it begins.

>> No.1129489

brace for scat

>> No.1129499

I've already got that one, lol.

Not really shitstorm material though :S

>> No.1129511

Those damn elevens are good at that. For every genuine copy there are five rars full of shit, literally.

To help it out, I've begun disguising my /b/ shock pic folder as doujinshi.

>> No.1129535

Followup, it was the usual fake. Only the over page, enlarged so much as to have the right filesize for a full doujin.

>> No.1129538

We should make a new thread to give people a heads up on stuff when it gets available on share and TT.

>> No.1129544

excellent plan

>> No.1129561

Can someone explain "order" while downloading? It's been mocking me over the past year.

>> No.1129565

Or you could just f5 tokyotosho in another tab.
Whatever works, right?

>> No.1129582

Fakes are starting to flood in now. All of them are just supersized cover pages.

>> No.1129597
File: 2 KB, 104x40, 1218775098042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1129601

Most labeled 同人誌 right now only have the cover page, so prepare for RAAAAGE

>> No.1129706

Inefficient. Im sure some people here would just like to use the correct hash instead of searching among fakes. And the faggots over TT fail to at least provide a descritption on releases.

>> No.1129975

my friend went today to grab Gintama BL comics. Im headin there on Sunday when its mostly ero stuff. Lookin to load up on wolf and spice stuff. Anything i should look out for? We got the cataloge but i only looked for stuff i want

>> No.1129977

Get me a Reimu plushy if there are any.

>> No.1129978


Grab Touhou merchandise (especially figs, plushies, etc) and resell it to /jp/ weeaboos for 10x its value.

>> No.1129979

Listen to this man if you want to make some extra cash.

>> No.1129985

what is touhou and will any of you guys seriously buy shit oof of some dude from 4chan

>> No.1129990

Check if there are any Shugo Chara doujins. I need to know just how much are there so I can get my dick ready for the fapping.

>> No.1129992

go on day 2 and get some doujin games and music instead

>> No.1129997

I would. It's easy for me to trust people since I take for granted that they're not assholes until proven otherwise.

>> No.1130002

Everyone is going to be doing that since that guy sold those Atai Cirnos and Sutten Reisen for about $150 a piece.

>> No.1130004

someone get all these games and share:
あ-1a 天然素材 - (Exceedの絵柄)
あ-1b 永久る~ぷ - TWilight refrAIN
あ-2a コスプレ喫茶娘々 - 巫女弾幕STG
あ-15b 橙汁 - ソラ
あ-52b 上海アリス幻楽団 - 東方地霊伝
か-56a BLUE&WHITE - (メカ系の絵柄)
き-1b SITER SKAIN - RefleX
き-4a 白黒Station - きっと弾幕STG
き-7a いちごしとろん - (ローゼンの真紅の絵柄)
き-7b OHBA堂 - 横スクアクションSTG
き-8b RebRank - RefRain できたところまで
き-9a Equniox - Zen-Ichi
き-11a OUT SIDE 大魔砲少女
き-12b 不思議キッチン - HISTORICA

>> No.1130008

Now what genre are those?

>> No.1130014


The STG and あ-52b 上海アリス幻楽団 - 東方地霊伝 should say enough, even though I heard ZUN is releasing th11 on the second day of natsucomi.

>> No.1130038

all games are on the 2nd day, not just th11

>> No.1130116

Gee, it sure is autosage around here.

>> No.1130118


>> No.1130120


>> No.1130257

Are any of you faggots actually going to be there?

>> No.1130262

I am gonna be with ZUN.
I will be the one with the silly hat.

>> No.1130268

yeah, i am going, missing out on my cities local matsuri to do it as well, but i do love my horo fan art

>> No.1130271

I'm ashamed to admit this, but I completely forgot about Comiket until this morning.

Glad to see it'll be raping my internet for a few weeks though.

>> No.1130272

>missing out on my cities local matsuri
It's called a "festival".

>> No.1130278

Hadaka Matsuri?

No loss.

>> No.1130282
File: 47 KB, 854x38, 1218789224497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st: http://fandc.co.jp/piagpfd/
2nd: http://www.web-giga.com/c74/fj/ss.html
Let's see if they're real.

>> No.1130300

Is there like a step-by-step for this anywhere?

Because this is the first time I've heard of this program, and it's confusing me.

>> No.1130302

Whats the name of that one To-LOVE-Ru doujin with genderbender Yuki and Team Yui in it? Thats all I need.

>> No.1130435

People, Share has a minimum 1MB/s upload requirement. If you're not in Japan, Korea, Northern Europe and haven't heard about it already, it's not for you.

>> No.1131097

Was that quote on target?
