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11218698 No.11218698 [Reply] [Original]


August 1st. Will you play it?

>> No.11218737


i love trying new mmorpgs. they're all shitty, but it's still fun to grind and complain for a few weeks.

>> No.11218767

Maybe, will somebody roleplay as my outgoing lesbian partner please?

>> No.11218775
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Sure. The gameplay videos look decent enough.

>> No.11219062

Please respond.

>> No.11219064

No I don't want to

>> No.11219130

Why not. As long as they aren't absolute cunts about letting non-JP IPs play their games like every other publisher.

>> No.11219131

Okay, thanks for considering it.

>> No.11219138

I think this alpha is for the English version, so you don't have to worry about that.

>> No.11219199

no, i'm done with cyberstep.

>> No.11219212
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>> No.11219264
File: 743 KB, 594x713, 1364330866650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell this game was on a nickel and dime budget. Sorry I only play REAL mmos.

>> No.11219286

Nah I am not going to play this game

First of all it is not about cute little moebots and it isnt cosmic break.

Plus I know how cyberstep works. Tehy will completly such you dry of money without a care in the world and will still not try to improve on the game.

That being said I still like and enjoy playing cosmic break. I find it funny that only when the ads for cosmic break came in do I see people posting and making threads about cosmic break.

I guess ads can influence people

>> No.11219294

What does this comic say? Can someone please translate it?

I have always wondered what the japanese players of cosmic break think about Resha.

I kind of know that they hate her just as much as we do but I would like to know what that comic says specifically

>> No.11219300

>nickel and dime budget

you are too funny

do you realize how much money cyberstep makes off of CB alone?

>> No.11219307

How is it even possible to enjoy a game that's not just shitty but a massive moneysink?
If you want to throw away time and money go get a job and give me your earnings.

>> No.11219311
File: 24 KB, 270x207, 1356728901097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think they spend their entire profit on game development? Are you high? Speaking of getting high, that's probably what all of your money to CB funded.

>> No.11219315

The key is to not spend any more.

I was a faggot like the the average CB player ie spending litterally thousands of dollars on a virtual slot machine.

But once you snuff out that urge to want to spend more mony and try to roll for gara and charging more RT the game is a little bit more pleasant to play

I am one of the few who was able to break free from CB tight grasp and still be able to play the game comfortably

>> No.11219318

>game development?
That was the point I was trying to make.

They can make so much money with doing very little and/or outright gambling people out of their money

>> No.11219323

No, your point was to refute my "nickel and dime budget" comment by telling me how much cyberstep makes off CB like they were a good honest company who loves creating quality games.

I then told you that they probably blew almost all of that money on fresh mortgages, hookers, booze, vacations and drugs because cyberstep is scummy as all hell and it just fits their image better.

>> No.11219326

>No, your point was to refute my "nickel and dime budget" comment by telling me how much cyberstep makes off CB like they were a good honest company who loves creating quality games.
Except that wasn't my reasoning at all. Quit assuming things

>> No.11219329
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>> No.11219335

The point I was trying to make was that their games have potential to not be a nickle and dime budget because the sheer amount of money they make off of people through petty gambling techniques and pay to win strategies. And instead of using that profit to making and improving on their game they just continue to suck the money off of the playerbase.

Do I have to spell everything out for your dumb ass?

>> No.11219343
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>> No.11219347


>> No.11219365


They brain wash me to buy their ingame currency for cosmic break then spend it on random whores... being serious anyone who plays knows what im talking about.

Onigiri was kinda trashy when i played the beta id rather wait till the EN version that way by then the game is more developed. I find it funny how the EN version of cosmicbreak tends to have the best things only thing that sux is the fact that we cant get any sort of physical rewards from buying the currency. they get figures and shit in the jp.

>> No.11219377

I found it surprising the english CB actually put bots that where recently in garas in the shop let alone new bot in the shop period.

Dont know if it is like that on the other versions though

>> No.11219383

Is this the netoge thread for netoge thread otakus?

>> No.11219386

Bumping this, I can't play multiplayer games by myself.

>> No.11219391

dont think so i played the korean version and they had a few things there not much to bark at anyways seems like they get more fron the en version. Eu is basically dead. jp is alright but hadnt checked i do want one of the CDs tho
but im sure some one posted it somewhere but i still want a physical copy with all the goodies inside

And yea i think i saw the first prize from a recent gacha in the shop for 100 rt.

cosmicbreak pisses me off so much yet i fuking love playing it.... well barely these days i got into mabinogi and is now taking my money these days.

>> No.11219398

Can we play without being lesbians?

>> No.11219403

Same here

Something about cosmic break always make me come back. It has that kind of appeal to me like super smash brothers (in my opinion) or like gotcha force.

but I also agree that I have not been playing it much as I have been recently playing ragnarock online the legend of the second and am anticipating the new race and classes that will come out in a few months.

That and cube world has been pretty fun to play as well

>> No.11219429

I didn't even know people still played cosmic break. I thought it died like every other old game.

>> No.11219440

I'm not good enough at acting like a lesbian though.

>> No.11219450

I like what they are doing to it these days the whole angel coin concept and the decent units you get from the shop. Im afraid i bought my way in too much to just leave the game and the player base is depleting.

Cubeworld is out? been trying to get it.

>> No.11219463

You don't have to, that's just to stop jerks from trying to ask me out. At the very least you have to pretend to be my energetic girl friend who can take charge and protect me from bullies.

I'm not very good at MMOs and the last one I tried people shouted at me a lot...

>> No.11219586

Nope I still play it from time to time.

>> No.11219595

What game do you want to play?

>> No.11219607
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These graphics would have been awesome

ten years ago

>> No.11220022

Worst part is that the game is heavy as fuck, 20gb, really?

>> No.11220043
File: 61 KB, 350x1200, 1293146959216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyberstep does it again!

No, I won't

>> No.11220086

> Will you play it?

No I will not, apart from CS being shit, the aesthetic of this game are shit. Look at those completely shit character designs. Would not even download to play for 10 minutes before uninstalling.

>> No.11220107

Looks like some weboo shit.

>> No.11220808
File: 372 KB, 800x600, cosmic break chibi gang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CS-chan is so cute

>> No.11221218

Why havent they go under yet?
Gambling in a fucking pay2win mmo is downright disgusting

>> No.11221247

It looks like any other generic weeaboo mmo.

>> No.11221530

What does that mean?

>> No.11221608

WOW mechanics clone, is a cheap cashgrab, emphasis on cute looks

>> No.11223294

>Why havent they go under yet?
The yen to dollar ration went from 80 to 100 over the last 9 months. That's 25% extra money from CBEN and CS didn't have to lift a finger.

>> No.11223309

Not only that but they get incredible amount of money from just a few number for people because of those gambling technicians.

The average player would spend more than a hundred dollars easily and that is not even counting the hard core spenders.

>> No.11223380
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>> No.11223431
File: 18 KB, 227x57, lolwut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, wut? I wondered why he fell off the face of the earth.

>> No.11223448

I dont know how many games they have but the # of people in CBEN after the end of beta was pathetic. Barely >100 and not all of them spend $$$ on garajew. I seriously doubt how they manage to survive.

>> No.11223464

I wonder if he'll host radio shows on our voip server again.

Man that was an autistic catastrophe, ended up having to just mute everybody except him, and some of them stayed around for like a month after.

>> No.11223487

Tempura... He needs More Analprobe loving.

I wonder if there will ever be a player like analprobe. Lol hes the reason why the gms stopped the radio shows for the free hats.

>> No.11223506

>20GB or more (NTFS format)


>> No.11224240


No it's monster!

>> No.11224244

I'll be there with bows and pretty ribbons.

>> No.11224246

I thought mmo threads weren't allowed on /jp/ anymore?

>> No.11224257

They are, as long as it's a Japanese MMO.

>> No.11224271

But FFXIV is a Japanese mmo.

>> No.11224451

Believe what you will but that is the truth.

Cosmic Break has the incredible ability to keep its select few player to keep spending on their game.

No other game would have last nearly as long as CB did by doing what they do.

It is amazing in a way

>> No.11224453

Ah I remember Anal probe. I remember he actually sent a dildo or something to Tempura right?

Wait what? That isnt right. He isnt incharge or some kind og programmer for CB he is just the representative for CBEN right? The actual devs and programmers are the ones for CBJP. We just get the english updates and shit sent to us by tempura or something right?

>> No.11229044

>Lol hes the reason why the gms stopped the radio shows for the free hats.
actually for some reason he never really gave us trouble during the radio shows

>he actually sent a dildo or something to Tempura right?

>representative for CBEN
changed departments

>> No.11229525

>changed departments
So he just outright left CBEN altogether
