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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11217996 No.11217996 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to you, /jp/? You used to be so cool. We used to have hours of discussion on the newest vn translation drama. We'd sit around together waiting for the Umineko TL to drop. And then it all went away. What happened?

moogy can go fuck himself, ever since he got me banned from his shitty irc crap

>> No.11217999 [DELETED] 

Please do not misuse the spoiler tags.

Consider this a warning

>> No.11218001

>99 []
>Please do not misuse the spoiler tags.

>> No.11218005

ah man totally forgot there was a cross channel tl project before ixrec did it. shit why the fuck do all these shitty translators want to make that their first big project.

also the moog was def behind gckc stopping tling sumaga

>> No.11218009

I imagine most of the people you've discussed TL drama with are now fluent in japanese and are having lots of fun in the VN general thread.

>> No.11218012

It ain't cool to be a peasant anymore. That's what happened.

>> No.11218011

because cross channel is a pretty good read, but it's really hard to tl, so they want to look good.

Who the fuck is Gamepatch, Pacula, Aninga, and Masat?

>> No.11218020

Wasn't Gamepatch the Shuffle TL group? Wow, that was fucking forever ago.

>> No.11218026

didn't you make this thread two days ago

>> No.11218028

Is Ixrec still fucking Sheeta?

>> No.11218032

We're waiting for you over at /vg/, OP.

>> No.11218033

2006 if you go by the animesuki posts.
>7 years


>> No.11218045

Don't know about the first three, but Masat was that guy from the #ammy irc who, when Ixrec made the first poll of what he should translate next, came out near the end of the poll and said that he would translate Baldr Sky. This resulted in Baldr Sky not winning the poll. He then proceeded to make it really look like he was translating the game, but he wasn't. He was a huge troll. I think he's in the Navy now.

>> No.11218056

You grew old.

>> No.11218069

wow my memory is shit since I should really fucking remember that.

I think neko and I were posting vote for inganock images all over the place back then.

good thing that won though ixrecs tl was a bit literal

>> No.11218091


>> No.11218111

Wasn't me

>> No.11218112

Maybe you're schizophrenic.

>> No.11218118


What good times those were

>> No.11218126

masat01 thread? It's been a while.

>> No.11218136


>> No.11218146

pacula translated the first sono hanasomehitng before petal whatever appeared.

>> No.11218163


Where does fuwanovel fit into this?

>> No.11218172

The real otaku learnt Japanese and left I guess.

>> No.11218183

too young to be in it

>> No.11219393 [SPOILER] 
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So everyone's got tourettes in Asairo?

>> No.11219662

>not touhou containment board a la /mlp/
>implying most of our users dont come from youtube and tumblr

>> No.11220509

yeah, but it was back then when all vn users didn't go to /vg/ yet. At that time touhou threads were a bit less obnoxious

>> No.11220510

No, they're just all in /vn/ now.

>> No.11220514

nah, youtube secondaries go to /f/.

They'd think this was a board about Japan

>> No.11220592

Bullshit. Masat01 wasn't even around back then, and Baldr Sky lost because it just lost. Inganock won a surprise victory in that poll. Ixrec loved the game and Sheeta was heavily campaigning for it, and on /jp/ there wasn't all that much support for it, hence Ixrec being denoted 'election fraud expert' due to people calling bullshit on the poll. (The poll itself seemed to be legitimate, just people being obnoxious.)

Troll translation group that pretended to translate Shuffle! but never did anything.

Troll translation group that pretended to translate Tick! Tack! but never did anything.

Sono Hanabira translator.

Masat01. Random troll from #tlwiki that 'picked up translation projects' that nobody took seriously. Comparable to the 'I'm working on it, will be finished by next week' posts in the VNTS threads.

>> No.11220604

/jp/ is still totally cool, theres no other place for us.

>> No.11220755

Where is Aaeru on that chart?

>> No.11220809

She didn't achieve notability until much later.

>> No.11220813


The good old days. I prefer this to that VNTS/TinFoil crap.

>4chan / JP
>If you can look past the rubbish posted you’ll often find information on translation projects and updates by translators not found elsewhere.

( ._.)

>> No.11220816

Those threads aren't active enough for that to be the case.

>> No.11220818

Because the posters there spend most of their time reading VNs.

If you dedicate more time to /jp/ than you do your /jp/-related hobbies, then you are a filthy /jp/ secondary and probably a shitposter.

>> No.11220827

Dat. /jp/ is now /touhou/. /vn/ is where you want to go to be cool.

>> No.11220831

moot just needs to delete /jp/ and make /th/ and /vn/.

It's bullshit confining such wide-ranging media into clusterfuck general threads with overlapping discussion. This is exactly the sort of situation where general threads don't work, at all.

>> No.11220851

/jp/ was good when it was Japan General.

For some bizarre reason /jp/ became the place for the shittiest parts of Japanese culture.

>> No.11220860

I dont want to talk to the people from /v/ and /a/ who post in the /vg/ thread though

>> No.11220863

It's the /jp/ prophecy..

>> No.11220867

He already asked if /vn/ was wanted and we explained to him it was inefficient as there's not enough discussion and would be drowned on KS shitposting.
Also there needs to be a board for idols, neets, tenga and the like.

>> No.11222642

Obviously there needs to be a board for every topic I'm interested in and all the boards I think suck need to be deleted forever.

>> No.11223168

Nice well thought out opinion you have there, shame it's completely stupid. I guess some people wont be satisfied until everything has its very own autistic category so that it all makes sense for the mentally challenged. For everybody else it's quite clear that /jp/ isn't a hobby specific board and that Touhou and VN discussions have only ever made up a small portion of what gets posted.

>> No.11223207

2009 was the golden age. Everything's gone downhill since then.

>> No.11224083

>For everybody else it's quite clear that /jp/ isn't a hobby specific board and that Touhou and VN discussions have only ever made up a small portion of what gets posted.
Strange, I do recall a time where Touhou and VNs made up at least half of the threads on this board.

>> No.11224134

Your personal perception with a bias to see what interests you isn't a good measure for anything.

My feeling is that /jp/ had less 2D otaku stuff at the start and a more broad range of topics. Then around 2009/2010 a new generation of losers dropped out of highschool and decided if it ain't Touhou it ain't NEET which you now had to be to be allowed to post here. So /jp/ was changed to Otaku Culture to appease the hipster weekend hikikomori Touhou fanbase.

After /q/ and the moderation overhaul the majority of threads just became the same old rehashed shit and entry level discussions. But even now you can't say the entire board is just Touhou and Visual Novels.

Funny how everybody has a different take on the same subject, huh?
