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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11211996 No.11211996[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

jp what it is like to have a maid? do maids typically do lewd stuff for their masters?

>> No.11211999

I would hire a cute /jp/sie to be my maid, but /jp/ would just call me a normie for having disposable income, so I guess there's no point.

>> No.11212038

Would you hire me? I'm naturally submissive, I'm good at cooking and cleaning and I love to crossdress.

>> No.11212048

Are you semi-passable?

>> No.11212051 [DELETED] 

>Shut the fuck up you queer.

>> No.11212056


I have maids in Cebu (Philippines). They are old and natives which means they are brown. I live in the US though.

But I would assume it is bad to sleep with a maid, lest she get pregnant and other taboo stuff.

>> No.11212057

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11212063

>Quote THIS

>*grabs dick*

>> No.11212064

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11212070

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11212072

If I don't talk then yes. I have long hair, I'm very thin and can do makeup.

>> No.11212076

>Please, just go away. You are the reason /jp/ is fucking shit. Go back to tumblr and take your shitty pretend gay meme with you.

>> No.11212080

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11212084

>I'm quoting myself.

>> No.11212081

>I would hire you, dude.

>> No.11212089

Who is everyone quoting?

>> No.11212103

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11212099
File: 62 KB, 361x440, 1374458960768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have qt3.14 maid wash your socks

>> No.11212102

>who are you quoting?

>> No.11212105

>Why aren't you quoting?

>> No.11212110

Why the fuck is /jp/ obsessed with lewd things?
The second question was completely unnecessary.

>> No.11212109

I want /pol/ to leave.

>> No.11212114 [DELETED] 

>Then don't start a thread with a shitskin, retard.

>> No.11212123

What's it like hating yourself?

>> No.11212122

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11212128

>Are you calling me a nigger?

>> No.11212145

There's no such thing as a stupid question dude

>> No.11212150

>Who are you hating?

>> No.11212155

“A stupid question is a question not asked.” - ur mum

>> No.11212156

>I'm hating myself.

>> No.11212163

>You're great, though.

>> No.11212172

>Thank you.

>> No.11212174

No. That is lewd.
Also it's a fantastic way to get a gigantic lawsuit.

>> No.11212176

Whenever I smoke pot I feel like I might be gay

>> No.11212178

>Why are you blacking his mom?

>> No.11212181

Do any of you want to be my maid?

>> No.11212188

It's a nice colour.

>> No.11212193

>Let's get high and make out

>> No.11212204

>Can I join?

>> No.11212224
File: 20 KB, 275x283, revving intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11212228
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>> No.11212667

i want to fuck a maid just once just to see how it feels

>> No.11212763
File: 7 KB, 199x239, 1377054681107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LMAO all these fucking neckbeards huffing their paperbags posting "who are you quoting"
>pic related this is you all

>> No.11212771

Why is she your maid? Get a russian mail order bride they do so much more things better and cheaper.

>> No.11212772


>> No.11212766

I have a maid that is an old black lady. She just breaks things and does a sub par job in general.

>> No.11212768

who are you quoting?

>> No.11212776

>this makes me look cool

>> No.11212781

>what is shitposting

>> No.11212782

>a bloo blooo bloo who are you quotinggg??
>stay mad bitch

>> No.11212784
File: 63 KB, 501x585, 1221491866586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw jelly of your coolness despite being jew master race manipulator
>tfw real life remilia controlling your fate but still not cool

>> No.11212792

>real life remilia
don't do this to me dude

>> No.11212806

I guess I'll try to find a /jp/ maid some other day.

>> No.11212825

Don't you want to hire me? ;_;

>> No.11212832

I had a maid. She was old fat and mexican.

>> No.11212836

Are you the same one as before?

>> No.11212845


>> No.11212863

I'll decide later. I'm sure there will be another maid thread soon.

>> No.11212867

Waiting warmly for your decision, goshujinsama!

>> No.11212877

How tall are you?

>> No.11212888

187cm, I would have to be a tall and elegant maid.

>> No.11212892

Send me a quick email if you want.

>> No.11212930

I wish i could be someones maid...

I have a few maid outfits which i spent quite a bit on. I love wearing them around the house as i do chores.

>> No.11212932

A maid needs to be a good cook too.

>> No.11212939

Got any photos to share?

>> No.11212956


>> No.11212958

Yes i do that among many other things. Still working on becoming a better cook though.
Nope, i have an ugly face.

>> No.11212965

What if, The Bachelor, but with /jp/ maids trying to win a job as a maid?

>> No.11212966

If you think it's ugly then you could hide it? It's a shame to have spent so much on maid outfits and then nobody see you in them!

>> No.11212968

I am not pretty enough to pass as a proper maid.

I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.11212969

It's okay! There's a master out there for every maid!

>> No.11212971
File: 116 KB, 665x800, 1202738485909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't cook, i'm terribly lazy, excessively thick facial hair. I'd make a terrible maid.

Guess I have to go the other route and get rich to hire other maids.

Or maybe I could be the one butler. Someone has to schedule and punish them and do their master's taxes.

>> No.11212974

Please, show us some photos.

>> No.11212977

You don't have to be rich, you just have to supple a room for the maid to live in.

>> No.11212986

Sorry i shouldn't have spoke, i'm too nervous to post photos here. I love my outfits and i do enjoy them myself.

>> No.11212991

Aw, you tease. But I don't blame you.

>> No.11212992
File: 206 KB, 1031x710, 1228002886418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can barely do that for myself.

And what premise do I have for a maid if theres nothing for her to clean? I suppose I do get a lot of dust just in this one room but even I could clean that out and be good for another month or two.

Wait, we could start a business of maids that come and clean people's computers? I don't think America has fallen far enough to require combat maids.

>> No.11212997

I have a spare room. Maybe I could get a cute /jp/ maid.

>> No.11213001

Send me an email then? I won't bite, I promise.

>> No.11213017

If you lived somewhere with a cold enough climate, I could get into kigurumi.

>> No.11213018

Your email will expire in 10 minutes! I have no photos of my dressed up anyway, i don't want to take a silly mirror photo.

I'm sorry i tempted you with my post, i guess i'll just have to keep that fantasy to myself

>> No.11213021

Someone should start a service of live-in maids that don't really clean or anything, but just hang out with you and be your friend. Maybe there's some lewd stuff on the side, who knows.

Also, a community program in which lolis teach virgins about sexual intercourse. Given the poor state of the American sexual education regimen, this is a much needed social reform program.

>> No.11213024

Would kaypee prefer to have a maid or be the maid?? Please respond, this is important.

>> No.11213031

oh no I meant to type *jaypee!! how embarassing!

>> No.11213035

Both. I would love to enjoy the services of a maid and service someone else.

Maybe we should make a cyclical chain of maids and masters.

>> No.11213044

I would do both, but I'm too manly to be a maid. I could only do it in a comical way.

>> No.11213054

Same here.
Although, its not so bad hearing goshujin-sama.

>> No.11213063

It won't, you can still send me an email. You don't have to send me a photo straight away either, I want to be your friend!

>> No.11213075

I wish I were someones maid... Maybe I'd even thin out by doing chores and helping people!

>> No.11213084

Are you a chubby NEET? :3

>> No.11213087

I just got a brilliant idea for a maid dating site.

>> No.11213088

Actually, I don't wanna waste my wish. I wish to marry my boyfriend! He said he'd dress up as a maid with thigh highs for me.

>> No.11213090

Very chubby, It makes me feel bad when I think about it

>> No.11213091

Want to share it with us?

>> No.11213101

worth a shot i guess...

>> No.11213103

It's a dating site, but for maids and masters. That's all the further I got.

>> No.11213104

Got any cute skindentation pics? I love chubby NEETs so much, especially when they wear tight fitting clothes.

>> No.11213113 [DELETED] 

#slay the gay

>> No.11213114

too self conscious... sorry.
I'm 180 lbs and 5'8

>> No.11213117

#slay the gay

>> No.11213123

Do you ever feel short?

>> No.11213120 [DELETED] 


>> No.11213128

Boring and average. I never really stood out in school in comparison to other girls.

>> No.11213138

O-other girls?

>> No.11213143

fyi im a guy

>> No.11213156

Yes (btw I'm a girl)
The only way I can think of standing out in some way is that I always wore a winter coat, like a plaid men's coat my dad gave me (I think it's moosecreek) because I was self conscious.

>> No.11213158

I'm sorry. I'm dizzy and need to go lay down.

>> No.11213165

m-my fujoshi dreams

>> No.11213163
File: 15 KB, 600x600, f_30576_1.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey look at that I found it. It's still on my floor.

>> No.11213175

What's it like having everyone drool over you online? I don't mean this in a mean way, I'm actually curious.

>> No.11213178

I'm more into yuri. I am an aspiring doujin artist though.
My art is shit

>> No.11213180
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, [FTW]_Watashi_ga_Motenai_no_wa_Dou_Kangaetemo_Omaera_ga_Warui_-_01_[720p][84EDF505].mkv_snapshot_12.54_[2013.07.08_23.14.37].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably the same as people drooling over your dick on the online.

>> No.11213189

People don't drool over me, I'm 3dpd.
I also don't talk to people on non anonymous sites. When I play mmos I play as a dude to avoid getting attention too.

>> No.11213187

Don't worry, it's completely anonymous and I don't think anyone would bully you.

>> No.11213194

>3dpd is just a meme

Please leave.

>> No.11213192

But you sound so nice and 3dpd is just a meme!

>> No.11213195

You sound like my last two girlfriends. This could be akward, I thought I was safe here.

>> No.11213197

Please go back to /a/.

>> No.11213198

>I sound nice
I'm a shit person

>> No.11213200

I would

>> No.11213206

I would still let you be my maid any day.

>> No.11213215


>> No.11213220

Please post a photo chubby NEET, you'll make a lot of depressed people happy if you do

>> No.11213223

But then people will bully her just to be mean, and her picture will be forever archived.

>> No.11213231

As much as I hate it, you're right. I'm just going to go cry myself to sleep now. ;_;

>> No.11213241

please don't cry. I can still be your friend

>> No.11213238

Please don't cry, you're making me white knight too hard as it is.

>> No.11213250


>> No.11213252

Oh god it'd be people just reposting milk and pigma or over and over again.

I don't even see the purpose, its just annoying to see.
>Why does /jp/ shitpost?

>> No.11213255

R-really? You can send me an email if you like.

>> No.11213258


>> No.11213271

This is fucking awful. You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.11213275

Ashamed that it's probably a guy?

>> No.11213281

There ARE no girls on le interdet
EPIC maymay X-DD

>> No.11213283

Please respond.

>> No.11213288

Are the girl from before? I just have a hard time believing it. You seem too good to be true.

>> No.11213302


>> No.11213308

I want to be in chubby-chan's harem.

>> No.11213318

So, did anyone email her and get a response?

>> No.11213321

10 minute mail epxires in 10 minutes motherf*gger

>> No.11213327

This thread is hella gay.

>> No.11213329

She's abandoned us. ;_;

>> No.11213336

I didn't... I posted my email.

I don't have much to talk about.
feel free to email me.

>> No.11213358

what does your vagina smelll ike?????

>> No.11213360

As if any photos posted to an anon's email wouldn't be leaked.

If you're going to post a photo just do it here for fucks sake. There's no difference.

>> No.11213372

I'm not posting photos.
They seemed really upset so I made a new email...

>> No.11213423

Maids are probably not very happy having to clean up after someone else like a slave, for money.

>do maids typically do lewd stuff for their masters?
They don't, they just want to make enough money to eat and pay their bills.

>> No.11213430

what if you paid one.

>> No.11213445

"If you're applying to be a live in maid, and expect to not have sexual relationships with your master, you're doing it wrong."

—Amanda Fournier, Thursday, March 3, 2011

>> No.11213451

Would a /jp/ maid be interested in working for nothing but sexual favors?

>> No.11213456

If I was a girl, I could have sex any time, for money or no money. Why would I want to work in order to have sex? Idiotic.

>> No.11213459

So you would let me dominate you and drink my piss? That sounds interesting...

>> No.11213466

As long has you're dressed like a cute maid.

>> No.11213480

That so gross

>> No.11213484

No thanks.

>> No.11213502

Dammit, where's the pictures of the chubby NEET?

>> No.11213554
File: 308 KB, 1009x764, 1327743725040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want combat maids.

>> No.11213580
File: 221 KB, 655x908, 1208885735880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll need a place that has an extremely wide separation of poverty and power, that eccentrics would need to hire special security forces to keep their estates safe from underworld scum.

Or just our own nutjob cult

>> No.11213601

Can I use a bow and arrow?

>> No.11213620
File: 61 KB, 391x680, 1203886610025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you were part of the archery club in high school, also you have to have a red maid outfit.

Need to have some sort of color coding for the different squads.

>> No.11213658


Why are chubby NEETs something you actively search for?

>> No.11213660

Not him, but a chubby NEET girl sounds nice.

>> No.11213719

I have a chubby NEET girl, and they are the best. she's cute and short and chubby and likes to dress up for me. We have several different outfits for her to wear.
we play games, read, and watch stuff together, and cuddle while doing a lot of it. cuddling is the best, she's so soft and squishy and warm.

>> No.11213763

Are all you fat fucks? What the hell?

I wouldn't mind being /jp/'s meido. It'd mean I'd have a stable job and a chance to wear cute clothes. You can't be fat though. Fat people are disgusting.

>> No.11213783

Underweight, just hairy.

>> No.11214334

That sounds amazing, how did you find her? Do you fug?

>> No.11214368
File: 409 KB, 843x929, 1373936334055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jp interested in a 3dpd obese GIRL

who summer here?

All of you

>> No.11214378

Well geez, sorry we're not all raging homosexuals like you.

>> No.11214380

maybe if you ask her enough she'll let you lick her between the fat folds

>> No.11214442

Who the fuck is that and why should I care?

>> No.11215202
File: 29 KB, 337x404, 1362807453228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u re mom

>> No.11215204

Who you quoting /a/ro?

>> No.11215205

Hey, I'm not one of them.

>> No.11215240

izzat a little bit like the abused secretary chick in that "AAA-1 Surekill" episode of X Files? You know, in that she gets to be the cleaning lady and that her boss keeps insisting on boning her at work.

>> No.11215252

the death

>> No.11215268

Someone about that girl really makes me want to colonize her. I don't think I have a lot of imperialist blood in me.

>> No.11215278

I would like a maid. It would be either a cute /jp/ boy-maid or a loli maid. Those are the ones I want the most

Both would have cute maid outfits to wear. If I had a loli maid, I would show her how to clean the house, and make breakfast for me. I don't eat anything that's too hard to make, so she would be able to do it. I would want my breakfast soon after I get up, so she would have to wake up before me, after we sleep together. She would also do the laundry and make a nice lunch for me, and maybe dinner. I would cuddle with her a lot, and we would always go to bed together.

If I had a /jp/ boy maid, it would be a little different. He would be my pet. I would make him do the same things a loli maid would do, but I would expect better-cooked food and things that are harder to make, like steak. I would have him wear a collar when I wanted him to, and have him on a leash a lot of the time. He would always crossdress and wear cute panties, while he must have his legs shaven and keep up a girly appearance by himself. I would whip him when I want, whether he wants it or not. I would do more lewd things to him than a loli maid, and dominate him and push him around all the time.

>> No.11215287

I would love to be your maid.

>> No.11215297

I bet you would, you little boy. Are you cute? You'd have to be prepared to sleep under my bed in your cage each night unless I was feeling nice.

>> No.11215302

i'm not sure if i'm all that cute but i behave well.

>> No.11215304

I'd rather have an onee-chan maid and a shota butler that she does lewd things with, especially if it's to try and please me.

>> No.11215309
File: 497 KB, 858x1633, smug loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey kid, wanna /ss/?

>> No.11215317

why have none of you sissy faggots post any pictures of yourselves yet?

>> No.11215321

I'm not sure I want you then. It's good that you're good and do what you're told, but you'd still have to be cute and skinny.

>> No.11215336

I'm trying my best to become one for my love!

>> No.11215362

/jp/ is all talk.

>> No.11215375

You mean autism

>> No.11215397

That doesn't make sense. Think before you post.

>> No.11215402

I think you should think before you post

>> No.11215413


>> No.11215426
File: 1.59 MB, 426x319, 1369001914923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real life remilia
Go on...

>> No.11215433

What is your ideal maid outfit to wear, /jp/?

>> No.11215464

That second part got me so hard. I would love to be your lowly submissive servant but I don't think I would last very long. It's definately something I would like to try out though!

>> No.11215468
File: 247 KB, 600x1157, 011_036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have my maid wear a black-and-white maid outfit with a relatively short dress length, white frills and stockings.

>> No.11215481

Lewd, slut. Once I beat you a few times you might come to want to do it for a while. As long as you're good at serving me and follow my every word.

>> No.11215498

Cat ears and a tail too?

I want to tease my maid by pulling their tail while they are working.

>> No.11215509

Yes. Either cat ears or bunny ears would be cute. I like little cotton bunny tails so that would be nice too.

Not all the time though! Sometimes I would like my maid to just wear the outfit.

>> No.11215507

See, that's the problem. I have no trouble following orders and I love making people happy but I'm naturally dominant so I don't think I could resist hitting you back.

Maybe you enjoy a challange?

>> No.11215516

I don't think you wouldn't be a good maid for me if you were naturally dominant. I like my maids completely submissive and taking their punishments. You being dominant would get in the way and we would probably just drift apart.

>> No.11215534

Where did the chubby female anon go? I'm in love with you so please respond to my post to make me smile!

>> No.11215540

I understand, that's why I said I wouldn't last long. I thought maybe trying to break in someone like me would be fun for you but I guess you like taking the easy route and finding already submissive people to bully.

That sounds like I'm trying to insult you but I'm really not, it's just the way it came out.

>> No.11215562

Are you the creep that keeps trying to date girls?

>> No.11215568

You don't know what love is kid.

>> No.11215569


>> No.11215570

Everybody always talks about it but nobody ever actually takes anyone in as a maid. I wish it was real.

>> No.11215572

Please keep up the good work.

>> No.11215584

I don't want to take in some ugly man that's going to look even more manly in a few a years.

>> No.11215589

You could always force them to use preventive measures.

>> No.11215586

How do you feel about a girl who would want to be a boy-maid?

>> No.11215596

You mean a butler?

>> No.11215605

Now that you put it that way, it sounds like something that would be fun. You'd be fussy and resistant at first, but eventually you'd submit.

I wouldn't like that as much. I would like to have a cute /jp/ boy crossdresser more than an actual girl, except if she was a loli.

>> No.11215607

No, I mean a girl who wants to be treated exactly like your description of the boy-maid. How would you feel about that?

>> No.11215619

So a submissive girl maid that wants to be dominated?

>> No.11215645

More like a submissive girl who wants to be a boy-maid.

>> No.11215646

What's the difference between a girl-maid and a boy-maid?

>> No.11215649

Are you a cute girl?

>> No.11215652

I'm a cute boygirlboy-maid.

>> No.11215661

What's a boy maid?

>> No.11215662


>> No.11215666

I'm a girl but I'm not cute, sorry. I wanted to hear more about what you would do to your boy-maid if you had one.

>> No.11215669

Is no one on /jp/ cute?

>> No.11215671

Do you want to be a maid?

>> No.11215674
File: 1.35 MB, 1343x2373, a80287fa1d8128773ba4438f85e21779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be forced by a guy to become his maid. Sometimes he would punish me by tying me up, spanking me, and insulting/degrading me. He would use me as his toy and I wouldn't have any say in it.

I've been on hormones for a while and pass off as a girl a this point, I just hope I can find someone to do this to me

>> No.11215673

Of course, it sounds so nice.

>> No.11215678

How are your cooking skills?

>> No.11215683

I'm looking for work so I'm at home most of the time cooking, it's one of my hobbies.

>> No.11215681

Do you have a maid outfit? Please post a photo.

>> No.11215684

Post pictures

>> No.11215686

I'm cute but not a grill unfortunately

>> No.11215692

I don't think most of us here mind. As long as you're cute.

That's a little shallow now that I think of it, isn't it?

>> No.11215695

Sounds like you could make a fine maid.

>> No.11215697

To have a little submissive boy like you to be my maid is something I've wanted for a while. See >>11215278.

>> No.11215710
File: 353 KB, 850x1160, sample_49b3c9df31e17d1bf36ec0ccd1fec739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared of being recognized by someone I know then found out to be a deviant. I'm sorry.

Would you tie me to your bed then tell me how worthless and disgusting I am? Would you force me to get on all fours and bark?

>> No.11215717

You are so cute, where do you live? Would you be willing to move in with me?

>> No.11215719

>Would you tie me to your bed then..

Yes. All of that is something I would love to do to you. I would walk you around like a dog and make you eat dog food; If I felt like letting you eat, that is. You'd stay in your doggie cage under my bed and be a good boy.

>> No.11215722

Post body, blur out anything that could identify you, like your room if it's in the image. Please

>> No.11215735

This thread is fucking gay

>> No.11215784


The only picture that I have is me in my favorite outfit. And the picture has been seen by a friend of mine that browses /jp/. I'm 5'11 at about 140 or so lb. I have okayish hips though not very large breasts.

What would you do to me if I misbehave?

Would you grab me, then use me as if I'm just a sex toy whenever you feel like it? Even in the middle of the kitchen? What would you say to me while you do it?

>> No.11215790

Why does it matter if you get recognized?

>> No.11215794

I think you've already given enough information to identify who you are already so posting a picture won't make much of a difference.

>> No.11215805

Dissobidient sluts don't deserve sex, I would beat you up and lock you up for 24 hours with no food or water. You would have to prepare me food in advance, of course.

>> No.11215817

Besides being my maid, you would be my outlet for sex whenever I wanted, even IF you were in the kitchen. If you misbehaved, well, I like this guy's idea >>11215805. You'd get slaps on the face first, and it would lead up into a big beating.

>> No.11215834

Naturally you would be held responsible for any time wasted having sex.

>> No.11215844

If the food he was making could wait, it wouldn't be much of a consequence. He would get back to it right after.

>> No.11215851
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You guys are mean. If I had a maid I would treat her with with kindness and respect. We'd cuddle whenever she finished all her work and I'd reward her with petting and kissing if she did a good job.

If she misbehaved, I would just give her a stern lecture. Only if she keeps on misbehaving would I bring out stuff like ropes, whips, and bullet vibrators.

>> No.11215884

You better keep your asshole in pristine condition, if I find even a trace of shit on my dick you will be cleaning it up with your mouth.
