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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 324 KB, 1280x720, who truotaku here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11211474 No.11211474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11211480

niwaka desu

otaku ni naritai

>> No.11211484
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x720, [FFF] Shinryaku! Ika Musume S1 - 06 [BD][720p-AAC][1001387D].mkv_snapshot_11.14_[2013.07.01_15.46.54].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that squiddy

>> No.11211499
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x720, [FFF] Shinryaku! Ika Musume S1 - 10 [BD][720p-AAC][51B83F7A].mkv_snapshot_08.50_[2013.07.15_18.10.21].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11211508
File: 393 KB, 1024x1283, 1374452628980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11211516
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, [FFFpeeps] Shinryaku! Ika Musume S2 - 07 [BD][720p-AAC][6D72BCEF].mkv_snapshot_14.03_[2013.07.13_13.56.49].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love...... SQUIDDY!

>> No.11211565

What show is this anime-friends?

>> No.11211565,1 [INTERNAL] 

Genshiken Nidaime

>> No.11211595

Flavor of the month otaku

>> No.11211605

Do you only enjoy things that affect your entire life?

>> No.11211614

from left to right
ika musume
i dont know
milky holmes
rucky star
frau from robo;notes

>> No.11211627


>> No.11211638

Yes, if it doesn't stay with me for at least a year it's shit.

>> No.11211639

Naturally you wouldn't know who the loli is.

>> No.11211642

I tend to return to things that bring me nostalgia.

>> No.11211644

That is cause I am not a pedo loli.

>> No.11211649

Just being a regular pedo would have been fine.

>> No.11211687

Maybe it could be usagi drop. There is a bunny plush there.

>> No.11211687,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11212339

>rucky star

>> No.11214332

Shingeki no Kyojin fanbase is a huge Awesome Face leering, menacignly, over the Anime Community. Sorry for the harsh words but someone's gotta put their foot down sometimes.

>> No.11214374

Anime watcher levels. A higher level means that the person can also enjoy things on the lower levels, etc.

Level 6 : Leviathan, Milky holmes (2nd season), Joshiraku, puchimas, teekyu
Level 5 : K-ON, Ichigo mashimaro, Aiura, Sailor Moon
Level 4 : Jinrui, Aria, YKK
Level 3 : Evangelion, Hyouka
Level 2 : Code geass, Baccano, Madoka magica, Psycho-pass, OnePiece
Level 1 : Naruto, Bleach, SAO, Attack on titan, Cowboy Bebop

>> No.11214379



Level 6 : Leviathan, Milky holmes (2nd season), Joshiraku, puchimas, teekyu
Level 5 : K-ON, Ichigo mashimaro, Aiura, Sailor Moon
Level 4 : Jinrui, Aria, YKK
Level 3 : Evangelion, Hyouka
Level 2 : Code geass, Baccano, Madoka magica, Psycho-pass, OnePiece
Level 1 : Naruto, Bleach, SAO, Attack on titan, Cowboy Bebop

This is all so wrong it's not even funny.

>> No.11214382

What the hell are you doing?

>> No.11214385

lol go back to /a/

>> No.11214386

Is Genshiken /jp/ approved?

>> No.11214388

Is it touhou related?


We don't care for fictional depictions of otaku.

>> No.11214397

>attack on titan
>level 1


I also enjoy Milky holmes season 1 and 2 and puchi mas and k-on and ichigo mashimaro and sailor moon and madoka and cowboy bebop

>> No.11214399
File: 1.29 MB, 300x445, 1374406364249.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw milky holmes is dead

>> No.11214403

excuse me but this board is not only for touhou retards

>> No.11214407

Please what? It's entry-level shounen garbage just like Naruto and Bleach

>> No.11214406

I hope for season 3 one day

I am also hoping for season 2 of Yuyushiki and Daily lives of highschool boys

>> No.11214413


>> No.11214408

Do you mean level of shitness? But why isn't Naruto & Co at the top?

>> No.11214410

Yeah, no that's where you are wrong.

This whole reason why /jp/ exist was to keep touhou threads out of /a/

>> No.11214418

I have seen about season one of naruto and i have seen a couple of episodes of bleach and they are NOTHING compared to Shingeki.

>> No.11214419

Anyone who watches AoT unironically has brain damage.
That thing is ridiculous on various levels.

>> No.11214425

I think it is a wonderful show to watch. The story's premise is appealing to me and it has always kept me interested though out the whole show and manga.

>> No.11214422

You might be right, season one of Naruto is actually better than that show

>> No.11214431

No you misinterpereted why I posted wrongly. I meant that Shingeki is better than naruto and bleach

It dosent even have 500+ eps like naruto and bleach and onpiece does so why compare it to them?

>> No.11214439

I dont think it is THAT ridiculous.

That tengen tippy topper show was over the top. It was one of the reason why I never watched it. The fanbase hyped it up way too much and it just turned me away from it.

>> No.11214440

They're all published in shounen magazines aimed at twelve year old children

>> No.11214446


meaning that /jp/ is for touhous like /vp/ is for pokemon and /mlp/ is for ponies

>> No.11214441
File: 336 KB, 781x900, ........あれ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Building a wall to protect against giants is a pretty smart idea, probably copied from mother nature. Everyone knows the wall-ants, building walls to protect against humans.

>> No.11214449

TTGL was ironically over the top and purposefully so. SnK is over the top because it's cool and edgy.

>> No.11214450

That does not mean anyone else can't enjoy them just as much.

>> No.11214452

You're an idiot and your analogies are terrible.

>> No.11214454

Nobody is saying you can't enjoy it, you're just an idiot for doing so.

>> No.11214455

But shingeki has the right amount of over the top. Like it isnt so much so where it is just fucking ridiculous.

If it got to that point like it did with tengen tippy topper I wouldent have been watching it.

>> No.11214457

TTGL is better than AoT in my opinion but the fanbase of AoT is objectively worse than the TTGL fanbase in its hey days.

Look at this bullass: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoGxA48HQ1g

>> No.11214463

I dont think watching a particular show constitutes me being an idiot. Seriously why can't people just accept me for watching a show.

I accept all of you for watching a show I probably dont like.

>> No.11214461

TTGL was supposed to be over the top, that was the whole point. It was satire. Not saying it wasn't shit or anything but fucking hell, why are people so dumb

>> No.11214467

just fuck off

>> No.11214468

but they bullied me out of gaia and /a/ >:(

>> No.11214470

I did say I never watch the show dint I? I never knew that was the actual shows intention was that to be a satire. I never read that anywhere in the synopsis or some kind of summery.

>> No.11214471


>> No.11214473


>> No.11214475
File: 96 KB, 1300x777, 1371964222671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck it?

Suck on it?

(Suck it??)

>> No.11214476

People who think TTGL was mostly about satire are missing the point, kinda like how people still think Panty and Stocking was "supposed" to be a satire on American cartoons. People are too busy paying attention to the over the top animation to take notice of the story which isn't half bad.

>> No.11214480

it wasn't about satire, it was satire.
110% satire.
why are you so fucking dumb.

>> No.11214495

I fucking hate Germans almost as much as I hate Americans

>> No.11214498

What does that have to do with what he said?

>> No.11214503

I can't tell if I hate Germans or UKshits more

>> No.11214504

It's a chatbot script, it just saw the country name juxtaposed with the rest of a sentence that had quotation marks in it, and auto-replied with a preset stock phrase. It's probably running on page 0, not even following the threads it's posting in at all.

>> No.11214507

For me I dont hate the Uk. Not at all really. I feel sorry for them.

Seeing their once proud empire succumb to mudbloods and and sand niggers is such a depressing sight.

>> No.11214510


>> No.11214511

But the worst among them are the British people themselves.

>> No.11214514
File: 288 KB, 500x700, saber_ham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating americans
But they invent the tasty hamburgers (which is a german word ironically - so much about the so-called "hiter"-haters USA)!

>> No.11214519

Do you really

>> No.11214517

The british themselves come from a proud lineage and I weep for them.

>> No.11214525

Yes, if the once mighty British empire whos sun would never set on them succumbs to such a fate...then what hope does the rest of the world have?

>> No.11214532

get autism treatment

>> No.11214601


It's not satirical at all; it's not ridiculing anything. It's a straight forward Super Robot series that pays homage to other mecha series.

>> No.11214640

but that was pretty good


>> No.11214650

You are completely wrong though.

>> No.11214676
File: 728 KB, 400x1800, 1363507140308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"touhou only" doesn't do justice to /jp/'s rich history.

>> No.11214680
File: 46 KB, 660x402, guile theme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the new Guile Theme song goes with Everything except more epic and effort.

>> No.11214689

das kimoi when the /a/v/ influx was me

>> No.11214688

Why is sailor moon so high?

>> No.11214694

because is da bes

>> No.11214757
File: 37 KB, 225x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to marry a girl like Ohno.

>> No.11214794

Please go

>> No.11214812
File: 286 KB, 800x619, 280804cadfa091f7e6ecbf0ebdde198c2129f8b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is Nanoha? Level 6?

>> No.11214993

level /u/

>> No.11215150

Subhuman lover please die

>> No.11216516

>Level 6 : Leviathan, Milky holmes (2nd season), Joshiraku, puchimas, teekyu, GA
>Level 5 : K-ON, Ichigo mashimaro, Aiura, Sailor Moon, Nanoha, Yuru Yuri
>Level 4 : Jinrui, Aria, YKK
>Level 3 : Evangelion, Hyouka
>Level 2 : Code geass, Baccano, Madoka magica, Psycho-pass, OnePiece
>Level 1 : Naruto, Bleach, SAO, Attack on titan, Cowboy Bebop

>> No.11216520

What if your favourite anime is Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-chan? Which reberu am I?

>> No.11216525

What the heck is a niwaka, again?

>> No.11216534


it is a nip meme for people that suddenly become interested in otaku culture

>> No.11216535

So like a poseur?

>> No.11216540


>> No.11216542

2008 /jp/ was best /jp/
also umineko /jp/ was good
i want to go back when Ep1 of seakittens was released to discuss it again with /jp/

>> No.11216668

I think it's pretty clear that Darker than Black is one of the finest animes of all time. It stands firmly to classics like Jin-Roh and Akira, while easily surpassing its contemporaries in depth and character development. Frankly, everything else is a fucking joke nowadays.

>> No.11216695

The things I would do to that squid...

>> No.11217295

Is that a new Genshiken OVA or something?

Satirization is biting. TTGL and P&S were homages and pastiches; any mockery is done lovingly.

>> No.11217432
File: 170 KB, 1920x1080, 1374337211930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene is his waifu.

New season filled with BL, traps and fujoshis.

>> No.11217477


>I am also hoping for season 2 of ... Daily lives of highschool boys

Wow, I completely forgot about that show. I thought it was hilarious, I hope they release a new season. I don't want want to have to learn Japanese.

>> No.11217480


Satire doesn't imply negativity.

>> No.11217487


Squidie girly's pictures are flipped in these two

>> No.11217605

Dat HOIHOI-chan

>> No.11217609

i'm watching hunter x hunter, oreimo s2, shingeki no kyojin, space brothers, kitakubu katsudou kiroku, tamayura s2, gin no saji, danganronpa and watashi ga motenai
downloaded blood and kiniro mosiac but have not watched them yet #jp

>> No.11217620

Oh, exciting! Well, I just want more Madarame.

From Wikipedia:
Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, and society itself, into improvement.

It mocks or ridicules something to reveal its flaws. It is generally sarcastic in nature. This means it's negatively connotative (well, with respect to the thing being parodied or imitated). Most really popular Gainax shows contain elements of pastiche or at least homage (often to previous Gainax works); it doesn't really make much sense to satirize oneself.

>> No.11217663

Probably level 5.

Nothing to do with that. The more niche the anime, the higher level it is. That means that only a few people like them (the most seasoned, "rotten" viewers). How shitty the shows are is subjective and is out of its scope.

High level would also be gdgd Fairies, this season's Kitakubu something, Twin Angel, Ai Mai Mi, Seitokai no Ichizon, etc.

This is kind of /mu/'s chart of listener level. Most people would say "noise/dark ambient sounds like shit", but the fact that only the most "rotten" individuals tolerate it is true.

>> No.11217672

The things I would do to that squid..
