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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11209358 No.11209358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence."
- Reimu after abandoning her shrine and founding the Gensokyo Atheist Society

>> No.11209371

That's kind of silly because gods canonically exist in Gensokyo.

It's like that faction in Star Wars that believes there is no "Light Side" and "Dark Side" of The Force, even though there is. They have no reason to believe otherwise.

>> No.11209381

*tips fedora

>> No.11209419

Atheists are dumb.

>> No.11209426

you're wrong though. the light side are hypocrites and the dark are meat heads that never considered alternatives.

>> No.11209435

I'd like to walk to Moriya and meet a god.

>> No.11209438
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>phony god's blessing

>> No.11209439


Religious people are also dumb.

>> No.11209440

Cultural Marxism has invaded Gensokyo.

Push back the soviet swine! Kill anyone with a red ribbon!

>> No.11209443

I would fug that so hard.

>> No.11209447

I don't think the outside world has forgotten about "cultural marxism" yet.

>> No.11209449

I would bum a black Sanae

>> No.11209455
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Could this be the work of the infamous Rani-chan?

>> No.11209454

But that's just our outside world point of view, and that's the reason that faction was created. It defeats the whole point of the in-university mythology. There's no, "Dude, what if like, the Light Side and the Dark Side are totally, you know, the same shit?" because that's not how it works. There is definitely a Light Side and a Dark Side. The Light Side is good and good people use it, the Dark Side is bad and bad people use it.

I wish more stories were like this. I guess Star Wars got away with it because it started out as a Flash Gordon rip-off or whatever, but I'm sick of adventure stories shying away from good vs. evil. Morally gray or ambiguous characters are boring as hell.

>> No.11209457

Any time I see an atheist professor I just laugh a little to myself because atheists are fucken' dumb and their spaghetti could fill probably 69420 fedoras. Fuckin' faggot probably goes on r/atheism, christ.

>> No.11209467


This will be Gensokyo in a few years if YOU don't act now.

>> No.11209476

if God is not real then who made everything?

Checkmate, Atheists

>> No.11209482

I don't know, the movies are never really clear if the differences between the light side and dark side are fundamental or merely ideological. It's possible that there's no technical distinction between the two within the force itself.

>> No.11209483

Richard Dawkins did.

>> No.11209487

Actually the lord Raptor Jesus made everything before you possible and win, please realize this.

>> No.11209488

Well I don't think it was originally supposed to be as arbitrary as the games and books made it ("Force Lightning is Dark, Force Heal is Light!") but there is definitely two fundamental sides to The Force that affected users and manifested themselves in different ways.

>> No.11209532

The differences could be explained as competing schools of though on its use. The good guys believe in using it for good, the bad guys believe in using it for bad. For example nuclear fission could be used to create a bomb or provide power to a hospital: two extremely different things that both rely on the same fundamental process. Also one can go from light to dark and, presumably, from dark to light. This would suggest to me that they both draw upon the same common source.

Now certainly a faction that believes this would be out of place in Star Wars on a thematic level, but I think a case could be made to justify it's existence in universe.

>> No.11209560

Wouldn't that like destroy Gensokyo?


>> No.11209588

>The Light Side is good and good people use it, the Dark Side is bad and bad people use it.
>I wish more stories were like this
God no, theres nothing more boring than unambiguous good vs evil plot. Actually 'plot' is word too strong to name it, its more like an excuse for stuff happening and pointer to which of completely unrealistic sides of conflict we should sympathize with.
Modern stories more often involves 'meh vs EVIL' sides though, which is nearly as bad as you know already what is going to happen.

>> No.11209595

lmao @ star dorks in this thread

>> No.11209599


I prefer the term "Star Otaku"

Thank you

>> No.11209612

Sure gods, spirits, and supernatural stuff exist in Gensokyo, but that doesn't really prove an omnipotent god who created the universe exists.
Btw, I'm not an atheist.

>> No.11209619
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>> No.11209631

I can't see shit

>> No.11209638

religious fanatic blind to the truth

>> No.11209639

Let's make the range of the points very small, so the bars will make it seem like there is a huge difference.

>> No.11209646

Maybe if you're not posting thumbnails I might be enlightened.

>> No.11209666
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>> No.11209663
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>> No.11209671

But how many onions are smuggled into the Philippines?

>> No.11209779
File: 267 KB, 539x750, reimu mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want reimu to be my mom.

>> No.11209783

That body is so arousing

>> No.11209781
File: 65 KB, 531x654, mugenloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times have you eaten bread?

>> No.11209816

13 times, I usually eat Japanese food.

>> No.11209827

what a weeb

>> No.11209833

Japanese food creeps me out. I like their candy though.

>> No.11209831

The hell is a phone god?

>> No.11209845

I miss arc meiling and uncle mugen.

>> No.11209852

Rice, eggs, tofu, noodles, and fish creep you out?

>> No.11209874
File: 26 KB, 219x222, please respond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this guy? Can someone help a newfag out?

>> No.11209875

So much that I can't eat them.

>> No.11209876

Uncle Mugen! You baka

>> No.11209885
File: 181 KB, 493x493, mugencorndog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother.

>> No.11209910

A potato smuggler.

I think it was potatos. I think he got arrested due to that.

>> No.11209929

He never got arrested as far as I'm concerned, he pops up sometimes albeit nowhere near as often as before.

>> No.11209937

What do you eat then. Just burgers and fries?
Try eating different things anon.

>> No.11209950
File: 314 KB, 1000x674, 36fb48bb9f25061719e95531196c4ae4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess not, but you could always go ask Shikieiki. She probably knows, one way or another, and if she doesn't, her boss probably does.

>> No.11210014

So, he's just some guy who makes shitty VNs, and used to attention whore on /jp/. It wasn't that hard to tell me.

>> No.11210033

I just eat whatever my mom makes. Usually pasta or soup or meat and vegetables.

>> No.11210034

*hugs *

>> No.11210039

Y-you're not my mom!

>> No.11210047
File: 1.62 MB, 2125x2750, mugencirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not even half the story.

>> No.11210076

Mugen was the guy that had the fetishistic obsession with 2hus getting shot with arrows, right?

>> No.11210096

Try cooking something for yourself. Look up some recipes for things you think you might like and see if you can make it with the food you already have at home.

>> No.11210174

I've never fully understood these as arguements towards correlation or causation. Aren't the graphs you posted in fact neither correlative nor causative? They're just coincidences.

>> No.11210181

My mom helped me to make cinnamon apple crumble before and that was tasty but I lost the recipe.

>> No.11210183

Aren't they technically correlative?
Not causative though, obviously.

>> No.11210184

>God no, theres nothing more boring than unambiguous good vs evil plot.
Shit taste.

>> No.11210186

They're arguments that things can be correlative but that does not mean that there is a case of causation between them. Even though it is just a coincidence they still show correlation because as the average temperature increased, the number of pirates decreased.

>> No.11210189

I think it's far more likely that the Force interacts with the user as much as the user uses it. Those who maintain ascetic purity can stay in control but those who give into their baser urges and become a Force-waving superhero doing the things THEY want to do, then they will find themselves slipping to the Dark Side, becoming creatures just of that base selfish desire.

It tracks more closely with in universe dark side depictions than anything else

>> No.11210200


Fucking degenerate.

>> No.11210266

Start by understanding what "correlation" means, because it's pretty much a specific way of saying "coincidence".

>> No.11211010

Derailed by star fags
Good job

>> No.11211040

they can be pretty sketchy sometimes, though.

>> No.11211085

Everyone in Gensokyo is sketchy. That's the point

>> No.11211549

Not exactly? Correlation is still an actual trend that is being followed for one reason or another that you may use to predict future results. These pictures aren't even that, it's just graph manipulation, which is the point. They're meant to illustrate how people just look at graphs and accept whatever finding it is rather than what it really means.

>> No.11211672

But the graph still shows correlation because there's an even trend line between the two sets of data being shown.

>> No.11211913

Having a few data points and drawing a line doesn't make a correlation. If you had two dots and could map a line through them, its accuracy would be perfect but you still wouldn't be saying anything. Or if you had that IQ graph with five people, it would just be one person per category (minding the SD). It's just playing with shapes and labels.

A correlation is distinct from coincidences because it has some predictive ability. The point of a correlation is to, y'know, show that the two things are actually related with some nontrivial level of confidence. It's to graduate something from actually being a coincidence to something that probably isn't.
