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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11203865 No.11203865[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does japan worship The Aryan Race?

>> No.11203869

Why not? It's clearly the best.

>> No.11203879

But i thought they hate whites. Yet they really want to be white?

I mean, objectively we're the best race, but still, why are nips so hypocritical?

>> No.11203881

let him who is without sin cast the first stone

>> No.11203884

I'm 100% White though, i can throw stones by the truckload.

>> No.11203888
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>> No.11203907

does this bizarre self-hate manifest itself in any cuckold JAVs where the white man takes the girl away with "muh dick"

>> No.11203913

Yes, it's a whole genre. You just have to look for ones featuring white men.

>> No.11203917

give me a search term fuccboi

>> No.11203942

whoa, i think you misundstand the /pol/ etymology of muh dick

muh dick implie the dick is NOT actually larger but just the false misconception it is (whites acutally have LARGER dicks than blacks)

>> No.11203946

I thought "muh dick" was said when an erotic picture was posted that caused someone to become aroused.

>> No.11203948

Are you autistic? Seriously. this is basic fucking human psychology 101 to understand what people mean.

Jesus christ, i dont' even want to know what you think the usage of "sage' actually means and functionally implies.

>> No.11203949

translate it weebs

>> No.11203950

Thanks for showing us you're a crossboarder.

>> No.11203956

>I only know the wrong version, therefore i'll be indignant about being corrected

I will give you a hint. Sage is a shibboleth. You should be able to figure out what it means from that point

>> No.11203959

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11203957


Pugs are adorable, though, in their ugliness. Thus their name.

I have a pug.

>> No.11203962

All dogs are ugly. Cats are way better.

>> No.11203965

Please show me where you got that quote from.

>> No.11203963

Quoting the subcontext of your post. Apologizes, i forget that people with mental disease are often incapable of understanding this.

>> No.11203968

Once they wipe white people of the face of the earth, they'll keep a couple of white women alive and selectively breed them into becoming the perfect submissive sex slave bodyguard maids.

>> No.11203966

I wish people weren't ugly. It would be nice if the world was filled with good-looking people for me to look at and admire.

But then everyone would be average, so no one would be good-looking! Oh no~

>> No.11203967

The part where you didn't understand the etymological roots of "muh dick". And then became angry because you were corrected about your incorrect belief about its meaning.

>> No.11203972

Please show me where those words are that you quoted.

>> No.11203973


Who are you quoting though?

>> No.11203982

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11203979


>> No.11203980


>> No.11203981

whom are you quoting?

>> No.11203984

Aryan race are taller than Asians, have natural blond hair, paler skin, and blue eyes. That being said some Asians are tall, some have blues eyes, have pale skin, and even natural blonde hair it's just very rare. There are Japanese people who are very fond of these traits mostly because it's different and a person likes the attention of having a romantic relationship with someone that is physically different from others but still attractive. My roommate is from Japan (a good guy, buy annoying) and he prefers white woman with blonde hair. Back in WWII Many US Navy men married Japanese woman because of the same reasons, it's different. Seriously my grand father repaired planes on an aircraft carrier and married a Japanese woman who worked at a drugstore. Also the same woman worked at a textile factory at first during the war for the Japanese army. Back to subject, the Japanese have a physical attractiveness towards the Aryan race because of their physical attractiveness and physical difference. Every nation and race has a group of people who adore those who are a physically different by race, but still physically attractive. Except Africans tend to get the least amount of love from other nations, I wonder why? Well, that's my theory.

>> No.11203986

whom quoteth thee

>> No.11203987

that's a lot of words to admit that japanese are genetically, objectivelly, biologically inferior 'humans'.

>> No.11203995

You could of said TLDR.

>> No.11203996

Ur mother's cumdumpster vagina I just squeezed my lovely man juices in mate

>> No.11203999

I don't adore Aboriginals despite being my polar opposite.

>> No.11203998


>> No.11204002

Please show me where those words were posted in this thread.

>> No.11204008

How do you think you will do it?

When you inevitably commit suicide.

What's the method you're planning for?

>> No.11204012

Please show me where you found your quote.

>> No.11204017

If you reply and sage, and someone replies to that sage'd reply, you have nullified the point of sage. The better option is to not reply.

It's like you don't know how to properly keep a thread dead

>> No.11204014

There is no quote in my post

>> No.11204019

Please show me where you received your previous quotes.

>> No.11204021

I think your samefag detector is off, son

>> No.11204022
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>> No.11204023
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>> No.11204025
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>> No.11204028
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>> No.11204029

Please tell me I do not share /jp/ with literal sub-human asian untermenschen

We are all white here, correct?

>> No.11204034


Given where you are posting currently, I'm not sure I would be calling other people beta males if I were you.

Once they wipe white people of the face of the earth, they'll keep a couple of white women alive and selectively breed them into becoming the perfect submissive sex slave bodyguard maids.

They will be raped at will by anyone where ever and whenever. Their entire existence will be reduced to sexually pleasuring east asian men, their raison d'etre.

They will also set a global law so that any sons born to the sexing of them will be aborted.

>> No.11204032

/jp/ is mostly Asian.

>> No.11204040

I forgot people can't move to other countries.

>> No.11204035

I do not believe you. China hates Japan. Korea hates Japan. Japanese people would be on 2ch/2chan. There is literally zero reason for actual asian subhumans to be on /jp/

>> No.11204047

This implies either that /jp/ or 4chan are anywhere near as good as 2ch/2chan for nips (they are not) or that people are so fucking stupid they cannot get access to 2ch/2chan from USA (they'd have to be really technologically illiterate, especially for a jap)

>> No.11204049
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K-On body types are real.

>> No.11204042

oh my fucking god, how disgusting, there are literal tiny dicked manlet gooks on this board?

I feel SO fucking bad for you. I don't actually have empathy, or even pity, per-say. But i do consider you trash.

>> No.11204043

You wouldn't believe how many chinese weeaboos there are. I think half of all anime clubs are probably chinese or something.

>> No.11204052
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>There are "males" shorter than 6'2 in this thread

>> No.11204056
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It's already happening, except with Somalians and Nigerians replacing East Asians. I wish I was joking.

>> No.11204054

You really are stupid.

>> No.11204061

Epic demotivational poster dude.

>> No.11204058

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11204060

I seriously hope there aren't asians ITT.

that would be pretty hard to objectively defend

>> No.11204068


It's your own peoples fault for being so pathetically stupid.

>> No.11204069

Is this considered trolling now?

>> No.11204071

It actually makes sense though, asians being inhernetly so beta at a biological genetic level, are typically given over to this level of delusion, sour grapes, and degeneracy. it's disgusting, but most of the weebs are probably gooks who have quite literally, no hope

>> No.11204073

Just think of how much better your life would have been if you were born Aryan.

It's the truth, no trolling involved. Sorry that it is a painful truth. That you were born to a miserable life as a tiny dicked manlet asian.

>> No.11204075

That's an awful lot of straw you have there.

>> No.11204077

Aryan doesn't exist.

>> No.11204081


He's just one of those white betas that was rejected by his own people and sought sanctuary with japs, but then was rejected by the japs also.

Now he spends all his time passive aggressively posting bitchy remarks on the internet.

>> No.11204082

Do you seriously want me to pull out the statistical evidence of the genetic, biological inferiority of the Asian races?

Do you doubt this fact?

Or what do you think is a "strawman"? Asians are shorter and have smaller dicks. Statistically proven.

>> No.11204083
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Thanks. Have another one.

>> No.11204089

I just want to know if you have a crow problem.

>> No.11204087

That's quite a lot of projection you have there, it's a very weak defense mechanism. The fact that you had to go to desperate, unproven lengths indicates you are indeed one of the victims of the asian genetic code, born to a life of inferiority and subservant to your alpha male Betters.

It's no coincidence that NTR is an asian word.

>> No.11204093

And people say /jp/ is the autistic board.

>> No.11204092

Nobody will blink an eye when you commit suicide.

>> No.11204098

Please answer my question.

>> No.11204096

Is this some kinda epic /pol/ meme?

>> No.11204103

Why are you repeating yourself like a broken record? Niggers are going to outnumber asians as projected in future. Blacks will be penetrating asian pussy with their bbc and soon asians will be multicultured just like the west.

>> No.11204101
File: 136 KB, 300x300, 1373960352876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy claiming to be white and insulting asians is likely a jew JIDF who stumbled over to /jp/ to do some typical divide and conquer

Nips are honorary east aryans. Any whore that stretches out their ruined bombed-out vag is not worth the time of day.

>> No.11204102

It's simple deduction.

>The vast majority of /jp/ are NEETs on autismbux
>The vast majority of these people commit suicide before the age of 40
>The vast majority of these people have alienated everyone in their lives, either actively or passively.

>> No.11204110

I am just glad I wasn't born a slanty eyed gook.

>> No.11204105

>Nips are honorary east aryans
Gook detected.

>> No.11204108

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11204115

>last time asians won a strength competition was in 1997
top lel

>> No.11204116

Why? Do you hate freedom? Because unless you're asian you're not getting any.

>> No.11204112

It's Friday night.
The only people that go to /pol/ are edgy kids.
They come here to shit post.

>> No.11204120
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K-ON's realism is unmatched

>> No.11204117
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Why would the nips want to go climb down the ladder.

Nip average IQ 106-7. There was this study done where they found that 10% of nips had an IQ over 140 comparative to <2% for whites.

Western civ is dying, that is why you faggots are playing around on the internet acting as if you are nipponese and not the other way round.

>> No.11204118

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11204122

>communism freedom

>> No.11204123

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11204126

When China has jobs the black men will come. China will become multicultural. Their birthrates are already dropping.

>> No.11204128

There are already black people in China, but I don't expect some kid from /pol/ to know anything happening in the real world.

>> No.11204129

Japan doesn't even have enough people to replace themselves. China immigrants will move in and take Japan over from the inside out.

>> No.11204133

Not as nice as your double meme post.

>> No.11204131

Epic may may bby bro ;)

>> No.11204132 [SPOILER] 
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Think again. It's not the jobs that brought the hordes to Europe.

>> No.11204134

>missing the point
I said niggers will grow in China as it's economy becomes better. Jews will then proceed to use multicultural ways to win again.

>> No.11204135

It's as much of a meme as ironic winking emoticons.

>> No.11204136

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11204138

>implying jews don't want blacks in china
Jews want money you fool.

>> No.11204141

This whole thread is an ironic joke, right?
No one is stupid enough to believe these "conspiracies".

>> No.11204142

There is so irony here samefagging buddy

>> No.11204143

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11204144

Looks like we still have a blue pill here. :(

>> No.11204145


>> No.11204150

The future looks bleak anyway. Humans all are going to die from a meteor or asteroid. Who cares?

>> No.11204148

What to you expect from a bunch of 14 year olds?

>> No.11204156

why is /jp/ so tsundere for /pol/

racism is almost as pervasive here as it is there

>> No.11204158
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Show me a Chinese capitol city and I'll show you London that is over 50% non-white.

>> No.11204159

either gook or jew, either way -- I'm so, SO sorry that this happened to you. You didn't choose to have this birth defect, but it was forced upon you.

>> No.11204161

Too bad I already showed your mom my dick.

>> No.11204162

>/jp/ calling someone else a kid

that's fucking rich

>> No.11204164

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11204165

Asians are one of the few not being enslaved by jews.

>> No.11204167

Do you need two hands to hold all those straws?

>> No.11204170
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Pathetic white nigger projecting his insecurities.

If you're east asian, the future looks great. Space, the stars, the universe - selectively bred white women sex slave bodyguards, all the asian women will have no where else to go so they will serve us for eternity (you guys will either be poor as fuck, too stupid, or just dead - because we will have killed you), virtual reality, life enhancing medicine.

The future is an east asian mans dream. Optimal distribution of body mass reducing excess muscle and fat, high intelligence, brilliant temperament, creativity at the max.

I kind of feel sorry for you fuckers really. I really do.

>> No.11204172
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>> No.11204175


Pic related btw. She's going to become one of my sex slaves.

>> No.11204180

Are all /pol/ posters this horribly annoying?

>> No.11204181

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11204179

>Being a small dicked manlet has never looked so good

e p i k

>> No.11204181,1 [INTERNAL] 

Anime characters are cute Japanese and cute white people.
Anime characters are not ugly Japanese and ugly Caucasians.
