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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11199746 No.11199746 [Reply] [Original]

I just started playing Kanon. Are all visual novels/eroge's this dull? It's not that I'm not enjoying it but after several hours all I've done is walk around in the snow, sit through class, and meet a few girls. If this were a book it would best be described as plodding.

Is this normal or is it just a key thing? Even with Harem Party, which I played for a bit and then deleted, it seemed like it was taking forever to get anywhere

>> No.11199756

Kanon was really fucking boring.

>> No.11199767

Just watch the anime, it's better. This is true for most VNs with adaptations.

>> No.11199769


>> No.11199819

The only good things about Kanon are the music and the fact that the sex scene with Mai is so out of place. It's really amusing.

>> No.11199835

Regardless of people's opinions about Kanon's quality, it is normal for eroge to narrate day-to-day life in minute detail. Some arguable make this more entertaining than others.

Get used to it or give up on eroge.

>> No.11199838

Yes, it's boring. Read something interesting instead of cheap nukige like Harem Party or badly aged key games. Hell, just avoid Key in general.

>> No.11199852

Yeah, but most eroge are shit.

Not to say that there can't be enjoyable eroge that take the everyday life + cute girls approach, but most of the interesting ones do not.

>> No.11199854
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Key has:

- shit art excluding planetarian
- shit stories
- one shit formula all their games adhere to

Why did it ever get popular? Why did people spend time translating its games?

>> No.11199862
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Key has:

>shit art excluding planetarian
>shit stories
>one shit formula all their games adhere to

Why did it ever get popular? Why did people spend time translating its games?

>> No.11199875

What kanon was great, it has a feeling most key games dont have now. A magical feeling and atmosphere. Are you 8?

>> No.11199878

I'm not sure what you mean by "interesting ones" but even scenarioge usually spend a considerable amount of time narrating everyday life.

>> No.11199890

Shit taste.
no it wasn't better.
the vn had a lot more and better endings and the atmosphere was great. you need to play it in the winter.
the new key games dont come close too kanon and air.

>> No.11199893

You know, Kanon probably was pretty dull but I still fucking loved it because of that snowy winter atmosphere it had going. Comfyiest VN I ever read, somehow.

>> No.11199895
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Are you copying my posts, you little fuck?

>> No.11199969

i am not so little as u think i am....

>> No.11200010

It depends on what you want from visual novels. I honestly don't care about story all that much, nor do I care about character depth. What I look for is to satisfy fantasies, and not just sexual one, it can also mean fantasies about living in a certain environment in a certain way with certain types of people. Because of that I enjoy just about every visual novel I read, the story really isn't something I care about. Even things that have an average score under 5 on VNDB are very enjoyable for me.

>> No.11200038

if only ZUN!bar were here

>> No.11200056
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I didn't give you permission to address me. Get out of /jp/ and MAYBE I'll forget this.

>> No.11200078

or maybe ill fuk ur asshole with a rake or and make u my BITCH

>> No.11200128
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Shuffle! is pretty good, it does have some problems but I wouldnt say its boring.

Only played two routes so far though, cant speak for anything other then Asa and Keides route.

>> No.11200139

You could try reading something more actiony, maybe Sharin no Kuni, Song of Saya, Fate/Stay Night or the like.

>> No.11200182

Know any slice of life VNs that are good?

>> No.11200189

Da Capo's fun

>> No.11200195

Play Air instead. or Little Buster.

>> No.11200225

>If this were a book it would best be described as plodding.

Yeah, well it's not a book, faggot. If you want a book read a book, not an eroge.

>Sharin no Kuni
>Fate/Stay Night

These both have hours of walking around, talking to girls, and going to classes.

Saya is a good suggestion for OP though. It's short and plot-focused. But in the end it'll just set him up for greater disappointment when he realizes it's an outlier and not at all representative of the medium.

>> No.11200248

A lot of people seem to like Majikoi.

>> No.11200255

>These both have hours of walking around, talking to girls, and going to classes.

Eh, but there's more going on to keep people from getting bored. In F/SN there are various mysterious things that could show up at any moment and change things up or whatever. In SnK there's the constant weight of making an ungenius-like decision that could fuck up the already traumatized girl's life up forever. KEY VNs are pretty much hanging around moetarded girls until they decide you're emotionally attached enough to do the KEY thing.

>> No.11200262


Please don't call me a faggot. Also, it's actually a game but doesn't play like a game at all. There's not really a good comparison. The point was that the pace is incredibly slow for ANY medium, especially a point and click game.

Again, I'm not hating it. I'll keep playing. I am just unfamiliar with the medium (outside of seeing characters who play it in anime) and wanted to hear if this was common or not. I appreciate the suggestions in this thread.

>> No.11200269

>Please don't call me a faggot.

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.11200279

It is a staple of a large portion of eroge to have extremely extended slice of life portions or whatever because of otaku who use them as a substitute for their own social life. Anyway, why'd you start with garbage like Harem Party? You can use vndb.org to search out stuff that you might find interesting.

>> No.11200289

gay fruit homo queer fairy poofter buttpirate queefsniffer

>> No.11200337

>Anyway, why'd you start with garbage like Harem Party?

I wanted to start with the most stereotypical hentai eroge I could possibly find. I thought that one about RPG girls needing to have sex with the protagonist to survive would fit that bill. However I did not expect (after 10 minutes of boring dialogue) for it to start with a six-some in which the main character takes the virginity of 3 girls in a row while the others watched/participated and then spread his cum on their bodies or something.

I mean, it was kinda fap worthy but the novelty soon subsided.

>> No.11200348

It's better to start with stuff like that to keep your standards low.

>> No.11200364

Why exactly is that better? It's better to start off with stuff that doesn't expect prior experience of the medium to enjoy fully, but there's nothing wrong with people starting off with VNs that aren't dull. I feel like that's a mantra that just got parroted after people used it to justify their enjoyment of experiencing some of the earlier VNs that got translated, like stuff Insani translated. Sure, if you can deal with boring stuff then the medium probably has a lot to offer for you, but seriously... Do people ever suggest that you watch bad movies to keep your standards low?

>> No.11200460
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>no grimdark hard science fiction eroge

I am disappoint. I tried Saya No Uta but the hook just didn't do it for me.

>> No.11200471

It means don't bully. Let's take it easy everyone.

>> No.11200478

is that mister trying to smile or something

>> No.11200568
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The work in key games is making it to the midpoint, after you get into a route the magic happens.

>> No.11200572

Key games, and a lot of other games, tend to be like that. After playing through all the slice of life, it's more moving at the end when the girls die. I personally like the formula, because it always makes me cry every time, but I can see how some people might not like it.

>> No.11200576
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You are wonderfully correct. There is hope.

>> No.11200583

Don't talk shit about Itaru

>> No.11200947

If meeting girls bores you, I have bad news about your sexuality.

>> No.11200958



"Plodding" is what makes you get attached to the characters so the 3rd act has much more impact.

>> No.11200965


I started by reading 8 of the top 10 ranked VNs on vndb.

Why should I waste time when I can read quality?

>> No.11200980
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I'm playing Air at the moment, only one day left in the game, and it's finally over. Only playing it because of my Japanese being shit and it'll be my first VN I complete in Japanese.

Seriously, just avoid Key and you'll be fine.

>> No.11200986

Most VNs are too boring for me. Its entirely my American ADHD brains fault (I used to love reading, they even considered me a child prodigy in literature, but video games destroyed that). I only like eroge games that are actually like games i.e RPGs. Its not the VNs fault, its yours and your rotted brain's.

>> No.11201096

that or hes fucking 15.
kanon and air are really good for atmosphere and to get too know the characters. its fucking slice of life, if you dont like that dont read it.

>> No.11201105

I don't get it, when I was younger my favorite games were always the ones that took 40+ hours. FF6, Fallout, Baldur's Gate, etc. They had dull moments for sure but those moments were outshone by certain events in the game. I feel the same way about visual novels.

Nothing is forcing you to listen to every line fully spoken in Japanese while Shirou is COOKING. Fucking spoiler: if you skip parts you don't like you'll enjoy the game more.

>> No.11201106

Yeah just watch the anime instead if it's KEY, also don't forget to go back to /a/ and never come back.

>> No.11201188

>Are all visual novels/eroge's this dull?
Not all, but a large portion of them. And that's why I can't really get into VNs. I've been playing on and off for a few years mostly because I think it's a great way to study Japanese, but lately I find myself giving up on every game I try. The slice of life scenes annoy me. I've seen that shit so many times and I don't want that kind of immersion. I already have a life. I want a game with a great story, no romance and I want every line to add something to the story. I guess I shouldn't play VNs.

>> No.11201214

>I already have a life

Oh boy here we go

>> No.11201249

Play better VNs.

>> No.11201296

>skip parts you don't like

Just stop playing; you clearly feel it's wasting your time.

>> No.11201444

What? I even skipped the ero scenes in Tsuikihime, deal with it nerd.

>> No.11201856

Hahaha look at this faggot.

>> No.11202645

I didn't give Hull his sword either, I'd just take it and stroll.

>> No.11204449

btw why are you guys sage-ing?

>> No.11204499

That's Howard for you.

>> No.11204542

Kanon is 30 years old. Give it a break.

>> No.11205152
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It's your loss.
