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1119910 No.1119910 [Reply] [Original]

Family abuses hikikomori daughter

>> No.1119920


>> No.1119931

Since when did 4chan care if something was a repost?

>> No.1119928

>hahaha thats how they almost won the war
>go in plane damn first son and go kamikaze on pearl harbor! go kamikaze now i say!
-but honorable father...
> no! you kamikaze now! now kamikaze!

i guess this is what i get for scrolling down one fucking youtube comment

>> No.1119939

since today

>> No.1119943

Since never

>> No.1119951

go away newfag

us oldfags have very important elite things to discuss

>> No.1119958

I came....

>> No.1119959

I've been here for five years

>> No.1119960

This makes me feel bad.

>> No.1119962

So they basically let some random guy posing as a psychiatrist come in and hit their daughter?

>> No.1119970

That same psychiatrist is now in prison for an unrelated case

>> No.1119971

this shit is funny because we are anonymous and are real men!

>> No.1119980

Stop that.

>> No.1119981

that girl is 27.. well at least i have 8 more years till my family starts beating the shit out of me.

>> No.1119986

i lol'd

>> No.1119999

What exactly happened here?

>> No.1120026

Any more videos like that? Also, /r/ing a link to the entire video.

>> No.1120025

She just needs a boyfriend to have sex with.

>> No.1120036

I wish there was a way for all these shut-ins to connect with each other in order to have some sort of human contact instead of being so lonely. Something to allow them to talk with each other, but without an identity like most forums do, so they can feel free to talk without having a label. Surely nothing could go wrong with this and it could help encourage people.

>> No.1120043

thats probly why she became a shutin in the first place. pigdisgusting 3D elevens

>> No.1120046


>> No.1120051

i will assist you in funding this unique and highly intelligent project

>> No.1120058

America has now successfully imported it's violence>sex mindset to Japan.

>> No.1120069
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>> No.1120085


>> No.1120275
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Nothing can't be cured with a good old fashioned beating.

>> No.1120285


◕ ◡ ◕

>> No.1120292

When did posting T42R became popular?

>> No.1120301

It isn't, blame Dan.

>> No.1120299

Need doujins of shut-ins being rehabilitated through rape

>> No.1120304

This was actually my first thought when I saw the thread title, I was hoping for rape. Instead I got a family beating on their daughter and I felt bad instead. Where's my rape? I want to feel bad AND aroused.

>> No.1120308

oh my she actually has an ahoge
I think it's the first 3d ahoge I've ever seen

>> No.1120324
File: 48 KB, 600x682, 1218662017633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hit me.

>> No.1120325

Psychology and Psychiatry are extremely foreign subjects for hte Japanese. They find it very bizarre. And when they go to a practitioner, they are very dificult because they don't open themselves, but rather do or say thing they think they are expected.

>> No.1120331

That girl is cute.

>> No.1120335

I hope you're refering to Kiri.

>> No.1120350
File: 134 KB, 640x400, 1218662458746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to help this girl so bad! OOHHHHhhhh! SHE"S Lke the Lady Yuna of our real world!

I'd kill entire family and save her from the hell she is currently in!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!

my penis throbs with anticipation!!!!!

>> No.1120360

I think you took a wrong turn when you were trying to get to Gaia-online

>> No.1120361

But she has an irl ahoge.

>> No.1120364

I like the video OP's mini-essay.
>This country only has tamed humanoids with good rote memory and engineering skills.

>> No.1120367

It's nothing on Minami Chiaki's.

>> No.1120365

SO what, I got one too.

You know just by not washing you hair, they stand up, right ?

>> No.1120380

sage for '!!!!' ect.
Have you even played FFX?

>> No.1120386

But are you a female hikki?

>> No.1120397

I wish I had a hikki girlfriend

>> No.1120401

No, but she isn't either.

>> No.1120398

we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now. we must kill her entire family now.

>> No.1120412

yes she is

>> No.1120414

I'd be willing to bet good money this treatment has produced more suicides than success stories.

Japan, you do many things right but I am glad that I can pick them out from the rest of the crap and appreciate them from a distance.

>> No.1120416

What's the point? You two would never see eachother.

>> No.1120423

That's the point.

>> No.1120418

No, she's an actress.
The female hikis you'll see are fat sweaty and full of pimples.

>> No.1120427

>hikis you'll see
Quite the fallacy you have there.

>> No.1120429

it's not a real treatment, the guy was a con-artist who was just taking money from this family for his fake "treatments"

>> No.1120443

>(Later a "patient" died in her inpatient facility while being handcuffed and chained. Subsequently she was prosecuted and sentenced for 3 and a half years.)
Yeah, I doubt this "social worker" had many success stories.

>> No.1120438

This SAD princess is sporting a TOOL t-shirt. I can tell by the pixels. Watch the video again, after she's ordered to change clothes. I'll show you, you'll see

>> No.1120448

The guy is her father. The psychiatrist is a woman. She went to prison for an unrelated case.

>> No.1120450

I need more information on anything relating to this girl. please post your stuffs on her now please.!

Oh, and thanks to you

>> No.1120453

Comiket or something like that.

>> No.1120459

She's a 27 year old hiki. Her family is retarded and probably caused it.


What do you want to know? If she likes Touhou?

>> No.1120463

You don't seem to understand.

>> No.1120468


What's her favorite Evangelion character...? I also want her email address so i can tell her her face is cute and chubby and so innocent. like a fat angel.

>> No.1120470

I want to know if she will marry me.

>> No.1120472

did she kill herself already?

>> No.1120469

Maybe one without parents will have to go out buy food sometimes, no ?

>> No.1120478

I'd hit it

>> No.1120479

>the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare defines hikikomori as individuals who refuse to leave their parents' house, and isolate themselves away from society in their homes for a period exceeding six months.

>> No.1120473

isn't she dead?

>> No.1120480


Oh lords, i'm too late.... I'm so sorry Chubby-chan...so sorry.

>> No.1120484

She kinda seemed like a Rei to me.

>> No.1120485

Isolating yourself from society doesn't mean starving to death, are you saying all hikikomori have parents that are alive ?

>> No.1120490

Do you have no reading comprehension?

>> No.1120494


>> No.1120503

I have trouble understanding every single one of them has somebody who can bring them food.

>> No.1120510

I'd go to Japan and find her. Try to convince her to elope with me. She'd be reluctant and hesitant at first because she clings to her hikikomori ways. She packs her stuff and we leave in the middle of the night. Not knowing where we're going except we'll never be ronery again.

Visual Novel material?

>> No.1120516

If nobody brings them food, and they go get it themselves. THEY ARE NO LONGER HIKIKOMORI SINCE THEY LEFT THE FUCKING HOUSE.

>> No.1120517

I'm finding nothing on Google about a Japanese psychiatrist abusing patients on national television. Help

>> No.1120519


>> No.1120520

I wouldn't call leaving my house having contacts with society, but whatever.

>> No.1120521

A hikki who lives alone isn't CLASSIFIED as a hikki.

>> No.1120532

this makes me feel awful ;_;

>> No.1120534


>> No.1120538

I want to fuck Kiri Komori

>> No.1120539

B-b-but that anime LIED TO ME THEN

>> No.1120543


I can get food without leaving my door, I order food over the internet.

Well I don't, it's expensive, but I could if I wanted to.

>> No.1120555

So someone actually does use all that internet commerce thing ?
I thought it was all a sham, a clever ploy.

>> No.1120556


i cumed

>> No.1120547

A hikiki who lives alone is still a hikiki. You don't have to go outside to order food etc. over the internet.

>> No.1120561

As do I

>> No.1120562

The marvels of modern technology.

>> No.1120569

Most of the big grocery stores where I live do it. The amount they charge you for delivery depends on what time of the day it is, busier times make it more expensive.

>> No.1120576

Is it widespread buying stuff over the internet ?

>> No.1120607

Fuck knows, it's not really a thing you can tell just by living near where it's happening.

>> No.1120609

What exactly are you asking?

>> No.1120634

Stop using words you don't know the meaning to.

>> No.1120691

she should cut off her penis and offer it to father as method of apology. He could apply penis directly to the forehead to save face in japanese societyies

>> No.1120723

>The family went through that shame and now they are lashing it out on the poor girl in front of TV to regain face.
Whaaattt? "Hey, I saw you beating up your daughter on national television last night. You've earned my respect, man. I think I misjudged you, I'll recommend you for that promotion after all."

>> No.1120922

Do you honestly consider that scene strange? We're talking about Japan.

>> No.1120980

Damn, if she has a penis that'd be a hundred times more hotter.

>> No.1120992
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Yeah, and while you're doing that I'll be getting married to Nevada-tan.

>> No.1120998

I'd do stuff to her when no one was looking.

>> No.1121078

Part 2:

>> No.1121106


Oh you.

>> No.1121188

Dude, this exists already. According to Welcome to the NHK suicide groups are already around.

>> No.1121194



>> No.1121204

Fucking fund it.

If it was a decent group of /jp/edos and people from night shift /a/ I would go.

>> No.1121282


>> No.1123659

her parents needs treatment.

>> No.1124038

wouldn't work
if there was anything moot proved when he decided to do a sudden meet-up all those protesters showed up and started acting like fuckards
