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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11195 No.11195 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Ask someone living in Japan.

I live here. In Tokyo. I haven't done too much so don't ask me weird shit. Other people living in Japan feel free to join in answering.

Not a weeaboo dammit.

>> No.11229
File: 198 KB, 800x1054, 1203526792353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are the toilets over there?

>> No.11375
File: 114 KB, 801x389, 1203527485105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q: just how accurate is Charisma Man comic?

Pic related

>> No.11399
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Actually that was just me, a tripfag in disguise. すまん。

Also lol japan.

>> No.11417
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Finally, a chance for me to use my futaba macros on 4chan!

>> No.11498
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Here's your answer.

>> No.11207

why are you living there

>> No.11216

i have a question, are weeaboos living in japan always this smug about it?

>> No.11225

Student. Figured it would be more fun than Europe. I have always wanted to study abroad. Yes, I am learning Japanese so I won't be a tool.

>> No.11242

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood in Japan?

>> No.11237

The people there is all cold and dead inside like the internet says?

>> No.11247

WOW, ME TOO. And I just got done with a long ass other thread that started this exact same way. But this is the first time I've used English somewhere other than /b/ in ages, so I'll keep going a while longer.

>> No.11257

living in Japan and knowing Japanese doesn't make you weeaboo. Being white and thinking that 'Japan is superior' is weeaboo. or being OCD about anime and thinking that you know japanese cause you're vocabulary is made up of 3 words you learned from dragonball z and butchering them with english makes you weeaboo.

>> No.11256

why do you think Tokyo is actually Japan? It's a multicultural megacity. I live in Hirosaki, Aomori-ken aka right in the middle of nowhere. And it isn't like Tokyo at all.

>> No.11262

They are the most smug motherfuckers ever. They come here and act like the prince of the world. They hit on japanese women and think that they are successful, but in reality, japanese women are just brought up to always try to be nice and respectful so they wont shoot you down right away. I see weeaboos everyother day.

Toilets are awesome. Have all these cool functions and are heated in the winter. I haven's used the japanese style, because I dont shit in public toilets and mine is western.

>> No.11268


>> No.11269

What's your race/nationality?

How do people treat you because of it?

>> No.11270

Well, a good deal are, but you can find tons of normal funny people. But it is noticeable.

>> No.11271

Amerikan, British or European?

Im tempted to study over there at some point, but I heard they dont like us westerners that much, and by westerners I mean amerikans. Do they prefer us Brits or what?

>> No.11272

Just how much are you being hated by moonmen for simply being gaijin?

>> No.11264

Is that good gyro stand in Roppongi still open?

>> No.11273

Is it as expensive as I hear? And how nice are they to people of non-white ethnicity (I'm Latino)?

>> No.11288

I am white American. Sometimes I hear older people saying kind of demeaning things, but other than that you get the kakoiidesune stuff. I haven't had any problems yet, but Tokyo is pretty gaijin friendly.

>> No.11296

Toilets here are either from the future or the past. There is no middle ground.
You either get a heated seat with a bidet and differing water temperatures, or a urinal mounted into the ground which usually doesn't come with toilet paper.

>> No.11297

They can understand British accents better, thats all I know abou their opinion.

>> No.11309

Yes it is very expensive. But you can find cheap places... it isn't too bad, and jobs pay well enough to get buy just fine.

>> No.11317

Well, I understand Japanese engrish easier than Amerikan accents. True story.
So I guess we share one thing in common.

>> No.11319

Where are you living currently?

On your own or with an adoptive family?

>> No.11320


>> No.11323

In Tokyo you will be fine. You might get some older people being bitchy, but most people are cool and accepting. Usually guys are the ones being assholes. Girls have never shown any indignance.

>> No.11326

>>ITT: Ask someone living in Japan.

i dont believe you live in Japan. make a sign with a date and newspaper to prove it - you dont have show your face.

>> No.11329

Dorm right now.

>> No.11318

but at the university I attend we are taught especially american pronounciation!

>> No.11341

How easy of a fuck are the girls there?

>> No.11332

Everything is pretty much 1.5 or 2 times the price aside from electronics.
They look down on pretty much any race that isn't Japanese, and get angry when you tell them that they look Chinese or Korean. Racism keeps crime pretty low and keeps socialism working here though, so although I have some old people changing seats on the train to escape from me, I am happy knowing that I don't need to sit next to old people that smell like pickles and piss.

>> No.11351

Wow, the other thread was so civil, this thread is full of trolls and assholes.

>> No.11352

How easy are jobs to find, if you want an under-the-table payment? If I study abroad there I'll only have a student visa, and I don't believe I'm technically allowed to have job under the conditions of my study.

>> No.11366

why does japan hate ps3 and 360

>> No.11365

ITT: lies

>> No.11376

Because Nintendo didn't make them.

>> No.11388

How hard it is to find a decent job?

>> No.11391

Sightseeing in Tokyo, top 10 recommended areas to visit. [And since yer not a weeaboo, don't name akiba lol]

>> No.11393

No kidding, I should have saved that last thread man. That last thread was like, the most civil thread I've ever seen on the internets.

>> No.11395

Easy to find under the table. If you don't mind working in nightclubs, they are always trying to hire foreignors.

>> No.11384

if you're tall, not obese and they have at least a slight interest in learning english: loose whores.

>> No.11411



>> No.11429

lol mulett

>> No.11442

I doubt that many of us will understand them, but DO use them.

>> No.11447

Well... I don't even know if I can name 10 in Tokyo... most 'sightseeing' would be temples in kyoto and stuff.

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Offices- can see all of tokyo from there.

Shinjuku- kabuki-cho - go there for the lulz of male whores

Shibuya- dressed up girls (for what? no idea) and tons of shopping

Akasaka- just a cool little places with some hidden temples

Roppongi- go here to get laid and get stds

Sunshine City- cool aquarium, tons of shopping, and NAMJATOWN (craziest theme park ever)

>> No.11456

I am a hispanic male. How do the Japanese feel about hispanics? Do they just lump us together with blacks? Have you seen any hispanic/spanish people in Japan before?

>> No.11474

Thanks very much for the amount already.

>> No.11477

No idea. They probably lump you in with blacks though. And I don't really know their feelings about that, except that they are scary.

>> No.11480

Not in Japan, but if you're Hispanic you can probably get yourself lumped together with whites.

>> No.11481

I'm 30, have no money, no knowledge of Japanese and no college or higher education. How do I go there for a year or so and pay for the trip, in hopes of that leading to something positive in my life?

>> No.11489


>> No.11494

They are filthy mexicans.

>> No.11497

AFAIK JET requires a degree.

>> No.11488

they call them niggers there. any tan-skinned person who isn't asian is a nigger

>> No.11518

Requires a degree.

>> No.11527

If 4chan is the ass of society, then 2chan would be the shit that comes out of it. I wouldn't base too much off of them.

>> No.11549

I prefer the 4chan as toilet metaphor. You see, 4chan is the toilet, happily receiving 2chan's shit and animu.

>> No.11543


I don't think you can. Majority of visas require a degree, and the working holiday visa requires you to be, afaik, under 25.

>> No.11559

They lump all foreigners together. Other then that Koreans and Chinese get most of the hate there.

>> No.11594

Oh, you know I'm just trollin nigga. Toshiaki doesn't hate black people, Obama's just been achieving minor meme status recently because of the story about how someone's going to assassinate him if he gets elected. "2chan" (futaba) is actually a whole lot friendlier than 4chan. 2ch on the other hand can be pretty nasty.
