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11188482 No.11188482 [Reply] [Original]

How does /jp/ meditate? I know that you're supposed to sit down and just concentrate on your thoughts or something, but I find that when I do that I just get really fidgety and my mind starts racing all over the place. Then my legs fall asleep and I have stand up.

>> No.11188484


>> No.11188486

concentrate on your breathing, not your thoughts.

>> No.11188498
File: 429 KB, 550x852, Futo rooster739441645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do that already and I don't really feel all that good after anyway.

Ah okay, thank you

>> No.11188503

why is futo handling a cock so cute

>> No.11188507

yeah sure. Focusing on your breathing, and better yet keeping your mind in the present instead of the past or the future is useful. Also when my mind won't shut up I'll focus on breathing and count to 4 continually. The idea is that you can only process so much at once so by focusing on those two thing you use up much of the brain's immediate resources.

>> No.11188510
File: 312 KB, 600x600, 25268473-1281123368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want Futo to tend to your fowl?

>> No.11188511

Futo is too cute to be sexualized.

>> No.11188520
File: 234 KB, 800x600, 35593237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11188578

if you're legs are falling asleep then change how you're sitting; you can sit in your chair or meditate while in bed if you're a truneet but the main reason, as far as i know, for meditation postures is for optimal breathing
also i think you're supposed to breath with your stomach
one thing to try before you start is to "detach" your body, so start at your toes and wipe away the feelings and work your way up
you can also focus on a part of your body usually i think behind your chest is recommended and that can help keep your attention, but mostly you want to focus on breathing until your breathing goes auto pilot and you're left thinking about nothing, and wa-la you're meditating

>> No.11188818
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Futo is a girl; it is only natural she looks cute while handling cocks!

>> No.11189416

I tried focusing on my breathing today. It worked a bit better, although I couldn't get myself to go to autopilot breathing as you said. I only lasted about 15 minutes until my brother woke up, saw me in my bedroom and called me a fag. He's mean for a truNEET.

I'll wake up earlier tomorrow I guess and try what you said.

I wanna study the Zhuangzi with Futo

>> No.11194146


>> No.11194180

OP, that's how it is for everyone. The point is to learn how to control those reactions. You can't get good unless you practice. You don't have to sit down to meditate either. I think it's possible to meditate while just going about your day.

If you can exist in a state of mild meditation, you can be happy. The reaction you'll get from others is "aloof", probably. Don't let things surprise you, and let things that would otherwise both you roll right off.

>> No.11194190

Er. Otherwise Bother you.

>> No.11194913
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First, sock your brother in the mouth.

Count to ten breaths, then restart at 1, at first count both in and out, and after that stabilizes, then just count on the in or out. Then you have no need to count at all.

>> No.11196686

>First, sock your brother in the mouth.
Nah I'm more of a "dump half his Jameson and water the rest down so he doesn't notice" kind of guy

>Count to ten breaths, then restart at 1, at first count both in and out, and after that stabilizes, then just count on the in or out. Then you have no need to count at all.
Never thought to count the breaths

>> No.11196690
File: 76 KB, 448x272, 420hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoke dat weed doge animeblunt420 toke it up son and pass dat shit.

>> No.11196723

I stuck my finger up my butt for the second time in my life today. Last time my finger was covered in poop when I took it out but this time it was completely clean so I'm very proud of myself, it didn't even smell like poop!

I also managed to get a second finger in there with a little persuasion. Is it normal to be able to do that on the second try? It felt kind of unpleasant like when a big poop is coming out and I don't want to break anything by going to fast.
