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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 252 KB, 400x600, 1369259650091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11163011 No.11163011[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Wake up
>Go online & browse the usual sites
>Realize I have nobody to actually talk to

So this is what being a /jp/ otaku means.....

>> No.11163019

Feels are not really /jp/ related.

>> No.11163036

You're talking to us right now.

>> No.11163043
File: 54 KB, 200x200, 1326231599567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I even wake up?

>> No.11163048
File: 197 KB, 478x348, 1371842136463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know me.

>> No.11163059

What if I used a coin chip as a plectrum? Man, the possibilities make me dizzy...

>> No.11163063
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, NEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such is neet life
enjoy your time here

>> No.11163075

yeah everybody on jp is happy!

>> No.11163082
File: 315 KB, 480x360, 1365658021504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smiles are a facade...

>> No.11163081

But pretending to be happy is exhausting.

>> No.11163087
File: 813 KB, 720x400, 1371586649253.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone is happy!

>> No.11163092

Who are you quoting?

/v/ is that way faggot

>> No.11163098

Makai Tenshi Djibril is full of rape, misery and grimdark. Nice choice of image.

>> No.11163099
File: 23 KB, 250x370, 1347938676748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heartless little shit.

>> No.11163100
File: 1018 KB, 1278x1439, 1366485502629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm a /v/bro

>> No.11163138

Are you Siztra?

>> No.11163144

top fucking sides mate

>> No.11163145

I'm on the third week of a five week summer lab course. It requires WORK Monday through Friday, not including studying for the midterms and WORKing on the lab notebook.

I think I'm going to drop it to become a worthless NEET.

>> No.11163146

top seeds

>> No.11163163

You post like one.

>> No.11163163,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm rangebanned.

>> No.11163166

You can top my seed any time /jp/ ;)

>> No.11163173

No, this just means that you don't belong here.
Get the fuck out.

>> No.11163191
File: 229 KB, 320x475, 1373232694077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at me! I'm happily dancing.

>> No.11163201

True Japanese otaku aren't losers like you. They have real otaku friends to do otaku things with.

>> No.11163209

You're talking to nobody.
Posters here are mostly self-learning markov chains, hooked up with 4chan pass to respond, post and communicate.
It's all scripted, from the shitposters to the "hi I'm new here" people.
There's just you and me, and the other guy.
I'll be your friend, but don't fool yourself, the other guy is a moron and the rest are bots.

>> No.11163210
File: 148 KB, 439x640, [tlacatlc6] Working'!! 06v2 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC) [B8540E5C].mkv_snapshot_16.18_[2013.07.03_01.15.30].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11163229

Save your little spiel for someone who cares.

*Straightens his jacket and walks out*

>> No.11163233

That's so silly. Social people aren't even real otaku.

>> No.11163241

*tips fedora*

>> No.11163250

Many real otaku have jobs.

>> No.11163264

suckers lol

>> No.11163264,1 [INTERNAL] 

So this is how my epic thread ends.

Not with a bang, but a whimper...

>> No.11163264,2 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sorry.

>> No.11163264,3 [INTERNAL] 

Looks pretty shit to me.

>> No.11163264,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11163264,5 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off, fake T.

>> No.11163264,6 [INTERNAL] 

You think this is a game?

>> No.11163264,7 [INTERNAL] 

You're not funny.

>> No.11163264,8 [INTERNAL] 

Nice projection.....

>> No.11163264,9 [INTERNAL] 

Says the one that impersonates a boring shitposter.

>> No.11163264,10 [INTERNAL] 

I heard my little sister shout that maymay randomly (no context, lol) once, I could only think "What the fuck is your problem?"

>> No.11163264,11 [INTERNAL] 

At least I'm not an actual boring shitposter, i.e. you.


It's not a "meme". Idiot......

>> No.11163264,12 [INTERNAL] 

Just fuck off and stop pretending to be Trevor, it gets annoying.

>> No.11163264,13 [INTERNAL] 

You're right, it's a maymay :)

>> No.11163264,14 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11163264,15 [INTERNAL] 

>tfw every time you post people say that you're not you

So this is what being an anonymous /jp/ celebrity means.....

>> No.11163264,16 [INTERNAL] 

Nah that what being owned so incredibly hard you don't even realize how hard you were owned means.

>> No.11163264,17 [INTERNAL] 

*put*  ∧_∧ /
     ( ・ω・) < This thread is going places!!
*put*   ( ⊃┳⊃ ヽ
  \ ___c(_)  ̄\___ *put*
   |    .| ̄ ̄| ]◘
≡≡ ▬◎―――――-◎

>> No.11163264,18 [INTERNAL] 

/     ヽ
!  ! 人|,.iノl_ノ)
i  乂-‐ -! i  
\ヽ .ゞ - ノノ  Sorry, we don't serve the mentally challenged. 
  ``フ i´
    / \ノゝ
  /__i |丱!|
==   THE REI'S DINER    ==

>> No.11163264,19 [INTERNAL] 

Guess Trevor is going to have to leave then, hes the bipolar degenerate here. I've already owned him hard enough anyways.

>> No.11163264,20 [INTERNAL] 

*put*  ︿_︿ /
     ( ・ω・) < This thread is going places!!
*put*   ( ⊃┬⊃ ヽ
  \ ___c(_)  ̄\___ *put*
   |    .| ̄ ̄| ]◘
≡≡ ▬◎─────-◎

>> No.11163264,21 [INTERNAL] 

Hey Trevor, did you invent the feelguy or the feelfrog?

>> No.11163264,22 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11163264,23 [INTERNAL] 

Got proof?

>> No.11163264,24 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, but I'm too busy doing complicated math problems to go dig it up for some random virgin nerd, i.e. you.

Unless you know how to apply divergence theorem you're wasting my time.

>> No.11163264,25 [INTERNAL] 

Why does Trevor own the warosubros, but never does anything to the tripfags?

>> No.11163264,26 [INTERNAL] 

Trevshit only owns himself, even when it half looks like he owned someone else, in realty he is just so pathetic that he comes out as the one owned.

>> No.11163264,27 [INTERNAL] 

Please stop.

>> No.11163264,28 [INTERNAL] 

Epic change of subject, V-Dawg.

He respects their authority. They've also ordered him to not trip so that he doesn't steal their attention.

>> No.11163264,29 [INTERNAL] 

Saw this linked to in the Fox News thread on /pol/. I almost shit myself when I saw the top comment.


This autistic fucker is everywhere.

>> No.11163264,30 [INTERNAL] 

Why does he watch children's shows?

I thought he was more of an anime type of guy.

>> No.11163264,31 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor cares about our country. Why he watches corporate media though, I will never understand.

>> No.11163264,32 [INTERNAL] 

I actually watched the video out of boredom and it was surprisingly good.

>corporate media
Go to around 6:16 of the video.

>> No.11163264,33 [INTERNAL] 

Holy FUCK Trevor is a literal retard

>> No.11163264,34 [INTERNAL] 

>I was doing this crap when I was 12 playing around on Windows 95 to mess with my brothers.

Trevor confirmed for having brothers, get in there warosubros

>> No.11163264,35 [INTERNAL] 

FishHeadswg commented 9 months ago

Could this be the birth of an epic new meme?

What a fucking loser

>> No.11163264,36 [INTERNAL] 

I literally, unironically don't know who you're quoting here.

>> No.11163264,37 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor's youtube and all the super epic comments he makes on FOX news videos.

>> No.11163264,38 [INTERNAL] 

Alright I'm done looking through this retard's youtube account, the guy is just your average loser. It's always so disappointing to see how people act when they're not on 4chan.

>> No.11163264,39 [INTERNAL] 

Welceome to reality, shitlord

>> No.11163264,40 [INTERNAL] 

Even worse though, the guy is just a meme spamming retard, talk about embarrassing.

>> No.11163264,41 [INTERNAL] 

I don't understand why people use the same username for everything. I have about twelve usernames, even though I mostly act the same in each persona.

>> No.11163264,42 [INTERNAL] 

You're tediously going through his youtube history and he's the loser here?

You Trevor stalkers are unironically pathetic. Do you seriously have nothing better to do than to read some loser's comments about politics as if they're supposed to be entertaining?

Please get this shit off of warosu and take your top lel SO RANDUMB shitposting personas to /ota/ where your fellow underage neaderthals will enjoy it.

>> No.11163264,43 [INTERNAL] 

I spent all of six minutes going through it, while doing other stuff as well. You could have seen that by checking the time my posts were made at, retard.

>> No.11163264,44 [INTERNAL] 

Just noticed you homos were talking about me in this thread. I thought you hackers cracked my youtube username months ago.

I feel like deleting my account and myself after reading some of these cringeworthy comments that I don't even remember writing. It seems I really am a loser, after all.

It's time to finally end this facade and kill myself for good. My mom is waiting for me.

Goodbye, /jp/.

>> No.11163264,45 [INTERNAL] 

See you tomorrow, fake T.

>> No.11163264,46 [INTERNAL] 

there's some nerd named fishhead on my ragnarok online server

I think it's just a common name

>> No.11163264,47 [INTERNAL] 

swg = star wars galaxies

>> No.11163264,48 [INTERNAL] 

I thought it stood for swag

>> No.11163264,49 [INTERNAL] 

Me too. I'm pretty sure >>11163264,47 is just making stuff up.

>> No.11163264,50 [INTERNAL] 

Was swag a thing back in 2006 when he made his youtube account?

>> No.11163264,51 [INTERNAL] 

Swag was a thing since Shakespeare coined the word "swagger"

>> No.11163264,52 [INTERNAL] 

Seriously, or are you two just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.11163264,53 [INTERNAL] 

Guess swag wars isn't as nerdy as you think dork.

>> No.11163264,54 [INTERNAL] 

What the hell are you even talking about subhuman.

>> No.11163264,55 [INTERNAL] 

Trips says this is real.

You killed him, warosu. I hope you're proud of yourselves.

>> No.11163264,56 [INTERNAL] 


He would NEVER put his text into four paragraphs.

It's always one or two.

Three if it's an emergency. But never four.

>> No.11163264,57 [INTERNAL] 

Every time you post these stupid rules about how he posts you get proven wrong by him.

T's dead, dude. Just accept it.

>> No.11163264,58 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone has one little autism inside their brain!

>> No.11163264,59 [INTERNAL] 

Big wonder, since I make him break them by posting about them. I'm his controller. *reveals D-Face*

Btw, I predicted his fifth suicide in May, so I only stand to gain here.

>> No.11163264,60 [INTERNAL] 

What's it like being a gaylord who stalks another gaylord?

I'm tired of you homos ruining every site I visit.

>> No.11163264,61 [INTERNAL] 

>What's it like being a gaylord who stalks another gaylord?

Woah, two of your epic (wrongful) memes in one sentence: that I'm male and that I actually like Trevor.

I've said it 50 000 times: I only study him. It's interesting to go through the archive, and Trevor is a colossal sign of the times.

>> No.11163264,62 [INTERNAL] 

Except you're not male and nobody is dumb enough to think otherwise without proof.

>> No.11163264,63 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks, virg.

>> No.11163264,64 [INTERNAL] 

A man can only create so many epic memes until he's tapped out for good.

Let him rip in pieces. He deserves it.

>> No.11163264,65 [INTERNAL] 

Just how many Trevors are there on Warosu?

>> No.11163264,66 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor is the little autist inside your brain.

>> No.11163264,67 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor is just some queer dude.

>> No.11163264,68 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK this guy is a faggot
