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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1115663 No.1115663 [Reply] [Original]

I've always been curious about this. Is it true that Japanese are often more cooperative when it comes to working as a team in online games and such? It's really quite hard to find people willing to work together in a lot of games unless it really makes it convenient to do so.

>> No.1115669

Yes. It gets to the point where it's impossible to level up past ten unless you're in a group with 16 other people.

>> No.1115674

I played FFXI for a while and those jap parties seem to be the most efficient, so maybe.

>> No.1115675

Yes. Unless you're a filthy gaijin, in which case they tell you to fuck off amerikan pig!

>> No.1115683

Yes, Japanese MMORPG player speaking from experience.

Then again, these MMORPGs pretty much require you to be in a party, which I haven't had any issues with parties so far.

>> No.1115687

From what I've seen, yes it is very true. I've played Gunz against a Japanese clan and we lost horribly. I also played against them on Sword of the new world and got massacred.

>> No.1115721

God forbid you're a non-Japanese person, they won't even touch with a stick. They won't party with you even if it meant waiting for hours to party with another jap. And if you were pretending to be jap and they liked you, but found out later, none of it would matter and you'd get the boot.

>> No.1115727


Those elitist bastards.

>> No.1115737

This idea crossed my mind again from watching a video of some Japanese guy playing Metal Gear Online. It was like... the people on each teams were actually helping each other out and coordinating attacks, whereas on American servers, it is generally just a free-for-all clusterfuck. Chickens running around without a head, etc. I was surprised to see that they had naturally adapted such strong teamwork in a pub game.

>> No.1115800

well I for one wouldn't let someone into my guild if he couldn't speak the same language as the rest of the guild. how can you work as a team if you can't communicate?

>> No.1115819


So judging from that, basically it comes down to this in gaming:

If you want to win,go with the Japanese.

If you want to have freedom and fun,go with Americans.
Now I know why all "Foreign" girls are portrayed like they are in anime! ITS THE VIDEO GAMES!


>> No.1115822

I see someone else has played FFXI

>> No.1115823

WOW no wonder japanese are mostly hated by the west....

>> No.1115827

This has nothing to do with languages. You can be able to read and type the most perfect Japanese, but if they found out you were foreign, they wouldn't want anything with you.

Because they panic around foreigners for no damn reason.

I don't think you understand.

I mean, even when I used to play RO, we'd have frenchfags and spanish speaking people, some who knew just basic english and we were top shit. Our best player was a frenchie, he knew good english though. Well at least to get by.

>> No.1115828


Hispanics are worse...have you ever tried playing a mmo with them?

>> No.1115837

no mostly aussies and brits, quite ok players when you start to know em....

>> No.1115833

But if you know Japanese, how hard can it be to just pretend you're Japanese? I mean it's not like they can tell otherwise as long as you don't make too many spelling mistakes.

>> No.1115842

Brazillians are worst. Non-english eurofags are kinda cool. I've played with Hispanics, they were pretty serious, nothing too big.

>> No.1115849

You're probably thinking of Brazillians, they're not Hispanic is they've got no relation to Spain. I bet you're one of those uneducated fags who think they speak spanish in Brazil too.

>> No.1115847

funny you say that im brazilian and i learned to team play....BF2 taugh me that....

>> No.1115857

I always kick Brazilians from my guild, so yeah.

>> No.1115859

one of the other guildies translates, on toxic-wow i'm in the only jap clan and i've always got 2 people who translate what is being said on vent

>> No.1115862

Hey man, one of the best people I've ever played with in an MMO was a BR, but don't discount the fact that the whole lot of them tend to be undesirable.

>> No.1115865


>> No.1115867

Ugh, I hated Brazilians when I played RO, fucking saying "BR?" everywhere they went.

>> No.1115869

Brazilians are the cancer that is killing the world we should bomb their fucking country

>> No.1115870


The reason they panic is because they're afraid of offending/causing trouble in any case, and since they don't know what would do that to someone of another culture, they get weird about it. There's also that whole concept of knowing your place which probably plays into it. Of course, once they spend some time in America (or wherever the fuck), they quickly become like pretty much everyone else.

Sometimes you run into an outright racist asshole, but that happens no matter where you go.

>> No.1115872


Actually I'm talking about Puerto ricans,Mexicans and Dominicans.

Brazilians and Filipinos piss me off too.

>> No.1115873

well, they were pretty bad in WoW (thank god they got spanish servers later)
but then again WoW attracted a lot of noobs anyways. brits, scandinavians and dutch were the best ones.

>> No.1115875

thats because standard brazilians are fucked in the head side ways, when it comes to brazilians naturalised to another country or born of brazilian descent are a totally different matter

>> No.1115878


>> No.1115884

Everyone hates Brazilians because they have the highest dumbass and beggar to decent player ratio. For every decent player from Brazil you get, there are 200 others trying to loot, beg, and scam in the beginner town. In many ways, I pity the few decent team players on Brazil that have to put up with all that crap.

>> No.1115891

They're like Yukkuris who run around doing dumb shit all whilst saying "BR BR BR!" instead of "Take it easy!"

>> No.1115895


"You Pinoy?!"

"Pinoyz only!"

"Looking 4 Pinoy guild/clan!"

>> No.1115896

I hate how spaniards are like "Let's show these gringos we can be better than them" fucking inferiority complex
(I'm a spanish speaker too)

>> No.1115900

Thanks, OP.

I thought I wasn't attracted to 3D anymore.

>> No.1115901

Spaniards call the americans "gringos"? I'm pretty sure that's only a local Mexican slang.

>> No.1115903


Yukkuris are cute though.

>> No.1115909

well at least you acknowlege BR has good players....thats all that matters

>> No.1115910

sup /br/

>> No.1115914

Every spanish speaker does I used to when I was like 13

>> No.1115921

actually most of them call americans "gringos" others just call them hijos de puta. but i dont know what it means...

>> No.1115922

I've had the best Team-gaming experience with Germans. On the Project Reality pubs the German squads are usually the ones with a proper commander/SL who knows what he's doing.

But I haven't played with Japs yet. They're pretty rare on PR.

>> No.1115927

The only good thing to come out of Brazil are girls with nice asses.

>> No.1115931

hijo de puta=son of a bitch

>> No.1115934


Every spanish speaker does, also USian, they only use America to refer to all the continent.

>> No.1115943

Means son of a bitch.

When I played RO the Spanish speaking crowd wasn't bad. They weren't so closed and would party with you but they would refuse you on thier guild based on the laguage (you would'nt be albe to talk to half of the non-English speaking guild).

>> No.1115948
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sup /jp/

two words for all you BR haters.....


>> No.1115949

Every spanish speaker does, also USian or Estadounidense, we only say "America" to refer to all the continent, and "American" to referer to people living on said continent.

>> No.1115957

Pig disgusting 3D

>> No.1115958

Yeah, you play Jump Ultimate Stars on the DS with 3 random Japs, they'll collectively kill you and then do nothing until the time limit is reached so they all get points and you don't.

>> No.1115964

then ura super faguar if she doesnt do anything for you

>> No.1115970

If all BRs offered up tits for zeny, nobody would dislike them

>> No.1115967


I usually hate supermodels but I'd do anything for a date with her.

>> No.1115969

I think Japanese are better at team games either because they are more patient, they don't play games as much, or they aren't trying to be e-thugs.

>> No.1115971

Hi br I can tell you are br because of your horrible spelling.

>> No.1115973

Brazilians are a blight upon the MMO world, everyone knows this.

Japanese aren't the most fanatical MMO players, though. South Koreans are.

>> No.1115978

I would.
If I wanted to waste time and money (real or not), I'd go see a whore.

>> No.1115980

True. Those crazy bastards are in a league of their own. kekeke

>> No.1115981

You know who's more "pantient" ? The Koreans, they can grind so fucking much, they even grind efficiently. Fuckers, all of them.

>> No.1115989

I don't like her, she's too fucking generic looking model. Go see REAL everyday BR women. FUCKHOT

>> No.1115988

no terrrible speeeelline cos off australian sckooolz but yes BR none the less

>> No.1115999

>Go see REAL everyday BR women. FUCKHOT

/s/, here I come!

>> No.1116004


>> No.1116008

>"You can be able to read and type the most perfect Japanese, but if they found out you were foreign, they wouldn't want anything with you."

Is this a statement made based a past experience, or it just a general, sweeping remark built upon "our" conception of the current state of Japanese xenophobia?

I've met my fair share of Japanese gamers who really don't care about who you are, so long as you knew enough of the language to get your point across. If your statement was based on a true experience, you probably teamed with a group of assholes, nothing more.

>> No.1116019

It's called FFXI, squaresoft's little failed social experiment that brings out the worst of jap xenophobia.


>> No.1116016

Urgh, Pinoys are the worst type of Asian ever.

>> No.1116024

yeah all the /jp/ i play MGO with are actually quite ok ppl

>> No.1116026



>> No.1116027

People who come here?

>> No.1116035

as a /aus-br/ yeah you guys seem cool, MINUS the dickweeds of course....

>> No.1116039

Sauce on OP pic.

>> No.1116045


found it on /a/, i have no clue.

>> No.1116049

I've been hearing that a lot whenever FFXI comes up in a discussion.

Maybe I'm being pedantic by looking for excuses when there are none, but perhaps they are saying "Japanese (speakers) only"?

If the person I previously quoted actually got kicked from a party for not being of Japanese heritage (despite being decently capable in the language), I'd be a little surprised.

>> No.1116058

Yes and Americans in any other MMO's don't hate on "Chinese" players.

>> No.1116062

hahaha, go play FFXI, you haven't been surprised yet. in fact, go ask /v/ if you want.

>> No.1116069

FFXI makes it a bit harder for English speakers to use Japanese in the first place, at least that's how it was when I used to play. I wouldn't be surprised to see someone getting kicked from a party just for being something other than JP. Lots of elitism in FFXI.

>> No.1116063

Well, except on World or Warcraft. There, they suck.

>> No.1116078

seriously speaking about MGO, ive never had that problem, cos there are so many multi country matches i dont think /jp/s dont have the chance to be xenophobic...but thats mgo, i havent played FFXI. And by the sound of the players i wont either.....

>> No.1116090

Wow, look here, some faggot trying to play the "YOU DO IT TOO" game to defend his precious Japan.

What's with you faggots and throwing that shit around everytime anyone ever says anything bad about Japan.

Give me the name of an MMO where the whole population of westerners hate the Chinese players. All servers of any language hate gold farmer regardless of their nationality, but YOU tell me the name of a server that dislikes legit chinese players. Go on.

>> No.1116099


the players shouldn't be the first thing to scare you away, it's like EQ all fucking over again... or at least it felt that way to me

>> No.1116129

Regale me with one of your tales then, unless this is nothing more than hearsay.

I'm all for the idea of putting up a thread in /v/ later, but something tells me it'll get sagebombed before I can get any decent responses. You seem to be a weathered veteran of the game, so any accounts (brief ones will do) would be very helpful.

>> No.1116125

The Filipinos were the second worst, not only were they annoying by asking you if you were 'pinoy' before they say anything, they tried to ruin everything that was good in the game by making it suck. Their leveling parties were usually gank squads, and when you bring friends they usually stop leveling and run.

>> No.1116131

>>1116078 ok but you try and play when xenophobes kick you beacause of you nationality

>> No.1116143

WoW players only hate the gold farmers who do it as a real life job and smother the game's economy.

>> No.1116166

yeah alot of games are ruined by faggotry,
EG: BF2 players that TK you when you have thier "favourite vehicle"
MGO players that spawn-kill
DOWSS players that waste you before you have built any barracks....

now it may sound like pointless whining but you try and play games with constant faggotry without RAGE

>> No.1116175

>DOWSS players that waste you before you have built any barracks....
the others are legitimate complaints, but isn't this just you sucking at defending from a rush?

>> No.1116176

>DOWSS players that waste you before you have built any barracks...
You are playing DOWSS wrong if this happens

>> No.1116185

well maybe, but you cant stop the rage from the other reasons...

>> No.1116204

I don't know. I don't play the other games.

>> No.1116206

What server are you on? You must have all the mean JPs.

>> No.1116252

0/10 , troll harder salvadorean fag
So you're an idiot.

>> No.1116256

Gringo was used during Mexican/American word, there's no use of it before it

>> No.1116261

that is a nice shot

>> No.1116259

That's about less than %1 of Brazilians

>> No.1116264


>> No.1116275

yes but thats a fraction im willing to accept...

>> No.1116369

In Team Fortress 2, the few Japanese servers play like some of the more pleasant servers in Europe (you know, the ones with people at least doing the basic teamwork, and usually communicating to some extent with headsets). Team Fortress 2 is already geared heavily towards spontaneous team play, so I don't see much difference really. The player base isn't that big in Japan (usually there are about 8 full 24 player servers and a number of empty ones) so the active servers are usually a mix bag in terms of experience, which isn't too bad.

Differences observed:
Most levels start with a "Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~~" or "Yoroshiku" from most players, often using the headset.

Spoken language is Japanese, class names are abbreviated (soldier becomes sori, and so on).

Sighted spies are reported really well.

On the other hand, team mates trust each other instinctively, so once you get behind the enemy lines as a spy, you are good to go until you blow your cover. (really, why do most of them neglect the simple spy check?)

Japanese servers are fun to play on, but only from within Japan due to the lag you'll get from abroad. Sometimes South Korean players join, but only to be really annoying.

>> No.1116387
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>> No.1116402

Don't get me wrong, I have a pretty good opinion of South Koreans. It is just that the ones that you meet in on-line games tend to be the worst of their kin.

I did get one guy to completely stop pursuing the current level objectives and start chasing me non-stop because I typed "kekeke" after killing him in a very humiliating way. Much lulz were had.

>> No.1116431

I don't know about Japanese, but brazilians are the worst people to play online with, that is if you actually get into the game before you kick them out or leave yourself


>> No.1116439


Fuck yeah, Japan. This coming June I'll be studying Japanese at Cornell uni for a year and then doing my senior year of high school IN NIPAN.

umm...kellog's pop tart? would you like to eating one?

>> No.1116441

That is true, but Koreans are born assholes.
Trust me, they hate everyone.

>> No.1117309

It's all just about culture. The Japanese school/social system teaches you to be part of a collective at the cost of your own individuality.

>> No.1117333

Chinese = all botters + hackers + farmers
Koreans = all tourney fags + grinding freaks

>> No.1117335


>> No.1117393

This cannot be overstated.

Japanese culture and the way they bring up youth has always been about being the cog in the machine. Don't be the sore thumb, etc.

American culture has always been about empowering the individual. Sadly though, we seem to have been losing an important part of, you know, discipline, in that regard. It used to be "make the one man strong, so he can best serve his fellow man." Now it's more "Do whatever you want. No one can hold you down and tell you what to do."

>> No.1117421

Depends on how you see it in the context used.
Where I work at we actually have the motto of "make the one man strong, best serve his man", etc. and it's true cuz it works. Makes everything easier and fun

The latter I see being used for like the government or what's expected by you from society based only on traditional standards.
Call the cops, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.1117544

I've had good and bad experiences

Bad: When I want to join a party, they often ask "Do you speak Japanese", and if no, they don't let you join. At first I thought it was outright racism, but the same people who turn me down would help me with stuff and chat with me and shit, so I guess it might just be a language thing. I've only managed to get into parties with people I know well.

Good: They ARE cooperative. In English MMOs people run around doing whatever the fuck they want and it takes ages to organize anything worthwhile. The Japanese seem to give way to rank and order, and have astounding patience when organizing a party. I remember one time my computer crashed in the middle of a run, so I decided to take a 10 minute break. When I came back, the entire party was there at the spot where I d/ced, waiting for me - that was really amazing.

>> No.1117554
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>> No.1117578 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 500x600, cirno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need a japanese team because i'm the strongest

>> No.1117706
File: 178 KB, 700x1118, 1218622312556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, fuck you, IM THE STRONGEST

>> No.1117711

yeah i agree, jedi-T in tha hizzzie-T.....

>> No.1117718
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>I remember one time my computer crashed in the middle of a run, so I decided to take a 10 minute break. When I came back, the entire party was there at the spot where I d/ced, waiting for me - that was really amazing.
What a nice story.

>> No.1117795
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>When I came back, the entire party was there at the spot where I d/ced, waiting for me - that was really amazing.
That made me feel all nice and warm inside.
