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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11148035 No.11148035 [Reply] [Original]

It's Tanabata tonight!

What is your wish /jp/?

>> No.11148040
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 6ab0505febc801f1ccc22d4953cc7ac3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i was a bird.

>> No.11148041

To find a boyfriend... My parents are starting to bother me about it. ;_;

>> No.11148049


>> No.11148053

Find a /jp/ friend.

>> No.11148060

Someone that won't leave me.

>> No.11148062


>> No.11148069

keeping dreaming fagman

>> No.11148077

I wish to break my rusty cage

>> No.11148080

You could try falling it on someone and 'ave an epic giggle

>> No.11148081

World piece

>> No.11148114

to be a cute loli who can wear all the cute clothes!

>> No.11148120

for /jp not to suck

>> No.11148128

Immortality, a million dollars, time travel.

>> No.11148132

Oh, this reminded me...

How do I go to Akiba or any other shop and buy New Love Plus? Is it fine if I wear sunglasses and cap? Will I go unnoticed between the hordes of other otaku?
Please teach me /jp/senpai!

>> No.11148136

I want to get a gf...

>> No.11148140
File: 131 KB, 450x620, dekomori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A straight, gay-free /jp/.

>> No.11148141

Go back to /r9gay/. All of you. Seriously.

>> No.11148144

Why? I just want a qt gf...

>> No.11148146

Kill all crossboarders.

>> No.11148147

Why would someone love you if you can't love yourself?

>> No.11148148

/jp/ isn't for your silly social game bullshit. Go back to the other boards where the other normies will undertand and sympathize with you.

>> No.11148149

Because I want to be in a dominant relationship.
I know that many jpsies want a gf.

>> No.11148152
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>> No.11148153

Thanks dr. Phil

>> No.11148155

«oh dawg meib I shud go b2 le troll school»
== u

>> No.11148157
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>> No.11148158

feelio when no qt 2hu gf, I know that feelio my brethren.

I'm kind of glad that women slandered and spread rumors about me throughout my life. I now have no desire to even want to be around women.

>> No.11148164

Yeah, and /jp/ is also full of crossboarding normie scum. Just come to terms with the fact that mommy will not buy you an xbox and get over your trivial desires.

>> No.11148166

>women slandered and spread rumors about me throughout my life
How do you know?
captcha: derSeme CROSSLEY

>> No.11148169
File: 46 KB, 173x265, 1373138843441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to find a board that has basically no normalfags.

Preferably elitist and about anime.

>> No.11148174

Funny things is that you will forget all about your edgy shit once a nice girl will fall in love with you. Just like Mush did.

>> No.11148175


>> No.11148178

Shut up, mush. There's nothing edgy about wanting to be happy and free.

>> No.11148180

>Funny things is that you will forget all about your edgy shit once a nice girl will fall in love with you.
Why do you seem to think that I haven't been adhering to a clear life plan since the age of ten?

>> No.11148181

He said no normalfags.

>> No.11148182
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If that's what you think then please try to be my gf, we'll see if you can dull my edge.

>> No.11148184

They openly told me so, and I didn't doubt it for a second. Getting beaten up after school every day while getting accused of doing something that I never did was a pretty good sign too.

>> No.11148189

Women are evil creatures. Those two girls I used to know in high schools pretended to be friends all the time but sent each other text messages that would creep out even the worst /jp/sie.

>> No.11148185
File: 378 KB, 500x321, 1368263563728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are lots of normals on /a/, also /jp/ is very fun sometimes, like right now.

Wow, apparently opinions aren't constant and people change when their circumstances change.

What's your wish OP?

>> No.11148187

I'm a straight dude.

>> No.11148188
File: 2.05 MB, 2370x1737, 267ecea9d401ea5de0571b3d9a7a83c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I need ;_;

>> No.11148193

That's hot.

>> No.11148190

Go back to your twitter circlejerk, faggot.
The point isn't even being in a relationship or not, it's not wanting or feeling like you need to be. Just do what it is that makes you happy, that's why you're on /jp/ right now, isn't it? If it's not, then fuck off.
We don't like 3d girls here

>> No.11148194

>They openly told me so
What, did they just come to you and tell you "hey fag, we've been talking shit about you"?
>Getting beaten up after school every day while getting accused of doing something that I never did
What about reacting? I wouldn't have tolerated such obvious bullshit for a second.

>> No.11148195
File: 44 KB, 406x406, 1355121025154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't step up then step down motherlord

>> No.11148197

This thread is about what WILL make you happy.
>We don't like 3d girls here
Speak for yourself.

>> No.11148198

Stop bullying people. /jp/ is a place of love and funposting. Don't be mean to others. ;_;

>> No.11148202

That's the whole point of /r9k/, that's where you belong.
/jp/ is for people who know what the fuck they're doing and it doesn't involve whores.

>> No.11148204


>> No.11148206

/jp/ is for people that like otaku culture. And again, I advise you not to speak for the whole board.

>> No.11148207

Kill yourself

>> No.11148212

Yeah, basically. Though it was more like "hey loser we're talking shit about you and there isn't anything you can do about it."
Reacting? I tried to talk to them about it, but it was impossible. Fighting a group of niggers, mexicans and wiggers was pretty much out of the question.

Talking to the girls also had no effect, it was like talking to brick walls which would occasionally spout inane garbage at you.

>> No.11148214

/me hugs you

Don't cry, everything will be all right. Cheer up, okay? ^^

>> No.11148216

>Fighting a group of niggers, mexicans and wiggers was pretty much out of the question.

Not if you bring a full-auto to a fist fight.

*pew pew pew* ;3

>> No.11148217

I feel better thank you.

>> No.11148219
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>> No.11148221

I wish I was good at shooting games.

>> No.11148220

Couldn't you have switched schools?

>> No.11148222

I would like a yandere girlfriend.

>> No.11148224
File: 2.80 MB, 1920x1080, incredulous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected of a shitpost thread, it has devolved into a feel gf and gay fag party

>> No.11148225
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>> No.11148232

well you /b/tards think with your dicks, and don't think about anything other than people even though you don't actually choose to like or relate to other people in any healthy or constructive way at all

so there you go, you get what you give shitdick

>> No.11148241

>Hi, I shat all over this thread I had no interest in, so that proves it must have been bad!

>> No.11148255

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11148260

Was paraphrasing >>11148224

>> No.11148261

For the extinction of all life on this planet

>> No.11148265


>> No.11148270

Fork over money
GIve me a two-story house with a lawn

>> No.11148274
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Please don't use my picture for nefarious purposes.

>> No.11148277
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They're my imges now

>> No.11148281
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>> No.11148284 [DELETED] 


>> No.11148288
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>> No.11148286
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>> No.11148291
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>> No.11148319

oh god - reminds me of densha otoko.
the feeeeeeels....

>> No.11148335

You know guys. Orihime and Hikoboshi and represented by stars that are 15 and 25 light-years away. That means it would take anywhere from 30 to 50 years for your wish to actually come true.

>> No.11148338

>30 to 50 years

How did you work that out?

And last I checked prayers aren't being communicated at the speed of light.

The speed of prayers is instantaneous no matter the distance.

>> No.11148340

He just doubled the distance, it's not rocket science.

>> No.11148343


He didn't say it was 30 to 50 LIGHT years which superficially doubling the distance would have been.

>> No.11148342

It takes time for the prayers to travel pack to Earth.

>> No.11148346

>/jp/ is for people who know what the fuck they're doing and it doesn't involve whores.
While I totally agree that ">tfw no qt gf" bullshit goes to /r9k/, /jp/ does involve idols which aren't that different from whores.
Everything that more or less falls into "otaku culture" belongs here.
Crossboarding scum doesn't unless said scum is intelligent enough to (try and) seamlessly fit in.

Autumn can't come quickly enough.

>> No.11148353

50 years is the time it takes for light to travel 50 light years...

>> No.11148361

Time doesn't exist.

>> No.11148368

>Autumn can't come quickly enough.
HEUHUEHUEHUHEUHU witty as fugggg

>> No.11148371

When did /jp/ become /sci/?

>> No.11148424

>wishing to be the little girl

>> No.11151132

I wish I was a princess who lived in a frilly, girly palace with tons of cute dresses.

>> No.11151149

i want my best friend to stop hating me
but i made the same wish for several years now

>> No.11151159

I wish the touhous were real.

>> No.11151205

The ability to express gratitude and affection through the internet sincerely and fully.

>> No.11151221

I wish to be an adventurer that spreads beauty around the world.

>> No.11151234

I wish for sufficient means and a lot of free time.

>> No.11151237
File: 63 KB, 372x434, poolsclosed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I would've never discovered this horrible place.

>> No.11151241

I wish I could be a pretty little princess, living in a big pink castle, with lots of cute clothes to wear, and I brought happiness to everyone on 4chan!

>> No.11151247

lel, what a homolord

>> No.11151262

I wish to be a cute girl!

>> No.11151258

My mom was supposed to get home from the hospital on the 11th but I wished I could be left alone a little longer and she's called today and told me she's coming back on the 14th. She's been in there since June 18th.

It's been a fun month.

>> No.11151261 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, mouthless hitagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could control everything about myself and live in whatever setting I wanted.

>> No.11151269


>> No.11151270

Copy cat! I claimed it first!

>> No.11151273

mine's a little different.. Could we be neighbor princesses, and invite each other over for tea parties?

>> No.11151277

Immortality in which I'd never have to eat or sleep ever again.

>> No.11151314

sure, can we do sleepovers and play dress up too?

>> No.11151321

yeah, we'd do all kinds of girl things!

>> No.11151330

I want to be 7 years younger

no time travel bs

>> No.11151339

I want to be successful.

>> No.11151343

Happines for everybody, free, and let no one go away unsitisfied.

>> No.11151421

You will be mistaken for celebrity.

>> No.11151488

wish i had a 56 thunderbird

>> No.11151762
File: 198 KB, 500x815, 1362687293731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen the Summer Triangle tonight , /jp/? Over here I can't see shit! Deneb, Altair, Vega, where are you?!

>> No.11151821

What if I wished for Tanabata to cease to exist?

>> No.11151836

I wish I was Japanese.

>> No.11151851
File: 132 KB, 1920x1080, haruhibd0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a third season.

>> No.11151945

I wish to be happy for the rest of my life.

>> No.11152060

I want ALL the 2hu Fumos and Nendoroids to get restocked and I want them all to arrive at the same time.
Then I can finally fall asleep with Gensokyo in my arms.

>> No.11152072

Why make another season when the first 2 weren't good to begin with? Why let kyoani ruin another LN?

>> No.11152084
File: 471 KB, 838x838, 0bfce0f1b9c2286b6948416e49f6973c37cb8848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to see Reimu and Marisa kill all the friends I had when I was growing up so I could’ve become a NEET faster

>> No.11152088
File: 209 KB, 611x912, 1329502792841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need is one big one. Or a dakimakura.

>> No.11152089 [DELETED] 


>> No.11152094

when did you awaken?

>> No.11152106

4 years ago

>> No.11152107 [DELETED] 

sieg heil dude

>> No.11152111 [DELETED] 


>> No.11152123 [DELETED] 


>> No.11152140

I had another dream about loli last night. This is the second dream I can remember this week. This was pretty tame compared to the other; I was mostly teaching lolis how to swim. They were wearing one pieces and I kept touching their tummies and making them laugh. I'm not sure how I ended up doing what I'm about to type, but I remember pulling aside the bottom part and playing with her vagina for quite some time.

I also distinctly remember swimming down the the bottom in the deep end and laying down there for a while, looking up through the blue water. It was a very nice dream.

>> No.11152174
File: 55 KB, 500x363, turtletama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a turtle.
They can't escape from you and will sure outlive you.

>> No.11152226

sick fuck

>> No.11152281

I keep having this terrible dream where I meet Hikoboshi and he tells me that (a) I am dead, (b) my lot in the afterlife is to read every wish ever expressed in written form, correct their grammar and punctuation, and direct the sensible ones to proper wish-granting authorities, and (c) since I am already dead, committing suicide will not send me a more preferable afterlife, like Avici or the Christian hell. I don't know what occurs afterwards but I remember being shoved into a heap of Christmas wishlists.

Please stop wishing already.

>> No.11152467

I wish the Jews would learn to just leave other peoples alone.

>> No.11152714

Did you at least get time off, or pay higher than minimum wage?

>> No.11154030

Living forever in a small cute town full of honest, good persons like in Haibane Renmei.
