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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11146030 No.11146030[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11146067


Situations like this happened all the time and I never thought to make a move on the girl, even though she had made it extremely obvious that she wanted me to.

autismical as fuck

>> No.11146075


You can just reload from the last save point anyway. What's the problem?

>> No.11146078


Same. Once I was eating in the school cafeteria and this girl got her friends to sit down near where I usually sit, then she made a point of sitting just one seat down from me so she could look 'hard to get.' Sadly I was too socially retarded to pick up on her signals at the time, but in retrospect I was missing out on a huge opportunity.

>> No.11146094

Life sucks when you are so freakin awkward >_<

frick I wish I was normal like my friends ;_;

>> No.11146098

>frick I wish I was normal
Please go.

>> No.11146106
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This is my favorite worst thread on the board right now.

>> No.11146110

Do they fuck?

>> No.11146126


my uncle works at gaynax and he says they fuck in evangelion 6.66 (its cause sex = satan)

>> No.11146131



Sorry if you're still too stupid to pick up on obvious social cues...

>> No.11146129


You don't think, maybe they sat down ... because they needed a place to sit?

>> No.11146136

Did she move because it would be easier to talk to Blue across the table rather than having to turn her head every time?

>> No.11146148


Dear diary,

Today I touched a girl's hand. Well actually I just handed her a piece of paper she dropped, but that still counts right?

She totally wants my dick.

>> No.11146157

Every time a girl hit on me I thought it was joke. Worse time it happened was when I was in 6th grade and my neighbor who is 7th grade came over to tell me a girl liked me. She pointed to another 7th grader who happened to be considered the hottest girl in so. Obvious trap, right?

Well shit like that keeps happening. In Junior year in highschool (this is 1997. yes, I am an old man) a met a chick in an AOL chatroom and started dating. Suddenly every girl I know is pissed at me for getting with some slut from NY when they already had feelings for me

flashforward to 2013: 33 years old. Haven't fucked a girl in 7 years. Live in a friends basement. NEET.

Strike while the iron is hot, young ones. It's better to regret what you did than what you did not

>> No.11146164

>It's better to regret what you did than what you did not
It's better not to regret in the first place. Don't be so weak. You're 33 years old for fucks sake.

>> No.11146189

Never hold anything from opposite gender. Except mom, yeah. Am I the one, who was sleeping in one bed till 15 y/o?

>> No.11146191

You might be the one.

>> No.11146196

It's easy to say no regrets but when you missed a chance to sample prime 12 year old pussy and didn't because you had no self esteem despite having a million friends... yeah, it's regrettable

>> No.11146207

Is this the crossie thread, or what?

>> No.11146226

This is the crossie board, brah.

We all come here for our OT threads because no one can figure out what Otaku Culture means besides touhou and touhou related merchandise.

As far as we are considerned it's a nice laid back playground when the stress of the 100,000,000+ post boards is too much

>> No.11146228

>actually fucked a girl
That's nothing.

I'm 4 years younger than you and never even had a girlfriend, or some girl interested in me. I've got masters in EE and have a job, not even a NEET. I gave up when I was about 20. If you want a girlfriend, get one soon, or only old stinky shit will be left for you. Hence, I'm left with nothing. It's better not to eat anything than eat shit if you as me.

Kissless Virgin. Anyone?

>> No.11146229
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I hope crossie is short for cross dressing

>> No.11146234

Now I'm even more depressed.

Serves me right for blogging, though.

>> No.11146248

>Kissless Virgin
An older girl forcibly kissed me when I was 8 for laughs. Kinda happy she did.

>> No.11146250

Well to be honest you can still have sex with a 12 year old, but then you'd probably get put in jail and raped to death.

>> No.11146251

You were raped, you should sue her.

>> No.11146258


If it was an older boy kissing a younger girl he would be doing life in prison

>> No.11146275

Maybe in America. I don't think that a ~16 years old boy doing this to 8 years old girl would be given much problem for that... right?

>> No.11146284
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Don't worry. If you were socially awkward enough not to talk to her, she wouldn't have been interested past you saying hello in the first place.

Accept that you're a wizard and deal with it from there.

>> No.11146369

I kissed my girlfriend for the first time exactly a week ago. It was really nice.
