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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11145512 No.11145512 [Reply] [Original]

What do Japanese people think of lolicon?

>> No.11145514

What does the west think of lolicon? There is your answer.

>> No.11145513
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>> No.11145518

This looks shopped.

>> No.11145522

I don't think they see quite eye to eye about it; otherwise, it wouldn't exist.

>> No.11145527

They are trying to get it banned right now .There is almost always some bill in Japan that threatens the lives of lolicons.

>> No.11145534

But that's only a minority of politicians who are heavily influenced by the West. If the majority of them felt the the need to eradicate lolicon, it would have been long gone by now.

>> No.11145562

Lolicon isn't banned in American either. That doesn't mean people like.

>> No.11145565

I'm pretty sure cartoon depictions of underage kids are illegal in the US.

>> No.11145572

Nope, some states have it banned, but there is no big law that bans it in every state.

>> No.11145584

That's obscenity. Nothing outright makes it illegal as anything that does was deemed unconstitutional.

People just make up their own histories and say things.

>> No.11145613

>What do Japanese people think of lolicon?

How the fuck am I supposed to know idiot

>> No.11145625

Because your nerd, you nerd.

>> No.11145907


Federal law, bub.

>> No.11147877

>Shrek musical

>> No.11147908

I dream of a world like this.

>> No.11148057

Actually read what you link.
> US law distinguishes between pornographic images of an actual minor, realistic images that are not of an actual minor, and non-realistic images such as drawings. The latter two categories are legally protected unless found to be obscene, whereas the first does not require a finding of obscenity.
I never send having sex with a child was legal, but lolicon is.

>> No.11148072

>The latter two categories are legally protected unless found to be obscene, whereas the first does not require a finding of obscenity.

Then doesn't that mean the former of the latter two (realistic images that are not of an actual minor) are not legally protected?

Also, for something to be "found to be obscene" doesn't it only require that someone complains about how they're offended by it?

>> No.11148090

It defines obscene literally right there in your original link.

"lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value"

>> No.11148092

>Then doesn't that mean the former of the latter two (realistic images that are not of an actual minor) are not legally protected?

>whereas the first does not require a finding of obscenity.
refers to the first of the three categories, i.e. images of an actual minor.

>Also, for something to be "found to be obscene" doesn't it only require that someone complains about how they're offended by it?
It requires the Miller Test, which is a piece of bullshit, but I don't believe a jury has ever convicted someone of obscenity charges for cartoon porn of children.

>> No.11148098

>I never said having sex with a child was legal, but lolicon is.
"Legal unless found to be obscene" is not "legal." Things are found obscene all the time.

>> No.11148097

That doesn't mean anything at all. I don't know why people keep acting like it does.

>> No.11148101

It means it's as legal as any other pornography.

>> No.11148103

Because US courts say it do, and therefore everybody has to go along with it.

>> No.11148105

Maybe I googled obscene and found its law definition. Anyway, this line might be interesting (From http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Miller+v.+California))

"The companion case of Paris Adult Theatre I v. Slaton, handed down on the same day, ruled that as long as state laws met the Miller test, they could regulate hardcore pornography even if the showing of such pornography was limited to consenting adults."

>> No.11148108

And it's not legal at all, because there's a law on the books criminalizing it.

>> No.11148110

You can declare whatever you want to be obscene, but lolicon is still legal in the US. If the law said pictures of all children including drawings are banned if it is meant to be sexually arousing then lolicon would be illegal in the US. Also can you name a couple things that have been declared obscene in the last 5 years. You can't just go declaring things obscene left and right. A case like that would go to the supreme court.

>> No.11148122
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>> No.11148123

>You can declare whatever you want to be obscene, but lolicon is still legal in the US.
Nobody gives a shit what I declare or you declare, but people do care what 18 USC § 1466A declares, which is that lolicon pornography is illegal.

>A case like that would go to the supreme court.
That's possible, but until such time as the law is overturned, lolicon is illegal.

>> No.11148124
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>> No.11148131
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>> No.11148135
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>> No.11148138

Then why is lolicon legal in the US? You can post lolicon on 4chan which is located in the US and 4chan follows US law. That is why moot does not allow child porn to be posted here.

>> No.11148142
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>> No.11148151
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>> No.11148161
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>> No.11148170
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>> No.11148177

Why is that girl smiling? She should be feeling offended and oppressed by the evil rapist patriarchy!

>> No.11148192

I want to have sex with girls below the breeding age

>> No.11148209

She is a furfag

>> No.11148211

>You can post lolicon on 4chan
Therefore it must be legal. Moot has supplanted Congress as the source of US legal authority. Praise be.

>> No.11148306

I believe the point he was trying to make is that moot will always attempt to cover his own ass, so he wouldn't allow lolicon if he could get thrown in jail because of it.

>> No.11148940

>Shrek musical
Oh my god. This has to be amazing

>> No.11148952

You are an idiot. 4chan follows US law because moot doesn't want to end up in jail.

>> No.11149203

Moot has never explicitly stated that lolicon is allowed on 4chan. He's in the clear.

One of his rules can be interpreted as tacitly supporting the existence of lolicon in /b/, but that's not something he can reasonably be imprisoned for.

>> No.11149217

Yes he has. There was even a loli board. He does not allow anything illegal on /b/ either. You can't post CP or bestiality on /b/ because it is illegal.

Also why would he not be imprisoned for allowing something illegal on his website?

>> No.11154053

I'd assume most Japanese are indifferent to lolicon. Just as if there were ads for smoking, or beer, or guns.

That is simply human nature. We don't really care what others do, as long as it doesn't concern us.

But then there are the handful of people who just need attention. To yell loudly that others are bad, so they can make a statement that they themselves are good.

>> No.11154098
File: 593 KB, 1600x1200, Welcome_to_Rapture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come with meee, and you'll seee.
A world of imagination.
Everyone totly free, with no inhibitiations.

>> No.11154140

>hurf durf its illegal because I said so
you know you can buy a lot of things that are considered "obscene" in perfectly legal ways tight?
It's under the same rules as porn

>> No.11154147

Lolicon is not illegal if the entire justice system is unfounded due to misapplication, inconsistency, and corruption.

>> No.11154160


>Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.

>> No.11154170

> loli board
Didn't he banned loli site-wise (even in /b/) after closing that board, causing loli exodus to 7chon?

>> No.11154208

>What do Japanese people think of

So I take it the janitor doesn't know this meme?

>> No.11154437

But, has anyone been arrested in USA for possession of lolicon manga/doujinshi and only for that?

>> No.11154465

None with a fair trial by jury.

>> No.11154471

The real question is how long can Japan keep up its lax CP laws; it's seriously like a pedo dream country. Last I read, personal possession is fine and sharing it gets you 2 years or so. In the US you would be raped and killed for that shit trying to serve a life term in prison.

Chris Handley got obscenity charges, I think. Loli is pretty safe in the US unless it's really lewd and it's traveling across state lines. You will not be arrested for having loli manga per se.

>> No.11154945

That's because there's nothing just about the American justice system. A lot of it is "we don't like you so we're going to destroy the rest of your life and put you through a living hell" all while the people who have been brainwashed into viewing things they don't like as being nothing but evil cheer on the decision. Real life is a lot like denpa horror, everyone's out of their minds without even realizing it.

>> No.11155006

How do they decide what "really lewd" is? Raped by tentacles? Anal? Just being naked? Wearing a tight swimsuit?

>> No.11155289

>all while the people who have been brainwashed into viewing things they don't like as being nothing but evil cheer on the decision. Real life is a lot like denpa horror, everyone's out of their minds without even realizing it.

The fact that everyone in my family is brainwashed makes me really sad. I don't want to have anything to do with them anymore.

>> No.11155535

She's not murrikan

>> No.11157558

I'm pretty sure all such legal definitions are very conveniently based on what a "normal" person considers "obscene" or "objectionable"...

>> No.11160965

Oh my god I want that marcydog daki in the lower left.
