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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 23 KB, 350x350, ReimuSmirk_3113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11144470 No.11144470[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you're a virgin, right?

>> No.11144473

Of course Reimu!

>> No.11144471


>> No.11144483


W-what's with that malicious smile? Are you some kind of sadist?

>> No.11144485
File: 17 KB, 263x369, hulksad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not a virgin but have only had sex a few times, thereby forfeiting my chance at wizardry
>tfw entering 2nd year of involuntary celibacy

>> No.11144491

Not anymore bitch
*whips out dick*

>> No.11144495

>involuntary celibacy

I read about incel recently, and I was disgusted to hear it was a thing.

>> No.11144497
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Problem with that, twat?

>> No.11144498

I wouldn't be applying to be a miko otherwise

so, have I got the job?

>> No.11144500

Why yes, I am. Why do you ask?

>> No.11144501

>tfw this faggot is on /jp/

Also cut out this "wizardry" bullshit. 90% of men are virgins. You're still a virgin if you fucked anything below "hot". And you know what that means so the overweight drunk bitch you fucked doesn't count, faggot.
It's not men's fault though, women are just too busy to fuck whomever's paying their rent and when they don't do that they brainwash innocent guys into believing they have something they call "feelings".

>> No.11144502

Nope, lost it when I was 15. I regret it now though.

>> No.11144504

Are you one of those girls, who come to lonely guys, to take their virginity from them?

>> No.11144510

careful with all that edginess pal, you might take someone's eye out!

>> No.11144512

Fuck you, you chose to be a miko. Take you sexual frustrations on someone else.

>> No.11144514

That's not how virginity or women work you silly. Are you one of those people who believes everything they read about women on 4chan?

>> No.11144515

I'm helping people get autismbux. You'll look a lot more believable with one eye less.

>> No.11144520


Are you saying 4chan is lying to me about women and their inner workings?

>> No.11144521

Social construct on males, only females can be virgins.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.11144531

I tell people I'm a virgin when I'm not.

Feels good to be male.

>> No.11144534
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those only exist in the mangas

>> No.11144539

Aim for top Wizard!

>> No.11144548
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>> No.11144553

23 and still pure. Want to do something about it?

>> No.11144560
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i only lost my boy virginity i might have my girl virginity forever

>> No.11144562


>> No.11144570

what's the difference between them?

>> No.11144571

Well, obviously. I doubt most people on this site have even interacted with a woman outside of when they were in school, and who isn't their mom (which includes me). It's really funny watching people making up all this silly bullshit about them knowing that they probably haven't even talked to a woman, or are basing it off a single negative experience and assuming everyone else is like that.

A lot of things which are said on this site are false, especially places like /v/ and /g/.

>> No.11144574
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pfft hahaha

>> No.11144575

I actually had a lot of interactions with women (because of my job) and I can tell you 99% of what 4chan says is true. Fuck off, disinfo faget.

>> No.11144584

Well, Tell that to someone whose wife betrayed him with his best friend.
And then divorced him, taking 2 of his children away.
Now he has to pay for her and his "best friend" and the 2 children which he can't even visit.

>> No.11144586

I'm sure both of these are completely true and that all women act the same. Just like how all men act the same, right?

>> No.11144592

No, because men are not like women. We are completely different species. Women are good only for carrying children. At least 99% of them. Scum.

>> No.11144594

>Just like how all men act the same, right?
Yes, they do.

>> No.11144596

i'm not a virgin, but i've never kissed a girl and i've never held hands with a girl before...i've also never had a girlfriend

i'm truly a pathetic person

>> No.11144601

Are male cats completely different species to female cats?

>> No.11144602

No, Anon, you are not. Hold you head high and don't let the female lowlifes dictate your feelings. If you find a girl/woman one day, that's ok, but even if you don't - DON'T SWEAT IT!

>> No.11144604

i have a fetish for women laughing at me. there was a popular girl in highschool who made fun of me for being a nerd. she humiliated me all the time, and i would get really angry, but then fap furiously to the thought of her when i get home

>> No.11144610

Sounds like a typical ero anime where you end fucking the girl.

>> No.11144611

me too. i fantasize about marrying a girl who hates me and treat me like shit.

>> No.11144612

Did you end up raping the girl? Please tell me you manned up in the end.

>> No.11144615

Are you just saying that to make yourself feel better or something son? None of us here are better than anyone, including the average woman. Even they get more things done than us, even things which aren't related to sex.

>> No.11144616

Let lets blame the woman for it, the friend had nothing to do with it.

I actually cheated on my friend with his wife, would be funny if this was you.

>> No.11144618

she would just leave you though, she would hate you and treat you like shit for a few weeks before she just packed up her stuff and left

unless she was a pervert and got off to treating you like shit and your marriage was based off of mutual hatred of each other

>> No.11144619

/r9k pls go

>> No.11144623

I can tell you now, being single is a lot more fun

>> No.11144625

From their perspective, probably. Your example is stupid because both genders of cats are really inferior to the greatness of the human being.

You are delusional. Women are inferior in any aspect. And on top of it they are not good at anything. Sure there are exceptions, but they just prove the rule. Don't lump me with the losers.

>> No.11144627

Some times when i read threads like this, i see the cute anime drawings and i ask my self what if i had a girlfriend? but then i see photos of real woman and i remember why.

>> No.11144632
File: 14 KB, 229x220, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i just wished that she would pick on me more and give me more attention. there was a time i purposely walked near her and her hot slut friends, and they all said mean things to me. i fell in love with her

>> No.11144633

>le 3dpd meme
Fuck off, you are mentally damaged if you think 2d anything is attractive. Do get your head checked, you sick nerd.

>> No.11144635

Go get NTR'd.

>> No.11144637

What do girls get when they turn 30 as a virgin?

>> No.11144638

Your superiority complex and being on 4chan places you right in with "those losers". You're no better than any man or woman, just like the rest of us here. We're garbage.

>> No.11144639

You're literally more boring than daily dose spammers and the loli guy.

>> No.11144645

Was socially active before my personality disorder kicked in. I can tell you that it's true.
If I didn't put enough time into my appearance those women wouldn't look at me.
If I wasn't popular enough those women wouldn't look at me.
You can add money in but at high school most aren't making millions. But as women need someone to pay their rent money becomes more important.

And wait you just said that includes you, so why should your uninformed opinion be valued more than another anon's?

True fucking story. Heard it way too much time. Ever noticed how perfect romance is always in the movies, but people always say movies don't represent reality. Do a 1+1.

>> No.11144646

>hurr I will not refute his argument but will attack him instead
Typical nerd loser behaviour. Go crawl to your holes, worms.

>> No.11144649

They become saints of the holy church of Catholicism.

Also reminder that if you are not Catholic you are an edgy revel protestant that will burn in hell.

>> No.11144648

Nothing. ;_;

>> No.11144650

A dozen cats.

>> No.11144651

Fascinating. Is you're so much better than "whores and people on 4chan" why are you even here? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.11144652

so beta

>> No.11144654

Because I like the place maybe? Duh.

>> No.11144655

Typical fujoshit. Go back to dumblr and post crap about how great free is and how skimpy the clothes are on the closest store to you.

>> No.11144657

So you would rather believe something false/boosts your self esteem over something reasonable? Well, okay I guess.

Do you think those greentext stories outside of /jp/ are true most of the time then?

>> No.11144658

Another retard showed up. Your post doesn't even make sense, dumbshit. I don't watch anime, nor do I engage in gayshit like you do.

>> No.11144664

Shitting the place up is no way to treat a site you enjoy visiting.

>> No.11144668

The only one shitting up the place is you, beta virgin. If you actually had some intellect and social activity then you would agree with me and resent the female scum.

The true stories are easy to spot.

>> No.11144665

Nah, he's probably from /r9k/ or /v/.

>> No.11144667

Post your truth. You're only saying how everything from my point of view is supposedly wrong. So explain your point.

Super refuting there pal. My penis just went backwards, now I have a pussy.

>> No.11144669


>> No.11144673

Everyone can tell I'm a virgin
I've been asked about it several times, usually by women. Men sort of ask in a roundabout way "have you ever had a girlfriend?"

Girls are also much more malicious when it comes to it. Since I'm a virgin the women at my old job would treat me like a child and I never got any respect around there.

They despise virgin males for whatever reason, if you actually want to lose it I suggest you lie when asked.

>> No.11144674

>Everyone can tell I'm a virgin
How? And why the fuck would they ask about it? Tell them to fuck off.

>> No.11144679

You never been asked, have you? If you tell them to fuck off you have to either be a superalpha male to pull it off or you will be discovered instantly.

>> No.11144677

Virgin males are anti-life. It's as simple as that.

>> No.11144680

Probably because I don't talk about normalfag shit.

And if you refuse to answer then it makes it seem like you feel guilty about it, which makes it worse.

>> No.11144682

No one's ever asked me if I'm a virgin out in the real world, no. And I can't picture a situation I would be in where anyone would.

>> No.11144684

I'm sure you're doing a great job posting this fantastic otaku culture content.

>> No.11144683

>which makes it worse

>> No.11144685

Normals simply know these kind of things, last week my co-workers asked if I had ever had a girlfriend.

>> No.11144687

I had a girlfriend in elementary school.

>> No.11144691

Virginity is absolutely an otaku culture. Get back to /b/ already and stay there for good.

>> No.11144693

If normals think they have your weak spot they'll attack it relentlessly

>> No.11144697

Just tell them you have a small penis.

>> No.11144698

No, but doesn't matter anymore, I am no longer interested. I get horny if I get high though.

I feel bad for people that are not, and want to. Its really pathetic.

4chan and their early "TITS OR GTFO" mentality attracted many socially retarded nerds who hate women just because they could not date them.

If a man does something wrong it is expected because they never liked society at all, and were social outcasts, but if a woman does something bad, it is suddenly the holocaust again.

It ruins your reputation. It is one of those things everybody should have done at least once, just like drinking, smoking, and filled your own taxes.
Next time, you just say "what's up with that gay shit dog, you hitting on me or something? Nah, you ain't poping my butt cherry, I am used goods!" They will stop talking to you for being both gay and politically incorrect.

>> No.11144699

But that's true for us too, if we find out some trip-person did something shameful we'll pick up on them for eternity.

>> No.11144701

Not that much for males, really. They tend to sympathize with you because they were (are) in your situation as well. Women however will look on you as if you are a piece of garbage. Despicable.

>> No.11144702

If you aren't a virg you don't belong in /jp/, simple as that

>> No.11144703

I'm sure it is friend.

>> No.11144704

>just like drinking, smoking, and filled your own taxes
I'm 26 and I haven't done any of these.

>> No.11144705

You are missing out, except for the taxes part.

>> No.11144708

Calling attitude problems weak spots is kind of imaginative.

>> No.11144709

Yeah you're right
Every time a male knew he seemed to get it in his head that I was desperate to get laid. One tried hooking me up with coworkers, even to the point of trying to get me to go drink with them.

Another guy pretty much spelled out that he would let me fuck his fiance but I'm not really into cuckolding.

>> No.11144710

I stopped talking to people a long time ago so I don't have to worry about that any more. I used to get bullied in high school for not having a boyfriend though and it was some of the worst time in my life.

>> No.11144715

I decided both drinking and smoking would be too expensive early on. There are better things to spend money on, things that you'll have for a few years. Like figurines, anime, manga, and doujin.

>> No.11144713

Is he though

>> No.11144721


did you go to some homo san francisco highschool?

>> No.11144724

An all-gay school? I imagine that would be hard.

>> No.11144728

are you a virg

>> No.11144726

No silly, you are talking to a girl. :3

>> No.11144730

Cute panties, dude.

>> No.11144732

It was probably these antisocial nerds trying to hit on you, but they were so bad at it it ended up as bullying.

How can you not fill your own taxes, that just makes you a manchild. I can understand the other two because you cared about your body, and you can get away with virginity if you are a Religious person I guess.

Knowing the basic mathematics to do your own taxes is needed to be a productive member of society, people like you is why we have a bad economy in america.

>> No.11144734

Why yes, I am. Now let's not derail the thread with my persona,

>> No.11144735

/b/ please go

>> No.11144739

thanks for the normalfag opinion on things

I can help you with that
btw I'm not a girp

>> No.11144742 [DELETED] 

>people like you is why we have a bad economy in america.
I'm not american, and I earn to little so "I don't pay taxes", at least not directly.

>> No.11144746

Honey you're on 4chan. What are you expecting? Getting reasonable responses? Take it from me, it's a lot easier just saying you're gay rather than admitting you're a girl here.

>> No.11144750

As long as you don't start saying "dude" thinking it makes you sound more male I guess

>> No.11144756


>> No.11144758

No, a real normalfag would look down on you for not drinking, smoking, and not having sex.

You are wasting time on /jp/ rather than not learning how to do your own taxes, you need to check your priorities, basic math is needed as an adult. You are just asking for people to steal money from you.

Oh. nevermind I guess?

>> No.11144761

shut up whores

>> No.11144767

>Oh. nevermind I guess?
I thought you were quoting me, sorry.

>> No.11144768

>basic math is needed as an adult
Why do I need to know how to do taxes when I stay in my room. My mom doesn't tax me.

>> No.11144771

On this subject, you know how whenever a Touhou Socks Book by Usotsukiya (also the Pee Book artist), there's always lots of zombies demanding "SOOOOOOOCKS WHERE? SOOOOOOOCKS~"

Well you should all band together too for Touhou Pee Book 2! "PISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"

>> No.11144772

You do realise you're on /jp/, right?

>> No.11144775

It was a convent. Everyone else would meet up with their boyfriends at lunch break or hang out with boys after school but I always just went straight home. Sometimes I feel like I was the only one there who actually followed what they thought us about about relationships.

What do you think?

>> No.11144778

How many socks books are out there? I still haven't read any of them, but they look really well made.

>> No.11144779

I was having a few beers with a couple of friends, I don't mind socializing with the few friends that I have, but this night was different. Some girls I went on holiday with a few years back came 'round and joined us whilst we had some drinks and a few shots.
As the night progressed we had all become a little tipsy, and so we started playing a few games (the classic "spin the bottle" in this case).
Altogether there was about 7 of us; including me, 4 guys and 3 girls. The spin the bottle game soon became more flirty, suggestive, and very lewd. The girls began to strip, make out with each other and soon crawled onto the guys, except for me as I was pretty secluded as the events unfolded. I could see the guys having a good time, laughing and kissing the girls on the neck. With that the girls attention soon focused on me, then out of nowhere they questioned if I was a virgin.
I have to admit I was pretty drunk, so I simply answered "I'm not going to lie, but yeah, I'm a virgin"
With that the 3 girls lept onto me, screaming "That's so cute!" and "Aww Anon I never knew!".
I made out with all 3 of them, I then did shots out of their bellybuttons. For the rest of the night they teased me, brought me beers and felt me up. It was pretty damn awesome.
Too bad I got too drunk and threw up in my Dads favourite plant pot, ate a full raw onion and collapsed in my sisters bed bollock naked.

All in all there's nothing wrong with being a wizard /jp/, I hope you enjoyed my blog post. (´・ω・`)

>> No.11144782

>All in all there's nothing wrong with being a wizard /jp/
Sou nan desu ka?

>> No.11144783


The normalfag general is two threads down

>> No.11144784

I'm glad you had a good time.

>> No.11144785

Please be reasonable. Why would you pay 50 dollars more on a figurine than it is worth it? If you know basic math you can afford more figurines with the same amount of money.

>> No.11144787

Are you Scottish?

>> No.11144796

Nice dream, its not blogging if it never happened.

>> No.11144799
File: 93 KB, 883x800, epu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11144803

I like it when you overhear normals having a discussion about virgins and how much they hate them.

Some don't even believe virgins beyond the age of 20 exist outside of religious communities.

>> No.11144806

I want to take a /jp/sie's mouth virginity!

>> No.11144808

>mouth virginity
You just want a blowjob, don't you?

>> No.11144816

No, I want a cute /jp/ to give me a lewd blowjob because he's eager to taste his first cock!

>> No.11144817

What if it's one you really really want?

>> No.11144818


>> No.11144824



>> No.11144835

Yes. But I have sucked my penis as well as touched it so I'm not completely pure.

>> No.11144833

You can find the same one on various websites.

Unless there is only one, there is no reason to pay more for another one of the same quality.

>> No.11144848

>But I have sucked my penis as well
Must be good having such a flexible body.

>> No.11144853

My penis is too small for that. I'm a bit jealous.

>> No.11144856

