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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11135177 No.11135177[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What VN/Touhou are you playing/fapping to today?

I'm going to try and drown out the sound of fireworks while trying to finally 1cc SA on lunatic. Wish me luck. Orin will be the death of me. this is not a stealth neet thread

>> No.11135178

fireworks? what?
it's still 2013

>> No.11135189


In burgerland everyone shoots off fireworks on july 4th.

>> No.11135190

my neighbors were arrested as terrorists for setting off sparklers

the cops searched my house for any sparklers too, but thankfully i flushed them in time

>> No.11135193

Today is the day America won over the alien invaders you commie fuck.

>> No.11135203

i started danganronpa but some turbonerd spoiled it in another thread here so now i dont feel like playing anymore

>> No.11135205

Maybe you should have played it before reading threads about it.

>> No.11135206

Things like that are inevitable when the english-only crowd gets to things, just learn japanese already.

>> No.11135216


i am lerning japanese but spent months on heisig before switching to vocab, now its gonna take atleast another year for me to be elite nihongo speaker enough to read more than kuso moege

>> No.11135220

I wanted to play VNs, but I can't when the idiots across the street from me shoot off massive fireworks. I am probably going to spend my time screaming at the kids across the street through my window and calling the cops.

>> No.11135225

Why do you hate freedom so much?

>> No.11135231

I hate obnoxious idiots setting off fireworks until 2 in the morning.

>> No.11135235

I call the cops on my neighbors every year for shooting off 'illegal' fireworks(ones that leave the ground) because I live in a suburb where they are illegal.

>> No.11135242


My neighbors set our fence on fire with their fireworks a while back. It wasn't even a special occasion, they're just redneck pyromaniacs. Theres still a burn mark and large hole in the fence but they haven't done anything about it. I can't wait til one of them shoots an m80 up their ass. It may happen soon hopefully.

>> No.11135243

They are illegal here too, but the cops give some leeway on the Fourth of July. If you call in enough they will usually do something.

>> No.11135256

Considering fapping to Aya today. What is /jp/'s opinion on that?

>> No.11135260

Sweet surprise bars
Blogshitting faggot

>> No.11135264

Fuck off /a/.

>> No.11135272



>> No.11135282
File: 27 KB, 238x329, 1370337232849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a good deed;
killl a NEET.

>> No.11135288
File: 81 KB, 200x100, yuuko-usrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm definitively not leaving my house.

>> No.11135304
File: 171 KB, 922x450, 1364430762254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11135529

I just finished into a holey sock and then threw it the garbage. I'm drinking pabst blue ribbon and listening to touhou jazz naked now.

>> No.11137401

頑張って Opさん

>> No.11137417


>> No.11137439

Is this the NEET thread?

>> No.11137468


yes. please don't ruin it by shitposting or talking about your job or your educational training. thank you.

>> No.11137487

I'm playing Steins;Gate.

>> No.11137490

Are you pulling my leg?

>> No.11137525

Man, today was hectic. I had all these really hard exams at uni and right afterward I had to do a 6 hour shift at work! Good thing I hit the clubs with my bros when I was finished to wind own. Now to snuggle in bed with my girlfriend :D

>> No.11137541


Does anyone have a save for Kurisu Route? I really don't want to backtrack the walkthrough and get something wrong again.

>> No.11137565

Any suggestions on what I should play next? This is my first VN.
I'm thinking Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.11137600

Do play KS. Even if some people do overreact about it, I'd say it's pretty good.

>> No.11137625

And after that?

>> No.11137641


KS a shit. Read Sharin no Kuni.

You won't ever have to play another VN again (except the fandisc).

>> No.11137647

Reading both

>> No.11137664


Please come back in a few months and tell us how they compare.

>> No.11137669


>> No.11137672


read snk first, its a summer vn

>> No.11137687


Its not going to take more than a month to play both if you do atleast an hour a day.

>> No.11137706


if you want to clear all routes then yes it will, even if you do go full autist and read for a whole day you should still take time to process what you're reading or you'll forget every thing

>> No.11137709

How long will S;G take?

>> No.11137732


Just play muv-luv instead.

>> No.11137743


>> No.11137795


Why not?

MLA is the Highest Rated VN of All-Time™

>> No.11137814
File: 172 KB, 778x1085, 1372236474102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone linked a really cute otaku girl on here. It looked like it was from a game. Does anyone know her name?

She had:
-small breasts
-long red/brown hair with short bangs and long side bangs
-white skin

It was a picture of her saying she wasnt afraid of showing off her breasts, or something. I think she had on a kimono, and again it looked like it was from a game screenshot. I regret not saving it. Who was the character? Kind of looked like op's pic.

>> No.11137815

I heard it was shit from one of my friends... though he was talking about the anime...
Hell, I might.

>> No.11137822


Anywhere from 1 week to 40 years.

>> No.11137832
File: 63 KB, 873x564, 1371304974377[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image? It's Mir from Ar Tonelico.

>> No.11137842

You rock. Yes, thank you

>> No.11137873

could someone remake the animal crossing thread please

>> No.11137889

Make an otaku 3DS thread

>> No.11137904

but im shy! could you please do it for me

>> No.11137906


>> No.11137935


SA Update: Satori killed me over and over again and then I bombed her to hell then that fucking cat killed me and then I threw up all my spaghetti and quit ヽ(;▽;)ノ

>> No.11137969

Just finished Lily's Route in Katawa Shoujo.
I-i...its... wow. I expected to fap to disabled girls when i started this VN, i didn't expect this feels goddmanit ;_;

>> No.11137976

bumping so everyone can see this crossboarder

>> No.11137992

there have been like 1000 threads about it on /vg/

go there it is your true home

>> No.11138008

thank you /jp/er, i didn't know about it before

>> No.11138062

In the end I didn't fap at all so I have a lot of cum saved up.

What should I fap to, /jp/?

>> No.11138067


>> No.11138127 [SPOILER] 
File: 196 KB, 800x600, 14625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying to fap to this

>> No.11138149

How is it going?

>> No.11138169

Why don't you try it on your own?

>> No.11138193

I'll give it a go. Have you been enjoying it?

>> No.11139661
File: 18 KB, 820x149, banana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people browsing /jp/ who still haven't beaten SA Lunatic. Wow.

>> No.11139683

A month? What the fuck, that's slow as hell. I got my SA Lunatic 1cc in about five days of light practice.

>> No.11139699

Got it on first try, STEP IT UP SCRUBS!!

>> No.11139705

olol scrubs still mad cause they got that slowbrain syndrome

>> No.11139719

Why do I feel like I've seen that posting style on /jp/ before?

>> No.11139731

You are fucking retarded.

>> No.11139734

Fuck off to the /vg/ thread.

>> No.11139740

Starless. Answers questions I didn't even know I had.

>> No.11139751

i made a friend kill himself by saying that he had slowbrain syndrome after destroying him in pofv and melty blood with no practice. he always talked about how much practice it took him to get where he was.

rip in piece

>> No.11139771

I got my SA Lunatic 1cc my first try while blindfolded and using only my feet.

>> No.11139792

What the fuck, don't bullshit me, SA is one of the hardest games on lunatic when you get things that are literally impossible like Yamame's 1st non.

>> No.11139822

We... aren't bullshitting you. Everybody in the West has already 1CC'd SA on Lunatic. You're still living in 2005-2010 when everybody was still terrible at these games, everybody instantly became god tier survival players going into 2011.

Even I was able to 1cc SA Lunatic in the very beginning of 2011. Why? I don't fucking know!
