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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11131953 No.11131953[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ did you ever tried the way back to society?
I am starting uni again in a couple months after being neet and somewhat hikki for a whole year, which actually felt more like 3 months. I actually lost about 40 pounds while doing this since I just ate one meal a day and only drank tap water but It feels like my atention while working also decreased. I can't comprehend longer texts anymore without forgetting what I was reading. I mostly have to read lines a couple times to realise what I was reading. Does this problem vanish after time or do I have to look for profesional help?
I hate it to bother doctors for my shit though.

>> No.11131986

I read something about this a while back, something about the internet actually decreasing people's attention spans, which makes sense I guess. The internet is instant ADD.
Just don't try to take it all in at once. If you need to read something or study something do it in pieces. If you feel your attention starting to wander or you realize you're thinking of other things or you're just plain tired, stop. Do something else.
>one mean a day
This may be part of your problem. You may be trying to lose weight, but this is not healthy. If you don't give the body and your brain the fuel it needs, of course you're going to have trouble focusing. Drinking a lot of water is good, but rather than eating drastically less you should be watching WHAT you eat, and smaller portions if you have to. Otherwise you're starving not just your body, but your brain.
If you want to take those steps back into society, it's not something you can just do overnight. Work at it. Do it properly.

>> No.11131997

>I can't comprehend longer texts anymore without forgetting what I was reading.
Get a prescription for ritalin or something, that's no way of living, son.

>> No.11132018

I'm going to write an article called "5 Reasons Why your Posts Should be Greentext Instead of Prose".

>> No.11132017

> for a whole year

Good for you though.

>> No.11132041

I may have explained it a bit wrong, while reading texts I tend to lose my concentration. I see the words and read the words but they wont connect to a sentence in sense. I just read loose words, Iose the sense. I thinks its a ADD problem but isn't this something only kids and teens have? I feel a bit stupid to waltz up to the doc and ask for treatment with a age of 21.

>> No.11132082


>I can't comprehend longer texts anymore without forgetting what I was reading.

What, isn't this normal? I don't think I've ever been able to read a line without having to re-read it several times to fully comprehend it.

>> No.11132212
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>I feel a bit stupid to waltz up to the doc and ask for treatment with a age of 21

You go to a psychologist, you tell him that you spent a year out of uni because you can't focus and shit, then tell about your aspergers and being hyperactive also that your parents didn't believe in psychologists so your problem never got diagnosed, if you have try to hide schizoid traits, if you don't fuck up somewhere soon you'll have enough pills to read 600 pages books in 3 sittings (although doesn't mean that you'll understand em' fully)
