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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11129940 No.11129940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone has suggestion on how to learn quickly japanese? Maybe I search wrong, but I can only find partial training, that just leave me confused at the end, and in my city there's nothing like a linguistic school. Pic unrelated

>> No.11129947

>/jp/ != JaPan


>> No.11129953


>> No.11129957

/a/ is for anime and manga, this is for otaku culture. Learning something is culture, so this request fits more here

>> No.11129962


>> No.11129959

IDK I started a couple days ago.

Go DL Remebing the Kana/Kanji

Learn Hirigana then Katakana then move onto words and Do you kanji reps everyday. You can learn hirigana in 1 week then katakana the next, its slow as dicks but after a month you should be pretty happy with were you are at.

I use Rosetta / Japanese Pod 101 (theres a torrent on piratebay) / and namasensei (its fun i guess, theres a torrent on /t/) for learning spoken words/phrases and grammar.

>> No.11129966

>Learning something is culture, so this request fits more here

This is not the culture board, see >>>/int/

>> No.11129974
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More importantly, Gay-ON airs in around 2 hours.

>> No.11129975

What can I say, just... thanks

>> No.11129979


>> No.11129983

all these fujoshi masturbating violently during this exact moment

>> No.11129988

Those quotes are hilariousy cheesy.

>> No.11129992

The blondie is going to be my favorite, I can tell.

>> No.11129990

Also know as the worst possible place for any person learning japanese
The fact that they recommend kanjidamage just proves those threads are nothing but trolls

>> No.11129993

Watch anime without subs nerd.

>> No.11129994

>still struggling with kanji
top lel

Yeah, we know that you're homosexual and all, you don't have to mention it.

>> No.11129996

This is not Japanese culture dumb ass.

>> No.11129997

who are you greening

>> No.11129999

le epic /jp/ memez :DDD

>> No.11130000
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>> No.11130001

but I'm not struggling with kanji but KanjiDamage is just awful for any person actually trying to learn it

>> No.11130003


>> No.11130007

The threads are awesome though. Every question gets answered. Usually.

>> No.11130013

>Every question gets answered. Usually.
By trolls most of the time, their IRC is better if you actually have questions but I still hate the fact that they tell people to use kanjidamage on their official guide.

>> No.11130015

The IRC is dead. It's only worth going there for the XDCC bot.

>> No.11130015,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is gonna be great.

>> No.11130020

/jp/ - Low level discussion, what methods to use etc.
/a/ - Low to mid level discussion, can occasionally be high.
/lang/ - Primarily mid to high level only.

>> No.11130021

They mention other methods as well and advice people to try for themselves which one is the best. But yeah, they seem to favor Kanjidamage.

>> No.11130023

>tfw /jp/ sucks at everything they do

>> No.11130041

i liek eet

>> No.11130044

I'd only not recommend KD because they teach you onyomi. Outside of that, and some strange meanings the author atributes to some kanji, it's an ok method. I'd priorize RTK though.

>> No.11130049

>tfw /jp/ is only good at shitposting

>> No.11130050

Unlike /a/, right /b/reh'? :D LOL

>> No.11130053

If we could contain all language related stuff in one thread, and always keep it running, I'm sure we'd get more quality discussions here as well. But we can't. We're too small. Just redirect like this >>11129953 And keep shitting up new threads.

>> No.11130054

>tfw /a/ is more otaku than you'll ever be

>> No.11130057

Yeah, let's restrict all discussions to a single thread, so that we can have awful circlejerks in one place and deserted wastelands of shitposting in another.

>> No.11130063

LOL that's epic bro, epic for teh winz!<>TDW

>> No.11130060

Sounds good to me. /jp/ is too pleb for it either way so it's not going to happen.

>> No.11130062

Please go away.

>> No.11130064

lel low powerlevel detected :^)

>> No.11130065

It'd be better than having these awful threads pop up every day. But it's not going to happen anyway.

>> No.11130066
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Everyone shut up and let the thread die already. This is gay as heck.

>> No.11130067

2D/Random/Shitpost/Imgdump, it's all the same shit on /jp/, ya know.

>> No.11130078

And summer is just starting, it won't get any better.

>> No.11130094

Anki is pretty good.

>> No.11130104

You're too late. Everyone's already learned and you won't be able to catch us up

>> No.11130102

We obviously don't like it either, since we're saging it to oblivion lol
