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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 99 KB, 700x720, 1370742450848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11126959 No.11126959[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You're masturbating to little girls getting tortured mutilated raped and tortured! of course no one is going to give an argument why that makes you are horrible person. If you can't understand how that makes you a horrible person and need someone to explain it to you that only makes you a even more horrible person. Seriously, hack your own legs off. Seems you're so dense nothing sort of someone coming to your house to rape and torture you would make you understand whats wrong with it. Yeah you're still a fucking sick horrible person on multiple levels so keep that shit to yourself.

guro IS sick. As I said, saying using burden of proof only means you can't defend your position. There's no 'burden of proof' when you're stating a cold hard fact. If anything 'the burden of proof' rests on you. It's pretty much unanimously agreed upon around the workd that torturing raping and murdering little girls is seriously fucked up (unless you're in a country that's pretty fucked up in itself). yet here you are claiming it's not. Go to your local mall for a day and ask random people if they think masturbating to little girls getting tortured mutilated raped tortured and murdered is sick or wrong. I seriously doubt you'll find a single person who says it's not.

Just accept you're into some fucked up shit and keep it to yourself. How many times do I have to say it before you'll understand? It's a ridiculous simple concept.

If you don't think there's anything wrong with little girls getting tortured mutilated raped and tortured, what DO you think is wrong or sick?

>> No.11126975
File: 52 KB, 397x554, 1302993995315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yui doesn't like stuff like that

>> No.11126983
File: 1.58 MB, 1020x1042, [AnimeNOW] Plastic Nee-san (BD 1920x1080 10-bit x264 FLAC) [E52D4BF9].mkv_snapshot_19.48_[2013.05.09_03.12.13].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ni66a u exbect me 2 read all dat shit?

>> No.11126989
File: 54 KB, 720x480, [HiNA-Wasurenai] Hen Zemi OAD - 01 [DVD H264 720x480 AAC] [4D6E7992].mkv_snapshot_17.03_[2010.09.12_20.10.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't think there's anything wrong with little girls getting tortured mutilated raped and tortured, what DO you think is wrong or sick?

There's only one thing that I feel is wrong.

>> No.11127004

Why torturing and murdering children is bad should be self evident. As such I'm not sure how to explain to you how it's bad. Not understanding whats wrong with it already shows me you have no sense of morality so I can't appeal to that. For all I know you might be someone who enjoys cutting yourself so I'm not even sure if I can get you to understand how pain is a bad thing. This feels like trying to convince a psychopathic mass murdered that what he's doing is wrong. I can't explain to you how a self evident truth is wrong if there's nothing to compare or contrast it to. You still haven't told me what you think is wrong. Explaining to someone who doesn't understand what is wrong with torturing mutilating and murdering children, what is wrong with it would be like explaining color to a blind person. If you can't see whats wrong with it, nothing I or anyone else can say will ever change that.

>> No.11127014

I don't care what you think. I'm going to masturbate to what I like.

>> No.11127034

That was a good thread.

>> No.11127053

Define "sick"

isn't it relative ;)

>> No.11127098
File: 420 KB, 790x720, 1366237430093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like guro, w-what should i do?

>> No.11127104
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, 1320408060120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sense of morality

Nice pasta though. Still you love you Yui.

>> No.11127131

Listen we're talking about guro here. Guro is not stomping on goombas, guro is not loli, guro is not marijuana, guro is not piracy, guro is not a car, guro is not your keyboard, guro is not a tree, guro is not a hammer, guro is not a fish, guro is not Bacon, guro is not a subway car, guro is not your living room TV, guro is not your couch, guro is not the paint on your walls, guro is not a fan, guro is not an IRC channel, guro is not your high score in pong, guro is not a cash register, guro is not Chinese food, guro is not a submarine, guro is not beer, guro is not a duck, guro is not summer, guro is not winter, guro is not a slinky, guro is not a transformer, guro is not a catchup packet, guro is not a teapot, guro is not a lightbulb, guro is not your medication, guro is not an accordion, guro is not a church, guro is not a snake, guro is not a taco, guro is not a lemon, guro is not a balloon, guro is not a hat, guro is not a banana, guro is not a giant robot, guro is not a magic spell, guro is not your sense of fashion, guro is not a brick, guro is not a stand up comedian, guro is not a roll of string, guro is not a toy monkey, guro is not a crow, guro is not a dragon, guro is not wine barrel, guro is not a sword, guro is not a videogame, guro is not a swimsuit, guro is not the moon, guro is not your neighbor's fucking dog. guro is guro. Guro is the act of brutally and mercilessness torturing raping and murdering people who are usually children. Nothing else has anything to do with this. Get that through your think skull already. What I or anyone else is, partakes in, or enjoys, does not change what guro is at all.
Unless you can defend Guro without Ad hominems or attacking unrelated things in general just shut the fuck up already for your own good, you're only making yourself look like more demented.

Are you really so desperate to get into arguments with people on the internet that you'd actually defend guro... by criticizing the people who don't like it?

>> No.11127145
File: 399 KB, 800x800, Who's the strongest now you little bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11127158

dam man u browse cool boards too :)))
