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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11126768 No.11126768[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you like the vidya gaems?

>> No.11126772


>> No.11126786

I'm getting angry at one. I hate these Aquans.

>> No.11126795
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i cant afford

>> No.11126805
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>buying games

>> No.11126823
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no bully

>> No.11126828

Yeah, I played Blops 2 for a couple hours today.

>> No.11126831

I want to play Dragon's Crown with jaypee

>> No.11126839

I bought one called "gunpoint"

I never realized I had to pay for flash games in today's world...

>> No.11126858

I'd frig the SHIT outta her.

>> No.11126866
File: 439 KB, 600x489, BIp91cVCIAAioWv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls are nasty.
I only play games with all men casts.

>> No.11126887
File: 139 KB, 533x688, Drink Marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yidya gaems are for losers and kids. Gentlemen play /tg/ board games

>> No.11126892
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All video games are a dumb waste of time for kids.
I can waste my time way better with masturbating or watching anime.

>> No.11126906

I like doing funny builds in Dota 2 (Like going agh's doombringer and eating a purge creep for the slow) but I'm otherwise kind of tired of games.

>> No.11126918

I hate them but I still waste all my time playing them

>> No.11126915
File: 214 KB, 500x700, 1353552454423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any mmo here

>> No.11126924

Gross I can smell you from here.

>> No.11126922
File: 597 KB, 833x1000, 1344420772435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like videogame soundtracks and nerding out over hardware. I don't actually really like playing them much anymore outside of a small handful of games.

>> No.11126928

I played realm reborn but it was awful and boring and got bored after a day. Runescape is still the best mmo.

>> No.11126929
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x720, sad jaypee feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I miss Space Cowboys Online and pre-schism HellMOO.

Original Planetside was also fantastic. It seems like all recent MMOs are fucking shit.

I hope DayZ Standalone will be good.

>> No.11126930


Ah this boss is way too hard. I heard of having 2 or 3 final forms but not a 10 round endurance match.

>> No.11126940
File: 4 KB, 416x142, runescape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11126951

Didn't play any for several months, but lately got the mood for it again. Playing through Thief 2 and the Witcher right now.

>> No.11126962



I didn't know anyone else on the planet played this


>> No.11126969

how long till people start innovating for mmos again

>> No.11126974

When WoW dies.

>> No.11126980

I'll die before WoW dies

>> No.11126991

So does that mean if I kill you, WoW might die sooner?

>> No.11126997

when the game market crashes

new games will crawl out of the rubble and ruins of the old and we can begin anew

>> No.11127009


>> No.11127010

Is Remember Me otaku culture?

>> No.11127018

wow is already dead

soon the english will learn what the Asians did about mmo sub fees

>> No.11127024

That was pretty good.

Not being able to skip cutscenes on my second playthrough made me want to die though.

>> No.11127068
File: 51 KB, 848x718, 1368700436531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to capture the flag for jaypee.

>> No.11127073

Capture THIS flag!

*whips out dick*

>> No.11127139

Why is /v/ the worst board and why does anyone still go there?

>> No.11127192

Yes, I am JRPG otaku

>> No.11127195

any aoe 3 otak here

>> No.11127213

Are there any good multiplayer/co-op games that /jp/ would like to play together?
