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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11122359 No.11122359 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think we are going to get a 3rd loli vampire in windows Touhou?

These things seem to be printing money. And ZUN has a family now.

>> No.11122366

Nah, I don't see it happening.

>> No.11122369

They are not printing money for him.

>> No.11122375
File: 188 KB, 420x600, Corin Charite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really?

Remilia`s cousin said so.

>> No.11122397


I guess that brewery bought itself.

>> No.11122402

>green hair

No. Just... no.

>> No.11122404

Shinobu is the best

>> No.11122414

Shinobu a Garbage shit

>> No.11122430

I like how pretty much all loli vampires are the same character with just slightly different looks.

>> No.11122443

Taking about ZUN and his family, what will happen if he has a child and she's a girl? I wonder what kind of woman she'll become.

>> No.11122451


He's going to dress her like a touhou.

>> No.11122470
File: 47 KB, 188x313, Th06Reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will be a shrine maiden.

>> No.11122506
File: 198 KB, 724x1023, Corincharitte1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because blonde vampires is too mainstream.

>> No.11122528
File: 329 KB, 850x1112, sample_936a27541ef415cd312e4bd9f8e938e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not like they need to be blonde.

>> No.11122535

It would be interesting to what her name is.
I wonder if the 2hu community would consider her one.

>> No.11122660

Vampires seem to be the most popular species so we'll probably see more of them.

We already have a couple of Onis or Tengus after all. No reason not to add more vampires.

>> No.11122683

>We already have a couple of Onis or Tengus after all. No reason not to add more vampires.
Uhh, idk, maybe because there is a shitload of other japanese mythology he could cover?

>> No.11122689


Vampires aren't Japanese mythology. They were imported from the West's superior mythos.

>> No.11122722

How is that relevant?

>> No.11122724


New crews from recent games are not very popular.

Nothing guarantees popularity like a loli vamp.

>> No.11122762


Because you said vampires are Japanese mythology, and you're wrong.

>> No.11122773

When did the post say that?

>> No.11122782


>No reason not to add more vampires.
>maybe because there is a shitload of >>other japanese mythology<< he could cover?
>"other japanese mythology"

Foot into mouth, kiddo.

>> No.11122806

Get a life.

>> No.11122819

How long did it take you to quote all those posts?

>> No.11122816
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>> No.11122822

>We already have a couple of Onis or Tengus after all
>We already have a couple of Onis or Tengus after all
>We already have a couple of Onis or Tengus after all

>> No.11122823

Vampires aren't a "Western" myth, they're from Eastern Europe.

>> No.11122826

Vampires are present in all civilizations , nerd.

>> No.11122840


not really

>> No.11122845

Wasn't Japan the only nation that didn't come up with a Dragon-like creature?

>> No.11122886

Well, everyone associates magical foxes with Japan and that was an imported concept as well, so who cares.

>> No.11127586


What about that whole dragon god palace thing?

>> No.11127591

Why not just go out and get a loli girlfriend?

>> No.11127637


>> No.11127650

You won't go to jail for simply having a loli girlfriend. You go to jail if you try to have sex with her.

>> No.11127678

They would find some legal loophole to jail you.

>> No.11127681

You wouldn't be able to touch her inappropriately either. No second base. Probably not first either, although that's not strictly illegal.

>> No.11127819

>You wouldn't be able to touch her inappropriately either.

What's your point?

>> No.11127826

What kind of girlfriend is a girlfriend you can't touch like that?

>> No.11127861

You go to jail only if someone reports you, get your facts straight.

>> No.11127873

You that will happen eventually.

>> No.11127881

What, are you implying a relationship is all about the sexual and nothing else?
You can totally have a wonderful relationship with nothing more than cuddling and gentle, non-sexual caressing. Stop being obsessed with sex.

>> No.11127903

That still might be considered child annoyance. It's the misdemeanor version of molestation.

>> No.11127907

A loli girlfriend, obviously. Lots of hugging, hand holding, and cuddling with the occasional kiss should be all you do together, physically. There's not really a need for anything more unless you're some kind of pervert who wants to have sex with kids.

>> No.11127920

It's not annoying if she enjoys it.
Trust me, she'll tell you to stop once she starts getting annoyed.

>> No.11127925

That's just the name of the crime, she doesn't have to be annoyed.

>> No.11127938

Huh, never heard of that before, surprised it's a real thing. Good thing it seems nobody in my life knows of it either.

>> No.11127970

It's basically any time you engage in activity motivated by "unnatural or abnormal sexual
interest in children" to someone "whom [you] believe to be a child under 18 years of age."

>> No.11127982

What if it's normal sexual interest?

More importantly, what if you do stuff with them because you want to see them smile and hear them laugh?

>> No.11127984

Normal sexual interest means you are also underage.

>More importantly, what if you do stuff with them because you want to see them smile and hear them laugh?

As long as you don't act suspicious when you do it. Like start hugging and shit.

>> No.11127987

How is hugging suspicious?

>> No.11127986

There's that word again. Nothing sexual about friendly, non-lewd cuddling and hand-holding. A quick google search for the term shows me that it's usually charged to actions much more aggressive than that.

>> No.11127991

It is when you aren't her parent.

>> No.11127995

Really? That doesn't seem correct.

>> No.11127998

Not really, I hug kids all the time, always have. Nothing weird about it at all.
Of course, we're talking kids I know, not random strangers.

>> No.11128002

You never know, better to be safe than sorry. Better to stick with fantasy than try it in reality.

>> No.11128013

Yeah same here. I think there's nothing suspicious about it and after all, it's not like I'm forcing them to hug me.

>> No.11128016

No, it's really not. The reality's absolutely wonderful. Once you've tasted it, it's freaking hard to give it up.

. . . I think I'll go cry in bed for awhile.

>> No.11128865

So, how does one even do this?

>> No.11128976

Not sure how you'd be able to get a loli girlfriend at all. Wouldn't an easier solution be to get a loli-esque girl rather than an actual kid? What I mean by this is somehow finding a girl who's over the age of consent and has the physical stature of a loli. Though getting that kind of gal I assume wouldn't be easy.

>> No.11128990

Nothing good comes from taking that route. You don't get someone who smiles honestly, or giggles innocently, or is honestly cute. All she'll want is sex too. It'd be horrible.

>> No.11132280

>no mention of neko scarlet

>> No.11132293

So has anybody gotten a loli girlfriend yet? I assume this thread died because people were out finding themselves one.

>> No.11132356

That reference is too dated for neo-/jp/

>> No.11132405

people these days can't be that new that they don't know about neko scarlet... right? I mean it's not even that old...

>> No.11132444

/jp/ is worse off than you think

>> No.11132511

I knew I shouldn't have peeked my head in after being gone for over two years...
