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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 33 KB, 500x500, Hubbard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11122073 No.11122073[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>There is no more madder nation than Japan ...

>It's supposed to be a terribly hard language. It's not a hard language. It's as simple as baby talk, really. It's an awfully easy language in terms of languages. Some of the Malay languages are a little bit rough.

>But in katakana you have this great big character, which is a Chinese character, and then you have the little katakana stuff up at the corner of it (if I'm using the proper terms on this; it's been years since I ran into this stuff).

>Anyway, they've got the character and then they say how it's pronounced in Japanese. But do you know that two Japanese can stand together and converse with each other for a little while and then all of a sudden find out they're talking about two entirely different things, and with a great surprise find this out, and they promptly break out their pencils and pieces of paper, and they draw the Chinese character for the proper words they're using. "Oh. Oh, I understand; that's very good. Yeah, very good, yeah. I so solly. Yeah." Whee! That's a rough one.

>> No.11122074
File: 42 KB, 300x448, lrh-dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They identify. And you will find that they're perfectly happy to do that. It makes bad communication. And they're perfectly happy to have bad communication. They don't want anything better than that. If you went in there and tried to straighten their language out and give them new words to support these, why, they'd be upset with you as all could be.

>Now, you take katakana is, I think, if I remember rightly, some forty-seven characters — just sort of fishing this out of the hat. It's been ages since I ran into this. Anyway, some forty-seven characters, something like that. And when they write them all down they don't space anything — when they're just a stream of characters. There's no spaces that separate any of the words they represent. And boy, that sentence can read any way. It can read "The boy milked the cow" or it can read "Dogs are forbidden here" or it can read "The steamer will sail at nine." They don't care. Well, you just sort of infer from the surroundings what it's all about.

>And that nation has the highest rate of suicide, has the highest rate of thick-lens glasses and did the most suicidal trick a few years ago. It's the doggonedest country.

>> No.11122085

You've posted this one before, Siz.

>> No.11122089
File: 620 KB, 738x638, 31235231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw hubbard is right

>> No.11122092

sage for summer

>> No.11122093

This is sadly true. Even archaic aramaic languages are easier to understand than modern day japanese. I have spent days wondering about the meaning of a certain word when the writer forgets to write the kanji or give proper context to the sentence.

>> No.11122102

Why do the trolling gimps always post pictures? Is it supposed to be extra convincing when the sayer is a middle-aged man in a suit? Reading is a skill.

>> No.11122104

Because the text is from L. Ron Hubbard, the "middle-aged man in a suit."

>> No.11122113

Well, why can't I see L. Ron Hubbard written anywhere in the two first posts?

>> No.11122119

well gee I dunno maybe it's because the person speaking knew multiple Asian languages, and taught some such as Chamorro. He traveled across Asia both in youth and during the Second World War, including interactions with Tibetans.

so yeah after all that he's like "japanese is dumb"

>> No.11122122

Ron has a pretty distinctive speaking/writing style. The text here must have come from a lecture.

>> No.11122126


I always imagined that Japanese is contextual based, hence no plurals. so if its roots are in primitive times then you are only dealing with things in front of you and not conceptualizing.

>> No.11122127

For someone who’s such an expert on Asian languages, he sure knows shit about Japanese.
Is fellating Hubbard the new /pol/ thing to do or why are you making these threads?

>> No.11122151

Jap detected.

>> No.11122154


>why are you making these threads?

Because it's siztra!bar!gigs!aaeru trying to pull an EPIC KEK on /jp/.

>> No.11122157

Howaito piggu go homu

>> No.11122165

I'm not saying it is a bad language. But you MUST know what the writer is talking about in order to make sense of the rest. It's not like french, spanish or latin where you have no idea of what is being said only if the writer is being ambiguous on purpose.

>> No.11122175

Why don't japs just write in romanji with spaces?

>> No.11122203 [DELETED] 

>And that nation has the highest rate of suicide, has the highest rate of thick-lens glasses and did the most suicidal trick a few years ago.

America has the highest percentage of overweight people in the world
The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world
The US homicide rate is still among the highest in the industrialized world
The 2012 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index ranked the United States 19 out of 176 countries
More than 16% of the population lived in poverty in the United States
41% to 44% of U.S. adults are in the lowest level on the literacy scale (literacy rate of 35 or below)

Look at your own country first.

>> No.11122209 [DELETED] 

Didn't mean to quote.

>> No.11122206

Have you not gotten a clue yet? Japanese is a fucking ambiguous language. it needs the damn kanji to make sense.

>> No.11122210

You do realize Hubbard isn't around anymore and that this was probably delivered in the 50's or 60's right?

And that he did predict a continuous decline in the American standard of living and mental health?

>> No.11122216

Well, no, if I did I wouldn't have written this shit.

>> No.11122223

Yeah, well, "did the most suicidal trick a few years ago" is almost certainly a reference to Pearl Harbor.

>> No.11122237

Oh wow, it's an old man who is confused about a thing.
I better let /jp/ know about this.

>> No.11122240

Except he's not confused...

>> No.11122241

This thread again?

>> No.11122250

>And that nation has the highest rate of suicide

That was never even true.

The likes of Russia and other eastern European shitholes were always higher.

>> No.11122259

I guess that's why the first modern novels in history were written in japanese.

>> No.11122263
File: 60 KB, 1115x707, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
