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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 67 KB, 389x471, 20747119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11119924 No.11119924[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat watermelon and other summer fruits with a loli? Maybe you could try throwing berries into eachothers mouths and having a watermelon seed war.

>> No.11119936

No, I don't want to share

>> No.11119937

/jp/ - nigger culture

>> No.11119940
File: 107 KB, 400x400, 207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokiko eating a watermelon!

>> No.11119942

I'd steal it

>> No.11119945

She'd just try to steal it back.

>> No.11119946
File: 91 KB, 250x324, 241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokiko hitting a watermelon/:>>11113052

>> No.11119952

/jp/ - People Spam Troll Threads Onto This Board

>> No.11119964

how can you eat with someone
you have the food and are eating it but what is the other person doing and why is it a group activity

>> No.11119965

And then that's when you start to "wrestle" eachother, if you know what I mean.

>> No.11119969

Normals make eating to be a social event.

I don't really understand it since watching people eat is disgusting and sharing food is annoying. Meals are best eaten alone and only in the company of your computer.

>> No.11119975

Because sharing a meal or food can be a sign of affection. After all, you wouldn't eat with someone you dislike.

>> No.11119992

What falls under summer fruit? I probably don't eat very many of them.

>> No.11119994

You're joking right

>> No.11120038

Mostly things that are harvested during the summer. An easy way to tell is usually the fruits that seem to constantly be on sale during the summer. According to Wikipedia, "Summer fruit includes berries, peaches, apricots, nectarines, plums, melons, mangoes, lychee nuts, and fresh figs."

>> No.11120060
File: 848 KB, 1280x720, screenshot-2_4_2013-9_27_59-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you die with someone
you have the death and are eating it but affafarblargh uhhhhhhhghblarghblargh

>> No.11120082

I don't like fruits but I'd endure the pain if it means I'll get to spend some time with a cute loli.

>> No.11120090

I see I see. It is a whole lot of stuff I don't eat but some berries are nice.

>> No.11120097 [DELETED] 

Why are pedo threads allowed but boyfriend threads aren't?

Is the janitor really some gay pedo who hates femanons?

>> No.11120164

janitor deletes whatever gets 20 reports

you jerkoffs don't report these threads because you're just here to spam the board

with whatever's the most "controversial" anime-bashing thing you can think of, which right now is this pedo shit

next week it'll be something else

>> No.11120237

/jp/ always had pedo threads, this is not something new.

>> No.11120276

Maybe he's never had ripe fruit.

>> No.11120274

>don't like fruit

This is about as disgusting as when someone told me they don't like "water water". (plain water)

>> No.11120286
File: 2.65 MB, 1280x720, shot0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same with vegetables. Someone who doesn't like vegetables never had good vegetables grown locally.

>> No.11120291

Fresh fruit makes my throat swell up

>> No.11120298

We're an archived board and all the archives have all kinds of tools people can check shit out for themselves with, this is not something new.

This flood of formulaic pedo threads you've been doing is definitely new and noticeable.

>> No.11120308
File: 72 KB, 618x800, 1367980722258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define "new".

This person has been making these damn loli threads for a long enough time that it's odd you even bring it up at this date.

>> No.11120311


Most vegetables just taste kinda funky to me. I'll eat them if there's something to drown out the flavor but that's about it.

>> No.11120317

Wouldn't throwing fruit bruise the fruit and the loli?

>> No.11120324

It isn't any more formulaic than Rika threads were.

>> No.11120331

so do I need to keep repeating myself? see >>11120298

Bye, now.

>> No.11120332
File: 1.61 MB, 654x600, 1351840910942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If throwing a blueberry or something similar at someone bruises the blueberry or the person there's something seriously wrong.

>> No.11120342


It's not systematic or the same enough to search for on the archives. There is no keyword other than loli which returns WAY too much stuff.

Meaning, I can't show you the first couplet threads like this even if I wanted.

Warosu has some kind of serious issue where it doesn't archive a lot of stuff or constantly loses data, and foolz doesn't always have everything either.

>> No.11120348

Search "with a loli" in quotes and pick Threads under results.

>> No.11120347

If fruits are too ripe they do that to everyone. Just let them sit a while and then they will taste better too.

>> No.11120351
File: 1.72 MB, 2000x1250, 7b88aaf8f805bbd894600094712fc5a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much want.

>> No.11120357


I want my backyard to look like that, just to be able to step outside and see nothing but beautiful sunny land.

>> No.11120356

True, but he makes a ton of threads just like this one that don't include that phrase.

>> No.11120365

Or Touhou threads, or really any thread.

>> No.11120406
File: 850 KB, 1000x967, 1285376794891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a Miku to enjoy it with.

>> No.11120412

You aren't throwing it that hard! Maybe you can just feed eachother normally or something, because I imagine throwing berries into eachothers mouth would probably result in at least one person choking.

>> No.11120413
File: 167 KB, 838x860, 1367448598191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But... that

>> No.11120831
File: 166 KB, 1200x1600, 36334576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she never spoke, that would be pretty nice.

>> No.11120834

I'd throw my dick into her mouth if you know what I mean

>> No.11120941

One day I would like to plant some strawberry plants. Then in summer, I can pick the strawberries with a loli, and then I can tell her to close her eyes and open her mouth while I delicately place one into her mouth as she bites into it. Maybe we can make some simple strawberry dishes, like strawberries and cream, or chocolate dipped strawberries.

I'm not sure why the urge to do something like feels so strong.

>> No.11120948

Just curious, are you in your early twenties?

>> No.11120952

Yes. Are you going to tell me it's some sort of fathering instinct?

>> No.11120956

No idea. Let's hope its like that. Wouldn't want you getting into any sort of trouble, right?

>> No.11120959

If that isn't what you had in mind I'm curious to know why you wanted to know how old I was.

>> No.11120973

Your post made me feel warm inside. I'm in my early twenties as well. And I was wondering if it is something that people in their early twenties feel or extends beyond that.

>> No.11120980

I live out in the countryside in the UK; there's a lot of wild blackberry bushes.
When my little cousin visits we go along and pick the berries and make jam from them.

>> No.11121091

Can I join Big Brothers Big Sisters of America and only be big brothers to little girls?

>> No.11121274
File: 203 KB, 572x800, ade6d92448b2af1fc57c48abcf5f27cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to share a drink with the young girl.
For others, it might not be a big deal but for me it would mean alot. In this regard, it's kind of the same as hugs.
Japan has taught me to apperciate the indirect kiss.

>> No.11121291

>summer fruits
As opposed to winter fruits?

>> No.11121304

Yes. Off the top of my head I know that citrus fruits are harvested only in autumn and winter, and maybe early spring. There are probably others as well.

>> No.11121309

I'm not very good with kids. Probably because my mother was one of the most fucked up persons I've ever known. I still have nightmares of her telling me bedtime stories that creepiness equals episode of salad fingers. Her slitting her wrist accidentally with broken glass while being intoxicated, blood. It was everywhere. She'd try to calm me down smearing it over me. I hated her every new boyfriend. She'd always ask me. "How do you like him?" I'd always answer, I don't know. Once she took me on a trip to the city and we were walking on a railroad and I asked her why are we doing this? She told me that it was a shortcut.

>> No.11121310



>> No.11121322

Is it bad to say that I only share food and drink with my loli relatives? Exactly the same as you with hugs really meaning a lot. Really anything like that which is done without a second thought really means a lot. It feels good.

>> No.11121323

wow rude

>> No.11121324

Google it and report back

>> No.11121381
File: 2.65 MB, 1280x720, shot0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great post Anon.

Your mom is horrible.

>> No.11121416

She is kinda victim herself though. In life unfortunate become more unfortunate and the opposite the opposite. But yes, she is horrible. Mostly because of her I got difficulties with people and life in general.

>> No.11121421

Yes, if you put Marisa's hat on her, remove Nabokov's book from the pile of books she's carrying, and replace all of them with comp sci book that picture is now /jp/ related.

>> No.11122526

Would you let a cute little girl spit on your food before you eat it?

>> No.11122540

that /jp/ single mother feel

>> No.11122545

Does /jp/ actually need to fuck the childos?

>> No.11122553

I'd rather not, but I wouldn't care at all if that happened.

>> No.11122573

how is this otaku culture?

>> No.11122574

A loli a day keeps the normies away.

>> No.11122583

Fucking a different loli every day will make the normies go after you, nerd.

>> No.11122586

How it ain't Otaku Culture?

>> No.11122590
File: 433 KB, 1280x960, 1358013345227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11122603

I wanna BE a little girl!

>> No.11122604

I opened this picture and stared at it for a minute then closed it, refreshed /jp/ and ended up opening it again and looking

there's something about it

>> No.11122610

whoa you too? that's exactly what I did!

>> No.11122611

because pedophilia is not related to "otaku culture". i guess the mod is a dirty pedophile too and loves this topic

>> No.11122636

Bad foreshortening.

>> No.11122637

mmm_open your legs wider and relax ,petal,'cause the last time we played doctor simon had barely penetrated your 10 year old kiddy-cunt when he filled it with creamy doctors milk!..simons been looking forward to seeing you today and now that schools out for the day,let's get naked and play 'simon says!'..Simon says: 1.take all your clothes off and lay on his bed..2.open up your legs and play with your kiddy-slit..3.let simon lick,suck and tongue your kiddy-slit and bum-bum..4.let simon finger your kiddy-crack and bum-bum..5.let simon rub his cock against your kiddy-crack and bum-bum.. simon says:..6.suck and tongue his nipples..7.lick under his arm-pits..8.lick,suck and tongue his nut-sacs and 'mangina'..9.suck and deep throat his cock.. simon says:..10.lay back 'n rub some spit on your kiddy-slit then use your hands to open yourself up..11.relax and let simons cock penetrate you all the way up to his ball-sacs..12.let simon fuck you slow and hard 'til he cums in you..13.let simon suck all his jism out of you and swallow it..14.let simon lick you 'til you spurt in his mouth!..simon says:..15.take a shower,then eat your ice-cream and candy..16.not to say a word to anyone about what you do here after school or he will plaster pornographic photographs of you around your school and the town of you sucking your daddy off naked while his friend holds you by the hips and dry humps you from behind in the mens toilets at the beach!..simons got some good cum-shots too petal so keep your mouth shut okay!..simon says..17.he will see you tomorrow after school,so don't be late!

>> No.11122642

Guess what kind of magazine the term otaku came from.

>> No.11122651

Is it a requirement in ero/porn dialogue to use as many silly words for sexual acts and body parts as possible?

>> No.11122657

Some people think if they don't show off a large vocabulary it makes them bad writers.

>> No.11122686

But that kind of vocabulary makes them sound like retards.

/jp/ is the only place in the entire world where I can talk about little girls with intelligent people. The actual pedo sites are all filled with retards, "good writers" and normal scum.

>> No.11122699

>all his jism
What the hell is he talking about? And who in the world is 'petal'?

>> No.11122706

>pornographic photographs
Is this some European thing?

>> No.11122729

Kind of llike the cock sucking thread.

>> No.11122735

Can you imagine how great the world would be if incest and sex with underage girls were encouraged?

If you and your sister/cousin/niece were bored, you could just do lewd things together. Without a doubt it'd be some of the best bonding imaginable.

>> No.11122746

Gross, why would you put lewd things together with food.
When I'm jerking off I dont want to think of food, poop, or any other gross thing like that.
fuck you, fatasses. Your gluttony just gets everywhere doesnt' it?

>> No.11122756

It's not gross if a loli eats it.

Hell, I often eat while looking at naked lolis.

>> No.11122758

As much as I would love this, it would probably lead to a lot of fucked up babies over time. No problems if people don't actually reproduce though.

Actually, now that I think about it, I don't know if I would like incest all that much if it was socially acceptable. I would still like loli, though.

>> No.11122760

Is it true that some lolis eat... you know...

Because that's just gross. I hope only autistic lolis do it.

>> No.11122766

Kids can't get pregnant, where is the problem?

>> No.11122777

Underage means <18 in most places, nothing about pubescence. Since we're restricted to relatives, it's natural that they would grow to pubescence. I mean, how many cousins and siblings do you have?

>> No.11122781

I have a 4 year old cousin. She is already pretty cute.

>> No.11122799
File: 49 KB, 415x486, SWJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you should move these threads to /r9k/

>> No.11122803

epic image

>> No.11122811

It exactly depicts how I feel about that board and these threads, really.

>> No.11122821

What's wrong with these threads?

>> No.11122827

Listen pal. I got no problems with anything. But some things just amaze me. Let's put it that way. You need to research that image better. k?
I mean, I obviously know what you were thinking...

>> No.11122830

I have a lot of single digits.

>> No.11122837

What are you talking about?

>> No.11122847

"Uranus has several rings surrounding it."

-4th graders: BWAHAHAHAHA!

"Uranus has a dark, rocky surface."

4th graders: BWAHAHAHAHA!

The fact that little girls get the joke makes my dick diamond hard. What's wrong with me, /jp/?

>> No.11122857

God fucking damnit, why can't we get a loli thread that isn't about having sex with them?

>> No.11122859

Yea... I fucked that up. Nevermind. You could treat it like a bible though. Interpret my writings in your own way. That is kind of what I was going for in the first place.

>> No.11122912

Ok, let's talk about how cute they are.

I want to have a little girl as a friend.

>> No.11122926
File: 926 KB, 3500x1969, 1370220282321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want an adult gf who is petite so I can legally fug.

I do not advocate crime, if you break the law you should go to jail! That being said, lolis are not peoples so who cares (this is under the assumption we are referring to loli as in 2d).

>> No.11122938

You are everything wrong with /jp/. Kill yourself.

>> No.11122946

woah, there friend. I respectfully disagree.

I simply do not wish to infringe on the law. However, I do understand they are absurd in certain regards, but that does not mean I can just disregard them without any consequences. It isn't right to harm another person for a quick thrill. I would not want to be treated that way so I will not treat others like that either.

>> No.11122956

Are you implying that a pedophile, of all people, would want to harm a little girl?

>> No.11122952

Thankfully not all of us live in such backwards legal hellholes.

>> No.11122962

Yes, you are fortunate.

Absolutely not. But in the UK and Canada, for example. Owning even pics can be cause for immediate arrest. They don't givea damn if you actually did anything or not. You're heading to the slammer either way.

>> No.11122970

It'd be perfect.

I guess something about it is arousing.

>> No.11122976

>Owning even pics can be cause for immediate arrest
And you agree with that shitty law? I could PROVE why owning pics of 9 year old camwhores doesn't harm anyone, but the law won't let me talk about it.

I'm clean, btw.

>> No.11122983

Yeah it IS bullshit. But do you think that the feds would give a crap if I tried reasoning with them? Or the masses for that matter? They're totally brainwashed into hating that stuff.

What can be done?

>> No.11122990

Does /jp/ hallucinate secondary sexual characteristics onto kids?

>> No.11122996

We can't do anything, but we can hate the masses.

My entire family is brainwashed... I don't know if I should hate them or not.

>> No.11123001

It's not the only law where simple possession is illegal. Drugs, for example.

>> No.11123003

>9 year old camwhores
It's always assumed that some old pedo fuck is forcing them to do it from the shadows.

>> No.11123008

I always assumed it was either that, or more likely because they were neglected by parents and turn to doing lewd things on the internet for attention.

I can't think of a reason other than those two as to why a nine year old would be a camwhore .

>> No.11123013

I don't know about drugs, but how am I harming anyone just by owning some pictures? There is no money involved even when it's actual abuse/manipulation.

Captcha: officer uaOfir

>> No.11123020

Do they really need to have some sort of problem? Can't they just be curious?

I've had a huge exhibitionism fetish since I was 8. I didn't know shit about computers, though.

>> No.11123023

You as well? I remember I had a crossdressing fetish since I was like seven. I don't see why kids can't be considered for their sexual actions.

>> No.11123028

Everyone knows kids don't have fetishes or get sexually aroused.

>> No.11123032

Wrong. All normals just think there is something wrong with the children who do. I hate all normals.

>> No.11123033

Regardless of their motivation, what's wrong with people recording it and uploading the video to hidden websites that the girl and her family/friends will never know how to access?

And even if she somehow finds out, how is making a kid butthurt "the ultimate crime"?

Society has a big fucking problem with sex.

>> No.11123034

I was extremely horny starting age 5-6. I would take diapers and wear them outside in a high-grass field. If I thought someone might see me it made it feel that much better.

I was also very good at talking other kids into doing perverted things, like rubbing genitals together, or taking showers where I could touch them.

>> No.11123035

I wish I could torture them all. Even the nicest grandma is probably a disgusting normal too.

>> No.11123045

It's all religion's fault.

Even the most hardcore atheist has been taught by his parents that sex and nudity are a big deal. It's ironic.

>> No.11123047

I remember being 5 and telling my mom about how giant stuff made my penis hard. Luckily she didn't really care nor remembers.

>> No.11123057

Kids become self-aware around age 6-7, that's why they stop doing those things. But that doesn't mean they stop thinking about lewd stuff. If anything, they do it even more.

Normals don't understand children at all.

>> No.11123059

Vegetables are all kind of plain when you eat them without cooking them into a meal first. They have boring, uninteresting flavors.

>> No.11123062

I think celery has a nice flavor by itself.

>> No.11123064
File: 384 KB, 1089x819, 1335825700044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would eat watermelon with Suika.

>> No.11123079

Childhood doesn't exist. It's the pedophile's dream.

A pedophile is, in my opinion, someone who believes in childhood.

>> No.11123085

I've been aroused by diapers since I was 3.

>> No.11123087

Childhood "exists"!! Uuu-uuu!!

>> No.11123092

My cousin is 3 and he is still a mindless toddler. I don't believe you.

>> No.11123096

Your aunt/uncle must be completely clueless when it comes to raising a child.

>> No.11123097

Yeah, three years old is very young. I could understand maybe six or seven, but not three.

>> No.11123104

When I was a little kid I'd always get aroused by vore-related deaths in video games, among other things. I didn't tell anyone, because I came to associate my penis getting hard with seeing cruel/bad things, and wished I would stop enjoying it.

>> No.11123107

I think people in /jp/ got very underdeveloped sex drive in general.

>> No.11123122

You need permission to drive a car, but you can create life and raise it however the fuck you want as long as you are over 18...

Most people shouldn't be parents.

>> No.11123125

My first love was seven years old!

>> No.11123141

I can't understand why normals have such a huge sex drive. Maybe that's why they think we are all child rapists waiting to happen.

I've also had many weird fetishes since I was a small child.

>> No.11123169

Maybe underdeveloped sex drive is not a good/direct way to put it. There is also something repressed and twisted in it. Kind of same behavior as with lust killers. Sorry to put it that way.

You could take a look at what happened with nambla that is a legal organization. Perhaps you should join them if you want to change the world for the better.

>> No.11123178

Is there anything like NAMBLA, except with girls? Specifically, men loving little girls.

>> No.11123185

>join nambla
But I'm not gay.

>> No.11123218

>139 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
Oh christ shat, GO AWAY. Git.

>> No.11123231

Doesn't mean you can't get hard. Also, I can only remember back to 4 years old, but something my mother said made me think it started before then. So I'm kind of speculating.

>> No.11123251

Because somebody reported it who they have flagged with "ignore all reports from this dude and never delete what he reports even if it really is breaking the rules." If you report the porn or sex-toy threads on the blue boards, the staff on this site tunes you out permanently. I think the admin might see things differently ("moot agreed, don't bother him about it" - somebody moot didn't actually agree with) but I don't know that since he's not here.

>> No.11123256

Were you on the... front page?

>> No.11123258

I wonder if loli's vaginas get wet. At the least, if boys' penises get erect, shouldn't a loli's clit get erect too?

>> No.11123269

NAMBLA? Pffft, isn't that like the KKK where over half the dudes are FBI?

>> No.11123274

I don't believe you.

>> No.11123288

I believe reports are anonymous to janitors, yet I'm sure moot can see the IPs of the people who made the report. I'm not sure if mods can or can't see IPs of reports.

>> No.11123300

Pretty sure mods can see IPs, else they would have a hard time dealing with report abuse.

>> No.11123301

What the fuck is this nerd talking about?

>> No.11123312

I was just guessing. Anyway this thread is pure ass as evidenced by people finally bringing up shit like "nambla," and there's no reason to preserve it. I bet the OP was a fire-and-forget shitpost.

>> No.11123314

What if moot actually believes we are evil child molesters and sends our IP's to the FBI?

>> No.11123319

Lolis are pure ass nerd.

>> No.11123320

How rude, I'm still posting in this thread.

>> No.11123322

I don't live in the US, so couldn't care less.

>> No.11123325


>> No.11123326

Nothing happens unless you're Thad 2.0 and you're stupid enough to have cheese pizza on your HD.

>> No.11123330

Can't you still be added to a predator list without actually doing anything?

>> No.11123331

What if I wanted to have it?

>> No.11123334

Well I don't really live in the land of the free but I suppose that would be a violation of some kind of constitutional right

>> No.11123335

Have fun trying to open my encrypted container. I actually had a dream where the police came with a search warrant just the other day for all my loli. Good thing all the volumes dismount on logout and my computer was off. I forgot my password if they ask.

>> No.11123342


>> No.11123348

> assraped by a nigger with a 30 cm penis
That's a dream come true for me :3

>> No.11123345

well like i read somewhere (probably here) that pedophiles can't go seek treatment or anything, because they'd be added to at least a watchlist... I dunno, i might be making stuff up.

>> No.11123346

Then you would get jailed and possibly assraped by a nigger with a 30 cm penis

>> No.11123351

Even if they violate your rights, you can't complain about it. Who are you gonna complain to? A judge? Society? Your family? Everyone hates you for being a pedo, it's useless.

>> No.11123356

Do I really deserve that?

Man, if I ever get cancer I'll fucking murder at least 10 stupid normals before dying.

>> No.11123353

Fuck I didn't know I was talking with a niggerloving homo. I need to wash my hands now

>> No.11123365

Why would a healthy pedophile need treatment?

If a pedo needs treatment, it's because he has other issues not related to his sexual orientation. Stop that, please.

>> No.11123358

Sure, private-sector lists. And don't bitch, either, those kinds of things are protected by the very same freedom-of-speech / freedom-of-the-press legal structures that say you can post in this stupid thread without getting arrested for not calling the cops on it.

Plus being an online pedo or any other kind of /b/tard can keep you from getting a job where you need any kind of a clearance.

>> No.11123359

Umm.. can you please go back to /v/?

>> No.11123360

>/jp/ - 2D/Random

>> No.11123361

No one said life was fair.

>> No.11123370

Cute "umm". Wanna go out with me cutie pie?

>> No.11123380

There isn't anyone with more than a tiny little thimblefull of wang on that whole huge busy board. /jp/ on the other hand are the rare and huge.

>> No.11123382

How do you even watch your encrypted stuff? Is your main computer encrypted too?

>> No.11123390

>encrypting 2D loli
What kind of shithole do you live in?

>> No.11123387


Haha, Liberals are so deluded.

>> No.11123389

I meant someone possibly stupid enough to try to get treatment, sorry for the confusion.

>> No.11123395

I'm not gay!!

>> No.11123396

Life isn't unfair, THEY are making it unfair for no real reason.

>> No.11123412

The government doesn't define life.

>> No.11123408

Yeah, sadly there are a lot of pedos out there who actually believe they have a mental illness.

It's their fault for being normals, though.

>> No.11123413

I think we can change that :3

>> No.11123421

Why can normals vote? They are highly manipulable. They don't know what they are doing!

>> No.11123432

Who was the first little girl you ever loved, /jp/?

>> No.11123439

my niece, i've touched her puffy vulva and chest

>> No.11123442

You didn't have crushes in elementary school?

>> No.11123450

>touched her puffy vulva

Please don't use such descriptive words when describing a loli's sexual organs.

>> No.11123451

No, go into more detail.

>> No.11123451,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why was this big, gosh darned piece of ass thread deleted?

>> No.11123451,2 [INTERNAL] 


I just wrote a nice response for >>11123432 too.

>> No.11123451,3 [INTERNAL] 

Why are these threads always deleted before their lifetime expires?

>> No.11123451,4 [INTERNAL] 

Bring your loli crap back to /b/, pedos

>> No.11123451,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,6 [INTERNAL] 

the fuck are you laughing at

>> No.11123451,7 [INTERNAL] 

How and when they're deleted seems pretty inconsistent. This thread was made last night, and there was without a doubt a janitor who was able to see the thread (>>11120097 was deleted), so why was it deleted now? Sometimes these threads are deleted instantly, and sometimes they're left alone.

I wonder what's going on.

>> No.11123451,8 [INTERNAL] 

You can't talk about love with /b/ perverts.

>> No.11123451,9 [INTERNAL] 

What's going on is that the staff isn't made by a single person, obviously.

>> No.11123451,10 [INTERNAL] 

Post it here!

>> No.11123451,11 [INTERNAL] 

Who the fuck loves children? You are fucking disgusting and the brats are uninteresting blank slates

>> No.11123451,12 [INTERNAL] 

You guys are just as bad as them.

>> No.11123451,13 [INTERNAL] 

One of them must be wrong, though.

>> No.11123451,14 [INTERNAL] 

Shit is all relative, yo.

>> No.11123451,15 [INTERNAL] 

Why can't I talk about lewd fantasies without being labeled a "sick pervert"? You are fucking retard. I want to talk about everything related to lolis. Everything.

>> No.11123451,16 [INTERNAL] 

Censorship must never be tolerated.


>> No.11123451,17 [INTERNAL] 

You are the first who started labeling people "perverts". I don't know why you're being angry with me.

>> No.11123451,18 [INTERNAL] 

Even so, there should be consistency between the staff.

>> No.11123451,19 [INTERNAL] 

That's how life is and you've gotta deal with it. You can't go around and talk in public places about how you're going to commit your next crime without someone reporting you to the police.

>> No.11123451,20 [INTERNAL] 

But /b/ is a perverted guy.

>> No.11123451,21 [INTERNAL] 

Just what side do you think would win?

I'd rather have it like it's now.

>> No.11123451,22 [INTERNAL] 

Yes yes... good goyim... submit to us... thoughtcrimes must not be tolerated.... hehehehehehehehehe.....

>> No.11123451,23 [INTERNAL] 

This is 4chan, the only consistency between the staff is that they're all fags.
Shut up /pol/. Go back to /r/conspiracy and take your tinfoil hat with you,

>> No.11123451,24 [INTERNAL] 

What crime?

Child sexuality shouldn't be such a big fucking taboo. What if everyone is wrong? We should be allowed to talk about it in public.

>> No.11123451,25 [INTERNAL] 

>ad hom
>moving goalposts
Oy vey iz mir, dis is like another holocaust!

>> No.11123451,26 [INTERNAL] 

reported 2 da NSA for being a pedofile. u sick fuk

>> No.11123451,27 [INTERNAL] 

You are free to discuss pedophilia or age of consent laws, but the moment you're admitting to touching the private parts of a child you're already a criminal. Not that I give a fuck, if you want to be investigated by your local police force that's your choice. But don't expect moot to let you do this; as much as I dislike him I can understand why he wouldn't.

>> No.11123451,28 [INTERNAL] 

And my Internet went down as soon as I sent this post. I wonder if it's a coincidence or my ISP is spying on me.

>> No.11123451,29 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not free to discuss those things with the average person. They are all brainwashed.

Also, I never admitted to doing anything of the sort.

>> No.11123451,30 [INTERNAL] 

You don't have to admit it, we already know.

>> No.11123451,31 [INTERNAL] 

I really want to eat strawberries with a loli kid.

>> No.11123451,32 [INTERNAL] 

There is literally nothing wrong with pedophilia.

>> No.11123451,33 [INTERNAL] 

it hurts children

>> No.11123451,34 [INTERNAL] 

I want to eat a loli

>> No.11123451,35 [INTERNAL] 

smith...... you're not supposed to leave your name on when baiting pedo scum..

>> No.11123451,36 [INTERNAL] 

I.. I'm sorry sir. It wont happen again.

>> No.11123451,37 [INTERNAL] 

what does lolis blood taste like it is sweeter than regular blood

>> No.11123451,38 [INTERNAL] 

A true pedophile would never harm a loli.. pedophile means child-lover.

>> No.11123451,39 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe he's talking about drinking loli period blood, ever think of that, huh?

>> No.11123451,40 [INTERNAL] 

Uh... if she's gone through puberty already she's a teen.. not a loli...

>> No.11123451,41 [INTERNAL] 

children are built for sex !

>> No.11123451,42 [INTERNAL] 

Would you suck a loli's finger if it had a cut on it?

>> No.11123451,43 [INTERNAL] 

I'd suck her lewd child hole to make her feel better instead of her finger.

>> No.11123451,44 [INTERNAL] 

What if it was an HIV positive loli?

>> No.11123451,45 [INTERNAL] 

um were talking about eating lolis not having sex with them you creep

>> No.11123451,46 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis love sex.

>> No.11123451,47 [INTERNAL] 

guys.. cute not pedo. stick to 2D only.

>> No.11123451,48 [INTERNAL] 

Literally fuck off /a/ subhuman.

>> No.11123451,49 [INTERNAL] 

Welcome to /jp/

>> No.11123451,50 [INTERNAL] 

Children are experiencing puberty earlier and earlier, it's very possible that a loli might have had her first period already.

>> No.11123451,51 [INTERNAL] 

Aren't loliclitties more sensitive than loliginas? Why would you suck a hole when there's something better right above it?

>> No.11123451,52 [INTERNAL] 

no they dont it hurts them

anysway do you like your lolis rare medium or well done

>> No.11123451,53 [INTERNAL] 

Sup jannie.

>> No.11123451,54 [INTERNAL] 

How can non-penetrative sex hurt a loli?

>> No.11123451,55 [INTERNAL] 

you just engage in rubbing and sucking until her child p*ssy is ready for consensual loving sex

>> No.11123451,56 [INTERNAL] 

what kinda beter things non pen sex is sex at all omg

>> No.11123451,57 [INTERNAL] 

Average pedophobe posting quality.

>> No.11123451,58 [INTERNAL] 

sorry if you never gona get laid

>> No.11123451,59 [INTERNAL] 

That would be a freak of nature, not a loli.

>> No.11123451,60 [INTERNAL] 

I have s*x with my loli gf every day

>> No.11123451,61 [INTERNAL] 

how does my dick taste

>> No.11123451,62 [INTERNAL] 

like a lil shrimp

mmmmMMMMm crunchy

>> No.11123451,63 [INTERNAL] 

You call that little thing a dick? LOL

>> No.11123451,64 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,65 [INTERNAL] 

god i want a loli to make fun of me

>> No.11123451,66 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis love to play with dicks and make older men feel good

>> No.11123451,67 [INTERNAL] 

How do you know that?

>> No.11123451,68 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,69 [INTERNAL] 

I'm watching a group of really cute preteen lolis play hide and seek from my window. They say some funny things.

I just realized that you can find a lot of cute pictures of 2D and 3D lolis just by googling "hide and seek".

>> No.11123451,70 [INTERNAL] 

Did they go home?

>> No.11123451,71 [INTERNAL] 

He probably raped them

>> No.11123451,72 [INTERNAL] 

We're discussing lolis and sex on /ota/, come join.


>> No.11123451,73 [INTERNAL] 

nice honeypot

>> No.11123451,74 [INTERNAL] 

"H*ck no, pedos are like, even lower on the totem pole than bronies, furries, sluts, virgins, etc. No one likes pedos; they're sickening."

-Neo-!bar 2014

>> No.11123451,75 [INTERNAL] 

"I am gullible as fuck."

>>11123451,74, new kid on the block, 2014

>> No.11123451,76 [INTERNAL] 

I agree

>> No.11123451,77 [INTERNAL] 

What's the tripcode?

>> No.11123451,78 [INTERNAL] 

nice damage control !bar

>> No.11123451,79 [INTERNAL] 

Why do sweaty fourth graders with shorth hair smell so good after running and playing a lot? I think it's their slightly wet hair.

>> No.11123451,80 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sick of this thread and that retarded watermelon loli

>> No.11123451,81 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah dude fuck watermelon lolis, fucking kikes./

>> No.11123451,82 [INTERNAL] 

Dumb bitch didn't even salt the watermelon.

>> No.11123451,83 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,84 [INTERNAL] 

You guys are taking the pedophilia meme a bit too seriously.

>> No.11123451,85 [INTERNAL] 

I've been salting watermelons before I even knew what Japan was.

>> No.11123451,86 [INTERNAL] 

It makes it sweeter. Try salting coffee. It makes it less bitter.

>> No.11123451,87 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11123451,88 [INTERNAL] 

Sure you were :)

>> No.11123451,89 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck OFF why won't you believe me mom

>> No.11123451,90 [INTERNAL] 

Why are young lolis a shit compared to 8-11 ones?

>> No.11123451,91 [INTERNAL] 

They basically look like fat little boys before then.

>> No.11123451,92 [INTERNAL] 

But they are pure as heaven!

>> No.11123451,93 [INTERNAL] 


Oh man. This is borderline pornographic. Kana singing about sweets, coupled with the character being a very cute non-fat girl who loves eating sweets literally gets me hard. I love it so much.

>> No.11123451,94 [INTERNAL] 

Oh my god you can see her bare feet too, and her butt, and her boobies. This is amazing.

>> No.11123451,95 [INTERNAL] 

Uh what? That's just some dumb generic kanahana song. It's shit as hell compared to the OP. I thought you might be talking about ~Kanna Hashimoto~ but no such luck.

>> No.11123451,96 [INTERNAL] 

when i drop a deuce on warosu i never flush

>> No.11123451,97 [INTERNAL] 

Listen bitch. If I were talking about that sweat skank Kanna, I'd say Kanna and not Kana. Got it, motherfucker?

>> No.11123451,98 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,99 [INTERNAL] 

My niece and her Ma came over today, we started playing horse (the one where she rides my thighs and move it mimicking a galloping motion frig off it's not lewd) and she sneakily moved the ends of my shirt up and saw my flabs, and she started teasing me for being fat. I just kept on being cool about it but deep down it killed me, I'm considering about working out but I don't have any willpower to keep a long-term commitment.

>> No.11123451,100 [INTERNAL] 

you don't have to commit to a hardcore workout routine to lose weight you know
just take regular walks and don't eat bad food, it's not hard

>> No.11123451,101 [INTERNAL] 

Uh... That's lewd dude. The only reason a loli would put your thigh between her legs and bounce up and down is so that she could make her loli slit feel good.

Also are you actually fat or are you just not fit? If you're fat then that's kind of gross, but if you're just a normal nerd with a nerd body then it's normal. It's to be expected that computer nerds don't work out so they aren't sculpted and fit like athletes or people who go to the gym everyday.

It's still lewd for a loli to be looking at your body and making comments about it.

>> No.11123451,102 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know dude, she seems cool about it. She overheard her mom saying dick the other day and she thought it was really funny.

>> No.11123451,103 [INTERNAL] 

actually you can lose weight right from the comfort of your neety home if you simply eat less. you can even eat bad food as long as you eat less calories!

>> No.11123451,104 [INTERNAL] 

Well of course she seems cool with it because she's getting off on it.

Did she repeat 'dick'? That's lewd!

>> No.11123451,105 [INTERNAL] 

No dude she has no idea what it was before I told her (she keeps on bugging me about it) it's where boys pee and looks like an elephant's head, then she literally went on R.O.F.L.

>> No.11123451,106 [INTERNAL] 

sounds like a good fuck

>> No.11123451,107 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks for the tips, I'd certainly enjoy walking in wee hours in the morning. On the other hand I'm glad my niece isn't disgusted with me.

>> No.11123451,108 [INTERNAL] 

uh........ you can lose weight by doing things with your niece too

like you can go play at the park or go for walks or play frisbee or fuck or take her in the pool or go for bike rides with her and stuff like that

>> No.11123451,109 [INTERNAL] 

Why does everyone gets to f*ck lolis except for me

>> No.11123451,110 [INTERNAL] 

I never got to fu*ck any l*lis either even when I was younger and that's why I like them so much now.

>> No.11123451,111 [INTERNAL] 

Did every normal well-functioning person have loli and teen sex when they were growing up? It seems like it.

>> No.11123451,112 [INTERNAL] 

It's normal isn't it?

>> No.11123451,113 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck why didn't I have sex with a loli kid when I was a kid? People tell me to grow up and loli kids tell me that I'm a big kid so maybe it won't be illegal if I do it?

>> No.11123451,114 [INTERNAL] 

Does anyone remember that cute slav loli, Angelina Pipper? She was fucking cute as hell!

There's a link to download her songs in the archive, it's easy to find. Some of them are amazing! She's a very talented loli!

>> No.11123451,115 [INTERNAL] 



I'm so fucking hard right now. Damn.

>> No.11123451,116 [INTERNAL] 

virus dont click

>> No.11123451,117 [INTERNAL] 

>feelio when we will NEVER see the full video
Normies literally deserve to die.

>> No.11123451,118 [INTERNAL] 

dumb girl imitating media

pedos actually think kids think this way

>> No.11123451,119 [INTERNAL] 

I don't actually think that. She's dumb as fuck and that's really cute.

>> No.11123451,120 [INTERNAL] 

yea right youre imaginging shes really into you like that you sicko kill yourself

>> No.11123451,121 [INTERNAL] 

post loli doujins i need to jerk off

>> No.11123451,122 [INTERNAL] 

im jerking right now so wait

>> No.11123451,123 [INTERNAL] 

hurry up dude FUCK

>> No.11123451,124 [INTERNAL] 

almost done

>> No.11123451,125 [INTERNAL] 

I want to butt a loli in the ass.

>> No.11123451,126 [INTERNAL] 

what does that mean

>> No.11123451,127 [INTERNAL] 

I finally found a new home


>> No.11123451,128 [INTERNAL] 

fuck man other boards are no challenge and /jp/'s been locked down

>> No.11123451,129 [INTERNAL] 

so, um, I too lazy to read through the thread but are there any actual yandere babes out there that I can hook up with?

Would be nice to have a babe obsessed with me even though all I do is jack off to anime and sit on computer

>> No.11123451,130 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, there's even a site to find yandere girls and some tripfags are females on that general.

>> No.11123451,131 [INTERNAL] 

lol people really think their life is a anime / video game / movie / whatever

>> No.11123451,132 [INTERNAL] 

feel when you'll never be the protagonist


>> No.11123451,133 [INTERNAL] 

>Yandere is used a bit differently in these threads. There is no widely agreed upon strict definition for 3D yandere, but there are some basic criteria that apply. Obsession with their person of interest is one, and is (typically) what people in the threads are looking for: a clingy partner. The obsession brings out the other part of yanderes, the need to be validated by their lucky lover. This can manifest in tons of different ways, as you'll see in the threads. It could result in mass phone calls, nonstop emails, stalking, and generally being in contact as much as possible. On the more volatile side, there might be self harming (as a result of guilt, shame, or low self worth resulting from a lack of validation), harming of others (especially those who might "get in the way" of the yandere being with their lover), trespassing, breaking shit, and making sure you don't leave, including forcing you to quit your job and isolating you from friends.

>> No.11123451,134 [INTERNAL] 

like r9bros theres a reason certain behaviors are termed healthy or unhealthy

this shit just doesnt work in real life where there are actual consequences that aint part of a plot to save the ark of the covenant

>> No.11123451,135 [INTERNAL] 

So it's just an elaborate, and very gay, roleplay? That's even worse.

>> No.11123451,136 [INTERNAL] 

will they let me bang them or will I get STDs

>> No.11123451,137 [INTERNAL] 

>Obsessive love, explained above, appears to have a prevalence of about 1 in 1000 people.


>> No.11123451,138 [INTERNAL] 

It's kind of funny how she speaks. It's almost like she's holding back or something. What kind of girl says she's 'horny' and 'sex'?

I can't get off to this.

>> No.11123451,139 [INTERNAL] 

lol real women aren't your pure pedohphile dream, permavirg

>> No.11123451,140 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

>> No.11123451,141 [INTERNAL] 

She's not a woman, she's a horny 12 year old!

>> No.11123451,142 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11123451,143 [INTERNAL] 

How the hell do you ban evade now when they know when you evade it?

>> No.11123451,144 [INTERNAL] 

its a cookie welcome the crew

>> No.11123451,145 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,146 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit I'm fucking retarded.

I almost shit myself I thought I couldn't post my spam anymore and they finally got me.

>> No.11123451,147 [INTERNAL] 

your almost as retard dead as your loli gf lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.11123451,148 [INTERNAL] 

You can call a man a retard but not his loli gf.

>> No.11123451,149 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are known for being retarded

>> No.11123451,150 [INTERNAL] 

They're just [i]easily overwhelmed by excitement

>> No.11123451,151 [INTERNAL] 

i just ordered pizza
gonna use the bucket method wish me luck

>> No.11123451,152 [INTERNAL] 


The real life version of Tarzan was a cute as fuck loli. You /jp/edos should watch this:


It's really sad and infuriating, though.

>> No.11123451,153 [INTERNAL] 

This one a shit, but some of her pictures are really cute:


>> No.11123451,154 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, do you think she masturbated?

>> No.11123451,155 [INTERNAL] 

someone must've fugged her by now it's been like 60 yrs

>> No.11123451,156 [INTERNAL] 

holy fuck

>> No.11123451,157 [INTERNAL] 

Actually, she did it a lot. They even had videos of it, which were never released to the public.

I swear I'm not making this shit up. I just don't remember where I read that. It was some official study or something. Seriously, look it up.

>> No.11123451,158 [INTERNAL] 

>The scene of Genie masturbating in this movie is, I grant you, done badly, but the real-life Genie did masturbate all the time, making use of whatever was available. If you're only familiar with the Russ Rymer book or the PBS documentary about the case, you won't learn about that, but if you investigate further, you certainly will. Genie also had an erotic fixation on her bus driver. I promise you that you don't know as much about the case as you think you do.

>> No.11123451,159 [INTERNAL] 

>Genie also had an erotic fixation on her bus driver
the bus driver is literally a nig skip to 37:34 in here >>11123451,152

>> No.11123451,160 [INTERNAL] 

Cute as hell. She could have been a 10/10 loli kid.

Apparently, a psychologist told her dad she was probably autistic and he decided to lock her up for 12 years. What a fucking asshole. This normie ruined a perfect loli, a real life Maria Ushiromiya!

>> No.11123451,161 [INTERNAL] 


I literally thought this was about the genie from alladdin movie masterbating

also I played a japanese porn game with a girl like this

>> No.11123451,162 [INTERNAL] 

Shh, don't say it too loud. For some reason, normies believe that finding a loli really attractive makes you incapable of feeling bad for her. Fucking retards.

>> No.11123451,163 [INTERNAL] 

I guess it really is normal for loli kids to masturbate all the time. What do they mean by 'making use of whatever was available'? Did she put things in her vagina?

>> No.11123451,164 [INTERNAL] 

What is the best way for a loli to react to a serious kiss?

1. Blushing and shaking and trying really hard to kiss back.
2. Being overwhelmed by the sensation and nearly collapsing.
3. Pushing away and saying "ew gross".

I think number 2 would be the best. Imagine sticking your tongue in and she starts shaking because she's overwhelmed.

>> No.11123451,165 [INTERNAL] 

Obviously the second. I really want to kiss a loli god damnit. Thinking about this sort of thing makes me sad.

>> No.11123451,166 [INTERNAL] 

2 for sure, I want to make a loli child melt in pleasure.

>> No.11123451,167 [INTERNAL] 

Uh... What's the best way to do this? Does being licked feel pleasurable? Is it okay to lick a loli's feet? What about her armpits? Can I nibble on her earlobes? Is it alright to lick that really soft area right below ber belly button?

What about oral sex? Do lolis feel pleasure from that? Please respond. Please.

>> No.11123451,168 [INTERNAL] 

Definitely 3

>> No.11123451,169 [INTERNAL] 

2 only works if she believed some sort of superstition about kisses like getting pregnant or swelling lips

>> No.11123451,170 [INTERNAL] 

If she believed that then she'd be acting like 3.

>> No.11123451,171 [INTERNAL] 

I just watched Jurassic Park and wanted to cum inside that 12 year old girl so f*cking bad. She wasn't exactly a loli but still.

It's only natural to want to impregnate her young fertile pussy instead of that old feminist hag of a wife the MC has.

>> No.11123451,172 [INTERNAL] 

when will men overthrow this matriarchal system and start taking young brides

>> No.11123451,174 [INTERNAL] 

Literal honeypot

>> No.11123451,175 [INTERNAL] 

Makes me wonder, since the pedobros here preach about "paternal instincts" so much as to mask their ulterior motives, here I present to you a dillemma: If by chance in the midst of your pathetic existence you came across a traumatized little girl, how would you take care of it? or let's just scratch the "traumatized" part and let's say a normal healthy little girl? Would you make her as fucked up as you are or would you see her live a normal life; going to college and marrying a man he loves, finding odd jobs and on the way becoming partially a normalfriend?

>> No.11123451,176 [INTERNAL] 

>Tarra had to do this scene high on top of a ladder so the director could capture the right angle

This site makes me feel anxious. If they delete it for some reason, all those cute pictures, videos and stories will disappear. The loli will be forgotten forever.

>> No.11123451,177 [INTERNAL] 

Uhm, I would marry her

>> No.11123451,178 [INTERNAL] 

>man he

*man she

>> No.11123451,179 [INTERNAL] 

>Makes me wonder, since the pedobros here preach about "paternal instincts" so much as to mask their ulterior motives
Stopped reading there. Fuck you.

>> No.11123451,180 [INTERNAL] 

>on the way becoming partially a normalfriend?

stopped reading there

>> No.11123451,181 [INTERNAL] 

I would do the same as hobo Phoenix Wright.

>> No.11123451,182 [INTERNAL] 

Why would she be in prison? That's really sad.

>> No.11123451,183 [INTERNAL] 

lolis love sex with older men

>> No.11123451,184 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,185 [INTERNAL] 

That just means you'd make her overly dependent on you until she gets sick of it. Which is fucked up because all hookers I know have this problem.

>> No.11123451,186 [INTERNAL] 

Heh, I remember watching this.

Didn't people suspect she was just plain retarded to begin with? What a dumb girl. There aren't enough cases of feral kids for anyone to reasonably know if they just get neglected for being so fucking dumb or if they actually can't be taught past the critical period of early childhood.

I suspect either way they're no different from your average retards. if you a aren't taught to be a genius before age 5 by your fucking dumbass parents, you won't be one, and if you aren't even taught to be a human being by then you won't be one either.

(God I wish I was a genius...)

>> No.11123451,187 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.11123451,188 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, what makes you think we wouldn't be married forever? Pedophobes always use the argument "what happens when she's not a loli anymore, you'll dump her", but that's not true. I mean, that's like saying all men will dump their wife when she gets to be 40 and marry a 20 year old. There's no reason to believe it would happen more with pedophiles than the rest of the population, they just prefer a little younger.

I would love her until I died.

>> No.11123451,189 [INTERNAL] 

>and does something amazing to your butt!
The fact that she said butt and nobody asked "what is a butt?" is just mindblowing. They are aware of the fact that they have butts. And they mention it so casually, like it's not a big deal. A cute preteen loli can literally say "I gotta take a poop, I'll be right back." and her friends will be like "yeah ok".

>feelio when cute as hell blonde Lambda-looking lolis look at their butts in the mirror and think they are kinda gross
>feelio when they can't see their own beauty
>feelio when lolis are literally blind

>> No.11123451,190 [INTERNAL] 

It doesn't matter how eternal your feelings for her are, little girls don't really know what they want even if they agreed about marrying you. Not trying to be mean but they will always find a boy handsomer, gentler and younger than your old raggedy ass as they grow up. Or perhaps you would consider locking her up on a room just like what happened to >>11123451,152

>> No.11123451,191 [INTERNAL] 

I've never done kissing with anyone, but I think kissing a loli would be pretty great.

Just imagine sitting on the couch with a loli on a cold winter night, watching a scary movie while huddled together under an unzipped sleeping bag. There's a light breeze outside and the only lights in the house are the TV's dim light and the nearly non-existant redness coming from the remnants of a once brilliant fire in the fireplace. Your hand is clumsily intertwined with her own soft hand, and as you sit with your legs folded, she's treating you like a piece of furniture, your body heat acting like a personal heater for her. As the movie plays, you really begin to take notice how she reacts to it. She hides her face when predictable scary scenes are coming, and then she flinches, squeezes onto your hand, and scrunches her sweaty feet against your leg whenever a pop up scene happens. As this continues for most of the movie you don't really think much of it. She's just a cute little girl. She's not really supposed to be fearless, right? As is usual for a crappy horror movie, the climax of the film occurs near the end and as you thought, she covers her face for nearly the whole scene.

>> No.11123451,192 [INTERNAL] 

Will you ever stop writing?

>> No.11123451,193 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,194 [INTERNAL] 

There is nothing wrong with adult girls, as long as they are interesting and cute. But if I don't meet her as a loli, I feel like I missed the best part of our relationship.

>> No.11123451,195 [INTERNAL] 

>Not trying to be mean but they will always find a boy handsomer, gentler and younger than your old raggedy ass as they grow up.

Like I said, that can literally be applied to any age group.

>> No.11123451,196 [INTERNAL] 

That's precisely how I feel as well, and I think that's how all people feel to an extent. When some old people who are like 80 still love each other they are remembering all their shared history and stuff.

>> No.11123451,197 [INTERNAL] 

pedophobes getting literally OWNED


>> No.11123451,198 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking pedos getting owned isnt anythign new

>> No.11123451,199 [INTERNAL] 

She lowers the sleeping bag to peak out to see if it's over, only to be subject to a pop up that must have been truly frightening for her. Man, they really pulled all the tricks out of the bag for this ending. Instead of squeezing onto your hand this time, she turns around and hides her face in your chest, scrounging up and stretching your t-shirt to cover her face. The movie ends, but not before conveniently leaving the ending open for a sequel. You eject the tape and turn off the VCR, and the solid blue background on the TV disappears and a black and white snow pattern replaces it. Even though the movie is over, this girl is still holding onto your shirt. You try to shake her a bit to see if she somehow fell asleep, but she doesn't move. You whisper to her that it's over, but she just pushes her face into your chest even more. Over the noise of static and inbetween the pops coming from the dying fire, you're almost certain that you can hear her sniffing something. Even more than that, you can feel her taking in deep breaths and fidgeting in your lap. Ever so slowly, she loosens up on your shirt and looks up to meet your gaze as an expression of guilt occupies her embarrassed red face. Locking eyes for only a short moment, she looks away by turning her head placing it on your chest. You try to tell her that it's time for her to go to bed, but she doesn't really move. She's just sitting there ignoring you, treating you like a piece of furniture again.

>> No.11123451,200 [INTERNAL] 

It's too embarrassing to write about kissing so I'm not doing it

>> No.11123451,201 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, what are the masturbation scenes like? How did the director tell the girl to act for those scenes?

>> No.11123451,202 [INTERNAL] 

Why do lolis always look so hot, sweaty and pleasant after a bath? It's like their body temperature is higher than usual. Loose pajamas are great, because you can easily smell her soft scent of baby soap and shampoo.

>> No.11123451,203 [INTERNAL] 

>>feelio when lolis are literally blind
you literally mean figuratively here

>> No.11123451,204 [INTERNAL] 

They look hot because baths are hot, and they look sweaty becaus they're wet and look hot. They look pleasant because you're a pedophile.

>> No.11123451,205 [INTERNAL] 

i cant stop holy fucking at this postt

>> No.11123451,206 [INTERNAL] 

can you guys seriously stop being pedophiles for a bit? I'm feeling sick and you're just making me want to throw up more

>> No.11123451,207 [INTERNAL] 

No bueno my amiga it's loli season. Lots of cute lolis wearing costumes and eating candy and picking out pumpkins and being cute

>> No.11123451,208 [INTERNAL] 

I'm craving for lolichildkidgirl anus SO MUCH. I can't stop think about their little pink buttholes.

I want to worship a kodomokid's ass.

>> No.11123451,209 [INTERNAL] 

literal ass lovers are disgusting

its fine to want to play with a lolis butt and have sex with her vagina but if you want to do anything to her butt hole then thats gross as hell

>> No.11123451,210 [INTERNAL] 

loli butts have brown poop stains

>> No.11123451,211 [INTERNAL] 

buttholes are gross and a sin against the lord

>> No.11123451,212 [INTERNAL] 

I love buttholes and would live the rest of my life inside of one if I could

>> No.11123451,213 [INTERNAL] 

I want a loli friend.

>> No.11123451,214 [INTERNAL] 


Seek help

>> No.11123451,215 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11123451,216 [INTERNAL] 

Freud was literally right about everything and is only attacked by academics because of feminists who despise his accurate concept of penis envy.

>> No.11123451,217 [INTERNAL] 

>Freud was literally right about everything


>> No.11123451,218 [INTERNAL] 

Freud is the hero we need but we don't deserve. One day he will be revived and we will all get to f*ck kids.

>> No.11123451,219 [INTERNAL] 


Guys help I don't think this is hot at all, and everyone else seems to.

>> No.11123451,220 [INTERNAL] 

I think I masturbated to that once but right now it isn't doing anything for me.

Check out THIS http://exhentai.org/g/747810/64f9728b0e/

>> No.11123451,221 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off faggot this is the pedo-straight alliance thread. Fags are to be deported to the concentration camp known as /ota/.

>> No.11123451,222 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah dude that's gay as fuck.

>> No.11123451,223 [INTERNAL] 

Literally how is that gay?

>> No.11123451,224 [INTERNAL] 

Dude why are you even believing on Sigismund SCHLOMO Freud? All his diagnosis are literally just him projecting himself.

>> No.11123451,225 [INTERNAL] 

I really, really want to cuddle with a loli. I really, really want to kiss a loli. Please help me.

>> No.11123451,226 [INTERNAL] 

Do you want to lick her smooth little cunny?

>> No.11123451,227 [INTERNAL] 

Well, kind of, but it's really far down on the list. I just want to squeeze and hug and hold hands with a cute loli who smells good.

>> No.11123451,228 [INTERNAL] 

my niece let's out a little "uhhh..." everytime I do this to her.

>> No.11123451,229 [INTERNAL] 

Stop traumatizing her.

>> No.11123451,230 [INTERNAL] 

Little girls always make noises when you squeeze them.

>> No.11123451,231 [INTERNAL] 

"uhh..." translates to "great uncle dani is being a pedophile again"

>> No.11123451,232 [INTERNAL] 

She probably told her mom that you touch her all the time like a creep........

>> No.11123451,233 [INTERNAL] 

>“Mommy, please don’t go out again tonight,” 8-year-old Daniela whines.
>“I need my fun time without kids getting in my way. Besides, Uncle Bill is going to watch you,” her mother responds.
>“But I hate Uncle Bill,” Daniela declares.
>“Don’t talk about your uncle that way. He’s always been good to you,” her mother scolds.
>“But he’s creepy. I don’t like the way he smells, and he gives me yucky wet kisses,” Daniela says.
>“That’s not true. He’s a nice man. You need to show him respect,” her mother argues.
>“He always grabs me and makes me sit on his lap. He bounces me up and down like a baby. I don’t like it,” Daniela pleads.
>“Listen. You need to be nice to your family. Uncle Bill is a nice man. Stop this complaining; I don’t want to hear any more about your uncle,” her mother admonishes.
Literally warosu.

>> No.11123451,234 [INTERNAL] 

It's a different kind of "uhhh". It's not like an "uhh" that you say when you don't know what to say, but it's like an "uhh" that comes out when you're getting a massage or being squeezed and you enjoy it.

Happens all the time.

>> No.11123451,235 [INTERNAL] 

I don't want her to hate me!

>> No.11123451,236 [INTERNAL] 

who the fuck is dani?

>> No.11123451,237 [INTERNAL] 

Too late

>> No.11123451,238 [INTERNAL] 

Speaking of kisses, one thing that really bothered me and still does is how my cousin was kissed by a guy who she didn't like. He was 18 or 19 and she was 6 or 7, and he would sneak up and kiss her on the cheek or trick her into kissing him on the lips. She did not like it at all. Sometimes she would even start crying because of how often he did it. My aunt didn't care because she thought it was funny.

And last year that guy got married to one of my cousins and they had a kid. They're both like 20. If you've ever seen me post about that surprise party where the army guy and airforce guy forced me to take a shot of whiskey (or get punched in the throat), the guy I'm talking about who would force himself on my cousin is the airforce guy.

That scumbag sold drugs too and stole stuff too.

>> No.11123451,239 [INTERNAL] 

I thought you were talking about yourself but then you said he got married

>> No.11123451,240 [INTERNAL] 

I never kissed any of my cousins at all anywhere ever, but the nine year old did softly bite me pretty often and she licked my face once or twice. Anyway, the point is that I don't force myself on kids like this guy. Plus both of my cousins really, really liked me.

How much of an asshole do you have to be to deliberately make a little girl cry like that?

>> No.11123451,241 [INTERNAL] 

I hope you die.

>> No.11123451,242 [INTERNAL] 

What? Why? What did I do?

>> No.11123451,243 [INTERNAL] 

I just don't want to see you post anymore.

>> No.11123451,244 [INTERNAL] 

Well I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll ever stop posting on Warosu.

>> No.11123451,245 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah that's why I'm hoping you die.

>> No.11123451,246 [INTERNAL] 

That's kind of mean...

>> No.11123451,247 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,248 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,249 [INTERNAL] 

feelin the same feel dude

>> No.11123451,250 [INTERNAL] 

whats wrong

>> No.11123451,251 [INTERNAL] 

life in general is terrible just those typical friday night feels

>> No.11123451,252 [INTERNAL] 

i wish i could just not wake up tomorrow but i know i will again and then ill have to suffer again

>> No.11123451,253 [INTERNAL] 

Uh what the fuck is wrong with you? If you don't wake up you won't be able to jerk off to smooth loli legs?

>> No.11123451,254 [INTERNAL] 

sorry, i hope things get better for you soon

>> No.11123451,255 [INTERNAL] 

thanks i feel better already i just need to man up and be myself you know

>> No.11123451,256 [INTERNAL] 

What happened to Tokike?

>> No.11123451,257 [INTERNAL] 

He drinks cough syrup all day now

>> No.11123451,258 [INTERNAL] 

fuck you dude dont sexualize the yowamushis

>> No.11123451,259 [INTERNAL] 

I sexualize inazumas too.

>> No.11123451,260 [INTERNAL] 

>Hi parents! I know I am only 11-years-old and I don't know everything, but here's what I know about being a kid so far... Do like my DAD & MOM... put your kid in all sorts of situations so they can find out what they're good at... this could be sports, acting, playing a musical instrument, art... whatever! Lessons, encouragement, and directions... without stress and pressure! Yes, WE ARE THE 'MORE GENERATION'. We will and we want everything in life... but most of all... LOVE !!! So, do us right.

>Sincerely, Tarra... XOXOXO


>> No.11123451,261 [INTERNAL] 

>Last update
Abandoned as hell!

I love the silly gifs!

>> No.11123451,262 [INTERNAL] 

I'd certainly give her lotsa sticky strings of love by doing her right

>> No.11123451,263 [INTERNAL] 

kill all pedophiles

>> No.11123451,264 [INTERNAL] 

she probably became a genius....

>> No.11123451,265 [INTERNAL] 

they only ever get worse

>> No.11123451,266 [INTERNAL] 

>put your kid in all sorts of situations so they can find out what they're good at

Heh... I'm sure her dad put her into all sorts of different "positions"...

>> No.11123451,267 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,268 [INTERNAL] 

it's finally over

i'll see you on the other side, wbros..

>> No.11123451,269 [INTERNAL] 

cya fag lol

>> No.11123451,270 [INTERNAL] 

i knwo that feel...

>> No.11123451,271 [INTERNAL] 

i just want to be loved...

>> No.11123451,272 [INTERNAL] 

Natural is cruel and doesn't give a shit about old people. Once you have children, you have no real purpose anymore. You pass down your genes and that's it, your death wouldn't affect natural selection.

Lolis are protected by mother nature until they turn 13-14 and nature assumes that they have reproduced already. That's why humans go downhill after that age, they are programmed that way.

Childhood is the only time you can be truly happy and healthy. It's perfectly natural to worship little girls and fantasize about cuddling with them. They are literally holy beings.

>> No.11123451,273 [INTERNAL] 

well at least you weren't born as a crotch bleeder right wbros?

>> No.11123451,274 [INTERNAL] 

My dear Mrs. Hargreaves, — I fancy this will come to you
almost like a voice from the dead, after so many years of
silence, and yet those years have made no difference that I
can perceive in my clearness of memory of the days when we
did correspond. I am getting to feel what an old man's failing
memory is as to recent events and new friends, (for instance, I
made friends, only a few weeks ago, with a very nice little maid
of about twelve, and had a walk with her — and now I can't
recall either of her names!), but my mental picture is as vivid
as ever of one who was, through so many years, my ideal
child-friend. I have had scores of child-friends since your
time, but they have been quite a different thing.

However, I did not begin this letter to say all that. What
I want to ask is. Would you have any objection to the original
MS. book of " Alice's Adventures " (which I suppose you still
possess) being published in facsimile ? The idea of doing so
occurred to me only the other day. If, on consideration, you
come to the conclusion that you would rather not have it done,
there is an end of the matter. If, however, you give a favour-
able reply, I would be much obliged if you would lend it me
(registered post, I should think, would be safest) that I may
consider the possibilities. I have not seen it for about twenty
years, so am by no means sure that the illustrations may not
prove to be so awfully bad that to reproduce them would be

There can be no doubt that I should incur the charge of
gross egoism in publishing it. But I don't care for that in the
least, knowing that I have no such motive ; only I think, con-
sidering the extraordinary popularity the books have had (we
have sold more than 120,000 of the two), there must be many
who would like to see the original form.

Always your friend,


>> No.11123451,275 [INTERNAL] 

I could be bigger than milk

>> No.11123451,276 [INTERNAL] 

>Every single one of your ancestors succeeded in reproduction, except for you..

>> No.11123451,277 [INTERNAL] 

ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao ayyyyyyy lmao

>> No.11123451,278 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,279 [INTERNAL] 

i just want to cum inside a loli

thats natures way of getting all the people with bad genes to not pass them on anyway

>> No.11123451,280 [INTERNAL] 

Lolies are cute as hell.

>> No.11123451,281 [INTERNAL] 


Nice try, Agent Jones

>> No.11123451,282 [INTERNAL] 


Why are normies so obsessed with sex? Do they REALLY believe that children shouldn't be exposed to sex? What the fuck?

>> No.11123451,283 [INTERNAL] 

It's almost like they want to protect children from sick freaks like you.

>> No.11123451,284 [INTERNAL] 

holy SHIT what the FUCK is this site? people are being paid to SHIT this crap out their ASS or do they do it for free?

also children should be shot to protect them from themselves you fucking sick pedo freak

>> No.11123451,285 [INTERNAL] 

I second this, god damn sick mother fuckers.

>> No.11123451,286 [INTERNAL] 

nice clickbait gaylord

>> No.11123451,287 [INTERNAL] 


holy fu*k...

>> No.11123451,288 [INTERNAL] 

my neck hurts

>> No.11123451,289 [INTERNAL] 

hey isnt that mara who is holding the hitler doll

>> No.11123451,290 [INTERNAL] 

They can say fuck but they are not allowed to fuck. How pathetic!

>> No.11123451,291 [INTERNAL] 

I can't watch that crap. It hurts. Fucking feminists, man.

Does the cute one ever say "ass"? It's literally all I care about.

>> No.11123451,292 [INTERNAL] 

the nig does

>> No.11123451,293 [INTERNAL] 

The cute one? The one with the pink dress? Yeah, she says something about her brain and not worry about what her ass looks like or something

>> No.11123451,294 [INTERNAL] 

What about
Even though I don't really like lolis saying rude things I think that this girl does it much better. You can tell she doesn't speak like that very often. It may even be her first time saying stuff like that! Lewd!

Either that or she has autism and/or is nervous. I don't think girls say "I would like to have sex with you".

>> No.11123451,295 [INTERNAL] 

God damn America is a shithole

>> No.11123451,296 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,297 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.11123451,298 [INTERNAL] 

Why are Leftists/Progressives so mentally ill?

>> No.11123451,299 [INTERNAL] 

>the entire video was done in one continuous shoot, and that it took 50 or 60 tries to get the final version

>> No.11123451,300 [INTERNAL] 

I really couldn't understand what these kids were saying. If those kids want equality maybe they should learn to speak properly.

>> No.11123451,301 [INTERNAL] 

The older I get the more I realize Hitler literally did nothing wrong.

>> No.11123451,302 [INTERNAL] 

correct grammar is a white devil creation, stop trying to destroy their beautiful culture you cis scum

>> No.11123451,303 [INTERNAL] 

The jews

>> No.11123451,304 [INTERNAL] 

why does warosu read like youtube comments lmfao

>> No.11123451,305 [INTERNAL] 

some things were messed up from the start
like you smelling my fart

>> No.11123451,306 [INTERNAL] 

TheLordofShell 52 minutes ago

Nothing like capitalizing on braindead femnazis

You tell'em Arc! 

>> No.11123451,307 [INTERNAL] 

It's enunciation, not grammar.

>> No.11123451,308 [INTERNAL] 

Uh I'm not white and I speak properly.

>> No.11123451,309 [INTERNAL] 

That's what you think

>> No.11123451,310 [INTERNAL] 

The Seven Ages of Girlhood von Joseph Ashby-Sterry (1876)

At Two, she is a tiny lass,
And joy she scarcely knows from sorrow;
She scarce consults her looking-glass;
She has no thought of sad tomorrow!

At Four she is a merry maid,
And looks on aught but play as folly;
She can't believe bright flowers fade--
That only sawdust is her dolly.

At Eight, her troubles come in scores,
For oft she is perverse and haughty;
A pouting puss in pinafores--
Who's sometimes whipped when she is naughty!

At Twelve, she is a saucy teaze,
Who knows full well her glances rankle;
Her petticoats scarce veil her knees,
And fairy frills scarce kiss her ankle.

>> No.11123451,311 [INTERNAL] 

At Fifteen, she's the pearl of pets,
And feels assured her pow'r is strengthened;
Her snowy school-girl trouserettes
Are hidden when her skirt is lengthened.

At Sixteen, she's the sweetest sweet,
And dresses in the height of fashion;
She feels her heart 'neath bodice beat,
In earnest for the tender passion.

At Eighteen, p'r'aps she may be sold
Her lot to share, for worse or better;
She'll either sell her heart for gold--
Or give it for a golden fetter!

>> No.11123451,312 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11123451,313 [INTERNAL] 

Can someone translate this shit to English?

>> No.11123451,314 [INTERNAL] 


Holy fuck this loli is super cute.

>> No.11123451,315 [INTERNAL] 

You see a jap with a sword, you shoot him.

>> No.11123451,316 [INTERNAL] 

Literally one of the cutest little girls I've ever seen.

>> No.11123451,317 [INTERNAL] 

Nazis are literally never cute.
t. a german

>> No.11123451,318 [INTERNAL] 

Then why is that girl so cute? What is she saying?

>> No.11123451,319 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe it's because you're a nazi pedophile.

>> No.11123451,320 [INTERNAL] 

I'm definitely not a nazi!

>> No.11123451,321 [INTERNAL] 

Xcuse me who the fuck is Arc?

>> No.11123451,322 [INTERNAL] 

What a nerd, I hope she is bullied and humiliated in class!

>> No.11123451,323 [INTERNAL] 

the boys would only tease her since they like her

>> No.11123451,324 [INTERNAL] 

What about the lolis?

>> No.11123451,325 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11123451,326 [INTERNAL] 

they would like her since she is showing girls are smarter than boys

>> No.11123451,327 [INTERNAL] 

I want to own the hell out of a preteen loli, any tips?

>> No.11123451,328 [INTERNAL] 

Are you >>>11960987,983's friend

>> No.11123451,329 [INTERNAL] 


Poor LauraB...

>> No.11123451,330 [INTERNAL] 

I think I'm in love with LauraB...


>> No.11123451,331 [INTERNAL] 


I wonder where all these pictures come from. They're obviously not from CD sets and there are even some pictures of her at school and with her friends.


Poor LauraB...

PS Why is her butt so big?

>> No.11123451,332 [INTERNAL] 


This music is pretty nice actually.

>> No.11123451,333 [INTERNAL] 

Do her friends know she's a whore?

>> No.11123451,334 [INTERNAL] 

I really don't know. I don't think any of the girls with her are CD models, so maybe not.

>> No.11123451,335 [INTERNAL] 

So does anyone here ever interact with actual lolis? Have you ever had a younger girl think of you as a brother of sorts?

>> No.11123451,336 [INTERNAL] 

in the rare situations where i might have a chance i'm too scared...
i've been thinking a lot about trying to change that while i still look young.. but i really have no idea what a good way to do so would be.... i'd honestly cut my dick off for a kid sister

>> No.11123451,337 [INTERNAL] 

>feelio when you will never have a loli sister
>feelio when you will never watch movies with her, talk to her every day, see her grow up into a super cute preteen sixth grader with short hair, spy on her and discover her embarrassing secrets
I want to die.

>> No.11123451,338 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis don't have secrets.

>> No.11123451,339 [INTERNAL] 

im epic http://i.imgur.com/PDzYKRS.jpg

>> No.11123451,340 [INTERNAL] 

The only secrets 6th graders have is how much pubic hair has already grown.

>> No.11123451,341 [INTERNAL] 

Most 6th graders are prepubescent. I know from experience. What kind of freaks did you go to school with?

Let me guess, you live in that shithole called America.

>> No.11123451,342 [INTERNAL] 

Hormones in the food.

Perfect preteen 6th graders went extinct like five years ago.

>> No.11123451,343 [INTERNAL] 

I want to be loved by a loli and play videogames with her.

I want a loli sister so fucking bad.

>> No.11123451,344 [INTERNAL] 

The more the better. I wish all lolis had huge bushes.

>> No.11123451,345 [INTERNAL] 

I just want to be loved…

>> No.11123451,346 [INTERNAL] 

The best thing about preteen lolis is that they smell like odorless sweat, have sexy butts and cute little chest buds.

Puberty has no business in an elementary school.

>> No.11123451,347 [INTERNAL] 

ily bby <3

>> No.11123451,348 [INTERNAL] 

jk haha

>> No.11123451,349 [INTERNAL] 

I want to lick a between a super cute preteen loli's toes.

>> No.11123451,350 [INTERNAL] 

Halloween must be the W's prime time, so I am looking for some cool stories from you bros

>> No.11123451,351 [INTERNAL] 

im drinking by myself and answering a door this year..

>> No.11123451,352 [INTERNAL] 

So I went to that haunted house with my sister today. It was set up in a such a way that after you entered the main gate, there were four smaller attractioins to go through, each with a different theme. To make sure people didn't get bored while waiting in line, they had three or four people walk around in the main area between the attractions to mess with people.

My sister and I went to the closest attraction first, which turned out to be a clown themed house. After two men had come to mess with the people in our line, a little girl in costume came over. From her height and proportions, I'd guess she was 11 or 12, but no older. Her height put her just at my chest. Her hair was tied off on either side of her head, she had black and white striped stockings, a frilly black skirt, and a black and white t-shirt. Her face was also painted black and white. She was really cute! I had absolutely no idea that there would be a loli at a place like this, let alone working there, let alone actually scaring people. She didn't really try to scare me though because I barely reacted compared to my sister.

As we got closer to the front of the line she came back again and my sister flinched and let out a quick yell, and the man checking the admission wristbands asked why my sister didn't like his little sister. I don't know if they were really brother and sister, or if it was to make it seem creepier somehow, but to me it made that girl seem a lot cuter. Loli little sisters are always cute.

Anyway, towards the end of the night I didn't ever see the girl again. In my mind the only explanation that I could come up with was that she had to quit early so that she could get enough sleep for school in the morning.

>> No.11123451,353 [INTERNAL] 

how old is your sister?

>> No.11123451,354 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,355 [INTERNAL] 

I think she's 14.

>> No.11123451,356 [INTERNAL] 

why did you answer twice?

>> No.11123451,357 [INTERNAL] 

Someone else also answered. I only posted once.

>> No.11123451,358 [INTERNAL] 

is she cute?

>> No.11123451,359 [INTERNAL] 

This is important

>> No.11123451,360 [INTERNAL] 

where is everyone...

>> No.11123451,361 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,362 [INTERNAL] 

No, sorry. She swears way more than myself and is obsessed with her phone. I thought one her friends was coming but it was just me and her in the end. Sorry.

>> No.11123451,363 [INTERNAL] 

is her friend cute?

>> No.11123451,364 [INTERNAL] 

Uh I don't wanna talk about non-lolis in a loli thread sorry.

>> No.11123451,365 [INTERNAL] 

you don't like cute 14 year olds with nice bushes?

>> No.11123451,366 [INTERNAL] 

was she always like that?

>> No.11123451,367 [INTERNAL] 

why didn't you stop her becoming like that?

>> No.11123451,368 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah why didn't you stop her?

>> No.11123451,369 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,370 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,371 [INTERNAL] 


this fat bitch has gotten more loli action than all of the W combined

>> No.11123451,372 [INTERNAL] 

Um has anyone gotten any trick or treaters? There have been none so far here...

>> No.11123451,373 [INTERNAL] 

I've gotten a few if you know what I mean.

>> No.11123451,374 [INTERNAL] 

I slept through it all.

>> No.11123451,375 [INTERNAL] 

I just spent the last twenty minutes rubbing a twelve year old girl's bare chest.

"How?" you ask. Well apparently there are a select few contexts within which such an action is acceptable. For instance, if your niece has a hacking cough and your sister asks you to "put some of this on her" while she calls the doctor.
"Putting some of this on hear" meant using my bare hands to rub this vapor ointment shit all over her BARE NAKED CHEST. My heartbeat is still all erratic from it. I had a boner the size of Manhattan the entire time. She's sleeping now and I guess she feels better because she stopped coughing.
Details: She's about 5 feet tall, has long brown hair, a cute face, a thin waist and long skinny legs. She's in jammies I think because although I'm pretty shaken up right now I know I unbuttoned something before I went at it.
God I feel so great. I just rubbed my hands all over her FUCKING TITS, you guys. Well the puffy parts of her chest anyway. Her nipples got hard. I just about wept tears of joy.
I didn't do anything else because I'm a coward and rubbing was enough. Plus it was legal and I didn't technically do anything wrong, so I'm in the clear.
I'd write more but I seriously have to go fap while the memory is fresh in my head.

>> No.11123451,376 [INTERNAL] 

This kopipe turned me into a pedophile. How hard can a 12 year old's nipples get?

>> No.11123451,377 [INTERNAL] 

My cousins just came over. I didn't expect that at all. My aunt didn't seem mad or rude or anything despite her yelling at me and threatening me before. The younger one was either Clark Kent or a nerd with pigtails, thick black glasses, a red t-shirt tucked into her shorts, and suspenders. The older one was a witch and she had a really long black and purple dress. She looked really pretty.

>> No.11123451,378 [INTERNAL] 

vicks vaporub is for fags only

>> No.11123451,379 [INTERNAL] 

i should have put up decorations i guess...............oh well

>> No.11123451,380 [INTERNAL] 

im gay

>> No.11123451,381 [INTERNAL] 

Consider suicide you sick fuck.

>> No.11123451,382 [INTERNAL] 

How am I a sick fuck?

>> No.11123451,383 [INTERNAL] 

So where's the stories?

>> No.11123451,384 [INTERNAL] 

Earlier when I got the door for some trick or treaters before they left some asshole kid in a fedora gave me a business card and told me that everyone there was part of a play.

What makes him think that I see their play? There weren't even any girls or lolis there. It was just guys of varying ages. Who would be interested in something like that?

>> No.11123451,385 [INTERNAL] 

My asshole sister just gave some ToT'ing kodomos with plastic eggs with her kush in them, she told them they were easter leftovers.

>> No.11123451,386 [INTERNAL] 

Can someone translate this one for me

>> No.11123451,387 [INTERNAL] 

I think he said something about his sister selling drugs to children.

>> No.11123451,388 [INTERNAL] 

Ummmmmm................. so..............
This is my little sister. I took the pic yesterday she was about to go asking for candies......

>> No.11123451,389 [INTERNAL] 

do you mind if i jerk off to this?

>> No.11123451,390 [INTERNAL] 

Post more? My dick is literally growing as I type this..

>> No.11123451,391 [INTERNAL] 

lift up her skirt and take another one

>> No.11123451,392 [INTERNAL] 

That dress makes her look like a middle schooler and what the fuck is she wearing on her head? I thought it was her face, that's some scary Dahlia shit.


>> No.11123451,393 [INTERNAL] 

She was wearing a costume for Halloween, dude.

>> No.11123451,394 [INTERNAL] 

How do I unsubscribe from this blog

>> No.11123451,395 [INTERNAL] 

How do I unsubscribe from this planet........

>> No.11123451,396 [INTERNAL] 

w-man has replied to you:
know that feel

>> No.11123451,397 [INTERNAL] 

hey guys, check out this CP


>> No.11123451,398 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK >>53804499 in that thread is one of the hottest things I've ever seen

it was worth the prison sentence I'll get for opening the thread

>> No.11123451,399 [INTERNAL] 

Am I really going to go to prison...

>> No.11123451,400 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck, really? They're like 15.

>> No.11123451,401 [INTERNAL] 

fuck I missed it
what was it please describe

>> No.11123451,402 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11123451,403 [INTERNAL] 

heh, get fucked pedos

>> No.11123451,404 [INTERNAL] 

when the FBI comes knocking, make sure to put your hard drive in the microwave

>> No.11123451,405 [INTERNAL] 

post faster you fucking losers

>> No.11123451,406 [INTERNAL] 

If you tell me what to do one more fucking time I'll make sure you'll regret it.

>> No.11123451,407 [INTERNAL] 

don't tell me what to do, I need more steaming fresh memes

>> No.11123451,408 [INTERNAL] 

Do lolis like virgins?

>> No.11123451,409 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis love virgins.

>> No.11123451,410 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are pathetic virgins.

>> No.11123451,411 [INTERNAL] 

Are lolis embarrassed about it?

>> No.11123451,412 [INTERNAL] 

females are honored and respected for their virgin status

this is part of the bullshit double standard of society that made me MGTOW

>> No.11123451,413 [INTERNAL] 

only if you're an attractive or religious girl

>> No.11123451,414 [INTERNAL] 

A key that opens many locks is invaluable, a lock that is opened by every key is a worthless lock.

>> No.11123451,415 [INTERNAL] 

-a teenbro

>> No.11123451,416 [INTERNAL] 

Don't get mad at facts you used goods slut.

>> No.11123451,417 [INTERNAL] 

im a 30 year old virgin, last of his kind, on warosu go back to drinkjing wiht your friends teenbor

>> No.11123451,418 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah well I'm a 19 year old homeless junkie who gets ton of pussy. Go back to jerking off to your japanese cartoons

>> No.11123451,419 [INTERNAL] 

this is my place go away

>> No.11123451,420 [INTERNAL] 

Suck a dick gramps LOL

>> No.11123451,421 [INTERNAL] 

dont you have homework or something to do

>> No.11123451,422 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah I already did your mom

>> No.11123451,423 [INTERNAL] 

that woul dbe impossible

>> No.11123451,424 [INTERNAL] 

holy fgcuk

>> No.11123451,425 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,426 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,427 [INTERNAL] 

How do you find this shit

>> No.11123451,428 [INTERNAL] 

She is just doing it to make the older people happy because she sees them smiling and laughing. She doesn't understand, this is bullying.

>> No.11123451,429 [INTERNAL] 

She does it because she doesn't know what butts are. This is conclusive proof that lolis can't comprehend butts. A butt is a vague concept for the loli. An ass maybe vaguer still.

>> No.11123451,430 [INTERNAL] 

She wouldn't be doing it if she knew what she was actually doing. Lolis just like making older people happy... but then they are exploited...


>> No.11123451,431 [INTERNAL] 

Wow you sure know a lot about exploiting lolis.

>> No.11123451,432 [INTERNAL] 

You're talking to a certified loli expert, junior..

>> No.11123451,433 [INTERNAL] 

post a pic, brahski

>> No.11123451,434 [INTERNAL] 

uh trying to make a point with irrelevant analogies is dumb

the real reason is literally why would you fuck a girl who isn't a pure virgin and just sleeps with everyone including black guys because then you could never be sure you were the father and it would take 9 months for her to pop one out. but if a girl fucks chad then it doesn't matter how many others he fucks pregnancy-wise since she can be sure the baby is hers

this is why being a slut is never acceptable
*laughs at the notion of "slut-shaming" being bad*

>> No.11123451,435 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit this loser just repeated things literally even a 5th grader knows.. does he actually think it was insightful?


>> No.11123451,436 [INTERNAL] 

uh if every 5th grader knew it then they wouldn't post "key goes into lock like if you subscribe" to their facebook all the time

>> No.11123451,437 [INTERNAL] 

Just ignore the Trevor-chan subhuman.

>> No.11123451,438 [INTERNAL] 

Abstract is the highest form of thought kiddo. Leave it those those with high IQs to explain these things, you needn't burden your subhuman brain.

>> No.11123451,439 [INTERNAL] 

abstracting to the point it has no relevance isn't. if men were the ones with vaginas and women had penises but everything else worked the same then you could still make the stupid "lock/key brah" analogy but it wouldn't make sense

sorry you thought it was good...

>> No.11123451,440 [INTERNAL] 

>it wouldn't make sense

Uh.. yes it would retard. Holy shit this retard keeps getting owned hard...

>> No.11123451,441 [INTERNAL] 

the lock/key analogy makes feminists so mad it's great

>> No.11123451,442 [INTERNAL] 

no it wouldn't because the key is an analogy for the penis and the lock is an analogy for the vagina. literally if the one with the penis got pregnant it wouldn't work

just let go of the analogy dude...

>> No.11123451,443 [INTERNAL] 

I think it makes me mad as well, such a dumb thing to say.

>> No.11123451,444 [INTERNAL] 

Listen I know you're upset and have started samefagging because you have a used up vagina but it's an accurate analogy. Take your STD-ridden whore ass back to tumblr before I ban you.

- Wgirl

>> No.11123451,445 [INTERNAL] 

I said it to me mum once and she got pissed about how it was misogynistic.

>> No.11123451,446 [INTERNAL] 

thats because it is misogynistic you sexist fuck. take your teenbro bigotry back to /pol/.

>> No.11123451,447 [INTERNAL] 

Uhm......... you lost?

>> No.11123451,448 [INTERNAL] 

I love you

>> No.11123451,449 [INTERNAL] 

Woah Trevor, chill out or go take your meds.

>> No.11123451,450 [INTERNAL] 

Now, why it’s sexist—the very fact that someone needed this metaphor to try to justify male sexuality and shame female sexuality, is sexist! It’s an incredibly tired old trope, with absolutely no rational basis (that men are “naturally” more sex driven and women should remain pure, virginal, etc.) It’s all a part of the patriarchy designed to keep women subordinate and to socially control what we do with our bodies. It’s slut shaming at its finest, and it’s just using a ridiculous metaphor to justify a deeply bigoted view. (For detailed reading on this topic, I suggest Jessica Valenti’s Purity Myth.)

I really, really hate that fucking metaphor.

>> No.11123451,451 [INTERNAL] 

This kid copied this from tumblr, he isnt even trying anymore

>> No.11123451,452 [INTERNAL] 

feminists btfo yet again, stay out of my W you subhuman locks.

- master key

>> No.11123451,453 [INTERNAL] 

shitnerds not liking feminism blows my mind
feminism is beneficial for nerdboys? being a feminist is helpful when it comes to meeting girls that don't dislike you?
even if toxic alpha male bullshit was cool & good we'd all suck shit at it anyways so what could we possibly have to lose

>> No.11123451,454 [INTERNAL] 

Bro (sis?) stop being pussmade and bump when you're engaged in an edebate (even if you win you're still retarded, lol)

>> No.11123451,455 [INTERNAL] 

i realyl wish people would post pictures of sloths on jp

>> No.11123451,456 [INTERNAL] 

jesus fuck you're subhuman

>> No.11123451,457 [INTERNAL] 

nice tryhard meme

>> No.11123451,458 [INTERNAL] 

Posted just for you

>> No.11123451,459 [INTERNAL] 

fuck you, it's been at least six years since my last age

>> No.11123451,460 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,461 [INTERNAL] 

thank you that is a really good post

>> No.11123451,462 [INTERNAL] 

I'm really enjoying that thread.

>> No.11123451,463 [INTERNAL] 

Is this the latest Sims game? It has really good graphics.

>> No.11123451,464 [INTERNAL] 

I think we killed the mod on /jp/

>> No.11123451,465 [INTERNAL] 

I want a /jp/ friend...sigh...

>> No.11123451,466 [INTERNAL] 

Just another day waking up feeeling...

>> No.11123451,467 [INTERNAL] 

I was going to say you can email me but then I saw you were that music irish queer LOL

>> No.11123451,468 [INTERNAL] 

llamo this kid got owned so hard he couldnt type right he was that shaken

>> No.11123451,469 [INTERNAL] 

I have one friend from /jp/, but I also want a real life /jp/ friend, the closest I have is /a/ friend...

At least I don't post on /mu/ heh...

>> No.11123451,470 [INTERNAL] 

but you DO post on /mu/, griffon!
it's okay, I like you anyways. I'll let you be my friend.

>> No.11123451,471 [INTERNAL] 

That was the joke...

But thank you Anon.

>> No.11123451,472 [INTERNAL] 

The buttocks of a female fourth grader!

>> No.11123451,473 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't I have a boner.

>> No.11123451,474 [INTERNAL] 

My sister is a 2nd grader

>> No.11123451,475 [INTERNAL] 

She's like a kid. Fourth graders are way better.

>> No.11123451,476 [INTERNAL] 

>This is conclusive proof that lolis can't comprehend butts.
Not every loli is the same. Some lolis are 6, some lolis are 11. This is a fact of life.

>> No.11123451,477 [INTERNAL] 


Do normies really think the adult is better? How? What the fuck? I literally can't believe it. They are all a bunch of liars.

>> No.11123451,478 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.11123451,479 [INTERNAL] 

they're copying kill bill...?

>> No.11123451,480 [INTERNAL] 

i dont care about you're facts idiot!!

>> No.11123451,481 [INTERNAL] 


loli blowing semitic kike worshippers the FUCK OUTTTTTT

>> No.11123451,482 [INTERNAL] 

She needs to be raped

>> No.11123451,483 [INTERNAL] 

I think I'm in love!

>> No.11123451,484 [INTERNAL] 

Why the FUUUUUUUUUUUCK do people post lewd comments? Are they normies trying to get the video deleted so that we can NEVER see that cute little girl again?

>> No.11123451,485 [INTERNAL] 

I would pay good money to have her beat the shit out of me while calling me names and stepping on my balls.

>> No.11123451,486 [INTERNAL] 

can a loli actually beat the shit out of anyone?

>> No.11123451,487 [INTERNAL] 

If I'm tied up and she has a whip...

>> No.11123451,488 [INTERNAL] 

i dont think a loli would do that sort of thing. the best kind of beating up from a loli is to have her hit you and pinch you, because pinches dont hurt very much and her punches would maybe feel good.

>> No.11123451,489 [INTERNAL] 

role playing isnt real retard

>> No.11123451,490 [INTERNAL] 

How's your mom

>> No.11123451,491 [INTERNAL] 

im your mom faggot youre grounded

>> No.11123451,492 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis literally LOVE pleasuring older men

>> No.11123451,493 [INTERNAL] 

if thats so true then why are they always crying from pain throughout the videos

>> No.11123451,494 [INTERNAL] 

Uh... are you admitting to something?

>> No.11123451,495 [INTERNAL] 

Most lolis are strong enough to really hurt you with their punches.

>> No.11123451,496 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are stupid

>> No.11123451,497 [INTERNAL] 

You're stupid..

>> No.11123451,498 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone who posts in this thread is going to have their IP logged by the Bureau.

>> No.11123451,499 [INTERNAL] 

I suck cocks

>> No.11123451,500 [INTERNAL] 

500 GET

>> No.11123451,501 [INTERNAL] 

>Jesus bla bla Jessie bluh blurt bluh

cute as fuuuuuggg...

>> No.11123451,502 [INTERNAL] 

She is really cute isn't she? Cute hair style too. Reminds me of Wednesday Addams.

>> No.11123451,503 [INTERNAL] 

Life is all about cute girls. Fuck everything else.

>> No.11123451,504 [INTERNAL] 

The most important way to ensure happiness is to be in a loving relationship with a cute girl. Your body desperately wants you to succeed in reproduction and pass on your genes so it makes sure you're rewarded for accomplishing this task.

So many problems in the world could be solved if we made sure everyone had a companion to love and be loved by. Just a simple thing like that can be the difference between a loving person and a school shooter.

>> No.11123451,505 [INTERNAL] 

She keeps glancing at the cam it means her worthless subhuman fedora tipping parents told her to trash that preacher

>> No.11123451,506 [INTERNAL] 

Why are lolis so cheeky?

>> No.11123451,507 [INTERNAL] 

She's craving a hard dicking

>> No.11123451,508 [INTERNAL] 

That's really fucking cute. How can normies find lolis annoying?

>> No.11123451,509 [INTERNAL] 

>video removed


>> No.11123451,510 [INTERNAL] 

... I want to kill myself. I'm not joking. Fuck...

>> No.11123451,511 [INTERNAL] 

Pigtails in paint is gone. It's fucking gone. Again. I fucking hate everything.

>> No.11123451,512 [INTERNAL] 

sick pedo fucks kill yourselves

>> No.11123451,513 [INTERNAL] 

that's what you FREAKS get for talking about how you want to cum in her underaged cunny on youtube

>> No.11123451,514 [INTERNAL] 

Whether you are serious or a troll, you are definitely a dreadful human being. Your posts make me feel sick... I literally feel like vomiting.

>> No.11123451,515 [INTERNAL] 

You actually don't have the right to say anything like that to anyone else, you're at the absolute bottom of the barrel.

>> No.11123451,516 [INTERNAL] 

>I literally feel like vomiting

just like little girls do when they see your disgusting overweight face u neckbeard loser ROFL

>> No.11123451,517 [INTERNAL] 

holy fuck

>> No.11123451,518 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,519 [INTERNAL] 

does that happen? It seems to me like the "I feel like throwing up" from reading something that is morally abhorrent is just something tumblr girls made up

>> No.11123451,520 [INTERNAL] 

No, I really feel physically sick. My whole body hurts when I feel frustrated or when Youtube deletes a cute loli video.

>> No.11123451,521 [INTERNAL] 

at least I commented how I felt about her before they deleted it

>> No.11123451,522 [INTERNAL] 

Pedophilia is a mental illness, please seek medical help.

>> No.11123451,523 [INTERNAL] 

autism is a mental illness too but there's no cure

>> No.11123451,524 [INTERNAL] 

I want to hang out with a phisicistloli

>> No.11123451,525 [INTERNAL] 

I would simply love to have unprotected sex with a prepubescent girl unable to give informed consent such that the act would be considered statutory rape and instill her with long lasting trauma in order to have myself a night of pleasure, and then outrage her modesty further by posting all about the experience to my friends at warosu.org/jp/ (view in ghost mode).

>> No.11123451,526 [INTERNAL] 

I love the outrage her modesty mene

>> No.11123451,527 [INTERNAL] 

Seems like you could benefit more from an Englishloli

>> No.11123451,528 [INTERNAL] 

I mean, if you detach yourself from it and give it a careful, analytical look, it is kind of weird that we want to fuck children.

>> No.11123451,529 [INTERNAL] 

objectivity is a myth

>> No.11123451,530 [INTERNAL] 

Um how??

>> No.11123451,531 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are super cute and smell good. It's perfectly normal to be attracted to cuteness.

>> No.11123451,532 [INTERNAL] 

So for all of you who do have a cute sister--be she older or younger--how do you stop yourselves from stealing her panties / jacking off to her / raping her? I don't think I could handle having a hot sister. Especially if she were younger.

>> No.11123451,533 [INTERNAL] 

i dont

>> No.11123451,534 [INTERNAL] 

what about rape

>> No.11123451,535 [INTERNAL] 

When did you first start to see your sister in a sexual light? And is she older or younger than you?

>> No.11123451,536 [INTERNAL] 

never felt the urge to rape ever and i dont think i will

no use in trying to stop yourself from doing those other things like masturbating to her or stealing her panties. its natural

>> No.11123451,537 [INTERNAL] 


Has anything like this ever happened to you

>> No.11123451,538 [INTERNAL] 

thats kind of weird nothing exactly like that happened but she does tickle me a lot and she walks really slow in just a towel to her room after a shower

she doesnt make a deal about her panties at all and shes too young for bras

>> No.11123451,539 [INTERNAL] 

>loli shit

lol fuck off u had me goin for a moment

>> No.11123451,540 [INTERNAL] 

shes really cute though and she likes me

>> No.11123451,541 [INTERNAL] 

and i mean shes at that age where she doesnt dislike me

>> No.11123451,542 [INTERNAL] 

loligger you just dont get it do you...

>> No.11123451,543 [INTERNAL] 

whats loligger

>> No.11123451,544 [INTERNAL] 

loli nigger

>> No.11123451,545 [INTERNAL] 

How old is your imaginary sister?

>> No.11123451,546 [INTERNAL] 

I think a lot of little girls are like that. Doesn't mean she's imaginary. I know I sound like a broken record, but my cousin didn't care if I saw her underwear (and even when I told her I could see them she would just shrug) and she seemed to constantly be looking for ways to tickle me or searching for places I was ticklish. Plus she always had me watch her do handstands and cartwheels and her shirt would always fall. When she did them in her pajamas (which were really nothing more than a long shirt), it would even more.

I still feel bad for her and my other cousin though, because my aunt ignores a lot of her younger (adopted) kids, and my uncle doesn't care about anything other than work. They're pretty much ignored by everyone in the house except when the garbage needs to be thrown out or when something needs to be cleaned. On top of that they have to go to bed at 8PM, whereas the non-adopted kids being able to sleep whenever they wanted. It also bothers me how the adopted kids get way less for Christmas and their birthdays compared to their non-adopted siblings.

>> No.11123451,547 [INTERNAL] 

You ruin everything. I wanted hot incest stories, not loli bullshit

>> No.11123451,548 [INTERNAL] 

The best incest stories involve loli.

>> No.11123451,549 [INTERNAL] 

Seriously, what's the point of incest stories if the people are grown up? I'm not trying to be condescending and I'm honestly curious. Aren't incest stories with people who aren't lolis just boring?

>> No.11123451,550 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sick of seeing this ugly loli drawing on the front page of the W.

>> No.11123451,551 [INTERNAL] 

Bump another loli thread and we'll post in there then.

>> No.11123451,552 [INTERNAL] 

pedonorm blog stories are just as terrible

>> No.11123451,553 [INTERNAL] 

what the hell is pedonorm

id rather read a post on here about someone seeing a super cute lolikid rather than a post about someone seeing some random cockslut

>> No.11123451,554 [INTERNAL] 

i'd rather eat shit than eat my own hands


>> No.11123451,555 [INTERNAL] 

>Sybil released her foot. "Did you read `Little Black Sambo'?" she said.
"It's very funny you ask me that," he said. "It so happens I just finished reading it last
night." He reached down and took back Sybil's hand. "What did you think of it?" he
asked her.
"Did the tigers run all around that tree?"
"I thought they'd never stop. I never saw so many tigers."
"There were only six," Sybil said.
"Only six!" said the young man. "Do you call that only?"
"Do you like wax?" Sybil asked.
"Do I like what?" asked the young man. "Wax."
"Very much. Don't you?"
Sybil nodded. "Do you like olives?" she asked.
"Olives--yes. Olives and wax. I never go anyplace without 'em."
"Do you like Sharon Lipschutz?" Sybil asked.
"Yes. Yes, I do," said the young man. "What I like particularly about her is that she
never does anything mean to little dogs in the lobby of the hotel. That little toy bull that
belongs to that lady from Canada, for instance. You probably won't believe this, but
some little girls like to poke that little dog with balloon sticks. Sharon doesn't. She's
never mean or unkind. That's why I like her so much."
Sybil was silent.
"I like to chew candles," she said finally.

Why are lolis so whimsical?

>> No.11123451,556 [INTERNAL] 

wth? it's a cute loli drawing even if crude

>> No.11123451,557 [INTERNAL] 

Where is that from?

>> No.11123451,558 [INTERNAL] 

when I'm alone I sometimes whisper weeb phrases to myself...

>> No.11123451,559 [INTERNAL] 

It's from Salinger's "A Perfect Day for Bananafish"

>> No.11123451,560 [INTERNAL] 

A loli's slippery spready vagina!

>> No.11123451,561 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,562 [INTERNAL] 

Aren't there stories of lolis trying to 'surprise' people by spreading their vaginas?

>> No.11123451,563 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11123451,564 [INTERNAL] 

Because you're the one saying it.

>> No.11123451,565 [INTERNAL] 


I think this artist has done a lot of research for this.

>> No.11123451,566 [INTERNAL] 

Ad hominem.

>> No.11123451,567 [INTERNAL] 

>You need a gold account to see this image.

Why would someone not just click the pixiv link instead?

>> No.11123451,568 [INTERNAL] 

I don't have a gold account and I can see it fine.

>> No.11123451,569 [INTERNAL] 

There is literally nothing wrong with discussing loli vaginas on Warosu.

>> No.11123451,570 [INTERNAL] 

Can't we just stop talking about loli lewd parts and just about them being retardedly cute?

>> No.11123451,571 [INTERNAL] 

isnt it weird to think that each and every loli has those lewd loli parts
isnt it lewd that those parts are there for you to put your dick in
isnt it lewd that lolis have parts specifically to make a cock cum inside of them

>> No.11123451,572 [INTERNAL] 

You could even say that it's mindblowing

>> No.11123451,573 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off /a/.

>> No.11123451,574 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,575 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, during these cold winter nights I wonder how many lolis are under a fluffy blanket playing with their lolislits. I also wonder how many lolis are actually naked and taking a warm bath right now.

>> No.11123451,576 [INTERNAL] 

The only lolis who do that are ugly lolis with bucktooth and braids

>> No.11123451,577 [INTERNAL] 

Only ugly lolis masturbate and take baths? What do the cute ones do?

>> No.11123451,578 [INTERNAL] 

they Tonguefuck my dick

>> No.11123451,579 [INTERNAL] 

Tonguefuck your dick? How can they tonguefuck it? Do they just lick it? What pleasure do they get from that?

>> No.11123451,580 [INTERNAL] 

They only take warm baths.

>> No.11123451,581 [INTERNAL] 

Girls are submissive by nature, so they can get off to knowing they are being used and objectified by somebody else. My loli bitch brat always begs for me to shove it down her throat.

>> No.11123451,582 [INTERNAL] 

Uh... I think when a loli takes a bath they clean themselves and rub their loliclits and feel tingly.

>> No.11123451,583 [INTERNAL] 

I mean, girls literally often fantasize about rape, over 30% admit to experiencing orgasm during rape, and I have seen two girls cum while giving head, and another cum after getting facialized.

Trust me, girls love sucking dick. My loli bitch thanks me every time I ravage her little mouth.

>> No.11123451,584 [INTERNAL] 

loli bitch is an oxymoron

>> No.11123451,585 [INTERNAL] 

Haha. Women are property, nothing more. Why would their larval stages be any different?

>> No.11123451,586 [INTERNAL] 

I was talking about their attitude.

>> No.11123451,587 [INTERNAL] 

How? Most lolis are selfish bitches.

>> No.11123451,588 [INTERNAL] 

I am not using the word bitch in that manner.

>> No.11123451,589 [INTERNAL] 

Instead of "bitch" why not use a more literal word like cocksleeve or suckslave or cockslave or something like that?

I kind of want an onahole loli... No more lubing or cleaning or warming.

>> No.11123451,590 [INTERNAL] 

I do typically use words like that, but I've taken to bitch lately. There's a reason norms love that word so much, I think. My go-to prior to this was always fuckhole or fuckpig

>> No.11123451,591 [INTERNAL] 

I was also fond of rapeslave

>> No.11123451,592 [INTERNAL] 

What if an FBI agent takes your post seriously because he's a dumb fucking normie?

>> No.11123451,593 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are for cuddling.

>> No.11123451,594 [INTERNAL] 

Sex is the most intimate sort of cuddling.

>> No.11123451,595 [INTERNAL] 

And rape. The little seductresses KNOW the effect their bodies have on men. It's only par for the course.

>> No.11123451,596 [INTERNAL] 

There aren't even any agents here you paranoid cunt

>> No.11123451,597 [INTERNAL] 

Do you think these sorts of things actually exist? Does someone out there actually have a loli fucktoy that they cum inside of everyday?

>> No.11123451,598 [INTERNAL] 

Definitely. That they come inside of to the girl's utmost delight? That'd be the ticket, but I guess it's doubtful. But there are so many people alive right now, there's just gotta be at least one guy....

>> No.11123451,599 [INTERNAL] 

Human trafficking is extremely common, unfortunately there's definitely more than one little being tortured out there.

>> No.11123451,600 [INTERNAL] 

Oh yes, I meant to say that there are definitely loli fuckslaves out there, but the question of whether there are any out there who are the willing, eager fuckholes of some guy is what's suspect.

>> No.11123451,601 [INTERNAL] 

This actually is mindblowing, and I'm not being ironic or anything. It really amazes me to think that somewhere there's a loli getting pumped full of semen fairly often.

>> No.11123451,602 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, it's like you forgot about who was /b/'s king of the month for April 5 years ago.

>> No.11123451,603 [INTERNAL] 

Who the fuck was still using /b/ five years ago.

>> No.11123451,604 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,605 [INTERNAL] 

I haven't been on /b/ since 2007.

>> No.11123451,606 [INTERNAL] 


I haven't been on /b/ since 2005. I miss snacks. Fuck my farts smell like literal shit

>> No.11123451,607 [INTERNAL] 

Snacks idled #4chan until a year ago, how could you miss him?

>> No.11123451,608 [INTERNAL] 

DAE likes to eat smegma?

>> No.11123451,609 [INTERNAL] 

is this the place we namedrop people we read about on knowyourmeme in order to appear oldfag as HELL?

>> No.11123451,610 [INTERNAL] 

If only accelspammer were here, there wouldn't be so many narutards on /a/.

>> No.11123451,611 [INTERNAL] 

i wanna talk about loli again

>> No.11123451,612 [INTERNAL] 

Damn I miss wtH-kun

>> No.11123451,613 [INTERNAL] 

i miss /a/ goddamnit

>> No.11123451,614 [INTERNAL] 

Remember when Trevor still posted? Those where the days...

>> No.11123451,615 [INTERNAL] 

God damn Trev, this is seriously a new low.

>> No.11123451,616 [INTERNAL] 

post the reeses puffs higurashi thing again

>> No.11123451,617 [INTERNAL] 

im using trevors warosu theme

>> No.11123451,618 [INTERNAL] 

it doesn't work for me.

>> No.11123451,619 [INTERNAL] 

you have to change the websites manually

>> No.11123451,620 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,621 [INTERNAL] 

Wait I got it working but this looks like shit

>> No.11123451,622 [INTERNAL] 

yes but its easier on the eyes than the bright green theme

>> No.11123451,623 [INTERNAL] 

What value do I edit to change the background color?
Full black looks pretty shit, something slightly lighter would be better

>> No.11123451,624 [INTERNAL] 

ask trevor

>> No.11123451,625 [INTERNAL] 

When I was younger, like 9 or 10, my cousin who was the same age as me used to visit to swim in my pool. I noticed that very often she would hold on to the deck, pull her legs up towards her chest, and sit like that facing the wall with a weird look on her face. I remember going up to her and looking at what she was doing, and realized she was letting the pool jet spray against her vagina. She had a look on her face like she was about to sneeze and she wouldn't stop looking down between her legs. After that I tried letting the jet blow on my penis and it felt really, really good. I think I had my first orgasm in that pool.

Since she lived just down the block, I would also visit there fairly often. I remember her always having a back massager under a blanket with her whenever we watched TV or a movie. One time I tried it and just like the pool jet, it would make me cum really fast.

So from this I can say that it's true that lolis do masturbate. Anyone who says otherwise is just uninformed or lying.

>> No.11123451,626 [INTERNAL] 

*battlefield vaults over a loli and kicks you in the face*

>> No.11123451,627 [INTERNAL] 

Heh. Good luck buddy I'm a yellow belt.

>> No.11123451,628 [INTERNAL] 

the most warosu will ever accomplish is a yellow belt in life

>> No.11123451,629 [INTERNAL] 


Do lolis find this funny?

>> No.11123451,630 [INTERNAL] 

That's hilarious

>> No.11123451,631 [INTERNAL] 


these are the kinds of things lolis find funny

>> No.11123451,632 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,633 [INTERNAL] 

Should I just go up to lolis and show them these?

>> No.11123451,634 [INTERNAL] 

I found all of those hilarious
Does that make me part loli?

>> No.11123451,635 [INTERNAL] 

Your nipples formed when you were still a loli.

>> No.11123451,636 [INTERNAL] 

If evolution is real then why do guys have nipples?

>> No.11123451,637 [INTERNAL] 

It isn't real. Why do you think we still have monkeys?

>> No.11123451,638 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think that's the same. The current monkeys might just not have evolved yet.

>> No.11123451,639 [INTERNAL] 


Gorilla turns into James P. Sullivan and scares some kids.


Very young loli plays with a monkey!


Some of the cutest lolis ever play with animals.

I wonder where they are now. Probably sucking negro dick, fuck this world.

>> No.11123451,640 [INTERNAL] 

How can they not have evolved yet? I can evolve my entire team in less than a day.

>> No.11123451,641 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,642 [INTERNAL] 

and the line down your balls sack is where your vagina used to be when you were still a loli

>> No.11123451,643 [INTERNAL] 

>feelio when you will never meet that loli
>she doesn't exist anymore
>the video is old as fuck and has crappy resolution
>you can't go back in time to meet the loli and film that shit again with a modern camera
>it's literally impossible to find out that girl's name
>you will NEVER know her identity so you can go to her parents' house and steal all her old videos and photo albums
>you will never see more of that girl
>normies will keep posting resized versions of the video
>the original video is not considered a masterpiece and nobody cares about preserving it
>millions of loli videos have already disappeared for all eternity
>the best ones are literally illegal and the entire world wants to make them disappear

Normies truly deserve to die.

>> No.11123451,644 [INTERNAL] 

Do you seriously like these toddlers?

>> No.11123451,645 [INTERNAL] 

Because monkeys were better suited for their environments and what they did. That's why black people are better at sports, and why asians are weaker, and why whites are generally bad at everything.

>> No.11123451,646 [INTERNAL] 

I thought whites were all-rounders

Like humans in a western RPG

>> No.11123451,647 [INTERNAL] 

If I go to the zoo by myself will people think I'm creepy? I went once with my mom a long time ago and she never took me again. I thought it was amazing and I still want to visit, but I'm in my 20s now. Will it be weird if I just go and spend a day by myself at the zoo, looking at the animals?

I just want to go to the zoo.

>> No.11123451,648 [INTERNAL] 

Go with your mom maybe it will make her happy

>> No.11123451,649 [INTERNAL] 

No, I like the elementary schooler scared by the crocodile.

>> No.11123451,650 [INTERNAL] 

This is seriously fucking depressing.

>> No.11123451,651 [INTERNAL] 

You won't look weird. Just bring a camera with you.

>> No.11123451,652 [INTERNAL] 

She left me with relatives when I was younger to go be with my half sisters and her new husband. Now my sisters are almost 15 and they don't care about going to the zoo.

I really want to visit some museums too, but I'm not sure if that would make me seem creepy or not. There's also a planetarium that I would absolutely love to visit, but I don't want to go alone.

>> No.11123451,653 [INTERNAL] 

find a lonely loli and go with her

>> No.11123451,654 [INTERNAL] 

How could have being bad at everything be best for whites when they had the most warfare?

>> No.11123451,655 [INTERNAL] 

It's not really weird to visit cultural/scientific places like museums alone because it's not really considered a "social" experience like going to the cinema. Heck, even if you went with a group I doubt you'd be together all the time because you'd want to look at things on your own.

>> No.11123451,656 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't even know for the longest time that normies considered going to the movies alone weird and I always did it

>> No.11123451,657 [INTERNAL] 

That is so creepy

>> No.11123451,658 [INTERNAL] 


Zeruda no feet!


Zeruda trolling /v/, aware of the fact that thousands of neckbeards want to fuck her!


Zeruda as a qt loli kid!

>> No.11123451,659 [INTERNAL] 

oh she's cute in that second pic. Who the hell is she though?

>> No.11123451,660 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,661 [INTERNAL] 

zeruda no densetsu no zeruda

>> No.11123451,662 [INTERNAL] 

Uh... you should at least be able to tell who she is from the third pic.

>> No.11123451,663 [INTERNAL] 

feelie when he even looks like he wants to kill himself there

>> No.11123451,664 [INTERNAL] 

His wife was a fucking ugly witch, what the fuck.

>> No.11123451,665 [INTERNAL] 

>go to her parents' house and steal all her old videos and photo albums
I would literally become a thief just to do something like this. I really need to see my Hikari look-alike classmate again. I would pay millions just to have a copy of every picture of her.

I want to kill myself. Why can't they just let me have a copy without asking questions? It's L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y the most valuable treasure in the world for me. I'm fucking serious. Stupid normies, I will never forgive them.

>> No.11123451,666 [INTERNAL] 

it makes me happy to know that my years of flagging videos with kids in them have at least contributed to inconveniencing pedophiles just a little bit

maybe eventually they'll be more inclined to give up their degenerate lifestyle and seek the help of a doctor

>> No.11123451,667 [INTERNAL] 

At least there's someone around here with morals

>> No.11123451,668 [INTERNAL] 

Why is the color pink associated with prepubescent girls? What's so cute about pink? How can a color be cute?

>> No.11123451,669 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe because vagina lips are pink?

>> No.11123451,670 [INTERNAL] 

This is not funny, kill yourself.

>> No.11123451,671 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you Satan

>> No.11123451,672 [INTERNAL] 

bro did you see what happened with aatrek

>> No.11123451,673 [INTERNAL] 

music to my ears

>> No.11123451,674 [INTERNAL] 


Wow that loli was freaking retarded

>> No.11123451,675 [INTERNAL] 

She is super cute and reminds me of Genie.

>> No.11123451,676 [INTERNAL] 

Does anyone here have videos of lolis playing? Nothing lewd at all, just playing and acting silly? The monkey girl in that video is close, but far too short.

>> No.11123451,677 [INTERNAL] 

I've never seen a decent one, the lolis are always too young and stupid.

I want to see cute third graders playing or talking about stuff.

>> No.11123451,678 [INTERNAL] 


How about this?

>> No.11123451,679 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,680 [INTERNAL] 

Uh I had another loli dream

>> No.11123451,681 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are disgusting

>> No.11123451,682 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,683 [INTERNAL] 

We've been over this.

>> No.11123451,684 [INTERNAL] 

No we haven't. Why are lolis disgusting?

>> No.11123451,685 [INTERNAL] 

You know. Now cram it

>> No.11123451,686 [INTERNAL] 

I guess you just can't think of any reasons. Do you actually like loli deep down? That's what it seems like.

>> No.11123451,687 [INTERNAL] 

I beat the shit out of lolis IRL

>> No.11123451,688 [INTERNAL] 

Why are they disgusting?

>> No.11123451,689 [INTERNAL] 

I saw a loli today shopping for dolls. She had such a big BUTT, like, really huge, even though she was a slimloli. What a lewd buttchildo!

>> No.11123451,690 [INTERNAL] 

Some lolis have big butts and it's really lewd. How does a loli kid's butt even get that big?

>> No.11123451,691 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not sure, but it's completely mindblowing.

>> No.11123451,692 [INTERNAL] 

>Dude. She's like 15. It's illegal to see it.

>Pervert Much?

>What are you some sort of Pervert? That's REALLY sick! It's ILLEGAL! Why don't you try a paedophiliac site...i'm dure they'd be happy to help! SICKO!
>Me and the Law.

Normies are MENTALLY ILL.

>> No.11123451,693 [INTERNAL] 

Blonde preteen slim lolis with big butts are the best.

>> No.11123451,694 [INTERNAL] 

Is warosu a paedophiliac site?

>> No.11123451,695 [INTERNAL] 

And short hair.

I bet Kiernan Shipka and the girl from Terabithia have really huge butts.

>feelio when they will never be 11 again

>> No.11123451,696 [INTERNAL] 

you bet your fine ass it is, newfrig

>> No.11123451,697 [INTERNAL] 

That's seriously creepy

>> No.11123451,698 [INTERNAL] 

You're posting in the creepiest thread on the W

>> No.11123451,699 [INTERNAL] 


fuck off yuropoor

>> No.11123451,700 [INTERNAL] 


Why are preteen lolis so sexy? Why are slavs so patriotic? Why does this language sound so bad? It makes her sound like a literal loli slut.

>> No.11123451,701 [INTERNAL] 

slavs(derived from the word "slave") are pretty much white niggers, they can't think for themselves due to subhuman blood

that being said belarus has some aryan females who have resisted untermensch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hh5yL-UWyDg

>> No.11123451,702 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,703 [INTERNAL] 


I knew I saw her before. Me in the tank top and leather hat.

>> No.11123451,704 [INTERNAL] 

shes old now

>> No.11123451,705 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think she's a preteen, she's just a flat, cute as hell middle schooler.

>> No.11123451,706 [INTERNAL] 

I fucking love Angelina Pipper.

If anyone wants to download her songs, they are in the archive. Some of them are really great.

>> No.11123451,707 [INTERNAL] 

A literal military 2hu loli kid.

>> No.11123451,708 [INTERNAL] 

>she will never strip naked on stage and spank her own loli butt cheeks for the audience

>> No.11123451,709 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis don't strip naked or spank their own butts.

>> No.11123451,710 [INTERNAL] 

She's a horny 12-13 year old teen with literal breasts and lewd pubes.

>> No.11123451,711 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that she has literally scratched her butt cheeks at least once is just mindblowing. She looks so cool and cheeky in that rap video, but she has actually done something like that. She's a lazy, silly, dirty ape!

That fact alone makes this gif extremely hot >>11123451,702

>> No.11123451,712 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis have no right to be so cheeky

>> No.11123451,713 [INTERNAL] 


Is this illegal? Her butt seems big.

>> No.11123451,714 [INTERNAL] 

She's a lewd assloli who is turned on by teasing older men and watching them lust for her kodomobody

>> No.11123451,715 [INTERNAL] 

This is why I like 8chan. Lately people have been getting 30 days bans on 4chan for breaking rule 1, specifically the "disgcussing" part. You literally cannot even talk about loli on 4chan anymore.

>> No.11123451,716 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,717 [INTERNAL] 

God is good.

>> No.11123451,718 [INTERNAL] 

Being a pedophile isn't even illegal and neither is discussing loli.

>> No.11123451,719 [INTERNAL] 

It's toxic

>> No.11123451,720 [INTERNAL] 

So then punish the people for the correct infraction.

>> No.11123451,721 [INTERNAL] 


>feelio when you never kissed a loli as a kid

>> No.11123451,722 [INTERNAL] 

this is gross

>> No.11123451,723 [INTERNAL] 

why'd you post this

>> No.11123451,724 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone else gets turned off when lolis try to be "sexy"?

Yeah it's cute but this is disgusting, it just loses the appeal.

>> No.11123451,725 [INTERNAL] 

There can be something attractive if they mess it up a lot, but otherwise it's not attractive at all.

>> No.11123451,726 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you

>> No.11123451,727 [INTERNAL] 

I'm the same way. The appeal of lolis is their innocence and cuteness. That's why I could never fap to that Candydoll shit where the lolis wear slutty uniforms, that just seems like shit made for normies who get off on fucking a small girl due to the power difference rather than actually liking cute lolis.

Opportunistic norms vs true pedos

>> No.11123451,728 [INTERNAL] 

It's awkward because we are conditioned to think of them as 100% pure angels.

But yeah, I like them better when they are cute and naughty without trying too hard to be sexy. Even the cutest fifth grader in the world would look weird and stupid doing something like that.

I still find it hot because they look so dumb, pathetic and clueless. I'm into humiliation.

>> No.11123451,729 [INTERNAL] 

why are you being so mean to me

>> No.11123451,730 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,731 [INTERNAL] 

i love you

>> No.11123451,732 [INTERNAL] 

ill consider it


>> No.11123451,733 [INTERNAL] 

because you replied to me

>> No.11123451,734 [INTERNAL] 

No he didn't that was me

>> No.11123451,735 [INTERNAL] 

you sound clingy and desperate af LOL

>> No.11123451,736 [INTERNAL] 

i guess i love you then


>> No.11123451,737 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe you should stop leading people on

>> No.11123451,738 [INTERNAL] 

he means that i replied to him not that you replied to him lmao

>> No.11123451,739 [INTERNAL] 

i dont understand

>> No.11123451,740 [INTERNAL] 

ur implying youre >>11123451,726 by saying "because you replied to me" you DUMB FUCK

>> No.11123451,741 [INTERNAL] 

i still dont get it

>> No.11123451,742 [INTERNAL] 

because youre fuckin retarded go kill yourself you weeb

>> No.11123451,743 [INTERNAL] 

holy sh*t youre rude...

>> No.11123451,744 [INTERNAL] 

lets be friends

>> No.11123451,745 [INTERNAL] 

i dont wnat to...

>> No.11123451,746 [INTERNAL] 

why not? you said you loved me

>> No.11123451,747 [INTERNAL] 

but you told me to kill myself...

>> No.11123451,748 [INTERNAL] 

i was joking!

>> No.11123451,749 [INTERNAL] 

that was a very inconsiderate joke! i almost did it! fine we can be friends

>> No.11123451,750 [INTERNAL] 

email me josh@bmw.com

>> No.11123451,751 [INTERNAL] 

i don't have email add me on steam

>> No.11123451,752 [INTERNAL] 

who is sleepy loli

is she really a loli

>> No.11123451,753 [INTERNAL] 

what's your email

>> No.11123451,754 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,755 [INTERNAL] 

please tell her to add me http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197989169552

>> No.11123451,756 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,757 [INTERNAL] 

She's sleeping

>> No.11123451,758 [INTERNAL] 


Cute as hell loli kid trash talking!

>> No.11123451,759 [INTERNAL] 

i ironically have sex with children lol

>> No.11123451,760 [INTERNAL] 

the judge will give you a pass once you've explained how it wasn't sincere

>> No.11123451,761 [INTERNAL] 

She reminds me of Milhouse's loli girlfriend.

I fucking loved that episode.

>> No.11123451,762 [INTERNAL] 


Look at this Japanese newspaper, /jp/. This is how they are made! It's just mindblowing!

>> No.11123451,763 [INTERNAL] 

How what is made?

>> No.11123451,764 [INTERNAL] 

what is this subhuman piece of shit website you linked t o fucking shitnigger

>> No.11123451,765 [INTERNAL] 

Why? She doesn't wear braces.

>> No.11123451,766 [INTERNAL] 


I wonder if she was cute

>> No.11123451,767 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,768 [INTERNAL] 


Sky is growing up...................................................................................................................

>> No.11123451,769 [INTERNAL] 

Stiff loli clits

>> No.11123451,770 [INTERNAL] 

Slimy loli slits

>> No.11123451,771 [INTERNAL] 

Stinky loli pits!

>> No.11123451,772 [INTERNAL] 

Slight loli tits...

>> No.11123451,773 [INTERNAL] 

Bushy loli pubic hair

>> No.11123451,774 [INTERNAL] 

Middle schoolers are not true lolis.

>> No.11123451,775 [INTERNAL] 

Loli armpits still smell just not as much.

>> No.11123451,776 [INTERNAL] 

i want to lick the smooth soft armpits of an aryan loli

>> No.11123451,777 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you now it's brokened

>> No.11123451,778 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis stink in general

>> No.11123451,779 [INTERNAL] 

It's a good stink though and their armpits specifically smell lewd.

>> No.11123451,780 [INTERNAL] 


get in here bros !!!

>> No.11123451,781 [INTERNAL] 

This has nothing to do with lolis. Somebody get me a loli stream.

>> No.11123451,782 [INTERNAL] 

niggers hate lolis

>> No.11123451,783 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, that one news website against pedophiles had nothing but stories about niggers impregnating lolis.

>> No.11123451,784 [INTERNAL] 

Everybody wants to be affiliated with W-bros, I just don't get it.

>> No.11123451,785 [INTERNAL] 

A lot of white lolis are going to be raped after the verdict is out

>> No.11123451,786 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,787 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, turn on CNN. Shit just got real.

>> No.11123451,788 [INTERNAL] 

I think I would really enjoy snuggling under a blanket with a loli while watching TV. How can I legally do this?

>> No.11123451,789 [INTERNAL] 

I don't live in Hell, I can't watch CNN. What's happening?

>> No.11123451,790 [INTERNAL] 

monkeys being monkeys

>> No.11123451,791 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,792 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think any parents would want a 24 year old guy watching their 9 year old daughter.

>> No.11123451,793 [INTERNAL] 

it's not impossible if they know you

>> No.11123451,794 [INTERNAL] 

I know no parents with lolis.

>> No.11123451,795 [INTERNAL] 


>feelio when you can't do any of these things because normies will think you are a creepy manchild
>you have to act like a boring normie if you want be allowed to interact with their lolis

>> No.11123451,796 [INTERNAL] 


Is this legal? Am I going straight to prison?

>> No.11123451,797 [INTERNAL] 

Speak for yourself nerdass. I do a lot of those things.

>> No.11123451,798 [INTERNAL] 

feel when you do half of those things and the jews throw you in jail

>> No.11123451,799 [INTERNAL] 

>Horrible blog entry, basically a list of 15 stereotypes of children. So basically, what you are saying is that children are mindless objects with only one emotion... Happiness. Now, to all the "commenters" you should really talk to your children cause obviously you do not know anything about your kids.
I agree.

>To anybody who actually considers doing this you will look extremely retarded and some people might even think you're a pedophile. I don't know if anybody else noticed it but the blog sounds very pedo-ish and sexual. I take extreme offence to this article. Consider spending time with actual kids, not robots.

>> No.11123451,800 [INTERNAL] 


This guy is streaming with his little sister.

>> No.11123451,801 [INTERNAL] 

someone said there was a ghost and his sister actually got really scared

pretty cute even if she isnt cute herself

>> No.11123451,802 [INTERNAL] 

it's a trap

>> No.11123451,803 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,804 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,805 [INTERNAL] 

What do you think the average age of the chat is?

>> No.11123451,806 [INTERNAL] 

Probably mid 20s because of the pedo

>> No.11123451,807 [INTERNAL] 

Fuckin' pedos man.

>> No.11123451,808 [INTERNAL] 

who marshall b. here ayyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.11123451,809 [INTERNAL] 

I'm Trevor R

>> No.11123451,810 [INTERNAL] 

>I can't watch that without feeling like shit because I will NEVER be able to download the video
>this is the last time we will see this video
>it hurts

>> No.11123451,811 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,812 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11123451,813 [INTERNAL] 

I really like Senke Kagerou and Quzilax

>> No.11123451,814 [INTERNAL] 

Marshall and Roco and MVP are creeping me out. They're acting like stereotypical pedo creeps. I bet they're the kind of pedo who wants power over little girls and just wants to rape them

i cry everytim

>> No.11123451,815 [INTERNAL] 

>the kind of pedo

All pedos are like that.

>> No.11123451,816 [INTERNAL] 

>12 year old
>dat sweater
I want to smell her.

>> No.11123451,817 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck I'm not like that at all.

>> No.11123451,818 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder how many of those guys will send pictures of their penises

>> No.11123451,819 [INTERNAL] 

Someone tell her to bully your dick, so I can report you to the FBI.

>> No.11123451,820 [INTERNAL] 

>I`ts my dream
>In a doujin world of course xD

>So-o, nobody ever noticed a pervert drolling over their children? In the US, he'd be on his knees, asking if they would allow a pedophile to live nearby (that is, if he somehow didn't end up in a jail).

>well this is fiction, dont take it so seriously.

>Yup! This is just fiction but even so he like that at least he has respect as a man to take the responsibility and more he add love in there not just lust.

>I occasionally loses my morals as a human. Today is an example.

Holy shit, fucking Americans. How the fuck do their rotten, brainwashed "minds" work?

>> No.11123451,821 [INTERNAL] 

Please explain

>> No.11123451,822 [INTERNAL] 

Gays and jews, probably gooks too.

>> No.11123451,823 [INTERNAL] 

>feelio when she seems to be a nice girl
>feelio when she will never be happy again after turning into a teen slut
>she will stop being a cute underdeveloped 12 year old kid very soon
>feelio when lolis these days grow up in an extremely shitty world
>they will never experience the 90s

I really feel bad for them.

>> No.11123451,824 [INTERNAL] 

>im 13


>> No.11123451,825 [INTERNAL] 

>it's just fiction right??? we are not sick pedo fucks right?? yep it's fiction!! let's say it again!! it's fiction!! fiction!!!!

>i wish i could do something like that.......... in a doujin world of course xDDDDDDD
Is he afraid of the FBI or is he actually trying to convince himself? Either way, it's fucking sad and pathetic.

>the US this, the US that
Self explanatory.

>i can't masturbate to little girls without losing my morals
How can people like this exist? He must be mentally challenged. I'm serious.

>> No.11123451,826 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that she's got an ass is just mindblowing.

>> No.11123451,827 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that she probably masturbated like crazy less than a day ago is just mindblowing. Is she even aware of the fact that we know this?

>> No.11123451,828 [INTERNAL] 

Remembering all the modern technologies in use today make me feel a bit old, but hopefully one day I can tell some loli girlkid about life from back then.

>> No.11123451,829 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder how she masturbates.

>> No.11123451,830 [INTERNAL] 

She's at it again. Did she even sleep?

>> No.11123451,831 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11123451,832 [INTERNAL] 

>You Save: $0.04

>> No.11123451,833 [INTERNAL] 

All pedophiles need to leeeeeeave!

>> No.11123451,834 [INTERNAL] 

stop your making me hard dats totally how a little girlw ould say

>> No.11123451,835 [INTERNAL] 


These boards are like a giant loli thread.

>> No.11123451,836 [INTERNAL] 

There was some really hot cp linked on those boards thanks!

>> No.11123451,837 [INTERNAL] 

kiss my cock laura

>> No.11123451,838 [INTERNAL] 

Laura is maybe past her kodomokid years but she's an angel, go ask Mara to do it for you.

>> No.11123451,839 [INTERNAL] 

maras out of my league

>> No.11123451,840 [INTERNAL] 

Mara has slutty nigra friends I bet she picked up some tricks how to handle a footlong

>> No.11123451,841 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,842 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,843 [INTERNAL] 

Laura has a boyfriend and I bet he fugged her already

>> No.11123451,844 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you dude, Laura's saving her cunny for me.

>> No.11123451,845 [INTERNAL] 


Why do normals have such shit taste in loli? They just like the ones that look most like a woman.

>> No.11123451,846 [INTERNAL] 

She's going to be such an entitled slut

>> No.11123451,847 [INTERNAL] 

all little girls are going to be entitled sluts

>> No.11123451,848 [INTERNAL] 

Laura's lolislit isn't nice and smooth anymore and it probably has hangy bits and is really hairy since she isn't a loli anymore.

>> No.11123451,849 [INTERNAL] 


somebody ask her how old she is

>> No.11123451,850 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,851 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,852 [INTERNAL] 


blindfolded and being fed food

>> No.11123451,853 [INTERNAL] 


I don't like this loli.

>> No.11123451,854 [INTERNAL] 

Videos like this with lolis being silly are nice

>> No.11123451,855 [INTERNAL] 

Cute as hell loli kid sees a guy put a remote up his ass!

Cute as hell loli teen doesn't know you can put things up your ass!

>> No.11123451,856 [INTERNAL] 



I wonder how many elementary school girls put things up their holes and end up in the hospital every year.

I'm pretty sure it happens more often than you think.

>> No.11123451,857 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,858 [INTERNAL] 

I want to shove ice cubes up a loli's ass.

>> No.11123451,859 [INTERNAL] 

i want to put my finger in a lolis vagina

>> No.11123451,860 [INTERNAL] 

keep your hands of marlhy and lia they're mine

>> No.11123451,861 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know, I think pretty often.

>> No.11123451,862 [INTERNAL] 


Read all about it here!

>> No.11123451,863 [INTERNAL] 


Not a loli, just Tomboy-chan. The end is really cute.

>> No.11123451,864 [INTERNAL] 

You fucking disgust me. If you want to post videos unrelated to this thread then post them in your own thread with the rest of the old hags. Please keep this thread centered around lolis.

>> No.11123451,865 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone else here unable to cum without seeing a face?

>> No.11123451,866 [INTERNAL] 

You see her pathetic face at the very end.

>> No.11123451,867 [INTERNAL] 

"This has only just started recently, it's now an everyday thing, at first I thought she was just rubbing herself until two days ago after bathing her she was laying on the bed waiting for me to get her clothes, I turned around and noticed she had a finger inside her! I was beside myself, I was in a lot of shock but didn't show her, I calmly asked why she was doing it, she just giggled I then asked has someone shown her this before she answered "just me mummy", I left it at that but have no idea what to do, or is this normal behaviour? Please someone give me some answers, I do plan to take her to a Doctor but am beside myself, it's only myself her nanna and father whom are ever alone with her, I have all these stupid thoughts running through my head as I was an abused child but I certainly didn't do this at 5, in fact she isn't 5 until July 2014."

"I recently walked into my daughter's room and she was sitting with her pants and panties pulled down. She had closed her door, which is rare. I noticed when I walked in, she had a toy near her vaginal area. I asked why her panties were down and she jumped up and pulled her pants and panties back up. She said she didn't want to tell me what she was doing. So, I asked her to sit with me on the bed so we could talk. She said she didn't want to tell me what she was doing and just wanted to hug me. She thought she was in trouble so I made it clear that she wasn't and I was just curious. Finally, she told me that she was sticking things in her bottom (she calls her vagina her bottom, also). I asked which bottom and point to both her front and back. She said both. I asked if there was anything in them now and she said no. So, I told her to go use the bathroom and wash her hands. Then, that we would clean her toys off. I told her she shouldn't stick things in there because she could get a bad infection. I emphasized that she wasn't in trouble. I don't know what to do now. I was molested as a child, so that is my first reaction. I'm a single mother and she goes to daycare everyday. I asked her what made her want to do that and if someone told her to do it. She said it was her idea and nobody has done that to her. But, she's a sweet little girl and wouldn't want to get someone in trouble. I don't know how to get her to tell me if someone is touching her without making her shut down. Also, I don't know if this is just normal behavior, like sticking a crayon in your nose. Please help. I'm really freaking out."

>> No.11123451,868 [INTERNAL] 

"One day my 5 yr old daughter began to complain about her coocoo is bothering her. l took her to my wife so we both can examine her. My wife say she's o.k and it's just a girl thing I couldn't understand. Not satisfied I secrerly talked with my daughter and learned that her 7 yr old friend had inserted her finger in my daughter's vagina.I then went to my wife with this and she blew it over saying that it might not be the problem. Anger cosumed me and I demanded for her to be seen by a doctor.After the visit the doctor said she was o.k. I then once again had a private discussion with my daughter and learned that my daughter was told to be dishonest with the doctor concerning my daughter's vagina being inserted by her friends finger.Two questions I have. 1/ could my daughter's continued complications be due to her friend inserting her fingerin my daughter? 2/Should I hate this little girl and my wife or should I try to understand this 7yr old is only a child who might be having this done to her?I advised my wife to inform the girl's parents. Please help because the pain of my daughter constantly running to me about her vagina is overwhelming, and when I see this little girl I anger with a little compassion. Thanks in advance to all who answer with Assn open mind and heart."

"My 5 year old daughter recently "discovered" that she has a vagina and she keeps sticking things in it! she keeps putting things in it, almost like storing things in it. i discovered this morning when i was bathing her and she had the end of a crayon sticking out of her vagina. she keeps trying to put legos and other toys and even food in it. every time she does it i tell her no and take the item away, but i cant watch her every second and keep doing this. WHAT DO I DO! i am really desperate for help and advice. PLEASE help me! i dont know what to do about it!"

Seems pretty common. I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them just put things in and forgot about them.

>> No.11123451,869 [INTERNAL] 

Does anyone have that video with of the review of Warosu.org/jp/ghost=loli

>> No.11123451,870 [INTERNAL] 

Was there ever one?

>> No.11123451,871 [INTERNAL] 

yeah, it was from some website like look userdata

>> No.11123451,872 [INTERNAL] 

Found it

>> No.11123451,873 [INTERNAL] 

that was f*cking hilarious

>> No.11123451,874 [INTERNAL] 

It's just a black screen

>> No.11123451,875 [INTERNAL] 


All the Asian and European and Arabian people are on now

>> No.11123451,876 [INTERNAL] 

I hate asians

>> No.11123451,877 [INTERNAL] 

It's absolutely mindblowing that I'm watching an inexperienced little teenage girl stream live just for people like me.

>> No.11123451,878 [INTERNAL] 

if she werent wearing a dress i wouldnt care but because shes wearing a dress i cant stop thinking about her butt under that dress and her little boobies

>> No.11123451,879 [INTERNAL] 

I love the whole epic jangolophile meme you /bun/bros do. xD

>> No.11123451,880 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11123451,881 [INTERNAL] 


/jp/ streaming

>> No.11123451,882 [INTERNAL] 


there arent any lolis left

>> No.11123451,883 [INTERNAL] 

I want to go stargazing with a loli but I have no loli so I end up going stargazing by myself.

>> No.11123451,884 [INTERNAL] 

I can stargaze with you, I can wear a dress or something if you want me to.

>> No.11123451,885 [INTERNAL] 

That's a bit gay

>> No.11123451,886 [INTERNAL] 


Loli in a camisole doing handstands!

>> No.11123451,887 [INTERNAL] 

why is the camera on the ground? when she looks at the screen of the chat you can see down her shirt.

>> No.11123451,888 [INTERNAL] 

Fuckin' pedos man.

>> No.11123451,889 [INTERNAL] 

You're on Warosu

>> No.11123451,890 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11123451,891 [INTERNAL] 


I wasn't talking about her I swear. She was playing this video and the girl's butt is really big so I said it. That's it! And now I feel really bad for not saying anything else but it's embarrassing.

>> No.11123451,892 [INTERNAL] 

Oh and the girl said she agreed and thought that her butt was fake so it's okay.

>> No.11123451,893 [INTERNAL] 

she took out a violin i hope she plays

>> No.11123451,894 [INTERNAL] 

No one's saying anything in the chat. Should I make an account and talk to her?

>> No.11123451,895 [INTERNAL] 

No you sick fuck.

>> No.11123451,896 [INTERNAL] 

She was playing her violin and then her mom yelled and she ended the broadcast. She seemed really bored and hyper.

>> No.11123451,897 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not pedophile.

I know, I was watching.

>> No.11123451,898 [INTERNAL] 

Any more links to hot little girls?

>> No.11123451,899 [INTERNAL] 

just go down the list on the site

>> No.11123451,900 [INTERNAL] 


two 12 year old lolikids but they arent that cute

>> No.11123451,901 [INTERNAL] 

They're plenty cute to me. Unless you mean they don't act cute or something

>> No.11123451,902 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,903 [INTERNAL] 


when this stream had two people the blonde girl was making fun of the people inside and telling them to comment and saying they were too busy recording it and "being weird"

>> No.11123451,904 [INTERNAL] 

The girl with the text on her shirt is kind of cute actually.

>> No.11123451,905 [INTERNAL] 

feel when warosu is getting life advice from little whores

>> No.11123451,906 [INTERNAL] 

Who is Mark god damnit this is hilarious.

>> No.11123451,907 [INTERNAL] 

Both of those people are fuckign warosubros god damn

>> No.11123451,908 [INTERNAL] 

Who "both"? Mark AND Daniel? Is Daniel the "OH GOD JUST KILL ME" guy?

>> No.11123451,909 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, railroadnigga.

>> No.11123451,910 [INTERNAL] 

Nah but definitely just something from warosu copying that

>> No.11123451,911 [INTERNAL] 

Daniel fuckign post it already

>> No.11123451,912 [INTERNAL] 

They blocked me. Please tell them to unblock me. Thanks.

>> No.11123451,913 [INTERNAL] 

You guys are the biggest dumbasses, this reminds me of MSN in highschool.

>> No.11123451,914 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,915 [INTERNAL] 

Hahaha holy christ, she just had a feeling Trevor was bad news. Even random people on streaming sights think you're creepy Trevor you fucking kike.

>> No.11123451,916 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't they trust me?

>> No.11123451,917 [INTERNAL] 

I barely even said anything, what the hell

>> No.11123451,918 [INTERNAL] 

What did Mark do?

>> No.11123451,919 [INTERNAL] 

The blonde girl's so cute and she's acting all scared and apprehensive and shit.

>> No.11123451,920 [INTERNAL] 

Acted out the Warosu pedophile meme and then asked to see their childbutts

>> No.11123451,921 [INTERNAL] 

The blonde girl was the one who was being super rude before too.

>> No.11123451,922 [INTERNAL] 

somebody explain to them that it's just a meme.

maybe they'll laugh!

>> No.11123451,923 [INTERNAL] 

Haha le real pedophiles acting out being pedophiles maymay

>> No.11123451,924 [INTERNAL] 

So are you nerds making social media accounts for this shit?

>> No.11123451,925 [INTERNAL] 

This daniel character is making me genuinely depressed now.

>> No.11123451,926 [INTERNAL] 

>I see Mark commenting that's how I know he's hacking me.

>> No.11123451,927 [INTERNAL] 

The blonde girl laughed at "gigabutts".

>> No.11123451,928 [INTERNAL] 

these girls claim they hard when they don't even know what memes are

>> No.11123451,929 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,930 [INTERNAL] 

Daniel's a smart kid!

>> No.11123451,931 [INTERNAL] 

what is this gay shit you guys are talking about

>> No.11123451,932 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,933 [INTERNAL] 

find someone else in the mean time im watching the skeleton girl

>> No.11123451,934 [INTERNAL] 

God, how dumb can you be

>> No.11123451,935 [INTERNAL] 

Jacey Prock often retweets comments made by "Sex Freaks" and "Sexual gifs". What a sultry little girl!

>> No.11123451,936 [INTERNAL] 


These people look exceptionally retarded

>> No.11123451,937 [INTERNAL] 

What do you want?

>> No.11123451,938 [INTERNAL] 


These girls are doing gymnastics. ;)

>> No.11123451,939 [INTERNAL] 


the girl on the right is balled

>> No.11123451,940 [INTERNAL] 

The girl on the right in blue is really cute.

>> No.11123451,941 [INTERNAL] 

you got owned mark

>> No.11123451,942 [INTERNAL] 


Two girls having a sleepover and being stereotypical little girls

>> No.11123451,943 [INTERNAL] 

The timing is perfect for mark

>> No.11123451,944 [INTERNAL] 

The mom came in about 5 minutes ago and people said she was cute and it made the pink shirt girl laugh because the mom's like 60

>> No.11123451,945 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know why I find you guys so funny.

>> No.11123451,946 [INTERNAL] 

That girl in the pink is honestly really cute though.

>> No.11123451,947 [INTERNAL] 

Mark just got owned holy FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

>> No.11123451,948 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,949 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,950 [INTERNAL] 

Well you can really creep them out now

>> No.11123451,951 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck I'm going to prison aren't I? She was completely and utterly flat.

>> No.11123451,952 [INTERNAL] 

This website doesn't seem legal.

>> No.11123451,953 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah no shit, who is at fault there what the fuck.

>> No.11123451,954 [INTERNAL] 

Mark where the hell did you get that picture?

>> No.11123451,955 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,956 [INTERNAL] 

I took it while skiing.

>> No.11123451,957 [INTERNAL] 

Are these girls really thirteen and fourteen or are they saying that? You need to be thirteen or older to use the site...

>> No.11123451,958 [INTERNAL] 

Not a fucking chance

>> No.11123451,959 [INTERNAL] 

I've reported their broadcast.

>> No.11123451,960 [INTERNAL] 

This one got overrun someone find another one

>> No.11123451,961 [INTERNAL] 

Uh did that girl flash the camera out of rage?

>> No.11123451,962 [INTERNAL] 

What a of pair of absolutely stupid lolikodomokids.

>> No.11123451,963 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,964 [INTERNAL] 

I still think that girl in the pink was super cute.

>> No.11123451,965 [INTERNAL] 

arent they a bit old

>> No.11123451,966 [INTERNAL] 

Find someone else then, I just want to watch you guys take the piss.

>> No.11123451,967 [INTERNAL] 

how do I make an account?

>> No.11123451,968 [INTERNAL] 

ill look

plus these girls are like whoring themselves out for viewers its weird

>> No.11123451,969 [INTERNAL] 

Just make a throwaway gmail

>> No.11123451,970 [INTERNAL] 

oh god my fuggin' eyes

>> No.11123451,971 [INTERNAL] 

you'll cowards

>> No.11123451,972 [INTERNAL] 


There aren't many lolis...

>> No.11123451,973 [INTERNAL] 


this girl seems to have an attitude and i bet they would react to people in the chat

plus theres a brother off-camera that we can side with

>> No.11123451,974 [INTERNAL] 

this brother sounds like a creep

>> No.11123451,975 [INTERNAL] 

>William C


>> No.11123451,976 [INTERNAL] 

That was a really good suggestion, laughed pretty hard that they read my epic maymay out

>> No.11123451,977 [INTERNAL] 

god this brother is weird as fuck literally

>> No.11123451,978 [INTERNAL] 

yeah, epic /tv/ maymes :^)

>> No.11123451,979 [INTERNAL] 

It's not going to happen Trevor

>> No.11123451,980 [INTERNAL] 

All I wanted was for them to think I was retarded by not realizing they were pictures but it was all a clever ploy.

>> No.11123451,981 [INTERNAL] 

mark pls

>> No.11123451,982 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sure it was dude.

Yeah this isn't as funny without Mark.

>> No.11123451,983 [INTERNAL] 


Is this good enough

>> No.11123451,984 [INTERNAL] 

More than good enough

>> No.11123451,985 [INTERNAL] 

i think mark is arrested already

>> No.11123451,986 [INTERNAL] 

Hahaha no doubt.

>> No.11123451,987 [INTERNAL] 

feel when this is my saturday night

>> No.11123451,988 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck it I'm going back to just being a lurker.

>> No.11123451,989 [INTERNAL] 

We need mark back

>> No.11123451,990 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,991 [INTERNAL] 

you guys told me that lolis never do lewd things but that girl did a lewd thing before she got shut down and mark got arrested

>> No.11123451,992 [INTERNAL] 

What did she do?

>> No.11123451,993 [INTERNAL] 

You seriously missed it?

>> No.11123451,994 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,995 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think that was her fault, almost guaranteed to be the mother's. So much like most of you subhumans that turned out like you did because of being raised by a single mother, this is the early stage of being a gigantic cock sucking slut.

>> No.11123451,996 [INTERNAL] 

And fuck you all I'm going to bed.

>> No.11123451,997 [INTERNAL] 

It's the mother's fault for not breeding with a male who would stick around.

Girls with no dads = sluts

Boys with no mom = beta losers

>> No.11123451,998 [INTERNAL] 

Err I meant boy with no dad. Dads are vitally important to the development to both girls and boys.

>> No.11123451,999 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think she thought of it as lewd. It seems like she thought of it as something to 'shock' people. Her very first initial reaction was a simple "oh no". I think if she thought it were lewd she wouldn't have showed her chest like that, but rather in an actual lewd manner.

>> No.11123451,1000 [INTERNAL] 

She changed on the side of the camera but half of her body was visible from the belly button up. Then she jumped across the camera a few times without a top and then held up a gigantic teddy bear in front of her while remaining topless and then when she finally got a top on it was a sports bra that was humorously and obviously stuffed. Her shorts were stuffed too so it looked like she had a big butt and big boobies. Then people reported her and asked if she was lying about her age and she unstuffed her bra on camera and then lifted it up right before the stream ended.

>> No.11123451,1001 [INTERNAL] 

>Then people reported her
Normies deserve to die.

>> No.11123451,1002 [INTERNAL] 

>User M.A.D_AlexaGarcia does not exist.
>you will never see her again

>> No.11123451,1003 [INTERNAL] 

It was really weird how quickly so many people came in after she changed. In no longer than five minutes the stream went from ~35 to ~500 people.

>> No.11123451,1004 [INTERNAL] 

I love discussing child pornography streams with my pals at warosu.org.

>> No.11123451,1005 [INTERNAL] 

No doubt! Hahaha!

>> No.11123451,1006 [INTERNAL] 

why is warosu slow on weekends?

>> No.11123451,1007 [INTERNAL] 

All the wbros are hung over from last night at the club with their alpha wbros and bangin' hot steamy babes all night.

>> No.11123451,1008 [INTERNAL] 

And I'm late for the party as always.

>> No.11123451,1009 [INTERNAL] 

I just woke up.

I don't think that's weird, of the degens on that website are pedos after all.

>> No.11123451,1010 [INTERNAL] 

The site must be 80% pedos then

>> No.11123451,1011 [INTERNAL] 

It totally is.

>> No.11123451,1012 [INTERNAL] 

The random people just talking to the girls all of the sudden makes sense. They all ask for kik and instagram and snapchat information too and the girls give it to them.

Those girls all end up raped right

>> No.11123451,1013 [INTERNAL] 

You guys are god damn filthy liars about lolis never wearing skirts or dresses. I literally just saw a loli riding a monkey bicycle while wearing a short skirt and earlier I saw a girl on an inline scooter while wearing a long skirt.

>> No.11123451,1014 [INTERNAL] 

this guy and his sister are there again

>> No.11123451,1015 [INTERNAL] 

they went to fix the toilet though

>> No.11123451,1016 [INTERNAL] 

It got plugged with loli poop

>> No.11123451,1017 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder if that laugh was fake. She was cute doing it either way.

>> No.11123451,1018 [INTERNAL] 

its not as fun with a guy in there

>> No.11123451,1019 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,1020 [INTERNAL] 

There is literally nothing wrong with poop. It's just food. It's not like her butt is made of poop.

>> No.11123451,1021 [INTERNAL] 


Cute as hell!

>> No.11123451,1022 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11123451,1023 [INTERNAL] 

She smells like shit

>> No.11123451,1024 [INTERNAL] 

She isn't cute at all what the fuck!

>> No.11123451,1025 [INTERNAL] 


Lolikid dancing but only one viewer

>> No.11123451,1026 [INTERNAL] 

Gamer girl wants some.

>> No.11123451,1027 [INTERNAL] 

What stream are you on

>> No.11123451,1028 [INTERNAL] 

Give a link

>> No.11123451,1029 [INTERNAL] 

We're in private. ;)

>> No.11123451,1030 [INTERNAL] 


some girls doing their hair

>> No.11123451,1031 [INTERNAL] 

I thought you were just doing this to be funny.

>> No.11123451,1032 [INTERNAL] 

Are you really that Trevor_R?

>> No.11123451,1033 [INTERNAL] 

It's just a pseudonym

>> No.11123451,1034 [INTERNAL] 

I think because it's Sunday evening there aren't as many lolis on as last night.

>> No.11123451,1035 [INTERNAL] 

Then find someone else to fuck with you fucking degenerate nigger.

>> No.11123451,1036 [INTERNAL] 

I'm mexican not a nigger.

>> No.11123451,1037 [INTERNAL] 

Ugly Dixie Kong nigger LMAO

>> No.11123451,1038 [INTERNAL] 

Uh I was saying that it's difficult to do that because no loli has a friend staying the night and some might have school tomorrow.

>> No.11123451,1039 [INTERNAL] 

God damn you're literally fucking retarded.

>> No.11123451,1040 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,1041 [INTERNAL] 

>friend staying the night
>school tomorrow
The fact that lolis are kids is just mindblowing.

>> No.11123451,1042 [INTERNAL] 

It's official! My new girlfriend is a gamerkid!

>> No.11123451,1043 [INTERNAL] 

At least let me see a picture so I know whethere to be jealous or not.

>> No.11123451,1044 [INTERNAL] 


The blonde girl is cute

>> No.11123451,1045 [INTERNAL] 

and theyre talking about butts

>> No.11123451,1046 [INTERNAL] 

How do they know about butts?

>> No.11123451,1047 [INTERNAL] 

they seem kind of perverted

>> No.11123451,1048 [INTERNAL] 


This girl is very cute

>> No.11123451,1049 [INTERNAL] 

Let's raid these faggots.


>> No.11123451,1050 [INTERNAL] 

I already posted in that hours ago

>> No.11123451,1051 [INTERNAL] 

Uh is it weird to get a crush on a girl like this? She says she's 10 but she seems more articulate than the average 10 year old. Plus the way she plays with her hair is kind of hot.

>> No.11123451,1052 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11123451,1053 [INTERNAL] 

Any tips for an up and coming pedo?

>> No.11123451,1054 [INTERNAL] 


Don't drop the soap.
