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File: 196 KB, 800x1164, no-game-no-life-4046729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11118483 No.11118483[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reality is a total shitty game isn't it..

>> No.11118487
File: 91 KB, 231x259, 1371388910887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get out of it anytime.

>> No.11118498

Edgy as HELL.

>> No.11118501

would prefer to log out and put it away forever and play something different...

>> No.11118522

Sounds like dream of communism...

>> No.11118553

It is definitely a shit game.

Anyone who thinks otherwise, just thinks that way because it's more pleasurable to accept something as good if it's your only option than it is to suffer always imagining how things could have been.

I hate how people look at human life, how competitive it is, and the strong win, the weak lose, and all sorts of other conclusions like that,
and they say "that's just how life is", and use that to justify them continually acting uncivilized toward others.
Well I have news for you faggots, one data point does not establish a pattern. If you think that's how the universe is because that's how it is on Earth you are terribly wrong

I'm not saying it isn't either... Just that we don't know. Life could have so much more potential that we haven't seen

>> No.11118582
File: 25 KB, 372x500, YoungStalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11118589

Without real life Touhous wouldn't exist, nerd.

>> No.11118613

It's only a shit game because there's no mage class, no loli races, no animal ear races, no fairies, no warps or quick travel, PvE is lame, no skill resets, and mods are fags.

>> No.11118628
File: 73 KB, 300x548, autismspeaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever think about having a shooting?

>> No.11118634

If you could choose race everyone would chose white loli. What the hell.

>> No.11118646

Not to mention permadeath

>> No.11118643

No they wouldn't. Little brown girls are the best.

Also I didn't mean that anyone should get to be able to choose their race. You'd still be the same human, just other races would exist too.

>> No.11118656

Permadeath is awesome. Don't you like roguelikes?

>> No.11118655

Are you sure?

>> No.11118674

Even permadeath games to be honest is more like pseudo permadeath because you can always make a new character.

It's really more like just getting knocked down to square 1.
Imagine playing your roguelike and when you die you have to uninstall the game and never play it again as long as you live.
(and _even then_ you can still just pick up another game)

>> No.11118677

Permadeath (as far as I know)
Shitty game play
Money is incredibly hard to come by
No good weapons
Enemies are too strong
No companions
Soundtrack sucks
Bad story
MC is an un-charismatic /jp/
No fan service


Who is this? what is the image talking about?

>> No.11118701

Not to mention it's P2W

>> No.11118718

>Imagine playing your roguelike and when you die you have to uninstall the game and never play it again as long as you live.
that would be cool.

>> No.11118722

If you like the idea, write a script to do it.

>> No.11118734

ya but I also pointed out that even then you can just play a new game.

If you want to mirror how shitty of a game real life is more accurately then imagine dying in that game means uninstalling every game you own and never playing another game as long as you live.

Actually, you would never have any fun ever again as long as you live..

Actually.... Just shoot yourself in the head if you die in the game.

>> No.11118739

>Even permadeath games to be honest is more like pseudo permadeath because you can always make a new character.

It's not really pseudo because that new character has its own skills and abilities and memories. It's exactly the same as if you died and reborn. You wouldn't remember shit about your old life. You really are only your memories and personality after all. Even if your consciousness survives, it doesn't matter, because the old you is still dead.

>> No.11118738


The thing I hate most is that most of the classes suck total butts. I don't want to be an accountant or an engineer or whatever. Those sound super boring.

>> No.11118754

God I wish Stalin would fuck me.

>> No.11118758

I'm only interested in the derivative works.

>> No.11118794

There's something you faggots miss.

Reality is a good game. It's the greatest game ever created.

No objectives? Objectives are for pussies. Make one yourself.

1. Explore the galaxy with your self-built spacecraft. (this game is THIS amazing. And the fucking physics, man)
2. Go on killing rampage and kill as many people as possible in the most hilarious ways. Bonus points for cutting their dicks and stuffing them in their mouths.
3. Bomb the white house and try to blame the muslims. Hilarity ensues.
4. Join the rape challenge. The more women you rape in 10 days, you win.
5. Go on adventure. Get your backpack and try to meet cool people along your trip around the world. Bonus points if you start only with 100$. Go visit places you always wanted to visit
6. Do what the fuck you want, ad infinitum
You get what I mean, nerds? Feel free to do anything. You're imposing arbitrary limits (rules) on yourself and are astonished the game sucks.

There are no rules in this game. Have fun.

>> No.11118804


>> No.11118812

muh laws

Death or imprisonment factor only increases the fun. Where the fun if you can't lose?

>> No.11118827

Yeah that's a cool game but high risk. People would rather throw away yolo in favor of longevity in a boring space.

>> No.11118829

No, I can only do those things in games because there is no risk to myself.

Truth be told, I am absolutly terrified of most of the world.

Leaving and adventuring would mean I would meet people, and unexpected events would happen. Worst of all I might start to have an emotion connection with someone. The world is too big and insane to venture into.

I don't want a better game I want a better starting character.

>> No.11118835

>explore the galaxy
I'd like to introduce you to my friend, his name is the speed of light

>list of other things that you can literally only do 1 time, or are likely to get you killed or sent to prison
such a good game

>> No.11118839

sounds like a shitty sandbox game with no real incentive to progress through.

>> No.11118838

>Objectives are for pussies
And aimlessly fucking about is better? There's a reason you can't really play shit games like Hell of Falling Sand or Garry's Mod for too long before getting bored.

>There are no rules in this game. Have fun.
When I play Monopoly, I get fucking pissed when the banker begins pocketing money. When everybody pockets money then it's not even really a game anymore. The rules help the game move along. After all, a game where everybody just pulls shit out of their ass and arbitrarily finds their own way to enjoy the situation can't be enjoyed to its fullest extent. No matter how hard you try the multiplayer can't be turned off. Without rules it becomes really boring. Not only that, most of the rules that have been agreed on by the players haven't been fully thought out and limit the use of half of the good features of this game.

>0/10, shit game.

>> No.11118860

Anyone else feel like playing an MMO game now?

I keep wanting too but I'm a Linuxfag, and there's not good Linux mmorpg's right now.....


>> No.11118870


I have tried some, but I always end up having no one to play with and quiting.

>> No.11118903

Why is /jp/ filled with normalfags now?

>> No.11118907

>discussing a non-jp topic ever in your life = normalfag
plz. At least we were saging. You're the one who bumped the thread

>> No.11118915


Don't kid yourself. Go back from whence you came.

>> No.11118914


I wasn't complaining about the thread. Also, who are you quoting?

>> No.11118919


japanese loli you mean

>> No.11118924



u die in the game u die 4real?

>> No.11127376

a shit dude
