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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 95 KB, 830x554, IMG_4772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11109052 No.11109052 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck yes /jp/ look what just came.

>> No.11109054
File: 96 KB, 830x554, IMG_4773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a damn beautiful box, so tiny. Open it up and....a mirror??

>> No.11109056

but how does the dvd fit in such a small case? Ahh wait??? The game ships on a usb??

>> No.11109057
File: 109 KB, 830x554, IMG_4774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11109059
File: 111 KB, 830x554, IMG_4775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the name of the game is etched onto the usb. A nice touch.

>> No.11109064

That's a very nice flash drive.

>> No.11109072
File: 472 KB, 1680x1050, wp_totono_1_1680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those that don't know. It's the new Nitro+ game that got released yesterday.
The character design is awesome as it is pretty much Sonico recolours :)
Also yandere yandere yandere

>> No.11109078

This is a very neat way to package a program if you aren't worried about pirating and DRM.

And you can unplug it and hide it and no one would be the wiser.

>> No.11109084

The lady with the pink hair looks very cute! I want to cuddle with her under a load of blankets next to a fireplace on a cold winter night!

>> No.11109086
File: 458 KB, 1600x1200, wp_totono_5_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is nobody on /jp/ excited about this? I know Axanael was received with mixed feelings but man , it's Nitro+

>> No.11109089

But then the dark haired one will beat you with her bat. Life in a yandere NTR eroge is hard.

>> No.11109091

I'll DL it and if I like it I might buy it.

>> No.11109092
File: 47 KB, 600x338, img_ev_aoi_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

until she kills you? Her name is Aoi btw and is definitely gonna be my first route.

>> No.11109094

Everyone is out at the club or loli fishing.

>> No.11109099

Played the trial, just waiting for the torrent now.

>> No.11109104

Aaahh that doesn't sound so good then...

>> No.11109107 [SPOILER] 
File: 410 KB, 1383x922, IMG_4771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was what I got for pre-ordering . Was torn between this or the iphone 5 cover...until I realized I don't have an iphone 5.

>> No.11109125

I hope this doesn't get translated.

>> No.11109129

why is that?

>> No.11109144

Other Nitro+ titles are overdue.

>> No.11109146

2deep4filthy gaijin scum.

>> No.11109148

Muramasa is never going to get translated, Sumaga is already being translated, and all the other most popular titles are already translated. What else do you want?

>> No.11109150

Filthy EOP scum should rid themselves from this board.

>> No.11109154

no bully pls

>> No.11109161

I played the trial and it was decent.
The music on the other hand was superb.

Too bad I used the cheat code and the H-scenes spoiled fucking everything.

>> No.11109157

Lazy as fuck secondaries is what they are. They should get fucking serious already.

>> No.11109173

Please stop

>> No.11109179
File: 18 KB, 148x181, 1296067546601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first route.

>> No.11109186

You a cutie, OP.

Are you going to upload it?

>> No.11109193

>if you aren't worried about pirating and DRM

When you install it you have to connect to the net.

>> No.11109204

Come to think of it, why don't VNs have internet activation? It's not like their target market has no internet connection, and this would completely destroy copyright infringement.

>> No.11109217

What? No it wouldn't. It would get cracked just like everything else.

I don't particularly care, I read it years ago.

>> No.11109211

Sumaga is never going to be released, don't kid yourself.

>> No.11109212

Many of them do. It's just that cracks bypass it.

>> No.11109229

This is /jp/. No bullying allowed. I will get around to it some day once I have the motivation and know where to start. On another note where do you start when learning Japanese? I assume you start with katakana and Hiragana. Would I be correct in that assumption?

>> No.11109230

Always on internet connection checking. Load bullshit on their server to continue. Diablo 3 hasn't been cracked yet, despite the popularity.

>> No.11109242

That's Xbox One level of totalitarianism though.

>> No.11109260


It's just a romantic school storyline?

>> No.11109264

Kind of. There's a TWEST. A very depressing one.

>> No.11109281
File: 807 KB, 1020x570, totono07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So is nobody on /jp/ excited about this?

There were some people talking about it in the VN general. If you're going in dry just expecting craaaaazy xD yandere characters, you're going to be extremely disappointed. Well, anyone who reads this is probably going to end up disappointed so you're not alone in that regard. Having said that, I am looking forward to it. The trial obviously wasn't as great as it could have been, but I'm curious about what Shimokura will do with the whole meta aspect and the effect it'll have on the characters and their world.

You mean your only route.

>> No.11109284

Make sure you save often.

>> No.11109289

Why, are there bad ends everywhere or something?

>> No.11109365

>dat packaging

>> No.11109416

We have this thing called the VN General thread, where we've been talking about the game. Most people were let down after the trial, so only the Nitro fanboys are still excited for it.

>> No.11109427

I assumed it was just you making a hate post whenever someone brought it up.

>> No.11109470

How to argument on the Internet
If someone disagrees he's a retard.
If several people disagree they're samefag.
If everyone disagrees you're successfully trolled them all.

>> No.11109480

It's more the fact that you kept repeating the same things. You are the guy who kept bringing up how it's "not doing anything new" and how the writing makes it unplayable right?

>> No.11109491

Heh, even in this thread your samefag detector is broken. The guy you're replying to is not me (>>11109416). In the VN general I made a single post about the premise not being particularly unique, but that's it. I've never commented on the writing.

I'll refrain from accusing you of being the only person defending Totono and making all the posts about how meta it is.

>> No.11109514

The writing is pretty bland though to be honest

>> No.11109508

Fine, by "You" I mean >>11109416
The post >>11109470 didn't really have any distinguishing traits so I assumed it was, you know, the guy I was conversing with.

I don't particularly care if anyone likes it or not, but it seems like >>11109416 is trying a bit too hard to convince everyone else that it's awful.

>> No.11109518

The trial hinted at interesting things to me, I feel like there will be a payoff. I am interested in the meta aspects, especially how they deal NTR.

Miyuki becomes self aware
The MC goes bonkers
Some people actually don't exist
The yandere aspect will be a gimmick and Miyuki's real personality will be more interesting
Yutarou is a pretty cool guy

>> No.11109525

Agreed. His writing in Axanael wasn't the best either.

What was Sumaga's like? That seems to be the only work of his people actively praise.

>> No.11109528

Sure, but same with most of the other VNs everyone here eats up. Personally I'm not expecting it to compare to the better Nitro+ works, but I do expect to enjoy it. I care more about decent pacing than the prose anyway. Plus the music is great.

>> No.11109532

The translator said his writing wasn't all that great, but the other things in it made up for that.

>> No.11109538
File: 474 KB, 1920x1080, Good Writing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough kanji spam to be good writing

>> No.11109549

Axaneal was pretty dialougue based so that might have been difficult.

Sumaga's writing used a few too many words, I never finished it so I am no authority.

I feel that totono's writing is as dull as it is because the writer only gets to hint at the plot and that there needed to be a renai setup. The MC started feeling he had a personality when it felt like things were going along.

>> No.11109551

I don't see any kanji I don't know, confirmed for still shit.

>> No.11109556

I feel like I will enjoy it too, if only for the aspects of it and I am kinda interested where they are going with it. I feel that it has some potential to be GOTY material.

Unfortunately I don't think our favorite brown haired loli will appear.

>> No.11109558

That's because we are the brown haired loli.

>> No.11109560

>I feel that it has some potential to be GOTY material.
Try reading chusingura or himanatsu instead

>> No.11109573

>Personally I'm not expecting it to compare to the better Nitro+ works, but I do expect to enjoy it.


I know most people have mixed opinions about the meta aspect, but it's what Totono will ultimately end up being known for. It won't be the kind of VN you'd recommend someone for its plot or writing, but for its gimmick. That's what Totono is riding on and if it's delivered sloppily, it'll end up being a kusoge.

>> No.11109611

Also it seems to be a game that you have to know eroge pretty well before you can read it. I want it to be good though. If it is delivered well and the plot is interesting I will immensely enjoy it.

>> No.11109648

>Also it seems to be a game that you have to know eroge pretty well before you can read it.

Definitely. It's like a parody in that sense, but instead the winks and nudges at various tropes come off as unsettling rather than humorous (like the scene where Aoi offered herself to Shin1). If a character were making jokes about flags and OPs in any other title it would be played for laughs. Here it's weird, and that's the intention.

>> No.11111774

I doubt Nitro+ have the resources to maintain the same infrastructure like Blizzard.

>> No.11113244

Luckily VNs don't have the same infrastructure as a high budget game.

>> No.11113543

無限ループ confirmed.

>> No.11113552

Isn't this the one with NTR?

>> No.11113557

so wait, they're selling games on flash drives now? what?
why the hell

>> No.11113560

It will never be cracked, just admit it they finally outsmarted you guys.

>> No.11113565
File: 247 KB, 1555x1649, 1337122886851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're still here, yes you're correct. Look at the image and also look at the pastebins here >>>/a/daily+japanese+thread (I hope that link worked)

>> No.11113576

Half of the things in this that it tells you to do are sort of a waste

>> No.11113581

The only crack I want is the one that lets you play both routes.

>> No.11113588

I was excited for Axanael because it had great art direction, but then it apparently turned out to be shit.

This has absolutely nothing seemingly appealing other than just being Nitro+ so maybe it'll actually be good, I guess.

>> No.11113628

At least it doesn't say to post on /jp/.

>> No.11114621

So I was going through the EGS page for totono and after reading the last part of one's review found this:

本体に封入されていた広告チラシだと一つは『NECROMANCER ネクロマンサー』というタイトルのようです。今度は従来のニトロらしいハードボイルドな作品になりそう。

Anybody have the idea about this? I've never heard about such title.

>> No.11115607

ok fine you win tell me where to buy it so I can fucking play it already

>> No.11115768

It fit's with the style of the game.
I'm only up to the part where the main characters best friend finds out the girls panties her found and baited to belong to his cross dressing younger brother and already I have been slammed with references and eroge tropes while constantly being told my world isn't real. I kinda like it.

>> No.11116701

I may have to resort to buying this one if no crack comes.

>> No.11117261

Is it possible to import this without using a proxy service?

>> No.11117848

Amiami should have it.

>> No.11117865

I'm pretty sure amiami blocks all foreign orders that aren't figures.

>> No.11117869

You are incorrect, I'm a Europoor and I've bought porn games from there before.

>> No.11117878

I'm not certain, but I think that so long as it's on the international website and doesn't include batteries it's up for grabs.

>> No.11117883

I'm surprised a torrent hasn't surfaced yet considering it's Nitro+. Even lesser known brands and BL from first time companies have already popped up.

>> No.11117893

It's fucking uncrackable, jesus get in in your heads the eroge companies have finally outsmarted you, just give up.

>> No.11117903

You're sorely underestimating our Chinese friends.

>> No.11117910

Then where's the crack? Where's the torrent?

Checkmate, I rest my case.

>> No.11117923
File: 46 KB, 848x480, 1286239751627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only been out two days, please take it easy in the meantime.

>> No.11117939

It's uncrackable this is the end, the end of eroge piracy has come, now just grow up and buy your eroge if you intend to play it, scum.

>> No.11117972

There is no such thing as uncrackable.

>> No.11117988


Twist on that, you lose.

>> No.11118016

Is this the same kind of shit that was on DJ Max Trilogy?

>> No.11118010

If no one works on a crack then does that mean something is uncrackable?

Twist on that, nerd.

>> No.11118073

So now you're implying it's not worth cracking?

Christ you're desperate.

>> No.11118115

are you illiterate
what you copy pasted answers your bullshit

>> No.11118124

Your mom's desperate for my cock

>> No.11118190


>> No.11118233

Can someone who is not a troll please explain the situation to me regarding it being "uncrackable"? I'm fairly sure I could crack it (even if it requires the USB key) and I'm sorta interested in it because it's a Nitro+ game, but I'm not interested enough to buy it.

>> No.11118254

I'm with you, there's no way it's uncrackable. I have a friend who removes protection from arcade machines. Stuff that has protection dongles and always online drm BS. They probably have way better protection than a shitty visual novel.

>> No.11118255

That Doktor Pepper poster is quite amazing. Would buy!

>> No.11118264
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, touka reading menu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's joking. It's really obvious.

>> No.11118265

So vulgar...

>> No.11118281

Someone who bought it told me you don't need to use the USB every time you play it, so there's that at least.

>> No.11118394

Make your thread again...

>> No.11118404

I'm skimming through spoilers, but it seems like Miyuki literally will not let you enter Aoi's route and she's really annoying about it.

>> No.11122411

It seems like the game is short. I can't wait for a goddamn crack though, I hyped myself up too much for a 7/10 game.

>> No.11122901

Shimokura said it'll take between 10 - 15 hours to finish, but I saw someone say it only took them six. Depends on your reading speed, I suppose.

>> No.11124025

i stole it from the side of a vending machine promoting the movie. It is actually semi hard plastic.

>> No.11124036

Why haven't you uploaded this shit yet?

>> No.11124043

I actually really liked Axanael. Kinda felt like I was reading a LN like Baccano or Durarara but with otaku jokes all over the place.
Sure in terms of an eroge it was meh but I had a ton of fun with it.

>> No.11124084
File: 157 KB, 600x444, 1300457666205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I liked about Axanael were Noco and Nitori, every other character was offensively insipid, most of all Fuuri and that turban guy who, jokes on the reader, was the mastermind all along! What a twist!!1111

It got absurdly wacky towards the end, and you either love or hate that kind of thing. I still think Axanael was made only to promote Sonico's band.

>> No.11124136

See I didn't like Noco very much. As for the characters, I guess you are right but I was not expecting more than anime tier characters when reading it. I guess it helped that people told me how crap it was but then I read it and it wasn't really. I also liked the idea of it locking you into a route the first play through to mimic the kagome asobi style.

>> No.11124178

Ah, at least you knew what you were in for. I blindly picked it up when it came out, knowing nothing save for the premise and got burned hard. I expected the game involving Axanael itself to be completely different, and the Deus Ex Machina aspect being able to bring people back to life eliminated any possible danger. Cheapened it a bit.

>I also liked the idea of it locking you into a route the first play through to mimic the kagome asobi style.

That was a great idea.

Come to think of it, Mizuha was a neat little character too.

>> No.11130590

>Sonico's band.
I like the character design of Sonico but thye music isn't all that good. The only things I like from her are Miku covers.

>> No.11130634

muramasa is being translated though

>> No.11130647

fuck Shimokura xD

Better tell that to EGS.

>> No.11130685
File: 108 KB, 800x1132, db7cd5d387c3d9693ee9ea839b178e16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

promotional image for the next nitro+ game starring
Sonico's overweight tomodachi

>> No.11131281

Their music is fucking shit but you know her fans bought ten copies of each poorly produced album they released.

>> No.11134616

I was so annoyed when I found out the last ticket in the latest sonico raffle got you a CD instead of the usual figure. A CD...fuck that. I wan't a figure of her delicious thighs not a crappy cd of her shitty songs. This si coming from a pretty big sonico fan too.

>> No.11142140

So how bad is the NTR in this one?

>> No.11142142

Well, an uncracked torrent has surfaced if you want to give it a go. Or do you just need the exe? It's protected by Soft Denchi.

>> No.11142318
File: 160 KB, 647x948, SUPER!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch it BUD, that's my wife you're talkin' about!

>> No.11142325

who is this juicy slut
