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11092045 No.11092045[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pearl Harbour, an attack on men who signed up to join their country's armed forces, gave the US a perfect opportunity to test out the effects of long-term effects of nuclear radiation on a massive scale (both towns are surrounded by mountains to maximise the effect). The American government joined a war at the point were every country involved was completely exhausted with millions upon millions dead. They were aware of Japan's inevitable surrender, with nukes or no.

There is no right or wrong in war, but to believe that the nukings which killed over 25000 of innocent civilian men, women and children who had no part in the war was justification for an attacked that killed 2000 soldiers is delusional. Crazier still is to believe that the nukings were the catalyst for the end of the war, of for "Japan's own good".

>> No.11092057

The US did want to invite the military leaders of Japan to a nuclear bomb test detonation, but they were worried it wouldn't go off

>> No.11092053
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as of 2013, this thread is considered prime /jp/ material

***** below me lays 300+ replies *****

>> No.11092070

Thanks, jan! Good summer period is ahead of us! ^_^

>> No.11092075

Get >>>/out/

>> No.11092446
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I get the impression jannie also takes care of /v/ sometimes.

>> No.11092457

I think I remember reading that Japan was ready to start talking peace because of Russia's new focus on the east, but the nukes came before they could do anything, or something like that. I have no idea if there's any credibility to that. It's too late now anyways.

>> No.11092469

Only Americans and Japanophobes think it was ok to nuke Japan, the rest of the world sees it with bad eyes.

>> No.11092470

I do not care for genocide. Kill as many humans as you like.

We have overstock anyway.

>> No.11092484

If you really believe that, you deserve to be one of the killed people.

>> No.11092493

Your suicide will be appreciated.

>> No.11092497

to be one of the people who gets killed.*

>> No.11092495


Radiation is a horrible way to die, either from systemic poisoning or burns. Maybe you should volunteer the next time the US decides to use it's own population as test subjects.

>> No.11092506

Or maybe he should die in one of those f@l5e fl@g events.

>> No.11092519

Not really sir. This planet could house 8 times more humans than it has already. The problem is in current situation that few spend multiple times more resources than majority and talk about everything we let go wasted.

>> No.11092523

Do you think that he'd disagree?
Do you think that he cares about appreciation?

>> No.11092525


America contaminated a large part of it's own population by the atmospheric testing of nukes at the Nevada proving ground. Above normal amounts of stronium-90 was being found in the teeth of children up until the 70s. The intelligence services also conducted secret tests on the mentally and pysically ill as well as their own staff. I'm not some anti-american hippy raving about conspiracy theories, this really happened, it's even been acknowldged in officially released documents.

>> No.11092537

>I'm not some anti-american hippy
Well me neither, and please do not discard ALL (some are real nonsense) of those "conspiracy theories" just because the government didn't acknowledge its more recent crimes.

>> No.11092557 [DELETED] 

If I use sage while replying seriously to this thread, maybe everyone will think I'm slightly less of easily-baited retard helping OP shit up the board.

No, probably not.

>> No.11092559

If I use sage while replying seriously to this thread, maybe everyone will think I'm slightly less of an easily-baited retard helping OP shit up the board.

No, probably not.

>> No.11092590


Do you think 9/11 was an inside job?

>> No.11092604

Yes, I do.

>> No.11092677

>Trolls still posting the same leprosy patient thinking he's a Hiroshima survivor


I hope you die from something really bad and incurable, OP.

>> No.11092677,1 [INTERNAL] 

What my country did was horrible. The civilians at Hiroshima did not deserve this, but I do not believe this was in retaliation for the Pear Harbor. I think this was done out of fear. Japan was consuming whole cultures, and though the president may have known, the men and women working to make and drop the bomb were in fear for their way of life.


What was done to the rest of asia was monstrous. If not for the greater horrors being inflicted by Hitler, these would not be forgotten so easily. There is a reason why North Korea's nuclear arsenal is pointed at Japan.

>> No.11092677,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11092677,3 [INTERNAL] 

I think Helen makes a good point

>> No.11092677,4 [INTERNAL] 

asl helen

>> No.11092677,5 [INTERNAL] 

>le america
>giving a shit about the gooks

