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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11085165 No.11085165[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many of you guys actually want to go to Japan?

>> No.11085180

I guess it would be kind of cool. I have better things to do with my time/money though.

>> No.11085184

Sure if you're paying

>> No.11085190

I did, until the radiation. But I don't think it's some perfect country, though it'd be nice to visit.

>> No.11085191

Is this a legit question ?
This is /jp/ ,bub.
Everyone on here wants japan to plow them in the ass

>> No.11085204
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>Everyone on here wants japan to plow them in the ass
See: Everyone else who replied.
You know what bothers me? When I meet an otaku and they don't actually have a real life interest in going to Japan. I don't know why.

Captcha: Kingdom ghlibi

>> No.11085211

You're confusing /jp/ with your home board.

Please be more careful when using the crossboard feature in future.

>> No.11085211,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11085231

Why? Otaku culture is not weeaboo culture.

>> No.11085234

Why would I want to go to Japan?

>> No.11085235

ive been there. it was w/e kinda shitty. food was decent. stayed in an onsen hotel. was just a kid then so only bought manga / tourist shit.

probably would be a pain if I went now though since my jap is shit and I dont really care to improve it.

>> No.11085256

I've never been off the eastern US coast

I'd welcome any international trip

>> No.11085260
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I really don't know. If anything, I think it could be because so many of us end up learning how to read/write/speak some/a decent amount of Japanese, learn about the culture, have the yellow fever, etc, and some people have no intentions of making good on it.

And what is a weeaboo, really, other than just an annoying, extroverted fanatic who everyone wishes would die? I'm not really talking about people like that.

>> No.11085269

What you described is a weeaboo, not an otaku.

>> No.11085277

Assuming money was no object, I'd go there only to buy a bunch of shit. I don't have much interest in anything else. Maybe go see some of the scenery outside of the cities.

>> No.11085285

Not what I mean though. How can we really spend this much time obsessed with anime, VN, games, and all the stuff we buy without actually developing such an interest in the culture it comes from? I've been into all of that for as long as I've been able to, but over time I became a little obsessed with Japan too.

>> No.11085315

japanese culture is pretty shitty though

the stuff we like is mostly made by those on the fringe

>> No.11085326
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You couldn't pay me enough to live in Japan.

Practically everything that's fun is illegal there. They're one of the only countries who will actually send you to prison for pirating and the vast majority of prescription medications that are legal in western countries are illegal in Japan. If I went to Japan then I couldn't pirate, it's illegal to gamble, I would never be able to shoot a gun again, and the only drugs would be cigarettes and alcohol.

That is not living. I would rather die than go to Japan.

>> No.11085333

>anime, VN, games

It's not about the form of media, it's the ideas behind it. You are not a true otaku.

>> No.11085337

fuck off druggie

>> No.11085350

What's wrong with drugs? They help me think better.

>> No.11085351
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I've been; it's amazing.
Pic somewhat related.

>> No.11085354

Drugs are for niggers

>> No.11085393
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>How can we really spend this much time obsessed with anime, VN, games, and all the stuff we buy without actually developing such an interest in the culture it comes from?

Japan has one of the highest depression and suicide rates in the entire world. Their forms of entertainment are almost completely based around pure escapism and is intentionally made to be as detached from the reality of life in Japan as possible.

If I wanted to be a suicidal and alcoholic salary man that has to deal with an overwhelming amount of stress and soul-crushing depression each day then maybe I would like to visit Japan.

>> No.11085395


To visit or to live? I'd like to visit Japan, but I would never live there.

>> No.11085403
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>japanese culture is pretty shitty though
How so?

Er.. You wouldn't live there because you can't be a drug abuser?

I'm not a true otaku because I also want to go to Japan?

>> No.11085409

I want to go to Japan so badly. A friend of mine went for two weeks while we were still in highschool and he still brags about it and about how 2 weeks wasn't long enough.

>> No.11085410

Why do real deal weeaboos always love Lucky Star?

>> No.11085413

Just the way of the world.

>> No.11085415
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What makes you so sure that life is bad there, though? Is this hearsay, or have you not looked very deeply into it?

Also, >mfw that pic

>> No.11085420

I always wanted to go to study martial arts. I hate foreigners in my own lands, so I wouldn't want to be one in theirs. that and I hate leaving the house.

>> No.11085416

You both sound very pathetic.

>> No.11085423

butt buddies

>> No.11085424
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I can change it up if you like.

>> No.11085430

You got anything that's not KyoAni?

>> No.11085429
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You sound pathetic, bitch

>> No.11085442
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So not many people, huh? That's kind of a shame.

>> No.11085450

If I had money, maybe. But what should I do there? I guess I could buy stuff. Maybe I'll go one day, if I get a job, but I highly doubt I will get one.

>> No.11085457

What made you choose your tripcode?

Did it just come up? Or did you have to think long and hard about it?

>> No.11085472
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Haha, I just wanted a tripcode for something on another board real fast and that was the first word that came out.

>> No.11085489


The suicide rates speak for themselves. 4th highest in the world or 10th if you count those third world slav countries.


And this isn't even getting into issues like herbivore men, where Japanese men have become so hopelessly apathetic that they've stopped reproducing entirely, or how they had to create a whole new category for people who die from "death from overworking."

If life in Japan is so great then why are they so depressed, suicidal, and dropping like flies from stress?

>> No.11085493

Asians are culturally predisposed to suicide.

>> No.11085500

It's probably their dumbass culture where you have to be the best at everything or you're a miserable failure and you've shamed your family. Niggas need to take it easy.

>> No.11085514

They only kill themselves because they can't wait for the 2d afterlife.

>> No.11085524
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I never said that Japan isn't without it's shitty problems, but no country is. The US' crime rate is astronomically higher than Japan's, but that doesn't mean we're all going to be mugged, killed or stolen from.

You can look at a chart, but how deep have you looked beyond that? I have reason to believe that a lot of the stuff you hear about Japan being an impossible place to live is just paranoia and bullshit.

>> No.11085529
File: 111 KB, 500x375, 1342134502451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qxc is a professional north american starcraft 2 terran player that hasnt had success since the games beta 3 years ago who is now transitioning into casting you stupid weeb

>> No.11085534

I went to Japan twice. I had a really good time and I enjoyed immersing myself in the culture. Hotels are expensive as hell and I recommend staying at a hotel near Narita since it has direct subway access.

>> No.11085535
File: 760 KB, 707x994, 1362517763051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, people who know how to use Google are really rare these days. Not the qxc you're thinking of, though.

>Relax, nigga.

>> No.11085537
File: 93 KB, 500x375, 1354096496529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else wish that you could rescue a depressed Japanese salary man and bring him back to the Land of the Free with you?

You could teach him how to shoot guns and then ride horses together through the vast and beautiful open lands of America. You could teach him how to love life for the first time.

>> No.11085544

how stupid do you have to be to not see that my images filename is from 4chan and that i obviously already knew all that information
saging and filtering you nerd

>> No.11085544,1 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit it's getting HEATED in here!

>> No.11085556
File: 31 KB, 250x256, 1272342515159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your jimmies seem to be a little rustled.

>> No.11085576

why is this thread so awful

>> No.11085579

One or two weeks when I get some times for me. If it could be for the comiket it would be cool. I want to visit Akihabara and a lot of national tourist traps.

I don't want to settle of course. I'm not masochistic.

>> No.11085584

I would, only if I had the money to never work again.

>> No.11085590

Some crossie weeb started it.

>> No.11085589

OP is obviously some retarded crossie and you're actually feeding him

literally why

>> No.11085592
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I might try living there if I really like it when I go early next year. I have no idea how I'll handle getting a job over there though.

>> No.11085600


>> No.11085604

>tfw you've never left North America

I really need to broaden my horizons, and that doesn't mean watching youtube videos of Japan and Europe. I might register for study abroad next year, but it's very expensive and I don't know if host families like pasty White guys with poor social skills.

>> No.11085605
File: 77 KB, 440x640, oremada4large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already visited (I wish I was a bit older at the time), and it was probably the best experience of my life.

I want to go back now that I'm older

>> No.11085611

This here is a real weeb.

>> No.11085612

How old were you when you went? Was it just a vacation or foreign exchange or something like that?

>> No.11085620

I must have been 14 or 15.

I had a Japanese friend in highschool and he invited me to go visit for a few weeks in the summer. I should probably get back in touch with him.

>> No.11085630

Like a pen pal? That's awesome, I'd love to do something like that.

>> No.11085631


>> No.11085632

You'll be blinded by your weebness at first, then come the reality. Don't even try come here and live without the certainty of a job waiting for you there beforehand.

And on the topic of jobs, good luck getting any job that doesn't get tiring after a year living here. Unless you have a degree worth talking about and speak fluent Japanese that is.

>> No.11085635
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It was just a simple question. You negros were the ones who decided to ask why I cared. It's not like I came here to waste my time projecting my interests on you.

Host families actually tend to really love having westerners with them. If you want to, and you can come up with the means to do it, you totally should!

>> No.11085641

Nah, his dad was Canadian so he lived here after elementary school and was in my class.

>> No.11085642

I'll just teach English and get a qt japanese gf

>> No.11085651

How does one go about arranging something like that? Most university only offers study abroad to a few European companies, so I'd probably have to find an outside organization.

>> No.11085653
File: 268 KB, 576x800, 1359187823902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't even try come here and live without the certainty of a job waiting for you there beforehand.
Well yeah, no shit.

>speak fluent Japanese
I speak a bit right now, but not much. If I feel good about it after a visit or two, I'll start studying it like crazy while I save up money.

>> No.11085655

If your parents raised you right you'll have better manners than the younger Japanese people too, but their customs will be quite different.

>> No.11085656


>The US' crime rate is astronomically higher than Japan's, but that doesn't mean we're all going to be mugged, killed or stolen from.

It does if you live in the areas of the U.S where almost all of these crimes are committed. Take a walk through Detroit and there's pretty much a 25% chance that you're coming out of there alive. If you remove all of the disgusting cities that no sane person should even step foot in (Detroit, Oakland, Atlanta, etc) then our crime rate becomes minuscule.

Country statistics just aren't very accurate at all when trying to get an idea of what life is like in the U.S because it's a massive country with an extremely large and diverse population, but Japan is very small in comparison. Japan's statistics are far more accurate when trying to get a general idea of what life is like there because there's just less people and less diversity. The culture of one city in Japan isn't going to be vastly different from the culture of a city on the other end of Japan, but if you look at a city in a southern state of the U.S and then look at a city in southern California then they're so completely different that a large portion of the citizens aren't even speaking the same language.

>> No.11085664

Maybe for a three week holiday, but not much more than that.

>> No.11085670
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I don't have much experience with that sort of thing outside of college offers, but you can definitely find out all you need to know through websites which are dedicated to Japanese stuff like Jref.

Also, try http://www.japan-guide.com/local/?aCAT=2 You can contact Japanese people here and set things up that way. I haven't discussed homestays yet, but I've made a few friends in Japan, and they've been absolutely invaluable help to me.

>> No.11085674

A English teacher's salary is getting thinner and thinner here. English proficiency won't get you much these days. There's too many of them.

>> No.11085679

>I'll start studying it like crazy
That's what they all say.

>> No.11085680

Thanks, seriously. It's worth a shot.

>> No.11085693
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>Country statistics just aren't very accurate at all when trying to get an idea of what life is like in the U.S because it's a massive country with an extremely large and diverse population, but Japan is very small in comparison.

You missed my point, though. I'm saying that you can't just look at a bad number on a chart, flip a table and say "welp, that place is helpless!" Besides, it seems to me like you know just as well as I do that there's a lot more to the number than just that one page. The geographical size of a country isn't the only factor in the accuracy of a survey like that.

>> No.11085691

>Take a walk through Detroit and there's pretty much a 25% chance that you're coming out of there alive.

It's really not that bad in Detroit, but it depends on where you go, obviously. It's weird, you can walk around and feel perfectly safe in some areas like near the casino and the Joe, then go a few blocks over and you're in the ghetto. There are places where you can stand in front of a burnt-out building or crackhouse and look at million dollar mansions. I'd have to see some statistics, but I think the south side of Chicago is probably worse than Detroit at this point, you probably would get killed walking through most areas there. They call it Chiraq for a reason.

>> No.11085702

I was born in Japan, visit frequently and had an intense interest in the culture from a young age before getting into otaku culture. Get on my level, filthy secondary weeaboos.

>> No.11085704

sup tats

>> No.11085707
File: 221 KB, 795x1241, 1359212460046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem at all! Let me reiterate how helpful forums can be though! I'm personally on JRef, but any of them will do -- The people on those sites are all either interested in Japan like you are, are well educated on it, and/or live there, so they can be a huge help (especially for times when you need the sort of straight answers you won't get from a Japanese person).

>> No.11085731

>avatarfagging with KS shit
>full on weeb faggot
Shows how secondary in nature this faglord weeb EOP really is.

>> No.11085749

My friend runs a car importing business and he might employ me to work there since I know my cars and have a small Japanese vocabulary, he's sick of auction brokers gouging him (he loses close to $80,000 a year paying then) and wants to diversify into parts and would rather have someone he trusts dealing with work over there.

So I might go, but I'll have to learn the language better. What do you guys think of this?

>> No.11085755

I think you should learn the language better.

>> No.11085761

Depends on the salary and if you have other potential job offers at home that would pay higher.

>> No.11085758

Do it.

>> No.11085765
File: 390 KB, 942x1066, 1362690354564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The language isn't too terribly difficult to learn if you have an interest. I'd suggest a program like Pimsleur to get you started with basic Japanese, and then learn through immersion. Normally, it'd be best to just go and learn by being around the native speakers themselves, but if you're going over there for a job, you'd better have at least a little foundation to work with.

>> No.11085800

Salary is going to be around $50,000 at first which is less than what I could be earning with my education but I wouldn't mind doing this for a while.

>> No.11085809

I'd like to go, but I'm broke. Besides that, it's seems a little scary to go overseas on my own.

>> No.11085807

I'm leaving for Japan in 2 weeks.

Quick, must dos?

>> No.11085815

Are you progamer qxc?

>> No.11085824


>I'm saying that you can't just look at a bad number on a chart, flip a table and say "welp, that place is helpless!"

It's less about the number itself and more about the cultural reasons for why Japan has such an abnormally high suicide rate compared to the rest of the world and how this reflects poorly on all of Japan. It's no coincidence that the other countries that are right at the top of that list are South Korea and China, they're three countries that have a closely tied history, many elements of their cultures are identical, and all three have cultures that put a huge emphasis on things like shame and the importance of working as hard as possible.

The culture of a nation influences everything about its people and the culture of Japan is just very prone to raising people who will repress their feelings, be extremely socially inhibited, become workaholics, suffer from depression and stress, and sometimes feel suicidal.

The same can't be said for most western countries though. Our culture encourages things like extroversion and hedonism, so growing up in this culture produces people who tend to be sociable, arrogant, lazy but not stressed, and generally pretty happy.

So I'm not saying that the suicide rate is high because Japan itself is a depressing place, but I'm saying that their the suicide rate is high because Japanese culture is so stressful that living in that culture and being raised in that culture will eventually make you so stressed that you will want to kill yourself.

>> No.11085839


Going outside is boring.

I couldn't even take my computer.

>> No.11085840


Depends what you mean by life. It isn't a third world shit hole obviously. But, it's kinda cruddy and everything is so expensive and it's horribly xenophobic. Why would you want to live there?

>> No.11085841

>sociable, arrogant, lazy but not stressed, and generally pretty happy.

Yeah if you are a goddamn normal

>> No.11085860

To find a qt 3.14

>> No.11085893

>being this beta

>> No.11085928

I want to go to Comiket or Anisama at least twice.

>> No.11085948
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Wish I was (not that qxc). I've never gotten higher than platinum league.

>So I'm not saying that the suicide rate is high because Japan itself is a depressing place, but I'm saying that their the suicide rate is high because Japanese culture is so stressful that living in that culture and being raised in that culture will eventually make you so stressed that you will want to kill yourself.
But you're acting like that disqualifies Japan as a place where people can move to and be happy. I totally see what you're saying, and I've done waaay more paranoid research in that area than I'd like to admit, but to assume that all of Japan is chaotic and stressful the way it's made out to be in America is just ridiculous. I mean, have you talked to people who live there, or are you just going off of numbers here?

>To find a qt
I wouldn't mind, that's for sure.

>> No.11085960

Janny, please.

>> No.11085964


Exactly. So much of Japanese culture is just the exact opposite of what you see in western cultures. The outliers of our culture, the small minority of people who just couldn't fit in, act in a way which is the opposite of how normal westerners act and coincidentally the introverted behavior that they develop happens to be very similar to the way that normal Japanese people are raised to behave.

This is probably why a large amount of the westerners who are obsessed with Japan tend to be the shy and inhibited types of people who weren't able to integrate into western culture.

>> No.11085995


>> No.11086013

Finding a qt is literally the only reason I want to go (well, along with seeing the castles and stuff), so I probably never will. It's not big enough of a motivation.

>> No.11086032

>Japan as a place where people can move to and be happy.

You have to be pretty retarded to think that is.

>> No.11086048
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>This is probably why a large amount of the westerners who are obsessed with Japan tend to be the shy and inhibited types of people who weren't able to integrate into western culture.
I've actually read that betas socially feel a lot more at home in Japan once they've gotten used to the differences.

>inb4 every male in Japan is a suicidal salaryman

>> No.11086043


Can't believe you Japanese GF faggots are still around.

>> No.11086065

It's only one of me... I think they're cuter than other ethnicities. It doesn't have anything to do with the stereotypical 'submissiveness' racists assume.

>> No.11086069

>inb4 every male in Japan is a suicidal salaryman

That guy was an idiot, but so are you. Take your weeaboo fantasy somewhere else. Japanese are quite possible the most ignorant people in the world. They make Americans look bright.

>> No.11086083

Race betrayer.

>> No.11086084


>but to assume that all of Japan is chaotic and stressful

I don't think that every area of Japan is filled with stressed out and inhibited people, but it's interesting that many Japanese people tend to look down upon the people who are from areas of Japan that are usually far happier and laid back than the rest of the nation.

For example, Okinawa is one of the happiest areas of Japan, but many Japanese people see Okinawans as obnoxious, loud, and stupid. The happiest areas of Japan are almost always stereotyped by other Japanese people as being filled with the Japanese equivalent of dumb hicks.

As an American, I think I would get along very well with someone from Okinawa and I would love to spend a few weeks visiting them, but there's no way in hell that I would ever want to go into an uptight and stress filled city like Tokyo.

>I mean, have you talked to people who live there

I've talked to a few people from Japan over the internet when I was practicing. I've learned enough of the language that I can play most of the games that I wanted to play, so now I don't really have any motivation to find language partners to practice with.
