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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11075807 No.11075807[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11075819

>The bill was proposed in response to the suicide of a bullied junior high school boy

Why does this happen? I thought laws were supposed to be objective, but it seems like most recent laws can be traced to a single event (e.g. a school shooting or a suicide) rather than an overall problem.

>> No.11075829
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> including malicious Internet postings.


>> No.11075830

kids today are all faggots

they need to be bullied more if anything

"Never let a good crisis go to waste."

It's like how Obongo tried his hardest to take away our guns after Sandy Hook and Bush passed the Patriot Act over 9/11. It's a huge appeal to emotion and fear.

>> No.11075837

In the global era of hopenchange, nothing gets done unless you have sufficient "outrage" to justify it. Except for printing money till infinity plus one.

>> No.11075910
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Scientists conclude that kids need to be supervised, or they do stuff that would be considered criminal if done by actual adults. More at eleven.

>> No.11075925

Just let human society end already.

>> No.11075929

Bullying weeds out the weak. I fully endorse all forms of bullying.

>> No.11075930
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u sed it dood

>> No.11075956
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Why don't they just teach the weak kids to fight and then let the children sort this out on their own?

No good can come from this nanny state bullshit. Getting into fist fights and learning to stand up for yourself is a crucial part of a child's development, especially for young boys. Encouraging every child to just run to the teachers and tell on the bullies is just going to make them even more wimpy than they already are.

>> No.11075963

This. I could understand if we were in some utopia where violence becomes obsolete, but that's not going to happen any time soon.

It's like keeping fit versus using liposuction. It's better to have the skill and do what comes to human beings naturally, rather than relying on something that might not always work.

>> No.11075964

cut my emo wrist into pieces

this is my last resort

>> No.11075972

/jp/ telling bullying victims to toughen up?
/jp/ the NEETbux leech telling us to end the nanny state?

It's like watching a monkey fling shit at its own reflection.

>> No.11075985

cis scum pls go

>> No.11075984

It's okay for me to complain about these things because they'll never happen.

If I ever got what I wanted, I'd be fucked.

>> No.11075990

At my school a gay boy was bullied in the toilets, and the bullies said he should have to use the girls' toilets. He cried about it to the Head of Year, and she agreed with the bullies. He had to use the girls' toilets from then on.

I love you, Catholic schools.

>> No.11075992
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That will just lead to gang violence when they become teenagers and adults. "I don't need to go to the teacher, we can handle this on my own" becomes "I don't need to go to the cops, we can handle this on our own."

>> No.11075994

This is what happens when women are put in complete control of the schools. They just don't understand how boys work and they think that you can fix every problem with councilors and "anti-bullying awareness programs"

The only way to stop a bully is to fight it out, but these well-meaning but naive women are crippling the same victims that they're trying to help by putting all of these measures in place. Now schools have all of these zero tolerance violence policies and half the time if the bullied kid does fight back then he's likely to be the one getting suspended for it.

>> No.11075996

how does a kid know they are gay? that's stupid

>> No.11075997

It isn't /jp/. Every summer we get an influx of high school and college students from /pol/ and /b/ who think that /jp/ is their own personal playground to shit all over, since they misinterpret "take it easy" to mean "there are no rules so we can shit all of our autism all over completely unrelated threads."

I'd suggest fleeing ot /ota/, but...;_;

Are there any boards left where a /jp/sie can just take it easy and discuss VNs without being subjected to offboard autism?

>> No.11075999

That's just one case out of many. Japan is known for its bad bullying problem and their collectivist culture makes it that much more difficult to get help.

That's stupid. Not all children will be able to defend themselves and not all bullying is physical. Students will always find new targets. Creating outlets may improve the overall school climate and discourage bullying.

>> No.11076000

>discuss VNs

lel kill yourself weeaboo nerd

>> No.11076001

What would you do if you were a teacher and you witnessed bullying, /jp/?

I think I'd treat it like one of those wildlife documentary crews and not get involved. Sometimes bad things happen and it's best to let them run their course, because that's just part of growing up.

>> No.11076004
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>> No.11076011

I hope the bully's parents beat the shit out of in the staff parking lot, you scrub.

>> No.11076006

This was secondary school. I can't remember how old he was. 14 or 15, maybe? Pubescent age, anyway.

>> No.11076007

Give everyone involved detention, including the guy being bullied, and talk things over after school preferably with their parents in attendance.

>> No.11076008

>because that's just part of growing up

But that's just you applying society to things. If it were the real world then many children would probably flee, something which is not an option when you are forced to the same place everyday.

>> No.11076009

but what? (in regards to ota)
you know its back right?

>> No.11076012


It would be good if we had more responsible civilians who are capable of defending themselves against criminals.

The response time for cops is pathetic and if you do call the police then by the time they get to you then they're just going to be cleaning up a corpse. Just look at the decapitation that happened in the middle of that London street recently. They butchered that man in the middle of the street and then stood there and shouted at nearby civilians for nearly 45 minutes until the police finally got there.

If that happened in a rural town in the U.S then the half a dozen nearby citizens with concealed carries would have blown him away. No point in calling the cops when they're so slow.

>> No.11076015

Teachers must face so many ethical issues, particularly when it comes to bullying and sexuality.

As a kid I remember thinking how unfair it was that I couldn't do such-and-such because teachers had control over us. Now as an adult I think the opposite. I mean, imagine babysitting kids for 8 hours a day. They don't like you but you have to just deal with it, and you can't retaliate or you'll lose your job.

>> No.11076018

You don't get responsible citizens. You get color gangs.

>> No.11076019
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I'd give it some time to see if the kid would stand up for himself, but he doesn't and he just lets the bully beat him up then I'll pull out the birch and give the bully a good beating.

One of the biggest problems in schools today is that we've stopped punishing children. Detention, suspensions, and things like that are not a real punishment. The best way to punish a child is to either get them with the trusty old birch or just spank them, but both of those are seen as forms of "abuse" nowadays.

>> No.11076020

You can have guns in America? Like a cowboy?

That's so cool!

>> No.11076027

>but both of those are seen as forms of "abuse" nowadays.
That's because it teaches children that violence is a viable solution to a social problem.

>> No.11076029


Pretty much this. I just like to moan even though I'm pretty much all the things I moan about.

>> No.11076037


Back in the old days, but here in Britain, its best to just let yourself get bullied. I was pretty handy one on one, but all the kids in my school had little crews and shit and no honour. They wouldn't think twice about jumping you or using a knuckle duster.

>> No.11076034

Implying positive punishment works.

Positive reinforcement > negative reinforcement > negative punishment > positive punishment.

Idiots just like to think it's intuitive that "hurr durr I beat boy with stick he stop being bad". There's a reason you hear about how so-and-so got caned every day when he was at school, and it wasn't because he learned his lesson. He was just a bad apple no matter how much you hit him.

>> No.11076035


Gangs are typically formed for the purposes of selling drugs, robbing, or doing some other delinquent activity and they sure as hell don't have a permit for the weapons they're carrying around.

There's plenty of responsible citizens with concealed carries who have defended themselves against murderous criminals with their concealed weapon. They're fairly strict with it comes to concealed carry permits and if you have any kind of criminal history then you're not going to be able to legally walk around with a concealed firearm on you.

>> No.11076040

What about the Yakuza? They aren't anything like you describe.

>> No.11076048


Put him on the back of my motorcycle and drive off a bridge to show him what true fear is, then get saved at the last minute by my gang. Then make friends with him.

>> No.11076045

>in city centre
>billboards and posters everywhere
>"Don't carry a knife"
>"Leave the knives in the kitchen"
>"Up to £4,000 fine for possessing a knife"
>suddenly hyper-aware everyone is carrying knives
>go and buy a knife

>> No.11076049

It works as well as any of them. If you associate an activity with pain, you won't want to do that activity. So if you punch someone every time they pick up a pencil, they won't want to pick up pencils even when you aren't around. Replace pick up a pencil with any activity you want to discourage.

>> No.11076051

Did they ask for ID when you bought a knife?

>> No.11076054

Don't be a nerd and you won't be bullied.

>> No.11076057


How else would you solve it?

You can't talk it out with a child. Hell, that doesn't even work with an adult.

Sitting the kid down and explaining to him why what he's doing is a bad thing is just going to make him roll his eyes and laugh. Doing things like taking away privileges or putting him in detention is just going to mildly annoy him and then he's just going to keep doing the same things he was doing before.

As it is with training every animal in the world, the best way to discipline a child is through fear. If your dog is pissing all over the furniture then you smack him on the nose with the newspaper and when your dog is pissing outside then you give him a treat. Same exact thing with children, you have to harshly punish bad behavior to instill fear and you have to reward good behavior.

>> No.11076058

We don't need to apply for welfare, we can just sell crack.
We don't need to get food stamps, we can just rob a bank.

See what a lack of respect for authority does?

>> No.11076060

It's so hard to rob a bank.

>> No.11076061

Sometimes people would rather pain over a certain activity.

I know my mother refused to learn history in school and she got beat every day for it.

>> No.11076062


Using your own logic though also learn that violence is the best way to get what you want. There are other negative things you can do without using violence, like grounding and taking their phone off them. I know when my Mom took my computer away it pissed me off infinitely more than when my Dad hit me. Being smacked lasts a second, having your computer taken away lasts a week.

>> No.11076063

/ota/ is back? Did it switch urls?

>> No.11076065

Fear is OK, violence is not OK. It's alright for people to use fear to solve their problems, but not violence. One works within society, one would get you arrested. So you can shout at your kid and send him to his room without food, but you shouldn't beat him to a pulp.

>> No.11076066


Yakuza are so bad with weapons that they couldn't hit the broadside of a barn. They're terrible shots and they're fairly pathetic fighters as well.

Yakuza are just white collar Japanese criminals and a few low ranking delinquents that act as muscle for their illegal gambling dens, meth dealing, and sex joints.

>> No.11076069 [DELETED] 

I really must know source. Reverse search shows nothing.

>> No.11076070

Bullying only exists among girls. All school age boys just like to take it easy together and have groups of friends consisting of all different social circles; nerds, jocks, etc.

Or at least it did back when I was in school.

>> No.11076072

Boys are gross!

>> No.11076074


What school did you go? Boys are always bullying. Girls have it just as bad, but its a different kind of bulling.

>> No.11076075

Are you a girl? That's the only way I can assume you have such a skewed view on male/male childhood relationships.

>> No.11076076

How is your first week here going?

>> No.11076081

And girls are a pain in the ass.

>> No.11076083

I went to a public white school,American, and I'm a guy.

>> No.11076091

You're full of shit.

>> No.11076092

I'm a fujoshi, ask me anything.

>> No.11076093


You can respect the authority of police as much as you want, but that's not going to make their vehicles move at magical speeds and speed up their response time enough to save your life.

It's just not possible, especially if you live in a country like the U.S where we have so much rural land and it might take well over an hour for the police officer to get there when he's responding to a 911 call in a rural area. This is less of an issue in smaller countries like Japan where the response time is very quick, but it's absolutely essential in larger countries.

Citizens must be armed to compensate for the shortcomings of the police. Even the best police officer can't get to you in 3 minutes if you're a 30 minute drive away.

>> No.11076097

>If you associate an activity with pain, you won't want to do that activity.

Or you rebel because you're a stubborn dickhole, which is why you're doing bad things in the first place.

>> No.11076101

What do you want me to say?

>> No.11076105


>Or at least it did back when I was in school.

In what, the 1950s? My own "friends" bullied me. They would always pick on me and call me names, but when I did it to them, they would run and tell on me. One day I just said fuck it and stopped hanging around and then I was all alone. It was back in elementary school and I just ignored everyone all the way through highschool. I guess it was better that way.

>> No.11076107

>You can respect the authority of police as much as you want, but that's not going to make their vehicles move at magical speeds and speed up their response time enough to save your life.

I don't care if the police take a decade to get to the crime scene and another decade to solve the case. Violence escalation is always a bad thing. So let's say I get mugged. Fine, I lose whatever I was carrying. Now instead of that, I get mugged and a "friendly" samaritan pulls out a gun and tries to save me. Now the mugger shoots me to death because he's spooked. Thanks samaritan.

>> No.11076109

We picked on each other in a friendly way. There was never any real like, "fuck you faggot nerd I'm going to beat your ass".

>> No.11076115

I was a bully and was bullied

I always thought it was part of growing up?

>> No.11076114

Something that isn't an obvious lie, please.

>> No.11076118

LOL holy shit i can't believe this dweeb believed what we told him

>> No.11076119

What you do is keep your wallet in your front pocket and a knife in your back pocket. That way when someone tries to mug you, you reach for your back pocket and quickly throw your knife at him. While they are distracted by a knife flying through the air you pull out a second knife and jump on them.

>> No.11076125

Why don't I just keep a second wallet with less money in it to give away? I mean, if I was living in a high crime area. That seems like a lot less work than your throwing knife idea.

>> No.11076127

Always keep two wallets on you.
One real one, one fake one with a few bucks and some fake credit cards.

>> No.11076131


What about when a group of violent criminals break into your house or if some tweaker with a knife mugs you?

If you choose not to fight back then the criminals will murder you in your own home and the crazy tweaker is going to stab you to death in a fit of meth induced paranoia. If you had a gun though then you would still be alive and you would have cleaned the world of a handful of murderous degenerates.

If a 92 year old man can defend himself against a pack of armed criminals that broke into his house then you can too.


>> No.11076132

>It works as well as any of them.
Yeah, no it doesn't. Conditioning via reinforcement lasts longer and is more effective than punishment. Punishment generally only leads to avoidance/compliance which are weak in the long run.

>> No.11076134


Its your fault for leaving your bedroom and having having a home-alone defence system.

>> No.11076136

no bully pls

>> No.11076138

A 92 year old man who was a WW2 vet. In other words, a trained warrior with actual combat experience. Compared to me, someone hasn't ever harmed a fly.

If a group of violent criminals want to kill me, they are going to kill me.

>> No.11076142


Being mugged isn't really a transactional experience where you just politely hand them the wallet and then they smile and walk off. In most cases they're just going to beat you up and then search your pockets while you're bleeding and barely conscious. Unless you're hiding the second wallet inside of your ass then they're probably going to get both of them.

>> No.11076150


This is true, usually you'll just get killed. Running away is always the best option; if someone is coming at you with a knife, unless you're trained, you're not going to have time to withdraw a gun. That's why knife martial arts for the sake of defence against a knife are useless, they only clip you to kill you.

>> No.11076151

Where do you people live, the Thunderdome?

>> No.11076156

If they are going to do that, they would likely hit you before you even knew what was coming, so the knife plan wouldn't work either.

>> No.11076162


Most violent criminals, especially the ones that would be breaking into your house, are just kids on meth.

That 92 year old man didn't even move throughout the whole thing. He just sat in his chair that was facing the door, shot the intruder when he came in, and then his friends panicked and ran. The average criminal is easily scared and he's not going to risk his life by taking his chances with someone who has a gun and is shooting at him. He's just going to run because it's not worth it.

>> No.11076166

I'm also easily scared and not going to risk my life with someone who has a gun and is shooting at me. Since I lack the aforementioned combat experience.

>> No.11076168

You give muggers way too much credit.

I'm sure some gangs do this, but most people would just say, "Hey, give me your wallet. And your phone. Now piss off."

>> No.11076174

Every time I see some shitpost about /pol/, like "/pol/ shit" and "stormfront", I immediately see them as some Israeli queer sitting somewhere in the shithole of Tel Aviv somewhere in the hot weather being paid 100 shekels per hour to post pro-Israeli, pro-Jewish, pro-race mixing, anti-white shit on random boards of 4chan.

Sometimes occasionally I see them as some self-hating 1/4 mixed race mongrel who organizes antifa meetings.

>> No.11076172

A cute little /jp/sie like you shouldn't go outside, it's very dangerous.

Why don't you become my maid? I promise to take care of you and provide everything you need.

>> No.11076176
File: 4 KB, 233x216, 1367010163265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not an Israeli or of mixed race. Take that back Nazi scum.

>> No.11076180

It's safe around here, I don't live in the projects or wherever posters who getting mugged by crackheads are.

>> No.11076181


That throwing knives plan is crazy and I assumed he was joking.

Knives are a terrible self-defense weapon because they're not intimidating enough to make most criminals run away and you still need to get close to the criminal to use it, so that means you need to know how to fight.

If you have a gun then things like your physical strength don't really matter and most people are just going to run away as soon as they see you pull out your weapon.

It's true that there's not much that you can do if a bunch of muggers just blindside you and drag you into an alley though. Best way to avoid that is to just not go into cities, which is a rule that I will continue to follow for the rest of my life.

>> No.11076190


>not going to risk my life

But they're already breaking into your house and they're going to kill you anyway. If you shoot back then you have a chance of surviving and if they still manage to kill you then that's no different than what would have happened if you didn't fight back, so shooting at them has no downside to it.

>> No.11076195

Do you live in some cartel run Mexican village? Where would this ever happen?

>> No.11076204

I could be really quiet and pretend to be at work. Maybe they'll just take my social security number and go.

>> No.11076207
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Please respond. I too want to know if /ota/ is back.

These conversations, with people who can never take it easy, never happened there...

>> No.11076213

That's because no conversations happened. That's also why /ota/ is gone.

>> No.11076219


It can happen fairly often in rural areas.

Delinquents live up in the hills and cook meth. Sometimes they get hopped up on their drugs and think it's a good idea to drive out to one of the houses that don't have any nearby neighbors and try to break into them.

Hasn't happened to me yet, but I've known plenty of people who have had to scare off some tweakers that were trying to break in.

The good part about living in rural areas is that you never get mugged since you don't live in an urban area, but the downside is that being so secluded can make you a target. Getting an aggressive dog will help though and most tweakers will drive on to the next house if they see a handful of barking dogs moving around the lawn.

>> No.11076225


That would probably work if you have a good hiding spot. I'd still get a gun just in case though and then hide with your gun in case they start searching the closet or wherever you're hiding.

>> No.11076229

>Delinquents live up in the hills and cook meth

Do you live in the wild west?

>> No.11076237

same url but it's .com now

>> No.11076239


I just a /jp/sie who doesn't give a shit and wants them to stop ranting where is wanted.

>> No.11076240

Hasn't the Web 2.0 age made muggers obsolete yet? What are they going to do, go into my online banking and make a withdrawal? Steal my tracking device that will become a worthless brick once I make a phone call? Take my watch that I don't have because I don't live in the 1950s?

>> No.11076249

Thank you!

>> No.11076253

If they found me I would just genuflect. After all if you define death as the ultimate defeat, genuflecting could be seen as a net win, in some ways. That's right! Gotta look at the bright side of life... er... death...

>> No.11076261


>Do you live in the wild west?

Nah, just North Carolina.

Rednecks cooking meth in the forests is a pretty common problem in states that are mostly rural. It's especially terrible in states like Kentucky though. People in Kentucky really love their meth for some reason.

>> No.11076262



>> No.11076262,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why was this deleted?
