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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11073484 No.11073484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Ghost posting is disabled over the weekend.

It was already mentioned on /ghost/, but this is your first warning. Keep fucking up and your time-out will keep increasing. For now it's only 2 days, but next time you do something stupid (raiding, bumping CP) the time-out will increase to a week, then a month, etc.

>> No.11073491

Its probably only one nerd bumping the CP.

>> No.11073494

>It was already mentioned on /ghost/

>> No.11073496

Why punish everyone when only a few posters are at fault?

That's not fair, Big N.

>> No.11073512

You can still view the ghost posts by searching for internal posts, and I see nothing mentioning any warnings.

>> No.11073514

Well, then you can either blame the ones who are at fault, or you can teach them how to behave. These are your only options.

>> No.11073506

Get in here, w-bros.


>> No.11073509
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 13678987679949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not nice.

Why would you do this?

>> No.11073524


>> No.11073516


>> No.11073520


>> No.11073531

I'd rather go to /ota/ or bun/ than foolz.

>> No.11073525

Holy fuck warosuman owned us.

>> No.11073528

Thanks a lot, shitposters.

>> No.11073530

I guess I'll blame the ones that are at fault, since the second option isn't actually an option, retard.

>> No.11073540

Even more odd, the CP still hasn't been deleted.

>> No.11073542

I don't believe this is actually warosuman. He would never be so direct.

It's still a good idea, though. That place was being a real shithole.

>> No.11073536

I didn't see a warning, you fucking idiot.

>> No.11073537

What other choice do we have?

>> No.11073548

It's not. As mentioned, there was no warning whatsoever on the ghost board.

>> No.11073545

That just mean warusobros are gonna hang out with us this weekend.

jayp-jayp is in for a wild ride

>> No.11073556

The janitor must have just shit his diaper.

>> No.11073560

I see those reports finally paid off.

>> No.11073571

The funny thing is, this won't even help.

The people shitposting andbumping CP thread/raid threads will keep doing this just to troll others that like /ghost/ and it'll just keep happening.

Good job and great choice!

>> No.11073563

TruWAROSUbros post on ota-ch

>> No.11073564

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.11073568

Warosuman isn't done fapping yet.

>> No.11073569

It was in one of the ghost posts on warosu. Look for it yourself.

>> No.11073576

Link it or stop lying.

>> No.11073577

I messaged the admin of Warosu on IRC.

If he doesn't respond, I'll assume that you're a troll and he's closing it because he's on vacation.

Let's wait and see.

>> No.11073580

Shitstra is completely right for once.

>> No.11073582

I just went through the last 100 internal posts and didn't see it. Please provide a link.

>> No.11073590

Wow, you guys are pathetic.

>> No.11073591

OP is probably: http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S11062002#p11062279_32

>> No.11073592

The OP post is not the admin of the fuuka archive. Thanks.

>> No.11073584

>The people shitposting and bumping CP thread/raid threads will keep doing this just to troll others that like /ghost/ and it'll just keep happening.

You sound like you're not doing that, you fucking hypocrite.

>> No.11073586



/jp/ legion, let's pick a board to squat

>> No.11073588

He's probably just going on vacation or something. He's admitted to being a normalfag.

>> No.11073594

11062279,31 and 11062279,32

>> No.11073595 [DELETED] 

19:39:36 <sabitsuki> >>11073484
19:39:37 <sabitsuki> this you?
19:50:57 <N> actually, it isn't.
19:51:19 <N> but someone suggested me to close ghost posting for a bit
19:51:39 <sabitsuki> why is it actually closed?

>> No.11073598 [DELETED] 

19:52:10 <N> because people are shitting it up. mostly

Well, there you have it guys.

>> No.11073602

It'll just happen again once it's back up.

>> No.11073603

Probably that whore that was getting owned.

>> No.11073604


pics or it didn't happen

>> No.11073609

He does realize there's people that are intentionally doing this to fuck over /ghost/, right?

>> No.11073611

The last guy who posted on warosu must be really embarrassed having his shitpost at the top.

>> No.11073613

The fuck is all this shit?

>> No.11073616
File: 26 KB, 512x384, 17654347976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First /ota/, then /ghost/. Next is /jp/.

>> No.11073617

I'm not embarrassed at all. I love milk!

>> No.11073619

I see milk acting like the FAS whore she is, and then a member of milk's defense force.

>> No.11073622

Why are you still here? We're all waiting for you at /ota/.

>> No.11073634


>> No.11073623

Why would you post something in the archives when you have /jp/ instead?

>> No.11073629


/ota/ is back on a new site.

>> No.11073635

Bans, or fear of them.

Also threads expire.

>> No.11073647

Way to just tell everyone.

>> No.11073639

Other /ghost/ boards are still up.

Warosuman, if you do not return /jp/'s /ghost/ I will post and bump CP on every other board in your archives. You might as well just close all of /ghost/ or return back /jp/'s /ghost, good day.

>> No.11073643

Oh wow, lol.

>> No.11073656


>> No.11073648


The blood of a terrorist.

>> No.11073649

ota is boring and not fun go back there and bump your shitty "post here if u vsit th 1st time" thread

>> No.11073651

>Ghost posting is disabled over the weekend. I don't mean to be a faggot but things are running out of hand on /ghost/. >>11073484 is not me. >11073604: It did happen. Have serious comments? Email me.

>> No.11073652

holy FUCK this queer is going to own the shit out of warosu

>> No.11073655

Ghost posting is disabled over the weekend. I don't mean to be a faggot but things are running out of hand on /ghost/. >>11073484 is not me. >11073604: It did happen. Have serious comments? Email me.

- Warosu guy

>> No.11073665


>> No.11073657

Do it.

>> No.11073660

You're retarded. Do you think she gives a fuck if you do? She'll just close warosu for good.

>> No.11073663

Warosu admin going to get OWNED lmao

>> No.11073667

dude you are truly EPIC!

>> No.11073668

I do not negotiate with terrorists.

Each piece of CP you post and bump only decreases the worth of your beloved /ghost/: you are only spearheading the demise of your own beloved /ghost/.

>> No.11073678


>> No.11073679

Fuck warosuman.

>> No.11073670

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

>> No.11073671

You do realize doing this only makes people want to shit up /ghost/ even further, right?

Jesus christ...

>> No.11073673

Warosu-man is about to get fucking owned

>> No.11073676

Warosuman got mad at me for posting logs. ;_;

>> No.11073680

Enjoy having to use foolz with all the other subhumans.

>> No.11073683

Oh shit I'm just at the edge of my sit what would the terrorist do?

>> No.11073685

Warosubro, why don't you just hire janitors to clean up the CP?

>> No.11073696

>even warosugal is tired of the absolute, pure shittiness that is /jp/

I can't blame him. How does the janitor survive?

>> No.11073697

Fucking this. Do it warosugal. We need janitors.

>> No.11073691

It's okay, other /ghost/s are infreqently used. Enjoy your global ban for posting CP across boards.

>> No.11073692

He pretty much just said what he said in the logs, so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.11073700

There are multiple janitors.

>> No.11073707

He should hire me. I'll be the best janitor that any 4chan archive has every seen.

>> No.11073703

I don't think the real /jp/ is as bad as the retards at warosu.

>> No.11073704

Deleting post on an archive site?
Retard you went full nigger mode.

>> No.11073706
File: 583 KB, 750x900, 1364838632471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11073716

They're the same fucking thing. Same threads, same posters, same retards.

>> No.11073709

Foolz can do it, they censor stuff all the time.

>> No.11073710

June 21/2013 - The day /jp/ dropped the ownage on Warosu.

>> No.11073711

I meant for deleting CP. Hosting CP is illegal even if it's just an archive site.

>> No.11073712

Deleting CP images, it has to be done as the content is illegal.

>> No.11073715


Its the same shit, I just get to open up more without the fear of a ban for acting retarded on purpose.

>> No.11073721

ice burn

>> No.11073719

I don't think it's an act.

>> No.11073724

Do you want to be like le epik foolz xD?

>> No.11073730

In this case, warosubro has no choice. I would be more interested in getting the CP spammer permabanned because it's only one guy doing the spamming. Maybe warosugal can talk to the 4chan admins and get him arrested?

>> No.11073731

Warosuman is officially as bad as Woxxy now.
Might as well just use Foolz.

>> No.11073729

N-no thank you!

>> No.11073737


>> No.11073739

>Maybe warosugal can talk to the 4chan admins and get him arrested?

I would love this. Arrest the sick fuck.

>> No.11073740

we are legun

>> No.11073740,1 [INTERNAL] 

it's back!

>> No.11073740,2 [INTERNAL] 

pls respond

>> No.11073740,3 [INTERNAL] 

It's amazing how tokiko is drawn to imageboard stupidity like cat to catnip, and is already being a creep on whatever irc channel warosu admin goes to.

>> No.11073740,4 [INTERNAL] 

tokiko has already passed the point of no return, so it's not surprising at all.

>> No.11073740,5 [INTERNAL] 

So have you, dweeb.

>> No.11073740,6 [INTERNAL] 

I haven't passed that point yet. I still feel things like shame and guilt from time to time.

>> No.11073740,7 [INTERNAL] 

Hey oldfags, remember this?

>> No.11073740,8 [INTERNAL] 

Why did he censor "nattofriends"? We all know it's him:

We even have his GitHub:

And thus his Facebook:

This isn't exactly obscure knowledge, though it does make me wonder who he's been giving archive information to.

>> No.11073740,9 [INTERNAL] 

You're wrong because warosu's admin is female. Trust me, we cammed and cybered.

>> No.11073740,10 [INTERNAL] 

No, I've only been here since July. :(
